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Third Substitute H.B. 101

This document includes Senate Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 1:00 PM by rday. -->

Senator Howard A. Stephenson proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Jeff Alexander

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             6      Cosponsors:
             7      J. Stuart Adams
             8      Sheryl L. Allen
             9      Roger E. Barrus
             10      Ron Bigelow
             11      DeMar Bud Bowman
             12      Craig W. Buttars
             13      David Clark
             14      Stephen D. Clark
             15      Greg J. CurtisBrad L. Dee
Glenn A. Donnelson
John Dougall
James A. Ferrin
Ben C. Ferry
Julie Fisher
Ann W. Hardy
David L. Hogue
Kory M. Holdaway
Gregory H. HughesFred R. Hunsaker
Bradley T. Johnson
Rebecca D. Lockhart
Merlynn T. Newbold
Michael E. Noel
Aaron Tilton
Stephen H. Urquhart
Peggy Wallace
Scott L Wyatt              16     
             17      LONG TITLE
             18      General Description:
             19          This bill modifies the Lobbyist Disclosure and Regulation Act and a reporting section
             20      of the Election Code.
             21      Highlighted Provisions:
             22          This bill:
             23          .    provides and modifies definitions;
             24          .    requires political action committees and political issues committees to file a yearly
             25      organizational statement;
             26          .    requires political action committees and political issues committees to designate and
             27      disclose the names of two officers having primary decision-making authority;
             28          .    provides a criminal penalty for a political action committee or a political issues

             29      committee that knowingly provides false information on a statement of organization or a notice
             30      of change of officer;
             31          .    removes reporting exemptions from certain travel, lodging, and meal expenses;
             32          .    provides that public officials, elected officials of local governments, and public
             33      employees are subject to lobbyist disclosure regulations when making expenses that
             34      are associated with lobbying;
             35          .    provides that the governor is not required to report expenses under the act;
             36          .    requires that financial expenditure reports be filed quarterly;
             37          .    requires that certain details be reported on expenditures over S. [ $100 ] $50 .S ;
             38          .    requires that the S. [ $100 ] $50 .S expenditure threshold be adjusted annually based on
             38a      the
             39      consumer price index;
             40          .    requires a principal or lobbyist to continue to file quarterly expense reports until the
             41      principal or lobbyist files a statement that contains a final expense report and
             42      notifies the lieutenant governor that the principal or lobbyist is ceasing lobbying
             43      activities;
             44          .    requires that all reports lobbyist expense reports that are filed with the lieutenant
             45      governor be submitted electronically;
             46          .    requires the chief election officer to calculate and provide public notice of the gift
             47      expense threshold amount;
             48          .    establishes conflict of interest standards for lobbyists; and
             49          .    makes technical changes.
             50      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             51          None
             52      Other Special Clauses:
             53          This bill takes effect on January 15, 2007.
             54      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             55      AMENDS:
             56          20A-11-601, as enacted by Chapter 1, Laws of Utah 1995
             57          20A-11-801, as last amended by Chapter 355, Laws of Utah 1997
             58          36-11-102, as last amended by Chapter 13, Laws of Utah 1998
             59          36-11-103, as last amended by Chapter 27, Laws of Utah 2003

