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First Substitute H.B. 139

This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 10:48 AM by chopkin. --> This document includes House Floor Amendments (CORRECTED) incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 11:12 AM by chopkin. --> This document includes House Floor Amendments (CORRECTED) incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 3:40 PM by chopkin. -->

Representative Bradley T. Johnson proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Bradley T. Johnson

Senate Sponsor: Michael G. Waddoups

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies survey and excavation permit requirements and modifies comment
             11      requirements for state undertakings on historic property.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    defines terms;
             15          .    modifies the duties of the Antiquities Section;
             16          .    establishes qualifications for survey and excavation permit applicants;
             17          .    establishes requirements for survey and excavation permit applications;
             18          .    requires permit holders to submit information gathered from permitted work to the
             19      Antiquities Section;
             20          .    establishes permit time limits;
             21          .    authorizes the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office to:
             22              .    issue survey and excavation permits for archaeological resources;
             23              .    delegate the authority to issue an excavation permit to an agency;
             24              .    make rules;
             25              .    investigate principal investigators and permitted work;

             26              .    revoke or suspend permits; and
             27              .    consult with the state historic preservation H. officer .H about comments on state
             28      undertakings affecting historic property;
             29          .    requires the state historic preservation officer to consult with the Public Lands
             30      Policy Coordinating Office about comments on state undertakings affecting historic
             31      property; and
             32          .    makes technical changes.
             33      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             34          None
             35      Other Special Clauses:
             36          This bill provides an effective date.
             37      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             38      AMENDS:
             39          9-8-302, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1997
             40          9-8-304, as renumbered and amended by Chapters 241 and 286, Laws of Utah 1992
             41          9-8-305, as last amended by Chapter 170, Laws of Utah 1995
             42          9-8-404, as last amended by Chapter 145, Laws of Utah 2005
             43          17B-4-403, as last amended by Chapter 292, Laws of Utah 2005
             44          17B-4-405, as enacted by Chapter 133, Laws of Utah 2001
             45          63-38d-603, as enacted by Chapter 298, Laws of Utah 2005
             46      REPEALS:
             47          9-8-303, as last amended by Chapter 170, Laws of Utah 1995
             49      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             50          Section 1. Section 9-8-302 is amended to read:
             51           9-8-302. Definitions.
             52          As used in this part and Part 4, Historic Sites:
             53          (1) "Agency" means a department, division, office, bureau, board, commission, or
             54      other administrative unit of the state.
             55          (2) "Antiquities Section" means the Antiquities Section of the Division of State History
             56      created in Section 9-8-304 .

             57          [(2)] (3) "Archaeological resources" means all material remains and their associations,
             58      recoverable or discoverable through excavation or survey, that provide information pertaining
             59      to the historic or prehistoric peoples of the state.
             60          [(3)] (4) "Collection" means a specimen and the associated records documenting the
             61      specimen and its recovery.
             62          [(4)] (5) "Curation" means management and care of collections according to standard
             63      professional museum practice, which may include inventorying, accessioning, labeling,
             64      cataloging, identifying, evaluating, documenting, storing, maintaining, periodically inspecting,
             65      cleaning, stabilizing, conserving, exhibiting, exchanging, or otherwise disposing of original
             66      collections or reproductions, and providing access to and facilities for studying collections.
             67          [(5)] (6) "Curation facility" is defined as provided in Section 53B-17-603 .
             68          (7) "Division" means the Division of State History created in Section 9-8-201 .
             69          [(6)] (8) "Excavate" means the recovery of archaeological resources.
             70          (9) "Historic property" means any prehistoric or historic district, site, building,
             71      structure, or specimen included in, or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic
             72      Places or the State Register.
             73          [(7)] (10) "Museum" means the Utah Museum of Natural History.
             74          (11) "Principal investigator" means the individual with overall administrative
             75      responsibility for the survey or excavation project authorized by the permit.
             76          [(8)] (12) "Repository" is defined as provided in Section 53B-17-603 .
             77          [(9) "School and institutional land grants" means the transfer of properties pursuant to
             78      Sections 6, 8, and 12 of the Utah Enabling Act and Article XX, Utah Constitution.]
             79          [(10)] (13) "School and institutional trust lands" are those properties defined in Section
             80      53C-1-103 .
             81          [(11) "Section" means the State Antiquities Section.]
             82          [(12)] (14) "Site" means any petroglyphs, pictographs, structural remains[, location of
             83      archaeological deposits, or other location which is the source of specimens], or geographic
             84      location that is the source of archaeological resources or specimens.
             85          [(13)] (15) "Specimen" means all man-made artifacts and remains of an archaeological
             86      or anthropological nature found on or below the surface of the earth, excluding structural
             87      remains.

