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                    MINUTES OF THE HOUSE
Room W025, West Office Building, State Capitol Complex

February 15, 2005

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Rep. David N. Cox, Chair
                    Rep. Steven R. Mascaro, Vice Chair         
Rep. Roger E. Barrus
                    Rep. Brent H. Goodfellow
                    Rep. Karen W. Morgan
                    Rep. Mark W. Walker
                    Rep. Peggy Wallace             

STAFF PRESENT:            Arthur L.Hunsaker, Policy Analyst
                    Rosemary Young, Committee Secretary                 
Note:     A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Rep. Mascaro called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Wallace moved to approve the minutes of the February 10, 2005 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Reps. Goodfellow and Morgan absent for the vote.

H.B. 348    Employment Agency Revisions (Rep. J. S. Adams)

Rep. Adams explained the bill with the assistance of Chris Parker, Associate General Counsel.

MOTION:    Rep. Barrus moved to pass HB 348 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Rep. Morgan moved to place HB 348 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Rep. Goodfellow moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Rep. Mascaro adjourned the meeting at 9:15 a.m.

                                Rep. David N. Cox, Chair