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H.B. 436
This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 11:05 AM by ddonat. --> 1
9 General Description:
10 This bill modifies boundaries of certain legislative districts to conform with the
11 boundary change between Salt Lake County and Utah County.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 . modifies a portion of the common boundary between Senate District 9 and Senate
15 District 11 to make it consistent with the new county boundary; and
16 . modifies a portion of the common boundary between House District 27 and House
17 District 51 to make it consistent with the new county boundary.
18 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
19 None
20 Other Special Clauses:
21 H. [
22 Utah Code Sections Affected:
24 36-1-101, as enacted by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, Second Special Session
25 36-1-103, as enacted by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, Second Special Session
26 36-1-201, as enacted by Chapter 1, Laws of Utah 2001, Second Special Session
27 36-1-202, as enacted by Chapter 1, Laws of Utah 2001, Second Special Session
29 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30 Section 1. Section 36-1-101 is amended to read:
31 36-1-101. Utah State Senate -- District boundaries.
32 (1) As used in this chapter:
33 (a) "New county boundary" means the adjusted common boundary between Salt Lake
34 County and Utah County as certified by the lieutenant governor on December 29, 2005.
35 (b) "Old county boundary" means the common boundary between Salt Lake County
36 and Utah County before the boundary change certified by the lieutenant governor on December
37 29, 2005.
38 (c) "Southwestern intersection" means the western-most three way intersection of the
39 old county boundary, the new county boundary, and the boundary separating Senate District 9
40 and Senate District 11.
41 [
42 elected from each Utah State Senate district.
43 [
44 the Bureau of the Census of the United States Department of Commerce developed in
45 connection with the taking of the 2000 national decennial census as the official data for
46 establishing Senate district boundaries.
47 (b) [
48 Senate districts are designated and established by the maps attached to the bill that enacts this
49 section.
50 (4) Because of the new county boundary separating Salt Lake County and Utah County,
51 the boundary separating Senate District 9 and Senate District 11 that followed the old county
52 boundary is changed to follow the new county boundary eastward from the southwestern
53 intersection to the point where the existing boundary of Senate District 9 turns north from the
54 old county boundary.
55 Section 2. Section 36-1-103 is amended to read:
56 36-1-103. Official maps of Senate districts.
57 (1) (a) The Legislature shall file copies of the official maps enacted by the Legislature,
58 and any other relevant data, with the lieutenant governor's office.
59 (b) [
60 are contained in the official maps on file with the lieutenant governor's office.
61 (2) Because of the new county boundary separating Salt Lake County and Utah County,
62 the boundary separating Senate District 9 and Senate District 11 that followed the old county
63 boundary is changed to follow the new county boundary eastward from the southwestern
64 intersection to the point where the existing boundary of Senate District 9 turns north from the
65 old county boundary.
66 [
67 official maps on file in the lieutenant governor's office shall serve as the indication of the
68 legislative intent in drawing the Senate district boundaries.
69 [
70 county from the lieutenant governor's office.
71 (b) Each county clerk shall establish voting precincts and polling places within each
72 Senate district according to the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303 .
73 [
74 Internet at the lieutenant governor's website.
75 Section 3. Section 36-1-201 is amended to read:
76 36-1-201. Utah House of Representatives -- District boundaries.
77 (1) The Utah House of Representatives shall consist of 75 members, with one member
78 to be elected from each Utah House of Representatives district.
79 (2) (a) The Legislature adopts the official census population figures and maps of the
80 Bureau of the Census of the United States Department of Commerce developed in connection
81 with the taking of the 2000 national decennial census as the official data for establishing House
82 district boundaries.
83 (b) [
84 House districts are designated and established by the maps attached to the bill that enacts this
85 section.
86 (3) Because of the new county boundary separating Salt Lake County and Utah County,
87 the boundary separating House District 51 and House District 27 that follows the old county
88 boundary is changed to follow the new county boundary.
89 Section 4. Section 36-1-202 is amended to read:
90 36-1-202. Official maps of House districts.
91 (1) (a) The Legislature shall file copies of the official maps enacted by the Legislature,
92 and any other relevant materials, with the lieutenant governor's office.
93 (b) [
94 are contained in the official maps on file with the lieutenant governor's office.
95 (2) Because of the H. [
95a County and Utah
96 County, the boundary separating House District 51 and House District 27 that follows the old
97 county boundary is changed to follow the new county boundary.
98 [
99 official maps on file in the lieutenant governor's office shall serve as the indication of the
100 legislative intent in drawing the House district boundaries.
101 [
102 county from the lieutenant governor's office.
103 (b) Each county clerk shall establish voting precincts and polling places within each
104 House district according to the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303 .
105 [
106 Internet at the lieutenant governor's website.
106a H. Section 5. Effective date.
106b If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect
106c upon approval by the governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah
106d Constitution Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's signature, or in the case of a veto,
106e the date of veto override. .H
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-8-06 11:56 AM
Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.