             88          [(14)] (16) "State historic preservation officer" means that position mentioned in 16
             89      U.S.C. Sec. 470a of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended.
             90          [(15)] (17) "Survey" means a surface [investigations of] investigation for
             91      archaeological resources[.] that may include:
             92          (a) insubstantial surface collection of archaeological resources; and
             93          (b) limited subsurface testing that disturbs no more of a site than is necessary to
             94      determine the nature and extent of the archaeological resources or whether the site is a historic
             95      property.
             96          Section 2. Section 9-8-304 is amended to read:
             97           9-8-304. Antiquities section created -- Duties.
             98          [(1) The section is responsible for:]
             99          [(a) the stimulation of]
             100          (1) There is created within the division the Antiquities Section.
             101          (2) The Antiquities Section shall:
             102          (a) promote research, study, and activities in the field of antiquities;
             103          (b) assist with the marking, protection, and preservation of sites;
             104          (c) assist with the collection, preservation, and administration of specimens until they
             105      are placed in a repository or curation facility;
             106           (d) [the administration of] provide advice on the protection and orderly development of
             107      archaeological resources and in doing so confer with the Public H. [ Land ] Lands .H Policy
             107a      Coordinating
             108      Office if requested;
             109          (e) assist with the proper care of ancient human remains as authorized by Subsection
             110      76-9-704 (3) and federal law;
             111          (f) collect and administer site survey and excavation records; [and]
             112          [(e) the editing and publication of]
             113          (g) edit and publish antiquities records[.]; H. [ and ] .H
             114          (h) inform the state historic preservation officer in writing about any request for advice
             115      or consultation from an agency or an agency's agent H. [ . ] ; and
             115a          (i) employ an archaeologist meeting the requirements of 36 CFR 61.4. .H
             116          [(2)] (3) The [section] Antiquities Section shall cooperate with local, state, and federal
             117      agencies and all interested persons to achieve the purposes of this part and Part 4, Historic
             118      Sites.

             119          (4) Before performing the duties specified in Subsections (2)(a) through (e), the
             120      Antiquities Section shall obtain permission from the landowner.
             121          Section 3. Section 9-8-305 is amended to read:
             122           9-8-305. Permit required to survey or excavate on state lands -- Ownership of
             123      collections and resources -- Revocation or suspension of permits -- Criminal penalties.
             124          [(1) (a) Before any person may survey or excavate for archaeological resources on any
             125      lands owned or controlled by the state or its subdivisions, other than school or institutional
             126      trust lands, that person shall obtain a permit from the division. The division may enter into
             127      memoranda of agreement to issue permits, project numbers, or to retain other data for federal
             128      lands and Native American lands within the state.]
             129          [(b) Application for a permit shall be made on a form furnished by the section.]
             130          [(c) The division shall make rules for the issuance of permits specifying or requiring:]
             131          [(i) minimum permittee qualifications;]
             132          [(ii) duration;]
             133          [(iii) for excavation permits, proof of permission from the landowner to enter the
             134      property for the purposes of the permit;]
             135          [(iv) for excavation permits, research designs that provide for the recovery of the
             136      maximum amount of historic, scientific, archaeological, anthropological, and educational
             137      information, in addition to the physical recovery of specimens and the reporting of
             138      archaeological information meeting current standards of scientific rigor;]
             139          [(v) the need, if any, to submit data obtained in the course of field investigations to the
             140      division;]
             141          [(vi) proof of consultation with the appropriate Native American tribe, if necessary;]
             142          [(vii) proof of consultation with the museum regarding curation of collections;]
             143          [(viii) for excavation permits, proof of consultation with other agencies that may
             144      manage other legal interests in the land; and]
             145          [(ix) other information the division considers necessary.]
             146          [(d) All archaeological work shall be carried out under the supervision of the state
             147      archaeologist, which shall be under the direction of the director.]
             148          (1) (a) Except as provided by Subsections (1)(d) and (3)(c), each principal investigator
             149      who wishes to survey or excavate on any lands owned or controlled by the state, its political