             60          36-11-201, as last amended by Chapter 27, Laws of Utah 2003
             61      ENACTS:
             62          36-11-306, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             64      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             65          Section 1. Section 20A-11-601 is amended to read:
             66           20A-11-601. Political action committees -- Registration -- Yearly statement of
             67      organization -- Criminal penalty for providing false information.
             68          (1) (a) Each political action committee shall file a statement of organization with the
             69      lieutenant governor's office by January 10 of each year, unless the political action committee
             70      has filed a notice of dissolution under Subsection (4).
             71          (b) If a political action committee is organized after the January 10 filing date, the
             72      political action committee shall file an initial statement of organization no later than seven
             73      calendar days after:
             74          [(a)] (i) receiving contributions totaling at least $750 [in any calendar year]; or
             75          [(b)] (ii) distributing expenditures for political purposes totaling at least $750 [in any
             76      calendar year].
             77          (c) If January 10 falls on a weekend or holiday, the statement of organization shall be
             78      filed by the following business day.
             79          (2) Each political action committee shall designate two officers that have primary
             80      decision-making authority for the political action committee.
             81          [(2)] (3) The statement of organization shall include:
             82          (a) the name and address of the political action committee;
             83          (b) the name, street address, phone number, occupation, and title of the two primary
             84      officers designated under Subsection (2);
             85          [(b)] (c) the name, street address, occupation, and title of [each officer] all other
             86      officers of the political action committee;
             87          [(c)] (d) the name and street address of the organization, individual corporation,
             88      association, unit of government, or union that the political action committee represents, if any;
             89          [(d)] (e) the name and street address of all affiliated or connected organizations and
             90      their relationships to the political action committee;

             91          [(e)] (f) the name, street address, business address, occupation, and phone number of
             92      the committee's treasurer or chief financial officer; and
             93          [(f)] (g) the name, street address, and occupation of each member of the governing
             94      [board] any advisory boards, if any.
             95          [(3)] (4) (a) Any registered political action committee that intends to permanently cease
             96      operations shall file a notice of dissolution with the lieutenant governor's office.
             97          (b) Any notice of dissolution filed by a political action committee does not exempt that
             98      political action committee from complying with the financial reporting requirements of this
             99      chapter.
             100          (5) (a) Unless the political action committee has filed a notice of dissolution under
             101      Subsection (4), a political action committee shall file, with the lieutenant governor's office,
             102      notice of any change of an officer described in Subsection (2).
             103          (b) Notice of a change of a primary officer described in Subsection (2) shall:
             104          (i) be filed within ten days of the date of the change; and
             105          (ii) contain the name and title of the officer being replaced, and the name, street
             106      address, occupation, and title of the new officer.
             107          (6) (a) A person is guilty of providing false information in relation to a political action
             108      committee if the person intentionally or knowingly gives false or misleading material
             109      information in the statement of organization or the notice of change of primary officer.
             110          (b) A violation of this Subsection (6) is a third degree felony.
             111          Section 2. Section 20A-11-801 is amended to read:
             112           20A-11-801. Political issues committees -- Registration -- Yearly statement of
             113      organization -- Criminal penalty for providing false information.
             114          (1) (a) Each political issues committee shall file a statement of organization with the
             115      lieutenant governor's office by January 10 of each year, unless the political issues committee
             116      has filed a notice of dissolution under Subsection (4).
             117          (b) If a political issues committee is organized after the January 10 filing date, the
             118      political issues committee shall file an initial statement of organization no later than seven days
             119      after:
             120          (i) receiving political issues contributions totaling at least $750; or
             121          (ii) disbursing political issues expenditures totaling at least $50 [in any calendar year].

             122          (c) If January 10 fall on a weekend or holiday, the statement of organization shall be
             123      filed by the following business day.
             124          (2) Each political issues committee shall designate two officers that have primary
             125      decision-making authority for the political issues committee.
             126          [(2)] (3) The statement of organization shall include:
             127          (a) the name and street address of the political issues committee;
             128          (b) the name, street address, phone number, occupation, and title of the two primary
             129      officers designated under Subsection (2);
             130          [(b)] (c) the name, street address, occupation, and title of [each officer] all other
             131      officers of the political issues committee;
             132          [(c)] (d) the name and street address of the organization, individual, corporation,
             133      association, unit of government, or union that the political issues committee represents, if any;
             134          [(d)] (e) the name and street address of all affiliated or connected organizations and
             135      their relationships to the political issues committee;
             136          [(e)] (f) the name, street address, business address, occupation, and phone number of
             137      the committee's treasurer or chief financial officer;
             138          [(f)] (g) the name, street address, and occupation of each member of the supervisory
             139      [board] and advisory boards, if any; and
             140          [(g)] (h) the ballot proposition whose outcome they wish to affect, and whether they
             141      support or oppose it.
             142          [(3)] (4) (a) Any registered political issues committee that intends to permanently cease
             143      operations during a calendar year shall file a notice of dissolution with the lieutenant governor's
             144      office.
             145          (b) Any notice of dissolution filed by a political issues committee does not exempt that
             146      political issues committee from complying with the financial reporting requirements of this
             147      chapter.
             148          (5) (a) Unless the political issues committee has filed a notice of dissolution under
             149      Subsection (4), a political issues committee shall file, with the lieutenant governor's office,
             150      notice of any change of an officer described in Subsection (2).
             151          (b) Notice of a change of a primary officer described in Subsection (2) shall:
             152          (i) be filed within ten days of the date of the change; and

