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H.B. 401

This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Mar 1, 2006 at 10:23 PM by rday. -->              1     




Chief Sponsor: Brad L. Dee

Senate Sponsor: David L. Thomas

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill creates a mechanism for collection of information on veterans to assist the
             10      division in creating a database of Utah veterans and appropriates $100,000] to the
             11      division for statewide outreach and assistance for veterans.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    allows the Driver License Division to collect information regarding veteran status
             15      and transmit it to the Division of Veterans' Affairs; and
             16          .    appropriates S. [ $100,000 ] $50,000 .S to the division for statewide outreach and
             16a      assistance.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          This bill appropriates:
             19          . S. [     $100,000 ] $50,000 .S from the General Fund for fiscal year 2006-07 only, to
             19a      the Division of
             20      Veterans' Affairs.
             21      Other Special Clauses:
             22          None
             23      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             24      AMENDS:
             25          53-3-205, as last amended by Chapters 20 and 34, Laws of Utah 2005
             26          53-3-804, as last amended by Chapters 20 and 34, Laws of Utah 2005
             27          53-3-805, as last amended by Chapter 144, Laws of Utah 2004

             28          71-8-3, as repealed and reenacted by Chapter 134, Laws of Utah 2000
             30      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             31          Section 1. Section 53-3-205 is amended to read:
             32           53-3-205. Application for license or endorsement -- Fee required -- Tests --
             33      Expiration dates of licenses and endorsements -- Information required -- Previous
             34      licenses surrendered -- Driving record transferred from other states -- Reinstatement --
             35      Fee required -- License agreement.
             36          (1) An application for any original license, provisional license, or endorsement shall
             37      be:
             38          (a) made upon a form furnished by the division; and
             39          (b) accompanied by a nonrefundable fee set under Section 53-3-105 .
             40          (2) An application and fee for an original provisional class D license or an original
             41      class D license entitle the applicant to:
             42          (a) not more than three attempts to pass both the knowledge and skills tests for a class
             43      D license within six months of the date of the application;
             44          (b) a learner permit if needed after the knowledge test is passed; and
             45          (c) an original class D license and license certificate after all tests are passed.
             46          (3) An application and fee for an original class M license entitle the applicant to:
             47          (a) not more than three attempts to pass both the knowledge and skills tests for a class
             48      M license within six months of the date of the application;
             49          (b) a learner permit if needed after the knowledge test is passed; and
             50          (c) an original class M license and license certificate after all tests are passed.
             51          (4) An application and fee for a motorcycle or taxicab endorsement entitle the
             52      applicant to:
             53          (a) not more than three attempts to pass both the knowledge and skills tests within six
             54      months of the date of the application;
             55          (b) a motorcycle learner permit if needed after the motorcycle knowledge test is
             56      passed; and
             57          (c) a motorcycle or taxicab endorsement when all tests are passed.
             58          (5) An application and fees for a commercial class A, B, or C license entitle the

             59      applicant to:
             60          (a) not more than two attempts to pass a knowledge test and not more than two
             61      attempts to pass a skills test within six months of the date of the application;
             62          (b) a commercial driver instruction permit if needed after the knowledge test is passed;
             63      and
             64          (c) an original commercial class A, B, or C license and license certificate when all
             65      applicable tests are passed.
             66          (6) An application and fee for a CDL endorsement entitle the applicant to:
             67          (a) not more than two attempts to pass a knowledge test and not more than two
             68      attempts to pass a skills test within six months of the date of the application; and
             69          (b) a CDL endorsement when all tests are passed.
             70          (7) If a CDL applicant does not pass a knowledge test, skills test, or an endorsement
             71      test within the number of attempts provided in Subsection (5) or (6), each test may be taken
             72      two additional times within the six months for the fee provided in Section 53-3-105 .
             73          (8) (a) Except as provided under Subsections (8)(f) and (g), an original license expires
             74      on the birth date of the applicant in the fifth year following the year the license certificate was
             75      issued.
             76          (b) Except as provided under Subsections (8)(f) and (g), a renewal or an extension to a
             77      license expires on the birth date of the licensee in the fifth year following the expiration date of
             78      the license certificate renewed or extended.
             79          (c) Except as provided under Subsections (8)(f) and (g), a duplicate license expires on
             80      the same date as the last license certificate issued.
             81          (d) An endorsement to a license expires on the same date as the license certificate
             82      regardless of the date the endorsement was granted.
             83          (e) A license and any endorsement to the license held by a person ordered to active
             84      duty and stationed outside Utah in any of the armed forces of the United States, which expires
             85      during the time period the person is stationed outside of the state, is valid until 90 days after the
             86      person has been discharged or has left the service, unless the license is suspended, disqualified,
             87      denied, or has been cancelled or revoked by the division, or the licensee updates the
             88      information or photograph on the license certificate.
             89          (f) An original license or a renewal to an original license obtained using proof under

