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S.J.R. 10 Enrolled







Chief Sponsor: Howard A. Stephenson

House Sponsor: Bradley T. Johnson

                  Beverly Ann EvansThomas V. Hatch                  
                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This joint resolution urges Congress to address problems in the oil and gas drilling and
                  exploration permit process.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This resolution:
                      .    urges the United States Congress and Utah's congressional delegation to take
                  legislative measures to address the more than 400 oil and gas leases that have been
                  awarded in Utah by the Bureau of Land Management but not issued due to
                  continuing litigation.
                  Special Clauses:
                  Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      WHEREAS, significant reserves of oil have been discovered in Utah;
                      WHEREAS, many investors are working through the steps to obtain oil and gas leases
                  from the Utah state office of the Bureau of Land Management;
                      WHEREAS, for all federal oil and gas leases sold in the state, 50 percent of the
                  proceeds go to the state of Utah;

                      WHEREAS, federal oil and gas lease sales for November 2003, totaled $982,387; for
                  February 2004, $6,325,314; for June 2004, $9,951,502; for September 2004, $28,030,004; and
                  for December 2004, $521,916;
                      WHEREAS, although the September 2004 oil and gas lease sales were the largest in Utah
                  in terms of acreage, roughly 190,000 acres were deferred or deleted from the sale when the
                  Bureau of Land Management received new information on wilderness characteristics of the land;
                      WHEREAS, every parcel available as part of an oil or gas lease is scrutinized prior to the
                  sale to determine if it can be offered in compliance with, among others, the National
                  Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Historic Preservation
                      WHEREAS, to protect other resources, numerous stipulations and stringent requirements
                  are placed on the oil and gas leases that are issued;
                      WHEREAS, currently over 400 oil and gas leases have been awarded but not yet issued
                  because of litigation instigated by environmental groups;
                      WHEREAS, groups suing to halt the issuance of the awarded oil and gas leases are not
                  parties to the sales of the oil and gas leases;
                      WHEREAS, much of the Bureau of Land Management's time is taken up with addressing
                  protests of the sales of oil and gas leases;
                      WHEREAS, millions of dollars that could be invested in the state are being held pending
                  the outcome of these lawsuits;
                      WHEREAS, individuals and companies who have purchased oil and gas leases in Utah or
                  are contemplating a purchase are greatly concerned with how long their funds have remained tied
                  up in a system that is not performing its intended purpose;
                      WHEREAS, protests should be addressed up to the time that the oil and gas leases are
                  awarded, then should be restricted unless an error was made in the plain language of the lease;
                      WHEREAS, unless concerns with the oil and gas lease process are resolved, many
                  potential investors in Utah oil and gas leases will choose to do business in other states, costing

                  the state much needed revenues:
                      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah urges
                  the United States Congress and the members of Utah's congressional delegation to take
                  legislative steps necessary to address Utah's oil and gas drilling and exploration lease issuance
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah urges that
                  Congress and Utah's delegation act decisively to end the legal delays caused by individuals and
                  groups who are not a party to the sale of an oil and gas lease.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Majority
                  Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives,
                  the Utah office of the Bureau of Land Management, and to the members of Utah's congressional

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