             150      subdivisions, or by the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration shall obtain a
             151      survey or excavation permit from the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office.
             152          (b) A principal investigator who holds a valid permit under this section may allow
             153      other individuals to assist the principal investigator in a survey or excavation if the principal
             154      investigator ensures that all the individuals comply with the law, the rules, the permit, and the
             155      appropriate professional standards.
             156          (c) A person, other than a principal investigator, may not survey or excavate on any
             157      lands owned or controlled by the state, its political subdivisions, or by the School and
             158      Institutional Trust Lands Administration unless the person works under the direction of a
             159      principal investigator who holds a valid permit.
             160          (d) A permit obtained before July 1, 2006 shall continue until the permit terminates on
             161      its own terms.
             162          (2) (a) To obtain a survey permit, a principal investigator shall:
             163          (i) submit a permit application on a form furnished by the Public Lands Policy
             164      Coordinating Office;
             165          (ii) except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), possess a graduate degree in anthropology,
             166      archaeology, or history;
             167          (iii) have one year of full-time professional experience or equivalent specialized
             168      training in archaeological research, administration, or management; and
             169          (iv) have one year of supervised field and analytical experience in Utah prehistoric or
             170      historic archaeology.
             171          (b) In lieu of the graduate degree required by Subsection (2)(a)(ii), a principal
             172      investigator may submit evidence of training and experience equivalent to a graduate degree.
             173          (c) H. [ A ] Unless the permit is revoked or suspended, a .H survey permit is valid
             173a      for H. [ five ] the time period specified in the permit by the Public Lands Policy Coordinating
             173b      Office, which may not exceed three .H years H. . [ unless the permit is revoked according to
             174      Subsection (9).
] .H

             175          (3) (a) Except as provided by Subsection (3)(c), to obtain an excavation permit, a
             176      principal investigator shall, in addition to complying with Subsection (2)(a), submit:
             177          (i) a research design to the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office and the Antiquities
             178      Section that:
             179          (A) states the questions to be addressed;
             180          (B) states the reasons for conducting the work;

             181          (C) defines the methods to be used;
             182          (D) describes the analysis to be performed;
             183          (E) outlines the expected results and the plan for reporting;
             184          (F) evaluates expected contributions of the proposed work to archaeological or
             185      anthropological science; and
             186          (G) estimates the cost and the time of the work that the principal investigator believes
             187      is necessary to provide the maximum amount of historic, scientific, archaeological,
             188      anthropological, and educational information; and
             189          (ii) proof of permission from the landowner to enter the property for the purposes of
             190      the permit.
             191          (b) An excavation permit is valid for the amount of time specified in the permit, unless
             192      the permit is revoked according to Subsection (9).
             193          (c) The Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office may delegate to an agency the
             194      authority to issue excavation permits if the agency:
             195          (i) requests the delegation; and
             196          (ii) employs or has a H. [ long term ] long-term .H contract with a principal
             196a      investigator with a valid
             197      survey permit.
             198          (d) The Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office shall conduct an independent review
             199      of the delegation authorized by Subsection (3)(c) every three years and may revoke the
             200      delegation at any time without cause.
             201          (4) The Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office shall:
             202          (a) grant a survey permit to a principal investigator who meets the requirements of this
             203      section; H. [ and ] .H
             204          (b) grant an excavation permit to a principal investigator after approving, in
             205      consultation with the Antiquities Section, the research design for the project H. [ . ] ; and
             205a          (c) assemble a committee of qualified individuals to advise the Public Lands Policy
             205b      Coordinating Office in its duties under this section. .H
             206          (5) By following the procedures and requirements of Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             207      Administrative Rulemaking Act, the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office shall, after
             208      consulting with the Antiquities Section, make rules to:
             209          (a) establish survey methodology;
             210          (b) standardize report and data preparation and submission;
             211          (c) require other permit application information that the Public Lands Policy