             153          (ii) contain the name and title of the officer being replaced, and the name, street
             154      address, occupation, and title of the new officer.
             155          (6) (a) A person is guilty of providing false information in relation to a political issues
             156      committee if the person intentionally or knowingly gives false or misleading material
             157      information in the statement of organization or the notice of change of primary officer.
             158          (b) A violation of this Subsection (6) is a third degree felony.
             159          Section 3. Section 36-11-102 is amended to read:
             160           36-11-102. Definitions.
             161          As used in this chapter:
             162          (1) "Aggregate daily expenditures" means the total expenditures made within a 24-hour
             163      period.
             164          (2) "Executive action" means:
             165          (a) nominations and appointments by the governor;
             166          (b) the proposal, drafting, amendment, enactment, or defeat by a state agency of any
             167      rule made in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
             168          (c) agency ratemaking proceedings.
             169          (3) (a) "Expenditure" means any of the items listed in this subsection when given to or
             170      for the benefit of a public official or his immediate family:
             171          (i) a purchase, payment, distribution, loan, gift, advance, deposit, subscription,
             172      forbearance, services, or goods, unless consideration of equal or greater value is received; and
             173          (ii) a contract, promise, or agreement, whether or not legally enforceable, to provide
             174      any of the items listed in Subsection (3)(a)(i).
             175          (b) "Expenditure" does not mean:
             176          (i) a commercially reasonable loan made in the ordinary course of business;
             177          (ii) a campaign contribution reported in accordance with Title 20A, Chapter 11,
             178      [Corrupt Practices in Elections] Campaign and Financial Reporting Requirements;
             179          (iii) printed informational material;
             180          (iv) a devise or inheritance;
             181          (v) any item listed in Subsection (3)(a) if given by a relative;
             182          (vi) a modest item of food or refreshment such as a beverage or pastry offered other
             183      than as part of a meal;

             184          (vii) [a greeting card or other] an item of little intrinsic value that is intended solely for
             185      presentation; or
             186          (viii) plaques, commendations, or awards[; or].
             187          [(ix) reimbursement of reasonable expenses for or providing travel, lodging, or meals
             188      to a public official when:]
             189          [(A) those expenses are directly related to the public official's attendance and
             190      participation in a regularly scheduled meeting of an organization, association, or group; and]
             191          [(B) that organization, association, or group pays or provides those expenses.]
             192          (4) "Gift expense threshold" means:
             193          (a) for calendar year 2007, S. [ $100 ] $50 .S ; and
             194          (b) for each calendar year after 2007, the amount of the gift expense threshold for the
             195      previous year, plus an amount calculated by multiplying the amount of the gift expense
             196      threshold for the previous year by the actual percent change in the Consumer Price Index
             197      during the previous calendar year.
             198          [(4)] (5) (a) "Government officer" means:
             199          (i) an individual elected to a position in state or local government, when acting within
             200      his official capacity; or
             201          (ii) an individual appointed to or employed in a [full-time] position by state or local
             202      government, when acting within the scope of his employment.
             203          (b) "Government officer" does not mean the governor or a member of the legislative
             204      branch of state government.
             205          [(5)] (6) "Immediate family" means a spouse, a child residing in the household, or an
             206      individual claimed as a dependent for tax purposes.
             207          [(6)] (7) "Interested person" means an individual defined in Subsections [(9)]
             208      (10)(b)(ii) and [(viii)] (vii).
             209          [(7)] (8) "Legislative action" means:
             210          (a) bills, resolutions, amendments, nominations, and other matters pending or proposed
             211      in either house of the Legislature or its committees or requested by a legislator; and
             212          (b) the action of the governor in approving or vetoing legislation.
             213          [(8)] (9) "Lobbying" means communicating with a public official for the purpose of
             214      influencing the passage, defeat, amendment, or postponement of legislative or executive action.