             90      Subsection (9)(a)(i)(E)(III) expires on the date of the expiration of the applicant's foreign visa,
             91      permit, or other document granting legal presence in the United States or on the date provided
             92      under this Subsection (8), whichever is sooner.
             93          (g) (i) An original license or a renewal or a duplicate to an original license expires on
             94      the next birth date of the applicant or licensee beginning on July 1, 2005 if:
             95          (A) the license was obtained without using a Social Security number as required under
             96      Subsection (9); and
             97          (B) the license certificate or driving privilege card is not clearly distinguished as
             98      required under Subsection 53-3-207 (6).
             99          (ii) A driving privilege card issued or renewed under Section 53-3-207 expires on the
             100      birth date of the applicant in the first year following the year that the driving privilege card was
             101      issued or renewed.
             102          (iii) The expiration dates provided under Subsections (8)(g)(i) and (ii) do not apply to
             103      an original license or driving privilege card or to the renewal of an original license or driving
             104      privilege card with an expiration date provided under Subsection (8)(f).
             105          (9) (a) In addition to the information required by Title 63, Chapter 46b, Administrative
             106      Procedures Act, for requests for agency action, each applicant shall have a Utah residence
             107      address and each applicant shall:
             108          (i) provide the applicant's:
             109          (A) full legal name;
             110          (B) birth date;
             111          (C) gender;
             112          (D) between July 1, 2002 and July 1, 2007, race in accordance with the categories
             113      established by the United States Census Bureau;
             114          (E) (I) Social Security number;
             115          (II) temporary identification number (ITIN) issued by the Internal Revenue Service for
             116      a person who does not qualify for a Social Security number; or
             117          (III) (Aa) proof that the applicant is a citizen of a country other than the United States;
             118          (Bb) proof that the applicant does not qualify for a Social Security number; and
             119          (Cc) proof of legal presence in the United States, as authorized under federal law; and
             120          (F) Utah residence address as documented by a form acceptable under rules made by

             121      the division under Section 53-3-104 ;
             122          (ii) provide a description of the applicant;
             123          (iii) state whether the applicant has previously been licensed to drive a motor vehicle
             124      and, if so, when and by what state or country;
             125          (iv) state whether the applicant has ever had any license suspended, cancelled, revoked,
             126      disqualified, or denied in the last six years, or whether the applicant has ever had any license
             127      application refused, and if so, the date of and reason for the suspension, cancellation,
             128      revocation, disqualification, denial, or refusal;
             129          (v) state whether the applicant intends to make an anatomical gift under Title 26,
             130      Chapter 28, Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, in compliance with Subsection (16);
             131          (vi) state whether the applicant is a military veteran and does or does not authorize
             132      sharing the information with the state Division of Veterans' Affairs;
             133          [(vi)] (vii) provide all other information the division requires; and
             134          [(vii)] (viii) sign the application which signature may include an electronic signature as
             135      defined in Section 46-4-102 .
             136          (b) The division shall maintain on its computerized records an applicant's:
             137          (i) Social Security number;
             138          (ii) temporary identification number (ITIN); or
             139          (iii) other number assigned by the division if Subsection (9)(a)(i)(E)(III) applies.
             140          (c) An applicant may not be denied a license for refusing to provide race information
             141      required under Subsection (9)(a)(i)(D).
             142          (10) The division shall require proof of every applicant's name, birthdate, and
             143      birthplace by at least one of the following means:
             144          (a) current license certificate;
             145          (b) birth certificate;
             146          (c) Selective Service registration; or
             147          (d) other proof, including church records, family Bible notations, school records, or
             148      other evidence considered acceptable by the division.
             149          (11) When an applicant receives a license in another class, all previous license
             150      certificates shall be surrendered and canceled. However, a disqualified commercial license may
             151      not be canceled unless it expires before the new license certificate is issued.

