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S.J.R. 5 Enrolled






Sponsor: L. Alma Mansell

                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This resolution authorizes the Capitol Preservation Board and its executive director to
                  execute contracts governing the entire capitol building project.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This resolution:
                      .    authorizes the Capitol Preservation Board and its executive director to execute
                  contracts with contractors and subcontractors to perform the work required on the
                  entire capitol construction project, even though the amounts due under those
                  contracts will be greater than the amount that the Legislature has appropriated for
                  that particular fiscal year for the project;
                      .    prohibits the Capitol Preservation Board and its executive director from making
                  payments or other expenditures under the contract that are greater than the amount
                  of funds made available by the Legislature for any fiscal year from bond proceeds or
                  appropriations; and
                      .    requires the Capitol Preservation Board and its executive director to make certain
                  reports about project funding and status to the Legislature's Executive
                  Appropriations Committee.
                  Special Clauses:
                  Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      WHEREAS, the state of Utah is engaged in a comprehensive five-year construction

                  project on capitol hill that involves base isolation, stabilization, and remodeling of the state
                      WHEREAS, the Legislature has chosen to fund the project in phases, appropriating the
                  estimated cash flow required for the project projected annually by the Capitol Preservation Board
                  executive director, which will result in the Legislature funding only a portion of the total costs of
                  the project each year;
                      WHEREAS, it is unclear whether or not the Capitol Preservation Board and its executive
                  director have the authority under the Utah Code to enter into contracts for an entire construction
                  project when only a portion of the construction project has been funded by the Legislature; and
                      WHEREAS, it is more cost efficient and will result in a more seamless, consistent, and
                  higher quality end product if the state contracts with the same contractors and subcontractors to
                  work on the entire five-year project:
                      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Capitol Preservation Board and its
                  executive director be authorized to execute contracts with contractors and subcontractors to
                  perform the work required on the entire construction project, even though the amounts due under
                  those contracts will be greater than the amount that the Legislature has appropriated for that
                  particular fiscal year for the project.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Capitol Preservation Board and its executive
                  director may not make payments or other expenditures under the contract greater than the amount
                  of funds made available by the Legislature for any fiscal year from bond proceeds or
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Capitol Preservation Board and its executive
                  director shall, no later than December 31 of each year, report on the funding needs for the project
                  for the next fiscal year and on the status of the project to the Legislature's Interim Executive
                  Appropriations Committee.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the chair of the
                  Capital Preservation Board and its executive director.

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