             212      Coordinating Office finds necessary, including proof of consultation with the appropriate
             213      Native American tribe; H. [ and ] .H
             214          (d) establish what training and experience is equivalent to a graduate degree H. [ . ] ;
             214a          (e) establish requirements for a person authorized by Subsection (1)(b) to assist the
             214b      principal investigator;
             214c          (f) establish requirements for a principal investigator's employer, if applicable; and
             214d          (g) establish criteria, that if met, would allow the Public Lands Policy Coordinating
             214e      Office to reinstate a suspended permit. .H
             215          (6) Each principal investigator shall submit a summary report of the work for each
             216      project to the Antiquities Section in a form prescribed by a rule established under Subsection
             217      (5)(b), which shall include copies of all:
             218          (a) site forms;
             219          (b) data;
             220          (c) maps;
             221          (d) drawings;
             222          (e) photographs; and
             223          (f) descriptions of specimens.
             224          [(e) A] (7) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(c), a person may not remove from
             225      [the state, prior to placement in a repository or curation facility,] Utah any specimen, site, or
             226      portion of any site from lands owned or controlled by the state or its political subdivisions,
             227      other than school [or] and institutional trust lands, without permission from the [division]
             228      Antiquities Section, and prior consultation with the landowner and any other agencies
             229      managing other interests in the land.
             230          [(2) (a) Before any person may survey or excavate for archaeological resources on
             231      school or institutional trust lands, that person shall obtain a permit from the School and
             232      Institutional Trust Lands Administration.]
             233          [(b) The School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration may, by rule, delegate the
             234      authority to issue either survey or excavation permits, or both, for archaeological resources to
             235      the Division of State History.]
             236          [(c) Application for a permit shall be made on a form furnished by the School and
             237      Institutional Trust Lands Administration.]
             238          [(d) Issuance of a permit is an undertaking requiring consultation with the state historic
             239      preservation officer pursuant to Section 9-8-404 .]
             240          [(e) The School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration shall enact rules for the
             241      issuance of permits specifying or requiring:]
             242          [(i) minimum permittee qualifications;]

             243          [(ii) duration;]
             244          [(iii) the need to submit data obtained in the course of field investigations to the
             245      administration;]
             246          [(iv) proof of consultation with the appropriate Native American tribe, if necessary;]
             247          [(v) proof of consultation with the museum regarding curation of collections; and]
             248          [(vi) other information the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
             249      considers necessary.]
             250          [(f) A] (b) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(c), a person may not remove from [the
             251      state, prior to placement in a repository or curation facility,] Utah any specimen, site, or portion
             252      of any site from school [or] and institutional trust lands without permission from the School
             253      and Institutional Trust Lands Administration, granted after consultation with the [Division of
             254      State History] Antiquities Section.
             255          (c) If a specimen, site, or portion of a site is placed in a repository or curation facility, a
             256      person may remove it by following the procedures established by the repository or curation
             257      facility.
             258          [(3)] (8) (a) Collections recovered from school and institutional trust lands [shall be]
             259      are owned by the respective trust.
             260          (b) Collections recovered from lands owned or controlled by the state or its
             261      subdivisions, other than school [or] and institutional trust lands, [shall be] are owned by the
             262      state.
             263          (c) Within a reasonable time after the completion of fieldwork, each permit holder
             264      shall deposit all collections at the museum, a curation facility, or a repository.
             265          [(c)] (d) The repository or curation facility for collections from lands owned or
             266      controlled by the state or its subdivisions shall be designated [pursuant to] according to the
             267      rules made under the authority of Section 53B-17-603 .
             268          [(4) The permitting agency]
             269          (9) (a) Upon complaint by an agency, the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office
             270      shall investigate a principal investigator and the work conducted under a permit.
             271          (b) By following the procedures and requirements of Title 63, Chapter 46b,
             272      Administrative Procedures Act, the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office may revoke or
             273      suspend a permit if the [permittee] principal investigator fails to conduct a survey or excavation

