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H.B. 11 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Ann W. Hardy

Senate Sponsor: Beverly Ann Evans

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Utah State Retirement and Insurance Benefit Act to make certain
             10      technical and administrative amendments.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    amends purchase of retirement service credit in the Utah State Retirement System:
             14              .    for employment in a private school based in the United States, the purchase is
             15      allowed only if the member received an employer paid retirement benefit for the
             16      employment;
             17              .    to include public employment in a territory of the United States; and
             18              .    by requiring payments to be made to the retirement system in which the member
             19      is currently covered;
             20          .    requires that a court order on the distribution of benefits be made within 12 months
             21      of the death of the member;
             22          .    requires rather than allows the Consumer Price Index used in calculating annual
             23      cost-of-living adjustments in the Public Employees' Noncontributory Retirement
             24      System to be a United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index
             25      average as determined by the board;
             26          .    requires the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program to provide for health
             27      insurance coverage for state employees who receive a disability benefit rather than
             28      provide a waiver of the cost of the coverage;
             29          .    clarifies that a member's spouse at the time of death is entitled to the spouse's

             30      allowance upon the death of a governor or legislator receiving a retirement allowance;
             31          .    changes from a participating employer to a risk pool as the entity that may elect to
             32      provide a waiver for its employees for health insurance coverage; and
             33          .    makes technical changes.
             34      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             35          None
             36      Other Special Clauses:
             37          None
             38      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             39      AMENDS:
             40          49-11-403, as last amended by Chapter 116, Laws of Utah 2005
             41          49-11-612, as last amended by Chapter 118, Laws of Utah 2004
             42          49-12-102, as last amended by Chapter 240, Laws of Utah 2003
             43          49-13-102, as last amended by Chapter 240, Laws of Utah 2003
             44          49-13-407, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 250, Laws of Utah 2002
             45          49-14-203, as last amended by Chapter 176, Laws of Utah 2005
             46          49-19-501, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 250, Laws of Utah 2002
             47          49-20-409, as enacted by Chapter 116, Laws of Utah 2005
             49      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             50          Section 1. Section 49-11-403 is amended to read:
             51           49-11-403. Purchase of public service credit not otherwise qualifying for benefit.
             52          (1) A member, a participating employer, or a member and a participating employer
             53      jointly may purchase service credit equal to the period of the member's employment in the
             54      following:
             55          (a) United States federal employment;
             56          (b) employment in a private school based in the United States, if the member received
             57      an employer paid retirement benefit for the employment;

             58          (c) public employment in another state or territory of the United States which qualifies
             59      the member for membership in the public plan or system covering the employment, but only if
             60      the member does not qualify for any retirement benefits based on the employment;
             61          (d) forfeited service credit in this state if the member does not qualify for an allowance
             62      based on the service credit;
             63          (e) full-time public service while on an approved leave of absence;
             64          (f) the period of time for which disability benefits were paid if:
             65          (i) the member was receiving:
             66          (A) long-term disability benefits;
             67          (B) short-term disability benefits; or
             68          (C) worker's compensation disability benefits; and
             69          (ii) the member's employer had not entered into a benefit protection contract under
             70      Section 49-11-404 during the period the member was disabled due to sickness or accident; or
             71          (g) employment covered by a Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America
             72      retirement plan if the member forfeits any retirement benefit from that retirement plan for the
             73      period of employment to be purchased under this Subsection (1)(g).
             74          (2) A member shall have:
             75          (a) at least four years of service credit before a purchase can be made under this
             76      section; and
             77          (b) forfeited service credit under any other retirement system or plan based on the
             78      [public] employment for which service credit is being purchased.
             79          (3) (a) To purchase credit under this section, the member, a participating employer, or a
             80      member and a participating employer jointly shall make payment to the system [in an] under
             81      which the member is currently covered.
             82          (b) The amount of the payment shall be determined by the office based on a formula
             83      that is:
             84          (i) recommended by the actuary; and
             85          (ii) adopted by the board.