             215          [(9)] (10) (a) "Lobbyist" means:
             216          (i) an individual who is employed by a principal; or
             217          (ii) an individual who contracts for economic consideration, other than reimbursement
             218      for reasonable travel expenses, with a principal to lobby a public official.
             219          (b) "Lobbyist" does not include:
             220          [(i) a public official while acting in his official capacity on matters pertaining to his
             221      office or a state employee while acting within the scope of his employment;]
             222          (i) a member or employee of the legislative branch of government;
             223          (ii) any person appearing at, or providing written comments to, a hearing conducted in
             224      accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act or Title 63,
             225      Chapter 46b, Administrative Procedures Act;
             226          (iii) any person participating on or appearing before an advisory or study task force,
             227      commission, board, or committee, constituted by the Legislature or any agency or department
             228      of state government, except legislative standing, appropriation, or interim committees;
             229          (iv) a representative of a political party;
             230          (v) an individual representing a bona fide church solely for the purpose of protecting
             231      the right to practice the religious doctrines of the church unless the individual or church makes
             232      an expenditure that confers a benefit on a public official;
             233          (vi) a newspaper, television station or network, radio station or network, periodical of
             234      general circulation, or book publisher for the purpose of publishing news items, editorials,
             235      other comments, or paid advertisements that directly or indirectly urge legislative or executive
             236      action; or
             237          [(vii) an elected official of a local government while acting within the scope of his
             238      official capacity on matters pertaining to his office or an employee of a local government while
             239      acting within the scope of his employment; or]
             240          [(viii)] (vii) an individual who appears on his own behalf before a committee of the
             241      Legislature or an executive branch agency solely for the purpose of testifying in support of or
             242      in opposition to legislative or executive action.
             243          [(10)] (11) "Person" includes individuals, bodies politic and corporate, partnerships,
             244      associations, and companies.
             245          [(11)] (12) "Principal" means a person who employs [a lobbyist] an individual to

             246      perform lobbying either as an employee or as an independent contractor.
             247          [(12)] (13) "Public official" means:
             248          (a) a member of the Legislature;
             249          (b) an individual elected to a position in the executive branch; or
             250          (c) an individual appointed to or employed in the executive or legislative branch if that
             251      individual:
             252          (i) occupies a policymaking position or makes purchasing or contracting decisions;
             253          (ii) drafts legislation or makes rules;
             254          (iii) determines rates or fees; or
             255          (iv) makes adjudicative decisions.
             256          (14) "Quarterly reporting period" means the three-month period covered by each
             257      financial report required under Subsection 36-11-201 (2)(a)(i).
             258          [(13)] (15) "Related person" means any person, or agent or employee of a person, who
             259      knowingly and intentionally assists a lobbyist, principal, or government officer in lobbying.
             260          [(14)] (16) "Relative" means a spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother,
             261      sister, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, first cousin, or
             262      spouse of any of these individuals.
             263          Section 4. Section 36-11-103 is amended to read:
             264           36-11-103. Licensing requirements.
             265          (1) (a) Before engaging in any lobbying, a lobbyist shall obtain a license from the
             266      lieutenant governor by completing the form required by this section.
             267          (b) The lieutenant governor shall issue licenses to qualified lobbyists.
             268          (c) The lieutenant governor shall prepare a Lobbyist License Application Form that
             269      includes:
             270          (i) a place for the lobbyist's name and business address;
             271          (ii) a place for the name and business address of each principal for whom the lobbyist
             272      works or is hired as an independent contractor;
             273          (iii) a place for the name and address of the person who paid or will pay the lobbyist's
             274      registration fee, if the fee is not paid by the lobbyist;
             275          (iv) a place for the lobbyist to disclose any elected or appointed position that the
             276      lobbyist holds in state or local government, if any;

