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S.B. 56 Enrolled
General Description:
This bill modifies Real Estate provisions to address the use of exclusive brokerage
Highlighted Provisions:
This bill:
. defines terms; and
. addresses the scope of services that must be provided by a principal broker who
enters into an exclusive brokerage agreement with a client.
Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
Other Special Clauses:
Utah Code Sections Affected:
61-2-26, Utah Code Annotated 1953
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
Section 1. Section 61-2-26 is enacted to read:
61-2-26. Exclusive brokerage agreement.
(1) As used in this section:
(a) "Client" means a person who makes an exclusive brokerage agreement with a
principal broker under Subsection (1)(c).
(b) "Closed" means that:
(i) all documents required to be executed under the contract are executed;
(ii) all monies required to be paid by either party under the contract are paid in the form
of collected or cleared funds;
(iii) the proceeds of any new loan are delivered by the lender to the seller; and
(iv) all applicable documents are recorded in the office of the county recorder for the
county in which the property is located.
(c) "Exclusive brokerage agreement" means a written agreement between a client and a
principal broker:
(i) (A) to list for sale, lease, or exchange:
(I) real estate;
(II) an option on real estate; or
(III) an improvement on real estate; or
(B) for representation in the purchase, lease, or exchange of:
(I) real estate;
(II) an option on real estate; or
(III) an improvement on real estate;
(ii) that gives the principal broker the sole right to act as the agent or representative of
the client for the purchase, sale, lease, or exchange of:
(A) real estate;
(B) an option on real estate; or
(C) an improvement on real estate; and
(iii) that gives the principal broker the expectation of receiving valuable consideration in
exchange for the principal broker's services.
(2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), a principal broker subject to an exclusive
brokerage agreement shall:
(i) accept delivery of and present to the client offers and counteroffers to buy, lease, or
exchange the client's property;
(ii) assist the client in developing, communicating, and presenting offers, counteroffers,
and notices; and
(iii) answer any question the client has concerning:
(A) an offer;
(B) a counteroffer;
(C) a notice; and
(D) a contingency.
(b) A principal broker subject to an exclusive brokerage agreement need not comply with
Subsection (2)(a) after:
(i) an agreement for the sale, lease, or exchange of the real estate, option on real estate, or
improvement on real estate is:
(A) signed;
(B) all contingencies related to the sale, lease, or exchange are satisfied or waived; and
(C) the sale, lease, or exchange is closed; or
(ii) the exclusive brokerage agreement expires or terminates.
(3) A principal broker who violates this section is subject to Section 61-2-17 .
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