             86          (4) The purchase may be made through payroll deductions or through a lump sum
             87      deposit based upon the present value of future payments.
             88          (5) Total payment must be completed prior to the member's effective date of retirement
             89      or service credit will be prorated in accordance with the amount paid.
             90          (6) (a) If any of the factors used to determine the cost of a service credit purchase
             91      change at or before the member's retirement date, the cost of the purchase shall be recalculated
             92      at the time of retirement.
             93          (b) If the recalculated cost exceeds the amount paid for the purchase, the member, a
             94      participating employer, or a member and a participating employer jointly may:
             95          (i) pay the increased cost, plus interest, to receive the full amount of service credit; or
             96          (ii) not pay the increased cost and have the purchased service credit prorated.
             97          (7) If the recalculated cost under Subsection (6) is less than the amount paid for the
             98      purchase, the office shall refund the excess payment to the member or participating employer
             99      who paid for the purchase.
             100          (8) (a) The board may adopt rules under which a member may make the necessary
             101      payments to the office for purchases under this title as permitted by federal law.
             102          (b) The office may reject any payments if the office determines the tax status of the
             103      system, plans, or programs would be jeopardized by allowing the payment.
             104          Section 2. Section 49-11-612 is amended to read:
             105           49-11-612. Nonassignability of benefits or payments -- Exemption from legal
             106      process.
             107          (1) Except as provided in Subsections (2), (3), and (4), the right of any member, retiree,
             108      participant, or beneficiary to any retirement benefit, retirement payment, or any other
             109      retirement right accrued or accruing under this title and the assets of the funds created by this
             110      title are not subject to alienation or assignment by the member, retiree, participant, or their
             111      beneficiaries and are not subject to attachment, execution, garnishment, or any other legal or
             112      equitable process.
             113          (2) The office may, upon the request of the retiree, deduct from the retiree's allowance

             114      insurance premiums or other dues payable on behalf of the retiree, but only to those entities
             115      that have received the deductions prior to February 1, 2002.
             116          (3) (a) The office shall provide for the division of an allowance, defined contribution
             117      account, continuing monthly death benefit, or refund of member contributions upon
             118      termination to former spouses and family members under an order of a court of competent
             119      jurisdiction with respect to domestic relations matters on file with the office.
             120          (b) The court order shall specify the manner in which the allowance, defined
             121      contribution account, continuing monthly death benefit, or refund of member contributions
             122      shall be partitioned, whether as a fixed amount or as a percentage of the benefit.
             123          (c) Allowances, continuing monthly death benefits, and refunds of member
             124      contributions split under a domestic relations order are subject to the following:
             125          (i) the amount to be paid or the period for which payments shall be made under the
             126      original domestic relations order may not be altered if the alteration affects the actuarial
             127      calculation of the allowance;
             128          (ii) payments to an alternate payee shall begin at the time the member or beneficiary
             129      begins receiving payments; and
             130          (iii) the alternate payee shall receive payments in the same form as allowances received
             131      by the member or beneficiary.
             132          (d) A court order under this section may not be issued more than 12 months after the
             133      death of the member.
             134          (4) In accordance with federal law, the board may deduct the required amount from any
             135      benefit, payment, or other right accrued or accruing to any member of a system, plan, or
             136      program under this title to offset any amount that member owes to a system, plan, or program
             137      administered by the board.
             138          (5) The board shall make rules to implement this section.
             139          Section 3. Section 49-12-102 is amended to read:
             140           49-12-102. Definitions.
             141          As used in this chapter:

             142          (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(c),"compensation" means the total amount
             143      of payments made by a participating employer to a member of this system for services rendered
             144      to the participating employer, including:
             145          (i) bonuses;
             146          (ii) cost-of-living adjustments;
             147          (iii) other payments currently includable in gross income and that are subject to Social
             148      Security deductions, including any payments in excess of the maximum amount subject to
             149      deduction under Social Security law;
             150          (iv) amounts that the member authorizes to be deducted or reduced for salary deferral
             151      or other benefits authorized by federal law; and
             152          (v) member contributions.
             153          (b) "Compensation" for purposes of this chapter may not exceed the amount allowed
             154      under Internal Revenue Code, Section 401(a)(17).
             155          (c) "Compensation" does not include:
             156          (i) the monetary value of remuneration paid in kind, including a residence or use of
             157      equipment;
             158          (ii) the cost of any employment benefits paid for by the participating employer;
             159          (iii) compensation paid to a temporary employee, an exempt employee, or an employee
             160      otherwise ineligible for service credit;
             161          (iv) any payments upon termination, including accumulated vacation, sick leave
             162      payments, severance payments, compensatory time payments, or any other special payments; or
             163          (v) any allowances or payments to a member for costs or expenses paid by the
             164      participating employer, including automobile costs, uniform costs, travel costs, tuition costs,
             165      housing costs, insurance costs, equipment costs, and dependent care costs.
             166          (d) The executive director may determine if a payment not listed under this Subsection
             167      (1) falls within the definition of compensation.
             168          (2) "Final average salary" means the amount computed by averaging the highest five
             169      years of annual compensation preceding retirement subject to Subsections (2)(a), (b), (c), and

             170      (d).
             171          (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), the percentage increase in annual
             172      compensation in any one of the years used may not exceed the previous year's compensation by
             173      more than 10% plus a cost-of-living adjustment equal to the decrease in the purchasing power
             174      of the dollar during the previous year, as measured by a United States Bureau of Labor
             175      Statistics Consumer Price Index average as determined by the board.
             176          (b) In cases where the participating employer provides acceptable documentation to the
             177      office, the limitation in Subsection (2)(a) may be exceeded if:
             178          (i) the member has transferred from another agency; or
             179          (ii) the member has been promoted to a new position.
             180          (c) If the member retires more than six months from the date of termination of
             181      employment, the member is considered to have been in service at the member's last rate of pay
             182      from the date of the termination of employment to the effective date of retirement for purposes
             183      of computing the member's final average salary only.
             184          (d) If the member has less than five years of service credit in this system, final average
             185      salary means the average annual compensation paid to the member during the full period of
             186      service credit.
             187          (3) "Participating employer" means an employer which meets the participation
             188      requirements of Sections 49-12-201 and 49-12-202 .
             189          (4) (a) "Regular full-time employee" means an employee whose term of employment
             190      for a participating employer contemplates continued employment during a fiscal or calendar
             191      year and whose employment normally requires an average of 20 hours or more per week,
             192      except as modified by the board, and who receives benefits normally provided by the
             193      participating employer.
             194          (b) "Regular full-time employee" includes:
             195          (i) a teacher whose term of employment for a participating employer contemplates
             196      continued employment during a school year and who teaches half-time or more [or];
             197          (ii) a classified school employee whose employment normally requires an average of

             198      20 hours per week or more for a participating employer, regardless of benefits provided;
             199          [(ii)] (iii) an officer, elective or appointive, who earns during the first full month of the
             200      term of office $500 or more, indexed as of January 1, 1990, as provided in Section 49-12-407 ;
             201          [(iii)] (iv) a faculty member or employee of an institution of higher education who is
             202      considered full-time by that institution of higher education; and
             203          [(iv)] (v) an individual who otherwise meets the definition of this Subsection (4) who
             204      performs services for a participating employer through an employee leasing or similar
             205      arrangement.
             206          (5) "System" means the Public Employees' Contributory Retirement System created
             207      under this chapter.
             208          (6) "Years of service credit" means:
             209          (a) a period, consisting of 12 full months as determined by the board;
             210          (b) a period determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a
             211      regular full-time employee performed services for a participating employer, including any time
             212      the regular full-time employee was absent on a paid leave of absence granted by a participating
             213      employer or was absent in the service of the United States government on military duty as
             214      provided by this chapter; or
             215          (c) the regular school year consisting of not less than eight months of full-time service
             216      for a regular full-time employee of an educational institution.
             217          Section 4. Section 49-13-102 is amended to read:
             218           49-13-102. Definitions.
             219          As used in this chapter:
             220          (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(c), "compensation" means the total
             221      amount of payments made by a participating employer to a member of this system for services
             222      rendered to the participating employer, including:
             223          (i) bonuses;
             224          (ii) cost-of-living adjustments;
             225          (iii) other payments currently includable in gross income and that are subject to Social

