H.B. 288 Executive Compensation Amendments

Bill Sponsor:
Rep. Alexander, Jeff
Floor Sponsor:

Sen. Knudson, Peter C.
  • Drafting Attorney: John L. Fellows
  • Fiscal Analyst: Spencer C. Pratt

  • Information
    • Last Action: 3 Mar 2005, Senate/ to House
    • Last Location: Clerk of the House

Bill Status / Votes
• Senate Actions • House Actions • Fiscal Actions • Other Actions
1/28/2005 Bill Numbered by Title Without any Substance Legislative Research and General Counsel
1/29/2005 Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed Legislative Research and General Counsel
1/31/2005 House/ 1st reading (Introduced) House Rules Committee
3/1/2005 Bill Numbered but not Distributed House Rules Committee
3/1/2005 Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed House Rules Committee
3/1/2005 House/ 2nd suspended House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills
3/1/2005 House/ circled House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills
3/1/2005 House/ 3rd reading House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills
3/1/2005 House/ floor amendment House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills
3/1/2005 House/ passed 3rd reading Senate Secretary47 25 3
3/1/2005 House/ to Senate Senate Secretary
3/1/2005 Senate/ received from House Waiting for Introduction in the Senate
3/1/2005 Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) Senate Rules Committee
3/2/2005 Senate/ Rules to calendar Senate 2nd Reading Calendar
3/2/2005 Senate/ 2nd & 3rd readings/ suspension Senate 2nd Reading Calendar
3/2/2005 Senate/ floor amendment Senate 3rd Reading Calendar
3/2/2005 Senate/ passed 2nd & 3rd readings/ suspension Clerk of the House18 11 0
3/2/2005 Senate/ to House with amendments Clerk of the House
3/2/2005 House/ received from Senate Clerk of the House
3/2/2005 House/ placed on Concurrence Calendar House Concurrence Calendar
3/2/2005 House/ concurs with Senate amendment Senate President32 40 3
3/2/2005 House/ refuse to concur with Senate amendment Senate Secretary
3/2/2005 Senate/ refused to recede from Senate amendments Clerk of the House
3/2/2005 Senate Conference Committee Appointed Conference Committee
3/2/2005 House/ received from Senate Conference Committee
3/2/2005 House Conference Committee Appointed Conference Committee
3/2/2005 Senate Motion to Adopt Joint Conference Comm Rpt House Speaker25 4 0
3/2/2005 House/ strike enacting clause House file for bills not passed
3/2/2005 Senate/ strike enacting clause Clerk of the House
3/3/2005 Senate/ to House Clerk of the House