             274      [pursuant] according to law, the rules enacted by the [permitting agency] Public Lands Policy
             275      Coordinating Office, or permit provisions.
             276          [(5)] (10) (a) Any person violating this section is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
             277          (b) A person convicted of violating this section, or found to have violated the rules
             278      [promulgated by the Division of State History or the School and Institutional Trust Lands
             279      Administration under] authorized by this section, shall, in addition to any other penalties
             280      imposed, forfeit [to the state or the respective trust] all archaeological resources discovered by
             281      or through the person's efforts to the state or the respective trust.
             282          (11) The division may enter into memoranda of agreement to issue project numbers or
             283      to retain other data for federal lands or Native American lands within the state.
             284          Section 4. Section 9-8-404 is amended to read:
             285           9-8-404. Agency responsibilities -- State historic preservation officer to comment
             286      on undertaking -- Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office may require joint analysis.
             287          (1) (a) Before expending any state funds or approving any undertaking, each [state]
             288      agency shall:
             289          [(a)] (i) take into account the effect of the expenditure or undertaking on any [district,
             290      site, building, structure, or specimen that is included in or eligible for inclusion in the National
             291      Register of Historic Places, or the State Register] historic property; and
             292          [(b) subject to Subsection (3), allow the state historic preservation officer a reasonable
             293      opportunity to comment with regard to the undertaking or expenditure.]
             294          (ii) unless exempted by agreement between the agency and the state historic
             295      preservation officer, provide the state historic preservation officer with a written evaluation of
             296      the expenditure's or undertaking's effect on the historic property.
             297          (b) Once per month, the state historic preservation officer shall provide the Public
             298      Lands Policy Coordinating Office with a list of undertakings on which an agency or federal
             299      agency has requested the state historic preservation officer's or the Antiquities Section's advice
             300      or consultation.
             301          (c) The Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office may request the joint analysis
             302      described in Subsections (2)(c) and (d) of any proposed undertaking on which the state historic
             303      preservation officer or Antiquities Section is providing advice or consultation.
             304          (2) (a) [The state historic preservation officer shall include the comments of the section

             305      in all responses] If the state historic preservation officer does not concur with the agency's
             306      written evaluation required by Subsection (1)(a)(ii), the state historic preservation officer shall
             307      inform the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office of any objections.
             308          (b) The Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office shall review the state historic
             309      preservation officer's objections and determine whether or not to initiate the joint analysis
             310      established in Subsections (2)(c) and (d).
             311          (c) If the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office determines further analysis is
             312      necessary, the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office shall, jointly with the agency and the
             313      state historic preservation officer, analyze:
             314          [(b) The section may include advice on ways to maximize the amount of historic,
             315      scientific, archaeological, anthropological, and educational information recovered, in addition
             316      to the physical recovery of specimens and the reporting of archaeological information at current
             317      standards of scientific rigor.]
             318          [(c) The section shall include the results of the joint analysis conducted pursuant to
             319      Subsection (3).]
             320          [(3) (a) When requested by a state agency, the comments of the state historic
             321      preservation officer shall be preceded by a period of joint analysis of the proposed undertaking
             322      involving the state agency, the state historic preservation officer, the section, and the state
             323      planning coordinator or the coordinator's designee.]
             324          [(b) The joint analysis conducted pursuant to Subsection (3)(a) shall consider:]
             325          (i) the cost of the undertaking, excluding costs attributable to the identification,
             326      potential recovery, or excavation of historic properties;
             327          (ii) the ownership of the land involved;
             328          (iii) [the opinion of the section about] the likelihood of the presence and the nature and
             329      type of historical properties [which may be involved] that may be affected by the expenditure
             330      or undertaking; and
             331          (iv) [formulation and presentation by the section of] clear and distinct alternatives for
             332      the identification, recovery, or excavation of historic properties, including ways to maximize
             333      the amount of information recovered and report that information at current standards of
             334      scientific rigor.
             335          (d) The Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office, the agency, and the state historic

