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S.B. 151
7 General Description:
8 This bill modifies the State System of Public Education by amending provisions related
9 to driver education funding.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 . repeals a provision that allows a school district to exclude certain costs in
13 determining the cost of driver education for funding purposes; and
14 . makes technical changes.
15 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
16 None
17 Other Special Clauses:
18 None
19 Utah Code Sections Affected:
21 53A-13-202, as last amended by Chapter 23, Laws of Utah 2003
23 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
24 Section 1. Section 53A-13-202 is amended to read:
25 53A-13-202. Driver education funding -- Reimbursement of school districts for
26 driver education class expenses -- Limitations -- Excess funds -- Student fees.
27 (1) (a) [
28 driver education shall fund the program solely through:
29 (i) funds provided from the Automobile Driver Education Tax Account in the Uniform
30 School Fund as created under Section 41-1a-1205 ; and
31 (ii) student fees collected by each school.
32 [
33 [
35 [
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38 (2) (a) The state superintendent of public instruction shall, prior to September 2nd
39 following the school year during which it was expended, or may at earlier intervals during that
40 school year, reimburse each school district that applied for reimbursement in accordance with
41 this section.
42 (b) A school district that maintains driver education classes that conform to this part
43 and the rules prescribed by the board may apply for reimbursement for the actual cost of
44 providing the behind-the-wheel and observation training incidental to those classes.
45 (3) Under the state board's supervision for driver education, a school district may:
46 (a) employ personnel who are not licensed by the board under Section 53A-6-104; or
47 (b) contract with private parties or agencies licensed under Section 53-3-504 for the
48 behind-the-wheel phase of the driver education program.
49 (4) The reimbursement amount shall be paid out of the Automobile Driver Education
50 Tax Account in the Uniform School Fund and may not exceed:
51 (a) $100 per student who has completed driver education during the school year;
52 (b) $30 per student who has only completed the classroom portion in the school or
53 through the electronic high school during the school year; or
54 (c) $70 per student who has only completed the behind-the-wheel and observation
55 portion in the school during the school year.
56 (5) If the amount of money in the account at the end of a school year is less than the
57 total of the reimbursable costs, the state superintendent of public instruction shall allocate the
58 money to each school district in the same proportion that its reimbursable costs bear to the total
59 reimbursable costs of all school districts.
60 (6) If the amount of money in the account at the end of any school year is more than the
61 total of the reimbursement costs provided under Subsection (4), the superintendent may
62 allocate the excess funds to school districts:
63 (a) to reimburse each school district that applies for reimbursement of the cost of a fee
64 waived under Section 53A-12-103 for driver education; and
65 (b) to aid in the procurement of equipment and facilities which reduce the cost of
66 behind-the-wheel instruction.
67 (7) A local school board shall establish the student fee for driver education for the
68 school district. Student fees shall be reasonably associated with the costs of driver education
69 that are not otherwise covered by reimbursements and allocations made under this section.
Legislative Review Note
as of 1-27-05 8:56 AM
Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.