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H.B. 228

This document includes Senate Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 10:04 AM by rday. -->              1     




Chief Sponsor: David Ure

Senate Sponsor: Thomas V. Hatch

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill authorizes the state engineer to create a groundwater management plan.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    authorizes the state engineer to create a groundwater management plan for any
             13      groundwater basin or aquifer;
             14          .    allows conjunctive management of hydrologically connected ground and surface
             15      water;
             16          .    describes the purpose and effect of a groundwater management plan;
             17          .    outlines the requirements for creating a groundwater management plan;
             18          .    eliminates a provision addressing administration of groundwater rights; and
             19          .    makes technical changes.
             20      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             21          None
             22      Other Special Clauses:
             23          None
             24      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             25      AMENDS:
             26          73-5-1, as last amended by Chapter 41, Laws of Utah 2000
             27      ENACTS:

             28          73-5-15, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             30      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             31          Section 1. Section 73-5-1 is amended to read:
             32           73-5-1. Appointment of water commissioners -- Procedure -- Hearing to
             33      determine adequacy of underground water supply.
             34          (1) (a) If, in the judgment of the state engineer or the district court, it is necessary to
             35      appoint a water commissioner for the distribution of water from any river system or water
             36      source, the commissioner shall be appointed for a four-year term by the state engineer.
             37          (b) The state engineer shall determine whether all or a part of a river system or other
             38      water source shall be served by a commissioner, and if only a part is to be served, the state
             39      engineer shall determine the boundaries of that part.
             40          (c) The state engineer may appoint:
             41          (i) more than one commissioner to distribute water from all or a part of a water source;
             42      or
             43          (ii) a single commissioner to distribute water from several separate and distinct water
             44      sources.
             45          (2) (a) The state engineer shall consult with the water users before appointing a
             46      commissioner. The form of consultation and notice to be given shall be determined by the state
             47      engineer so as to best suit local conditions, while providing for full expression of majority
             48      opinion.
             49          (b) If a majority of the water users agree upon a qualified person to be appointed as
             50      water commissioner, the duties the person shall perform, and the compensation the person shall
             51      receive, and they make recommendations to the state engineer on the appointment, duties, and
             52      compensation, the state engineer shall act in accordance with their recommendations.
             53          (c) If a majority of water users do not agree on the appointment, duties, or
             54      compensation, the state engineer shall make a determination for them.
             55          (3) (a) (i) The salary and expenses of the commissioner and all other expenses of
             56      distribution, including printing, postage, equipment, water users' expenses, and any other
             57      expenses considered necessary by the state engineer, shall be borne pro rata by the users of
             58      water from the river system or water source in accordance with a schedule to be fixed by the

             59      state engineer.
             60          (ii) The schedule shall be based on the established rights of each water user, and the
             61      pro rata share shall be paid by each water user to the state engineer on or before May 1 of each
             62      year.
             63          (b) The payments shall be deposited in the Water Commissioner Fund created in
             64      Section 73-5-1.5 .
             65          (c) If a water user fails to pay the assessment as provided by Subsection (3)(a), the state
             66      engineer may do any or all of the following:
             67          (i) create a lien upon the water right affected by filing a notice of lien in the office of
             68      the county recorder in the county where the water is diverted and bring an action to enforce the
             69      lien;
             70          (ii) forbid the use of water by the delinquent water user or the delinquent water user's
             71      successors or assignees, while the default continues; or
             72          (iii) bring an action in the district court for the unpaid expense and salary.
             73          (d) In any action brought to collect any unpaid assessment or to enforce any lien under
             74      this section, the delinquent water user shall be liable for the amount of the assessment, interest,
             75      any penalty, and for all costs of collection, including all court costs and a reasonable attorney
             76      fee.
             77          (4) (a) A commissioner may be removed by the state engineer for cause.
             78          (b) The users of water from any river system or water source may petition the district
             79      court for the removal of a commissioner and after notice and hearing, the court may order the
             80      removal of the commissioner and direct the state engineer to appoint a successor.
             81          [(5) (a) In addition to the power granted to the state engineer to appoint water
             82      commissioners for the distribution of water, the state engineer may, at any time, hold a hearing,
             83      or upon a petition signed by not less than one-third of the users of underground waters in any
             84      area as defined by the state engineer, shall hold a hearing, to determine whether the
             85      underground water supply within such area is adequate for the existing claims.]
             86          [(b) (i) Notice of the hearing shall be given in a form and manner which, in the
             87      judgment of the state engineer, best suits local conditions.]
             88          [(ii) The state engineer may make a full investigation and provide findings for the
             89      hearing.]