             336      preservation officer shall also consider as part of the joint analysis:
             337          (i) the estimated costs of [these efforts] the alternatives in Subsection (2)(c)(iv) in total
             338      and as [percentages] a percentage of the total cost of the [project identified in Subsection
             339      (3)(b)(i), provided that one of the alternatives shall be to present a] undertaking; and
             340          (ii) at least one plan for the identification, recovery, or excavation of historic properties
             341      [which] that does not substantially increase the cost of the proposed undertaking.
             342          (3) (a) (i) If the state historic preservation officer concurs with the agency's evaluation
             343      or if the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office determines that the joint analysis is
             344      unnecessary, the state historic preservation officer shall, no later than 30 calendar days after
             345      receiving the agency's evaluation, provide formal comments on the agency's evaluation.
             346          (ii) If a joint analysis is conducted, the state historic preservation officer shall provide
             347      formal comments on the agency's evaluation no later than 30 calendar days after the conclusion
             348      of the joint analysis.
             349          (b) The state historic preservation officer shall ensure that the comments include the
             350      results of any joint analysis conducted under Subsection (2).
             351          (c) If a joint analysis is not conducted, the state historic preservation officer's
             352      comments may include advice about ways to maximize the amount of historic, scientific,
             353      archaeological, anthropological, and educational information recovered, in addition to the
             354      physical recovery of specimens and the reporting of archaeological information at current
             355      standards of scientific rigor.
             356          (4) (a) Once per month, the state historic preservation officer shall provide the Public
             357      Lands Policy Coordinating Office with a list of comments the state historic preservation officer
             358      intends to make or has made as required or authorized by the National Historic Preservation
             359      Act, 16 U.S.C. Sec. 470 et seq.
             360          (b) At the request of the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office, the state historic
             361      preservation officer shall discuss the comments with the Public Lands Policy Coordinating
             362      Office.
             363          Section 5. Section 17B-4-403 is amended to read:
             364           17B-4-403. Project area plan requirements.
             365          (1) Each project area plan and draft project area plan shall:
             366          (a) describe the boundaries of the project area;

             367          (b) contain a general statement of the land uses, layout of principal streets, population
             368      densities, and building intensities of the project area and how they will be affected by the
             369      redevelopment, economic development, or education housing development;
             370          (c) state the standards that will guide the redevelopment, economic development, or
             371      education housing development;
             372          (d) show how the purposes of this chapter will be attained by the redevelopment,
             373      economic development, or education housing development;
             374          (e) be consistent with the general plan of the community in which the project area is
             375      located and show that the redevelopment, economic development, or education housing
             376      development will conform to the community's general plan;
             377          (f) if the agency board made a finding of blight under Subsection 17B-4-601 (1)(d)(ii),
             378      describe how the redevelopment will reduce or eliminate blight in the project area;
             379          (g) if the project area plan is for economic development, describe how the economic
             380      development will create additional jobs;
             381          (h) if the project area plan is for education housing development, describe how the
             382      education housing development will meet the needs of the community in which the project area
             383      is located;
             384          (i) describe any specific project or projects that are the object of the proposed
             385      redevelopment, economic development, or education housing development;
             386          (j) identify how private developers, if any, will be selected to undertake the
             387      redevelopment, economic development, or education housing development and identify each
             388      private developer currently involved in the redevelopment, economic development, or
             389      education housing development process;
             390          (k) contain a time limit of no more than three years after adoption of the project area
             391      plan for the agency to commence implementation of the project area plan, unless the project
             392      area plan is adopted again as if it were an amended project area plan under Section 17B-4-411 ;
             393          (l) if the project area plan authorizes the use of eminent domain, contain a time limit of
             394      no more than five years after the effective date of the project area plan for the agency to
             395      commence acquisition of property through the use of eminent domain;
             396          (m) if the project area plan provides for tax increment to be paid to the agency:
             397          (i) contain a time limit of no more than 25 years for tax increment to be paid to the

             398      agency from the project area unless the taxing entity committee consents to a longer period;
             399      and
             400          (ii) contain a provision that the project area may not exceed 100 acres of private real
             401      property unless:
             402          (A) the agency obtains the consent of the taxing entity committee; or
             403          (B) the project area is a superfund site;
             404          (n) state the reasons for the selection of the project area;
             405          (o) describe the physical, social, and economic conditions existing in the project area;
             406          (p) provide a financial analysis describing the proposed method of financing the
             407      proposed redevelopment, economic development, or education housing development;
             408          (q) describe any tax incentives offered private entities for facilities located in the
             409      project area;
             410          (r) contain the report and state any recommendations of the community's planning
             411      commission;
             412          (s) include an analysis, as provided in Subsection (2), of whether adoption of the
             413      project area plan is:
             414          (i) for a redevelopment project area plan, necessary and appropriate to reduce or
             415      eliminate blight; or
             416          (ii) for an economic development or education housing development project area plan,
             417      beneficial under a benefit analysis;
             418          (t) if any of the existing buildings or uses in the project area are included in or eligible
             419      for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places or the State Register, state that the
             420      agency shall comply with [Subsection] Section 9-8-404 [(1)] as though the agency were a state
             421      agency; and
             422          (u) include other information that the agency determines to be necessary or advisable.
             423          (2) Each analysis under Subsection (1)(s)(ii) shall consider:
             424          (a) the benefit of any financial assistance or other public subsidy proposed to be
             425      provided by the agency, including:
             426          (i) an evaluation of the reasonableness of the costs of economic development or
             427      education housing development;
             428          (ii) efforts the agency has made or will make to maximize private investment;