             277          (v) a place for the lobbyist to disclose the types of expenditures for which the lobbyist
             278      will be reimbursed; and
             279          (vi) a certification to be signed by the lobbyist that certifies that the information
             280      provided in the form is true, accurate, and complete to the best of the lobbyist's knowledge and
             281      belief.
             282          (2) Each lobbyist who obtains a license under this section shall update the licensure
             283      information when the lobbyist accepts employment for lobbying by a new client.
             284          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4), the lieutenant governor shall grant a
             285      lobbying license to an applicant who:
             286          (i) files an application with the lieutenant governor that contains the information
             287      required by this section; and
             288          (ii) pays a $25 filing fee.
             289          (b) A license entitles a person to serve as a lobbyist on behalf of one or more principals
             290      and expires on December 31 of each even-numbered year.
             291          (4) (a) The lieutenant governor may disapprove an application for a lobbying license:
             292          (i) if the applicant has been convicted of violating Section 76-8-103 , 76-8-107 ,
             293      76-8-108 , or 76-8-303 within five years before the date of the lobbying license application;
             294          (ii) if the applicant has been convicted of violating Section 76-8-104 or 76-8-304
             295      within one year before the date of the lobbying license application;
             296          (iii) for the term of any suspension imposed under Section 36-11-401 ; or
             297          (iv) if, within one year before the date of the lobbying license application, the applicant
             298      has been found to have willingly and knowingly:
             299          (A) violated Section 36-11-103 , 36-11-201 , 36-11-301 , 36-11-302 , 36-11-303 ,
             300      36-11-304 , 36-11-305 , or 36-11-403 ; or
             301          (B) filed a document required by this chapter that the lobbyist knew contained
             302      materially false information or omitted material information.
             303          (b) An applicant may appeal the disapproval in accordance with the procedures
             304      established by the lieutenant governor under this chapter and Title 63, Chapter 46b,
             305      Administrative Procedures Act.
             306          (5) The lieutenant governor shall deposit license fees in the General Fund.
             307          (6) A principal need not obtain a license under this section, but if the principal makes

             308      expenditures to benefit a public official without using a lobbyist as an agent to confer those
             309      benefits, the principal shall disclose those expenditures as required by Sections 36-11-201 .
             310          (7) Government officers need not obtain a license under this section, but shall disclose
             311      any expenditures made [to benefit public officials] in association with lobbying as required [by
             312      Sections] under Section 36-11-201 .
             313          (8) Surrender, cancellation, or expiration of a lobbyist license does not absolve the
             314      lobbyist of the duty to file the financial reports if the lobbyist is otherwise required to file the
             315      reports by Section 36-11-201 .
             316          Section 5. Section 36-11-201 is amended to read:
             317           36-11-201. Lobbyist, principal, and government officer financial reporting
             318      requirements -- Prohibition for related person to make expenditures -- Electronic
             319      submission required.
             320          (1) As used in this section, "public official type" means a notation to identify whether
             321      the public official is:
             322          (a) a member of the legislature;
             323          (b) an individual elected to a position in the executive branch;
             324          (c) an individual appointed to or employed in a position in the legislative branch who
             325      meets the definition of public official in Section 36-11-102 ; or
             326          (d) an individual appointed to or employed in a position in the executive branch who
             327      meets the definition of public official in Section 36-11-102 .
             328          (2) (a) (i) Each lobbyist[,] and each principal that makes an expenditure during any of
             329      the following quarterly reporting periods, and each government officer that makes an
             330      expenditure in association with lobbying during any of the following quarterly reporting
             331      periods, shall file [an annual] a quarterly financial report with the lieutenant governor on
             332      [January 10 of each year or] the following dates:
             333          (A) April 10, for the period of January 1 through March 31;
             334          (B) July 10, for the period of April 1 through June 30;
             335          (C) October 10, for the period of July 1 through September 30; and
             336          (D) January 10, for the period of October 1 through December 31 of the previous year.
             337          (ii) If the due date for a financial report falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday,
             338      the report shall be considered to be due on the next succeeding business day [if January 10 falls