             90          [(c) If the findings show that the water supply is inadequate for existing claims, the
             91      state engineer shall divide, or request that the water commissioner divide, the water supply
             92      among the claimants entitled to the water in accordance with their respective rights.]
             93          Section 2. Section 73-5-15 is enacted to read:
             94          73-5-15. Groundwater management plan.
             95          (1) As used in this section:
             96          (a) "Critical management area" means a groundwater basin in which the groundwater
             97      withdrawals consistently exceed the safe yield.
             98          (b) "Safe yield" means the amount of groundwater that can be withdrawn from a
             99      groundwater basin over a period of time without exceeding the long-term recharge of the basin
             100      or unreasonably affecting the basin's physical and chemical integrity.
             101          (2) (a) The state engineer may regulate groundwater withdrawals within a specific
             102      groundwater basin by adopting a groundwater management plan in accordance with this section
             103      for any groundwater basin or aquifer or combination of hydrologically connected groundwater
             104      basins or aquifers.
             105          (b) The objectives of a groundwater management plan are to:
             106          (i) limit groundwater withdrawals to safe yield;
             107          (ii) protect the physical integrity of the aquifer; and
             108          (iii) protect water quality.
             109          (c) The state engineer shall adopt a groundwater management plan for a groundwater
             110      basin if more than 1/3 of the water right owners in the groundwater basin request that the state
             111      engineer adopt a groundwater management plan.
             112          (3) (a) In developing a groundwater management plan, the state engineer may consider:
             113          (i) the hydrology of the groundwater basin;
             114          (ii) the physical characteristics of the groundwater basin;
             115          (iii) the relationship between surface water and groundwater, including whether the
             116      groundwater should be managed in conjunction with hydrologically connected surface waters;
             117          (iv) the geographic spacing and location of groundwater withdrawals;
             118          (v) water quality;
             119          (vi) local well interference; and
             120          (vii) other relevant factors.

             121          (b) The state engineer shall base the provisions of a groundwater management plan on
             122      the principles of prior appropriation.
             123          (c) (i) The state engineer shall use the best available scientific method to determine
             124      safe yield.
             125          (ii) As hydrologic conditions change or additional information becomes available, safe
             126      yield determinations made by the state engineer may be revised by following the procedures
             127      listed in Subsection (5).
             128          (4) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), the withdrawal of water from a
             129      groundwater basin shall be limited to the basin's safe yield.
             130          (ii) Before limiting withdrawals in a groundwater basin to safe yield, the state engineer
             131      shall:
             132          (A) determine the groundwater basin's safe yield; and
             133          (B) adopt a groundwater management plan for the groundwater basin.
             134          (iii) If the state engineer determines that groundwater withdrawals in a groundwater
             135      basin exceed the safe yield, the state engineer shall regulate groundwater rights in that
             136      groundwater basin based on the priority date of the water rights under the groundwater
             137      management plan, unless a voluntary arrangement exists under Subsection (4)(c) that requires a
             138      different distribution.
             139          (b) When adopting a groundwater management plan for a critical management area, the
             140      state engineer shall, based on economic and other impacts to an individual water user or a local
             141      community caused by the implementation of safe yield limits on withdrawals, allow gradual
             142      implementation of the groundwater management plan.
             143          (c) (i) In consultation with the state engineer, water users in a groundwater basin may
             144      agree to participate in a voluntary arrangement for managing withdrawals at any time, either
             145      before or after a determination that groundwater withdrawals exceed the groundwater basin's
             146      safe yield.
             147          (ii) A voluntary arrangement under Subsection (4)(c)(i) shall be consistent with other
             148      law.
             149          (iii) The adoption of a voluntary arrangement under this Subsection (4)(c) by less than
             150      all of the water users in a groundwater basin does not affect the rights of water users who do
             151      not agree to the voluntary arrangement.

             152          (5) To adopt a groundwater management plan, the state engineer shall:
             153          (a) give notice as specified in Subsection (7) at least 30 days before the first public
             154      meeting held in accordance with Subsection (5)(b):
             155          (i) that the state engineer proposes to adopt a groundwater management plan;
             156          (ii) describing generally the land area proposed to be included in the groundwater
             157      management plan; and
             158          (iii) stating the location, date, and time of each public meeting to be held in accordance
             159      with Subsection (5)(b);
             160          (b) hold one or more public meetings in the geographic area proposed to be included
             161      within the groundwater management plan to:
             162          (i) address the need for a groundwater management plan;
             163          (ii) present any data, studies, or reports that the state engineer intends to consider in
             164      preparing the groundwater management plan;
             165          (iii) address safe yield and any other subject that may be included in the groundwater
             166      management plan;
             167          (iv) outline the estimated administrative costs, if any, that groundwater users are likely
             168      to incur if the plan is adopted; and
             169          (v) receive any public comments and other information presented at the public
             170      meeting, including comments from any of the entities listed in Subsection (7)(a)(iii);
             171          (c) receive and consider written comments concerning the proposed groundwater
             172      management plan from any person for a period determined by the state engineer of not less
             173      than 60 days after the day on which the notice required by Subsection (5)(a) is given;
             174          (d) (i) at least 60 days prior to final adoption of the groundwater management plan,
             175      publish notice:
             176          (A) that a draft of the groundwater management plan has been proposed; and
             177          (B) specifying where a copy of the draft plan may be reviewed; and
             178          (ii) promptly provide a copy of the draft plan in printed or electronic form to each of
             179      the entities listed in Subsection (7)(a)(iii) that makes written request for a copy; and
             180          (e) provide notice of the adoption of the groundwater management plan.
             181          (6) A groundwater management plan shall become effective on the date notice of
             182      adoption is completed under Subsection (7), or on a later date if specified in the plan.