             429          (iii) the rationale for use of tax increment, including an analysis of whether the
             430      proposed development might reasonably be expected to occur in the foreseeable future solely
             431      through private investment; and
             432          (iv) an estimate of the total amount of tax increment that will be expended in
             433      undertaking economic development or education housing development and the length of time
             434      for which it will be expended; and
             435          (b) the anticipated public benefit to be derived from the economic development or
             436      education housing development, including:
             437          (i) the beneficial influences upon the tax base of the community;
             438          (ii) the associated business and economic activity likely to be stimulated; and
             439          (iii) in the case of economic development, the number of jobs or employment
             440      anticipated to be generated or preserved.
             441          Section 6. Section 17B-4-405 is amended to read:
             442           17B-4-405. Existing and historic buildings and uses.
             443          If any of the existing buildings or uses in a project area are included in or eligible for
             444      inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places or the State Register, the agency shall
             445      comply with [Subsection] Section 9-8-404 [(1)] as though the agency were a state agency.
             446          Section 7. Section 63-38d-603 is amended to read:
             447           63-38d-603. Powers and duties of coordinator and office.
             448          (1) The coordinator and the office shall:
             449          (a) assist the state planning coordinator in fulfilling the duties outlined in Section
             450      63-38d-401 as those duties relate to the development of public lands policies by:
             451          (i) developing cooperative contracts and agreements between the state, political
             452      subdivisions, and agencies of the federal government for involvement in the development of
             453      public lands policies;
             454          (ii) producing research, documents, maps, studies, analysis, or other information that
             455      supports the state's participation in the development of public lands policy;
             456          (iii) preparing comments to ensure that the positions of the state and political
             457      subdivisions are considered in the development of public lands policy;
             458          (iv) partnering with state agencies and political subdivisions in an effort to:
             459          (A) prepare coordinated public lands policies;

             460          (B) develop consistency reviews and responses to public lands policies;
             461          (C) develop management plans that relate to public lands policies; and
             462          (D) develop and maintain a statewide land use plan that is based on cooperation and in
             463      conjunction with political subdivisions; and
             464          (v) providing other information or services related to public lands policies as requested
             465      by the state planning coordinator; and
             466          (b) facilitate and coordinate the exchange of information, comments, and
             467      recommendations on public lands policies between and among:
             468          (i) state agencies;
             469          (ii) political subdivisions;
             470          (iii) the [Office of] Rural Development Program created under Section [ 9-16-102 ]
             471      63-38f-1602 ;
             472          (iv) the Resource Development Coordinating Committee created under Section
             473      63-38d-501 ;
             474          (v) School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration created under Section
             475      53C-1-201 ;
             476          (vi) the committee created under Section [ 63A-6-204 ] 63F-1-508 to award grants to
             477      counties to inventory and map R.S. 2477 rights-of-way, associated structures, and other
             478      features; and
             479          (vii) the Constitutional Defense Council created under Section 63C-4-101 [.]; H. [ and ] .H
             480          (c) perform the duties established in Title 9, Chapter 8, Part 3, Antiquities, and Title 9,
             481      Chapter 8, Part 4, Historic Sites H. [ . ] ; and
             481a          (d) consistent with other statutory duties, encourage agencies to responsibly preserve
             481b      archaeological resources. .H
             482          (2) In providing assistance to the state planning coordinator under Subsection (1)(a),
             483      the coordinator and office shall take into consideration the:
             484          (a) findings provided under Subsections 63-38d-401 (6) and (7); and
             485          (b) recommendations of the council.
             486          Section 8. Repealer.
             487          This bill repeals:
             488          Section 9-8-303, State Antiquities Section.
             489          Section 9. Effective date.
             490          This bill takes effect on May 1, 2006, except that the amendments in Subsections

             491      9-8-305 (1) through (4), (6), and (9) in this bill take effect on July 1, 2006.

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