TO:                 Members of the House Judiciary Standing Committee

FROM:           Rep. James A. Ferrin, Chair

                        Rep. Eric K. Hutchings, Vice Chair

RE:                 Committee Meeting


                                    DATE:           Friday, February 10, 2006

                                    TIME:            3:00 PM

                                    PLACE:         Room W010, West Office Building, State Capitol Complex

- Call to order and approval of minutes

- The following bills are scheduled for consideration:


1.    HB0333          Antitrust Exemption (R. Wheeler)


2.    SB0062           Judicial Conduct Commission Amendments (M. Waddoups)


3.    HB0180          Divorce Orientation (L. Fowlke)


4.    HB0360          Child Support Bond (L. Fowlke)


5.    HB0382          Parentage Act Amendments (L. Fowlke)



Rep. James A. Ferrin, Chair

Rep. Eric K. Hutchings, Vice Chair

Rep. Douglas C. Aagard

Rep. Glenn A. Donnelson

Rep. Ben C. Ferry

Rep. Lorie D. Fowlke

Rep. Ann W. Hardy

Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson

Rep. David L. Hogue

Rep. M. Susan Lawrence

Rep. Rosalind J. McGee

Rep. Ross I. Romero

Rep. Scott L Wyatt

Committee Analyst: Jerry D. Howe, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Committee Secretary: Sylvia Newton