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February 9, 2005
Room W135, West Office Building, State Capitol Complex
Rep. LaVar Christensen, Vice Chair
Rep. Duane Bourdeaux
Rep. John Dougall
Rep. James A. Ferrin
Rep. James R. Gowans
Rep. David L. Hogue
Rep. Kory M. Holdaway
Rep. Gregory H. Hughes
Rep. Bradley T. Johnson
Rep. Carol Spackman Moss
Rep. Merlynn T. Newbold
Rep. LaWanna Shurtliff
Rep. Stephen Urquhart
MEMBERS ABSENT: Rep. Ron Bigelow
STAFF PRESENT: Constance C. Steffen Policy Analyst
Cindy Baker, Committee Secretary
Dee S Larsen, Associate General Counsel
Note: List of visitors and copy of handouts are filed with committee minutes.
Chair Dayton called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and welcomed committee members.
Rep. Moss gave a one minute lesson on English usage.
S.B. 120 Allocation of Profits from School and Institutional Trust Lands (T. Hatch)
Sen. Hatch introduced the bill which provides for the allocation of trust lands revenue designated for the benefit of the state's normal schools.
Kevin Carter, School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration, responded to committee members' questions.
Dave Buhler, Utah System Higher Education, stated that they remain neutral.
MOTION: Rep. Ferrin moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 1, Lines 13 through 16 :
13 . requires that trust lands revenues distributed for the benefit of the state's normal
14 schools shall be allocated to
colleges of education
within the
state system of higher
15 education in proportion to the number of bachelor's degrees awarded by
the colleges
16 of education ]]
those insitutions
in the previous fiscal year.
2. Page 2, Lines 28 through 33
Senate Committee Amendments
1-26-2005 :
28 Money distributed for the benefit of the state's normal schools, as provided under the
29 Utah Enabling Act, S SECTION 12, s Utah Constitution Article X, Section 7, Utah Constitution
29a Article XX,
30 Section 2, and Sections 53C-3-101 and 53C-3-103 , shall be allocated to
the colleges
31 education ]]
within the state system of higher education, as defined in
that offer bachelor's degrees in education
32 proportion to the number of bachelor's degrees awarded by
the colleges of
those institutions
in the
33 previous fiscal year.
The motion passed unanimously with Representatives Bourdeaux, Dougall and Urquhart absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Johnson moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion
passed unanimously with Representatives Bourdeaux, Dougall and Urquhart
absent for the vote.
H.B. 63 School District Amendments (D. Cox)
MOTION: Rep. Hughes moved to adopt 1st Sub. H.B. 63. The motion passed
unanimously with Representatives Dougall and Urquhart absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Johnson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion failed with
Representatives Ferrin, Hogue, Hughes, Johnson, and Dayton voting in favor and Representatives Dougall, Newbold and Urquhart absent for the vote.
H.B. 206 Charter School Reporting (C. Moss)
Rep. Moss introduced the bill which requires annual reporting of charter school practices.
The following spoke to the bill:
Steven Whitehouse, Timpanogos Academy
Patty Harrington, State Superintendent
MOTION: Rep. Ferrin moved to move to the next item on the agenda. The motion failed with Representatives Hughes, Johnson, Newbold and Dayton voting in favor and
Representatives Dougall and Urquhart absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Shurtliff moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep-
resentatives Ferrin, Johnson, Newbold and Dayton voting in opposition and Rep-
resentatives Dougall and Urquhart absent for the vote.
1st Sub.H.B.63 School District Amendments (D. Cox)
MOTION: Rep. Holdaway moved to reconsider the committee's actions on 1st Sub. H.B.63.
The motion passed with Representatives Gowans, Moss, Shurtliff and Bourdeaux
voting in opposition and Representatives Dougall and Urquhart absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Ferrin moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Repre-
sentatives Bourdeaux, Shurtliff, Moss, Gowans and Christensen voting in opposition and Representative Urquhart absent for the vote.
2nd Sub.H.B.151 School Community Councils (J. Dougall)
MOTION: Rep. Dougall moved to adopt 3rd Sub.H.B.151 School Community Councils. The motion passed unanimously with Representatives Bourdeaux and Urquhart absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Hughes moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep-
resentatives Holdaway and Moss voting in opposition.
H.B. 84 Reading Requirements for Student Advancement (K. Morgan)
MOTION: Rep. Moss moved to adopt 1st Sub. H.B. 84. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Rep. Newbold moved to amend the bill as follows:
Page 2, Line 40: After "programs," delete "and" and insert "or"
The motion passed unanimously.
The following commented on the bill:
Delanie Hathaway, Legislative Chair for USBA
Anna Clare Shepherd, Citizen and Parent
The following spoke in opposition to the bill:
Sandy Peterson, Assistant Superintendent of Davis School District
Patty Harrington, State Board of Education
Polly Tribe, parent, spoke in support of the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Dougall moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep-
resentatives Gowans, Hogue, Holdaway, Johnson, Christensen and Dayton voting
in opposition.
H.B. 231 School District Boundaries (M. Noel)
MOTION: Rep. Urquhart moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Representatives Bourdeaux, Holdaway, Moss and Shurtliff voting in opposition.
MOTION: Rep. Hogue moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.
Chair Dayton adjourned the meeting at 10:01 a.m.
____________________________ Rep. Margaret Dayton, Chair