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Room WO25, West Office Building, State Capitol Complex
February 2, 2005

Members Present:    Rep. DeMar "Bud" Bowman, Chair
            Rep. Michael T. Morley, Vice Chair
            Rep. Duane Bourdeaux
            Rep. LaVar F. Christensen
            Rep. Wayne A. Harper            
            Rep. Patricia W. Jones
            Rep. Todd E. Kiser            
            Rep. David Litvack
            Rep. Curtis Oda
            Rep. Paul Ray
            Rep. Stephen H. Urquhart

Staff Present:    Mr. Stewart Smith, Policy Analyst
            Ms. Linda Black, Committee Secretary

note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Rep. Morley called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m.

MOTI ON:    Rep. Jones moved to approve the minutes of January 31, 2005. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Harper, Rep. Kiser, and Rep. Urquhart absent for the vote.

H.B. 98    Offenses Committed Against Correctional and Peace Officers (Rep. C. Oda)

Rep. Oda introduced the bill with the assistance of Mr. Reed Richards, Deputy Attorney, Weber County.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Officer Dan Halacy, Corrections Officer, Weber County.
                Mr. Wayne Shepherd, Utah Police Chiefs' Association.

MOTION:    Rep. Bowman moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed              unanimously with Rep. Harper and Rep. Kiser absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Ray moved to place H.B. 98 on the Consent Calendar. The motion failed,         with Rep. Bourdeaux and Rep. Litvack voting in opposition to the motion, and         Rep. Harper and Rep. Kiser absent for the vote.

H.B. 212    Traffic Violations by Diplomats
(Rep. D. Hogue)

Rep. Hogue introduced the bill.

MOTION:    Rep. Bourdeaux moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed              unanimously with Rep. Kiser absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Bowman moved to place H.B. 212 on the Consent Calendar. The motion         passed unanimously with Rep. Kiser absent for the vote.

Rep. Morley relinquished the chair to Rep. Bowman.

H.B. 42    Medical Recommendations for Children (Rep. M. Morley)

MOTION:    Rep. Morley moved to delete in title and body H.B. 42, Medical Recommendations for Children (Rep. M. Morley), and replace with 1st Substitute H.B. 42, Medical Recommendations for Children (Rep. M. Morley). The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Rep. Christensen moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 3, Lines 57 through 58 :    

             57          (f) make a child abuse or neglect report to authorities, including the Division of Child
             58      and Family Services, solely
  or primarily       on the basis that a parent or guardian refuses to consent to:

2.    Page 6, Lines 150 through 151 :    

             150      Family Services may not remove a minor from the custody of the minor's parent or guardian on
             151      the sole
  or primary       basis that the parent or guardian refuses to consent to:

3.    Page 7, Lines 190 through 191 :    

             190      Family Services may not remove a minor from the custody of the minor's parent or guardian on
             191      the sole
  or primary       basis that the parent or guardian refuses to consent to:

The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Kiser absent for the vote.

Spoke in favor of the bill:        Ms. Gayle, Ruzicka, Utah Eagle Forum
                    Mr. Daren Jensen, Parent
                    Ms. Kristin Brewer, Office of the Guardian Ad Litem

Spoke in opposition of the bill:    Ms. Jean Hill, Utah State Office of Education
                    Ms. Fraser Nelson, Disability Law Center
                    Ms. Lori Cerar, Executive Director, Allies with Families

Spoke to the bill:            Ms. Sondra Lucas, Commission on Citizens' Rights

MOTION:    Rep. Ray moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion passed with Rep. Bourdeaux, Rep. Jones, and Rep. Litvack voting in opposition to the motion.

Rep. Morley resumed the chair.

H.B. 202    Revisions to Child Welfare (Rep. W. Harper)

MOTION:    Rep. Harper moved to delete in title and body H.B. 202 Revisions to Child         Welfare (Rep. W. Harper), and to replace it with 1st Substitute, H.B. 202              Revisions to Child Welfare (Rep. W. Harper). The motion passed unanimously.

Spoke in favor of the bill:        Ms. Donna Dahl, citizen
                    Ms. Joyce Kinmont, Utah Families
                    Mr. Daren Jensen, Parent

Spoke in opposition of the bill:    Ms. Ronda Rose, Utah P.T.A.
                    Mr. Craig Barlow, Assistant Attorney General                          Ms. Barbara Feaster, President, Utah Foster Success     
MOTION:    Rep. Jones moved to hear further testimony.

MOTION:    Rep. Christensen moved to hold the bill, and requested the chair to schedule a full         and fair hearing of the bill at a future date. The motion passed unanimously.

H.B. 184    Domestic Violence - Change of Locks on Rental Property (Rep. L. Shurtliff)

S.B. 30    Amendments to Search Warrants (Sen. D. Thomas)

These bills were not heard due to lack of time.

MOTION:    Rep. Kiser moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Morley adjourned the meeting at 10:03 a.m

                        Rep. DeMar "Bud" Bowman, Chair