             183          (7) (a) A notice required by this section shall be:
             184          (i) published once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general
             185      circulation in each county that encompasses a portion of the land area proposed to be included
             186      within the groundwater management plan;
             187          (ii) published conspicuously on the state engineer's Internet website; and
             188          (iii) mailed to each of the following that has within its boundaries a portion of the land
             189      area to be included within the proposed groundwater management plan:
             190          (A) county;
             191          (B) incorporated city or town;
             192          (C) any of the following type of independent special districts operating under Title
             193      17A, Special Districts:
             194          (I) county improvement district providing water, sewerage, or flood control;
             195          (II) county service area;
             196          (III) drainage district;
             197          (IV) irrigation district;
             198          (V) metropolitan water district;
             199          (VI) special service district providing water, sewer, drainage, or flood control services;
             200      and
             201          (VII) water conservancy district; and
             202          (D) soil conservation district.
             203          (b) A notice required by this section is effective upon substantial compliance with
             204      Subsections 73-5-15 (7)(a)(i) through (iii).
             205          (8) A groundwater management plan may be amended in the same manner as a
             206      groundwater management plan may be adopted under this section.
             207          (9) The existence of a groundwater management plan does not preclude any otherwise
             208      eligible person from filing any application or challenging any decision made by the state
             209      engineer within the affected groundwater basin.
             210          (10) (a) A person aggrieved by a groundwater management plan may challenge any
             211      aspect of the groundwater management plan by filing a complaint within 60 days after the
             212      adoption of the groundwater management plan in the district court for any county in which the
             213      groundwater basin is found.

             214          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (9), a person may challenge the components of a
             215      groundwater management plan only in the manner provided by Subsection (10)(a).
             216          (c) An action brought under this Subsection (10) is reviewed de novo by the district
             217      court.
             218          (d) A person challenging a groundwater management plan under this Subsection (10)
             219      shall join the state engineer as a defendant in the action challenging the groundwater
             220      management plan.
             221          (e) (i) Within 30 days after the day on which a person files an action challenging any
             222      aspect of a groundwater management plan under Subsection (10)(a), the person filing the action
             223      shall publish notice of the action in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which
             224      the district court is located.
             225          (ii) The notice required by Subsection (10)(e)(i) shall be published once a week for two
             226      consecutive weeks.
             227          (iii) The notice required by Subsection (10)(e)(i) shall:
             228          (A) identify the groundwater management plan the person is challenging;
             229          (B) identify the case number assigned by the district court;
             230          (C) state that a person affected by the groundwater management plan may petition the
             231      district court to intervene in the action challenging the groundwater management plan; and
             232          (D) list the address for the clerk of the district court in which the action is filed.
             233          (iv) (A) Any person affected by the groundwater management plan may petition to
             234      intervene in the action within 60 days after the day on which notice is last published under
             235      Subsections (10)(e)(i) and (ii).
             236          (B) The district court's treatment of a petition to intervene under this Subsection
             237      (10)(e)(iv) is governed by the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
             238          (v) A district court in which an action is brought under Subsection (10)(a) shall
             239      consolidate all actions brought under that subsection and include in the consolidated action any
             240      person whose petition to intervene is granted.
             241          (11) A groundwater management plan adopted or amended in accordance with this
             242      section is exempt from the requirements in Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative
             243      Rulemaking Act.
             244          (12) Recharge and recovery projects permitted under Chapter 3b, Groundwater

             245      Recharge and Recovery Act, are exempted from this section.
             246          (13) Nothing in this section may be interpreted to require the development,
             247      implementation, or consideration of a groundwater management plan as a prerequisite or
             248      condition to the exercise of the state engineer's enforcement powers under other law, including
             249      powers granted under Section 73-2-25 .
             250          (14) S. A groundwater management plan adopted in accordance with this section may
             250a      not apply to the dewatering of a mine.
             250b      (15) .S (a) A groundwater management plan adopted by the state engineer before May 1,
             251      2006, remains in force and has the same legal effect as it had on the day on which it was
             252      adopted by the state engineer.
             253          (b) If a groundwater management plan that existed before May 1, 2006, is amended on
             254      or after May 1, 2006, the amendment is subject to this section's provisions.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-19-05 11:27 AM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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