             339      on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday].
             340          (iii) The report shall be considered timely filed if postmarked on its due date.
             341          [(ii)] (iv) The report shall disclose expenditures made to benefit public officials or
             342      members of their immediate families as provided in this section.
             343          [(iii) If] (v) (A) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a)(i), a lobbyist shall file a quarterly
             344      financial report whether or not the lobbyist has made [no expenditures since the last
             345      expenditure reported on the last report filed,] an expenditure during the quarterly reporting
             346      period.
             347          (B) If the lobbyist has made no expenditures during the quarterly reporting period, the
             348      lobbyist shall file a quarterly financial report listing the amount of expenditures as "none."
             349          (C) The report shall be filed in accordance with the dates specified under Subsections
             350      (2)(a)(i) and (ii).
             351          (b) The [January 10] quarterly financial report shall contain:
             352          (i) (A) the total amount of expenditures made to benefit public officials during the last
             353      [calendar year] quarterly reporting period; and
             354          (B) the total amount of expenditures made to benefit public officials by public official
             355      type during the last [calendar year] quarterly reporting period;
             356          (ii) (A) the total travel expenditures that the lobbyist, principal, or government officer
             357      made to benefit public officials and their immediate families during the [last calendar year]
             358      quarterly reporting period; and
             359          (B) the total travel expenditures that the lobbyist, principal, or government officer
             360      made to benefit public officials and their immediate families, by public official type, during the
             361      last [calendar year] quarterly reporting period; and
             362          (C) a travel expenditure statement that:
             363          (I) describes the destination of each trip and its purpose;
             364          (II) identifies the total amount of expenditures made to benefit each public official and
             365      members of the public official's immediate family for each trip;
             366          (III) names all individuals that took each trip;
             367          (IV) identifies the public official type to which each public official belongs;
             368          (V) provides the name and address of the organization that sponsored each trip; and
             369          (VI) identifies specific expenditures for food, lodging, gifts, and sidetrips;

             370          (iii) for aggregate daily expenditures made to benefit public officials or members of
             371      their immediate families that are not reportable under Subsection (2)(b)(ii):
             372          (A) when the amount does not exceed [$50 per person] the gift expense threshold for
             373      each person:
             374          (I) the date of the expenditure;
             375          (II) the purpose of the expenditure;
             376          (III) the public official type to which each public official belongs; and
             377          (IV) the total monetary worth of the benefit conferred on the public officials or
             378      members of their immediate families;
             379          (B) when the amount exceeds [$50 per person] the gift expense threshold for each
             380      person:
             381          (I) the date, location, and purpose of the event, activity, or expenditure;
             382          (II) the name of the public official or member of the public official's immediate family
             383      who attended the event or activity or received the benefit of the expenditure;
             384          (III) the public official type to which each public official belongs; and
             385          (IV) the total monetary worth of the benefit conferred on the public official or member
             386      of the public official's immediate family;
             387          (iv) a list of each public official who was employed by the lobbyist, principal, or
             388      government officer or who performed work as an independent contractor for the lobbyist,
             389      principal, or government officer during the last year that details the nature of the employment
             390      or contract;
             391          (v) each bill or resolution by number and short title on behalf of which the lobbyist,
             392      principal, or government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a report is
             393      required by this section, if any;
             394          (vi) a description of each executive action on behalf of which the lobbyist, principal, or
             395      government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a report is required by
             396      this section, if any; and
             397          (vii) the general purposes, interests, and nature of the organization or organizations that
             398      the lobbyist, principal, or government officer filing the report represents.
             399          (c) In reporting expenditures under this section for events to which all legislators are
             400      invited, each lobbyist, principal, and government officer:

