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S.J.R. 8 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

House Sponsor: Rebecca D. Lockhart

                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This rules resolution requires that a bill or resolution contain the name of the opposite
                  house sponsor.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This resolution:
                      .    requires that a bill or resolution contain the name of the opposite house sponsor
                  after the bill or resolution has passed third reading in the original house;
                      .    requires the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel to add the name of
                  the House sponsor to Senate bills on the enrolled bill;
                      .    requires the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel to add the name of
                  the Senate sponsor to House bills on the enrolled bill;
                      .    establishes the headings "Chief Sponsor," "Senate Sponsor," and "House Sponsor";
                      .    makes technical corrections.
                  Special Clauses:
                      This resolution provides an effective date.
                  Legislative Rules Affected:

                  Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. JR-4.05 is amended to read:
                       JR-4.05. Form of Bills.
                      Every bill shall contain:
                      (1) a designation;
                      (2) a short title;
                      (3) the year and type of legislative session in which the bill is to be introduced;
                      (4) the phrase "State of Utah";
                      (5) the sponsor's name, after the heading "Chief Sponsor:";
                      (6) if the bill is a House bill that has passed third reading in the House, the Senate
                  sponsor's name after the heading "Senate Sponsor:";
                      (7) if the bill is a Senate bill that has passed third reading in the Senate, the House
                  sponsor's name after the heading "House Sponsor:";
                      [(6)] (8) a long title, which shall include a list of sections affected;
                      [(7)] (9) an enacting clause;
                      [(8)] (10) the subject matter, given in one or more sections; and
                      [(9)] (11) special clauses including, if necessary, an effective date.
                      Section 2. JR-4.06 is amended to read:
                       JR-4.06. Form of Resolutions.
                      Every resolution shall contain:
                      ( 1) a designation;
                      (2) a short title;
                      (3) the year and type of legislative session in which the resolution is to be introduced;
                      (4) the phrase "State of Utah";
                      (5) the sponsor's name, after the heading "Chief Sponsor:";
                      (6) if the resolution is a House resolution that has passed third reading in the House, the
                  Senate sponsor's name after the heading "Senate Sponsor:";

                      (7) if the resolution is a Senate resolution that has passed third reading in the Senate, the
                  House sponsor's name after the heading "House Sponsor:";
                      [(6)] (8) a long title, which shall include a list of legislative rules or constitutional
                  sections affected, if applicable;
                      [(7)] (9) a resolving clause;
                      [(8)] (10) preamble or statement of purpose or policy;
                      [(9)] (11) basic provisions; and
                      [(10)] (12) special clauses including, if necessary, an effective date.
                      Section 3. JR-8.03 is amended to read:
                       JR-8.03. Enrollment.
                      (1) (a) After a bill which has passed both houses has been signed by the presiding
                  officers, it shall be enrolled and examined by the Office of Legislative Research and General
                  Counsel and any technical errors corrected.
                      (b) The statutory authorization of Legislative General Counsel to correct technical errors
                      [(a)] (i) adopting a uniform system of punctuation, capitalization, numbering, and
                      [(b)] (ii) eliminating duplication and repealing laws directly or by implication, including
                  renumbering when necessary;
                      [(c)] (iii) correcting defective or inconsistent section and paragraph structure in
                  arrangement of the subject matter of existing statutes;
                      [(d)] (iv) eliminating all obsolete and redundant words; and
                      [(e)] (v) correcting obvious errors and inconsistencies in punctuation, capitalization,
                  numbering, and wording.
                      (c) When enrolling the bill or resolution, the Office of Legislative Research and General
                  Counsel shall:
                      (i) include the name of the House floor sponsor for Senate bills or resolutions under the
                  heading "House Sponsor:"; or

                      (ii) include the name of the Senate floor sponsor for House bills or resolutions under the
                  heading "Senate Sponsor:".
                      (2) The enrolled bill shall then be certified by the Secretary or Chief Clerk.
                      (3) After a bill or resolution has passed both houses and has been certified, endorsed, and
                  enrolled, three copies of the enrolled bill shall be distributed as follows: one shall be filed with
                  the Secretary or Chief Clerk, one shall be given to the chief sponsor of the bill, and one shall be
                  given to the legislative bill room.
                      (4) Any bill which has passed both houses and has not been enrolled before the
                  Legislature adjourns, shall be enrolled by the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
                  after adjournment and shall be examined by the Secretary or Chief Clerk of the house where it
                      (5) Legislative General Counsel may correct technical errors in the code in finalizing the
                  database for publication.
                      Section 4. Effective date.
                      (1) The amendments to JR-4.05 and JR-4.06 in this resolution take effect on December
                  1, 2005, if approved by a constitutional majority vote of all members of the Senate and House of
                      (2) The amendments to JR-8.03 in this resolution take effect upon approval by a
                  constitutional majority vote of all members of the Senate and House of Representatives.

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