             152          (12) (a) When an application is received from a person previously licensed in another
             153      state to drive a motor vehicle, the division shall request a copy of the driver's record from the
             154      other state.
             155          (b) When received, the driver's record becomes part of the driver's record in this state
             156      with the same effect as though entered originally on the driver's record in this state.
             157          (13) An application for reinstatement of a license after the suspension, cancellation,
             158      disqualification, denial, or revocation of a previous license shall be accompanied by the
             159      additional fee or fees specified in Section 53-3-105 .
             160          (14) A person who has an appointment with the division for testing and fails to keep
             161      the appointment or to cancel at least 48 hours in advance of the appointment shall pay the fee
             162      under Section 53-3-105 .
             163          (15) A person who applies for an original license or renewal of a license agrees that the
             164      person's license is subject to any suspension or revocation authorized under this title or Title
             165      41, Motor Vehicles.
             166          (16) (a) The indication of intent under Subsection (9)(a)(v) shall be authenticated by
             167      the licensee in accordance with division rule.
             168          (b) (i) Notwithstanding Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             169      Management Act, the division may, upon request, release to an organ procurement
             170      organization, as defined in Section 26-28-2 , the names and addresses of all persons who under
             171      Subsection (9)(a)(v) indicate that they intend to make an anatomical gift.
             172          (ii) An organ procurement organization may use released information only to:
             173          (A) obtain additional information for an anatomical gift registry; and
             174          (B) inform licensees of anatomical gift options, procedures, and benefits.
             175          (17) Notwithstanding Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             176      Management Act, the division may release to the Division of Veterans' Affairs the names and
             177      addresses of all persons who indicate their status as a veteran under Subsection (9)(a)(vi).
             178          [(17)] (18) The division and its employees are not liable, as a result of false or
             179      inaccurate information provided under Subsection (9)(a)(v) or (vi), for direct or indirect:
             180          (a) loss;
             181          (b) detriment; or
             182          (c) injury.

             183          Section 2. Section 53-3-804 is amended to read:
             184           53-3-804. Application for identification card -- Required information -- Release
             185      of anatomical gift information.
             186          (1) To apply for an identification card, the applicant shall:
             187          (a) be a Utah resident;
             188          (b) have a Utah residence address; and
             189          (c) appear in person at any license examining station.
             190          (2) The applicant shall provide the following information to the division:
             191          (a) true and full legal name and Utah residence address;
             192          (b) date of birth as set forth in a certified copy of the applicant's birth certificate, or
             193      other satisfactory evidence of birth, which shall be attached to the application;
             194          (c) Social Security number;
             195          (d) place of birth;
             196          (e) height and weight;
             197          (f) color of eyes and hair;
             198          (g) between July 1, 2002 and July 1, 2007, race in accordance with the categories
             199      established by the United States Census Bureau;
             200          (h) signature;
             201          (i) photograph; [and]
             202          (j) an indication whether the applicant intends to make an anatomical gift under Title
             203      26, Chapter 28, Uniform Anatomical Gift Act[.]; and
             204          (k) an indication whether the applicant is a military veteran and does or does not
             205      authorize sharing the information with the state Division of Veterans' Affairs.
             206          (3) The requirements of Section 53-3-234 apply to this section for each person, age 16
             207      and older, applying for an identification card. Refusal to consent to the release of information
             208      shall result in the denial of the identification card.
             209          (4) An applicant may not be denied an identification card for refusing to provide race
             210      information required under Subsection (2)(g).
             211          Section 3. Section 53-3-805 is amended to read:
             212           53-3-805. Identification card -- Contents -- Specifications.
             213          (1) The division shall issue an identification card that:

             214          (a) provides all the information contained in the application, except the identification
             215      card may not bear the applicant's:
             216          (i) Social Security number; and
             217          (ii) place of birth;
             218          (b) contains a photograph of the applicant; and
             219          (c) contains a facsimile of the applicant's signature.
             220          (2) (a) The card shall be of an impervious material, resistant to wear, damage, and
             221      alteration.
             222          (b) Except as provided under Section 53-3-806 , the size, form, and color of the card is
             223      prescribed by the commissioner.
             224          (3) At the applicant's request, the card may include a statement that the applicant has a
             225      special medical problem or allergies to certain drugs, for the purpose of medical treatment.
             226          (4) (a) The indication of intent under Subsection 53-3-804 (2)(j) shall be authenticated
             227      by the applicant in accordance with division rule.
             228          (b) (i) Notwithstanding Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             229      Management Act, the division may, upon request, release to an organ procurement
             230      organization, as defined in Section 26-28-2 , the names and addresses of all persons who under
             231      Subsection 53-3-804 (2)(j) indicate that they intend to make an anatomical gift.
             232          (ii) An organ procurement organization may use released information only to:
             233          (A) obtain additional information for an anatomical gift registry; and
             234          (B) inform applicants of anatomical gift options, procedures, and benefits.
             235          (5) Notwithstanding Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             236      Management Act, the division may release to the Division of Veterans' Affairs the names and
             237      addresses of all persons who indicate their status as a veteran under Subsection 53-3-804 (2)(k).
             238          [(5)] (6) The division and its employees are not liable, as a result of false or inaccurate
             239      information provided under Subsection 53-3-804 (2)(j) or (k), for direct or indirect:
             240          (a) loss;
             241          (b) detriment; or
             242          (c) injury.
             243          Section 4. Section 71-8-3 is amended to read:
             244           71-8-3. Duties of director -- Services to veterans.

             245          The director shall:
             246          (1) be responsible for the administration and the operation or support of the following
             247      veteran-related operations:
             248          (a) beginning July 1, 2002, Utah State Veterans' Nursing Home and Programs;
             249          (b) beginning July 1, 2001, Utah State Veterans' Cemetery and Memorial Park;
             250          (c) Veterans' Preference Law as defined in Section 71-10-1 ;
             251          (d) any locally or federally funded programs for homeless veterans within the state; and
             252          (e) any federally funded education services for veterans within the state;
             253          (2) maintain liaison with local, state, and federal veterans' agencies and with Utah
             254      veterans' organizations;
             255          (3) provide current information so that veterans, their surviving spouses and family
             256      members, and Utah veterans' organizations will be aware of benefits to which they are, or may
             257      become, entitled;
             258          (4) reach out and assist veterans and their families in applying for benefits and
             259      services;
             260          [(4)] (5) develop and maintain a system for determining how many veterans are
             261      employed by the various government entities within the state and keeping track of them; and
             262          [(5)] (6) cooperate with other state entities in the receipt of information to create and
             263      maintain[, as completely as possible,] a record of veterans in Utah.
             264          Section 5. Appropriation.
             265          There is appropriated S. [ $100,000 ] $50,000 .S from the General Fund for fiscal year
             265a      2006-07 only, to
             266      the Division of Veterans' Affairs to provide outreach and assistance services for veterans
             267      throughout the state.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-7-06 12:10 PM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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