             401          (i) may not divide the cost of the event by the number of legislators who actually attend
             402      the event and report that cost as an expenditure made to those legislators;
             403          (ii) shall divide the total cost by the total number of Utah legislators and others invited
             404      to the event and report that quotient as the amount expended for each legislator who actually
             405      attended the event; and
             406          (iii) may not report any expenditure as made to a legislator who did not attend the
             407      event.
             408          (3) (a) As used in this Subsection (3):
             409          (i) "Lobbyist group" means two or more lobbyists, principals, government officers,
             410      [and] or any combination of lobbyists, principals, and government officers who each contribute
             411      a portion of an expenditure made to benefit a public official or member of his immediate
             412      family.
             413          (ii) "Multiclient lobbyist" means a single lobbyist, principal, or government officer
             414      who represents two or more clients and divides the aggregate daily expenditure made to benefit
             415      a public official or member of his immediate family between two or more of those clients.
             416          (b) When a lobbyist group combines to make aggregate daily expenditures to benefit
             417      public officials or members of their immediate families, and the total aggregate daily
             418      expenditure of the lobbyist group exceeds [$50 per person] the gift expense threshold for each
             419      person, each member of the lobbyist group shall disclose on the reports required by this
             420      section:
             421          (i) the date, location, and purpose of the event, activity, or expenditure;
             422          (ii) the name of the public official or member of the public official's immediate family
             423      who attended the event or activity or received the benefit of the expenditure;
             424          (iii) the public official type to which each public official belongs;
             425          (iv) the total monetary worth of the benefit conferred on the public official or member
             426      of the public official's immediate family by the lobbyist group [and];
             427          (v) the total monetary worth of the benefit conferred upon the public official or
             428      member of the public official's immediate family by the lobbyist, principal, or government
             429      officer filing the financial report;
             430          [(v)] (vi) each bill or resolution by number and short title on behalf of which the
             431      lobbyist, principal, or government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a

             432      report is required by this section, if any;
             433          [(vi)] (vii) a description of each executive action on behalf of which the lobbyist,
             434      principal, or government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a report is
             435      required by this section, if any; and
             436          [(vii)] (viii) the general purposes, interests, and nature of the organization or
             437      organizations that the lobbyist, principal, or government officer filing the report represents.
             438          (c) When a multiclient lobbyist makes aggregate daily expenditures to benefit public
             439      officials or members of their immediate families, and the sum of the total aggregate daily
             440      expenditure for all of the lobbyist's clients exceeds [$50] the gift expense threshold for a public
             441      official or family member, the multiclient lobbyist shall, for each client, disclose on the reports
             442      required by this section:
             443          (i) the date, location, and purpose of the event, activity, or expenditure;
             444          (ii) the name of the public official or member of the public official's immediate family
             445      who attended the event or activity or received the benefit of the expenditure;
             446          (iii) the public official type to which each public official belongs;
             447          (iv) the total monetary worth of the benefit conferred on the public official or member
             448      of the public official's immediate family by all clients [and];
             449          (v) the total monetary worth of the benefit conferred on the public official or member
             450      of the public official's immediate family by the client upon whose behalf the report is filed;
             451          [(v)] (vi) each bill or resolution by number and short title on behalf of which the
             452      lobbyist, principal, or government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a
             453      report is required by this section, if any;
             454          [(vi)] (vii) a description of each executive action on behalf of which the lobbyist,
             455      principal, or government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a report is
             456      required by this section, if any; and
             457          [(vii)] (viii) the general purposes, interests, and nature of the organization or
             458      organizations that the lobbyist, principal, or government officer filing the report represents.
             459          (4) A related person may not, while assisting a lobbyist, principal, or government
             460      officer in lobbying, make an expenditure that benefits a public official or member of the public
             461      official's immediate family under circumstances which would otherwise fall within the
             462      disclosure requirements of this chapter if the expenditure was made by the lobbyist, principal,

