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Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Utah State Capitol Complex, West Office Building, Suite W015

Members Present:        Sen. Michael Waddoups, Chair    
                Sen. Fred Fife
                Sen. Thomas Hatch
                Sen. Scott McCoy
                Sen. Darin Peterson

Member Excused:        Sen. Beverly Evans

Staff Present:            J Brian Allred, Policy Analyst
                Jeanenne Larson, Associate General Counsel        
                Saundra Maeser, Secretary

Public Speakers Present:    Jerry Olds, State Engineer, Division of Water Rights
                Warren Peterson, Wattingham & Peterson Law Firm

A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Committee Chair Waddoups called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. He introduced committee member Sen. Scott McCoy, who is replacing Sen. Paula Julander.

1. Approval of Minutes

     MOTION: Sen. Hatch moved to approve the minutes of February 4, 2005.

    The motion passed unanimously.

2. H.C.R. 2 Cowboy Hall of Fame Resolution (Rep. L. Shurtliff)

    Rep. LaWanna Shurtliff introduced the bill. A handout was distributed.

     MOTION: Sen. Hatch moved to pass H.C.R 2, Cowboy Hall of Fame Resolution (Rep. L. Shurtliff), out favorably.

    The motion passed unanimously.

3. H.B. 29 State Engineer's Powers and Duties Amendments (Rep. D. Clark)

    Rep. David Clark introduced the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Fife moved to pass H.B. 29, State Engineer's Powers and Duties Amendments (Rep. D. Clark), out favorably.

    The motion passed unanimously.

4. 1st Sub. H.B. 38 Water Law - Criminal Penalties Amendments (Rep. B. Ferry)

    Rep. Ben Ferry introduced the bill. A handout was distributed.

    Jerry Olds, State Engineer, Division of Water Rights, and Warren Peterson, Waddingham & Peterson Law Firm, spoke in support of the bill and answered questions from the committee.

     MOTION: Sen. Hatch moved to pass 1st Sub. H.B. 38, Water Law - Criminal Penalties Amendments (Rep. B. Ferry), out favorably.

    The motion passed unanimously.

5. H.B. 157 Water Enforcement Procedures and Penalties (Rep. D. Ure)

    Rep. David Ure introduced the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Hatch moved to adopt the following amendment to H.B. 157:    

    1. Page 7, Line 192
         House Floor Amendments

        192        (a) provisions H. consistent with this Section
[[   73-3-25   ]]        73-2-25       and                                          Section 73-2-26 .H for

    2. Page 8, Lines 215 through 217
         House Floor Amendments

                         215          (8) H. [If a final order is upheld, in]
[[   In   ]] .H        If the state engineer prevails in       an action brought under Subsection

        215a     H. (6)(b) or .H (7), the H. [person]
                          216      [against whom enforcement is sought shall be liable for]
[[   prevailing party   ]]        the state       may recover .H all court

                          216a      costs and a reasonable attorney
                          217      fee.

    The motion passed unanimously.

Sen. Hatch moved to pass H.B. 157, Water Enforcement Procedures and Penalties      (Rep. D. Ure), out favorably as amended.

    The motion passed unanimously.

    MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved to adjourn.

    The motion passed unanimously.

    Chair Waddoups adjourned the meeting at 10:04 a.m.

    Minutes reported by Saundra Maeser, Secretary

                 Michael Waddoups, Committee Chair