             463      or government officer.
             464          [(5) (a) Each lobbyist, principal, and government officer who makes expenditures
             465      totaling $50 or more to benefit public officials or members of their immediate families since
             466      the date of the last financial report filed shall file a financial report with the lieutenant governor
             467      on:]
             468          [(i) the date ten days after the last day of each annual general session;]
             469          [(ii) the date seven days before a regular general election; and]
             470          [(iii) the date seven days after the end of a special session or veto override session.]
             471          [(b) (i) If any date specified in this Subsection (5) falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal
             472      holiday, the report is due on the next business day or on the next succeeding business day, if
             473      the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.]
             474          [(ii) The report shall be considered timely filed if it is postmarked on its due date.]
             475          [(c) Each report shall contain a listing of all expenditures made since the last
             476      expenditure reported on the last report filed in the form specified in Subsection (2)(b) and,
             477      when applicable, Subsection (3).]
             478          [(d) In preparing each financial report, all expenditures shall be reported as of five days
             479      before the required filing date of the report.]
             480          [(6)] (5) Each quarterly financial report filed by a lobbyist shall contain a certification
             481      that the information provided in the report is true, accurate, and complete to the lobbyist's best
             482      knowledge and belief.
             483          [(7)] (6) The lieutenant governor shall:
             484          (a) develop preprinted suggested forms for all statements required by this section; and
             485          (b) make copies of the forms available to each person who requests them.
             486          [(8)] (7) (a) Each lobbyist and principal shall continue to file the quarterly financial
             487      reports required by this section [until the lobbyist or principal has filed the report due on the
             488      first January 10 that is more than 12 months after the date that the lobbyist surrenders,] until
             489      the lobbyist or principal files a statement with the lieutenant governor that:
             490          (i) states that the lobbyist or principal is ceasing lobbying activities;
             491          (ii) in the case of a lobbyist, states that the lobbyist is surrendering the lobbyist's
             492      license;
             493          (iii) contains a listing, as required under Section 36-11-201 , of all previously

             494      unreported expenditures that have been made through the date of the statement; and
             495          (iv) states that the lobbyist or principal will not make any additional expense that is not
             496      disclosed on the statement unless the lobbyist complies with the disclosure and licensing
             497      requirements of this chapter.
             498          (b) A lobbyist that fails to renew[,] the lobbyist's license or otherwise ceases to be
             499      licensed[.] shall be required to file quarterly reports until the lobbyist files the statement
             500      required by Subsection (7)(a).
             501          (8) All reports that are required under this section shall be submitted electronically.
             502          (9) The chief election officer shall:
             503          (a) calculate the gift expense threshold defined under Section 36-11-102 on an annual
             504      basis; and
             505          (b) provide public notice of the gift expense threshold.
             506          Section 6. Section 36-11-306 is enacted to read:
             507          36-11-306. Conflicts of interest.
             508          (1) As used in this section, "conflict of interest" means a circumstance where:
             509          (a) the representation of one principal or client will be directly adverse to another
             510      principal or client; or
             511          (b) there is a significant risk that the representation of one or more principals or clients
             512      will be materially limited by the lobbyist's responsibilities to:
             513          (i) another principal or client;
             514          (ii) a former principal or client;
             515          (iii) a third person; or
             516          (iv) a personal interest of the lobbyist.
             517          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), a lobbyist may not represent a principal or
             518      client if the representation involves a conflict of interest.
             519          (3) Notwithstanding the existence of a conflict of interest, a lobbyist may represent a
             520      principal or client if:
             521          (a) the lobbyist reasonably believes that the lobbyist will be able to provide competent
             522      and diligent representation to each principal or client;
             523          (b) the representation is not otherwise prohibited by law;
             524          (c) the representation does not require the lobbyist to assert a position on behalf of one

             525      principal or client that is opposed to the position of another principal or client represented by
             526      the lobbyist involving the same legislative issue; and
             527          (d) the lobbyist notifies the affected principal or client of the potential conflict and each
             528      affected principal or client gives informed consent to the conflict of interest in writing.
             529          Section 7. Effective date.
             530          This bill takes effect on January 15, 2007.

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