             226      Security deductions, including any payments in excess of the maximum amount subject to
             227      deduction under Social Security law; and
             228          (iv) amounts that the member authorizes to be deducted or reduced for salary deferral
             229      or other benefits authorized by federal law.
             230          (b) "Compensation" for purposes of this chapter may not exceed the amount allowed
             231      under Internal Revenue Code, Section 401(a)(17).
             232          (c) "Compensation" does not include:
             233          (i) the monetary value of remuneration paid in kind, including a residence or use of
             234      equipment;
             235          (ii) the cost of any employment benefits paid for by the participating employer;
             236          (iii) compensation paid to a temporary employee, an exempt employee, or an employee
             237      otherwise ineligible for service credit;
             238          (iv) any payments upon termination, including accumulated vacation, sick leave
             239      payments, severance payments, compensatory time payments, or any other special payments; or
             240          (v) any allowances or payments to a member for costs or expenses paid by the
             241      participating employer, including automobile costs, uniform costs, travel costs, tuition costs,
             242      housing costs, insurance costs, equipment costs, and dependent care costs.
             243          (d) The executive director may determine if a payment not listed under this Subsection
             244      (1) falls within the definition of compensation.
             245          (2) "Final average salary" means the amount computed by averaging the highest three
             246      years of annual compensation preceding retirement subject to the following:
             247          (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), the percentage increase in annual
             248      compensation in any one of the years used may not exceed the previous year's compensation by
             249      more than 10% plus a cost-of-living adjustment equal to the decrease in the purchasing power
             250      of the dollar during the previous year, as measured by a United States Bureau of Labor
             251      Statistics Consumer Price Index average as determined by the board.
             252          (b) In cases where the participating employer provides acceptable documentation to the
             253      office, the limitation in Subsection (2)(a) may be exceeded if:

             254          (i) the member has transferred from another agency; or
             255          (ii) the member has been promoted to a new position.
             256          (c) If the member retires more than six months from the date of termination of
             257      employment and for purposes of computing the member's final average salary only, the
             258      member is considered to have been in service at his last rate of pay from the date of the
             259      termination of employment to the effective date of retirement.
             260          (3) "Participating employer" means an employer which meets the participation
             261      requirements of Sections 49-13-201 and 49-13-202 .
             262          (4) (a) "Regular full-time employee" means an employee whose term of employment
             263      for a participating employer contemplates continued employment during a fiscal or calendar
             264      year and whose employment normally requires an average of 20 hours or more per week,
             265      except as modified by the board, and who receives benefits normally provided by the
             266      participating employer.
             267          (b) "Regular full-time employee" includes:
             268          (i) a teacher whose term of employment for a participating employer contemplates
             269      continued employment during a school year and who teaches half-time or more [or];
             270          (ii) a classified school employee whose employment normally requires an average of
             271      20 hours per week or more for a participating employer, regardless of benefits provided;
             272          [(ii)] (iii) an officer, elective or appointive, who earns during the first full month of the
             273      term of office $500 or more, indexed as of January 1, 1990, as provided in Section 49-13-407 ;
             274          [(iii)] (iv) a faculty member or employee of an institution of higher education who is
             275      considered full-time by that institution of higher education; and
             276          [(iv)] (v) an individual who otherwise meets the definition of this Subsection (4) who
             277      performs services for a participating employer through an employee leasing or similar
             278      arrangement.
             279          (5) "System" means the Public Employees' Noncontributory Retirement System.
             280          (6) "Years of service credit" means:
             281          (a) a period, consisting of 12 full months as determined by the board;

             282          (b) a period determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a
             283      regular full-time employee performed services for a participating employer, including any time
             284      the regular full-time employee was absent on a paid leave of absence granted by a participating
             285      employer or was absent in the service of the United States government on military duty as
             286      provided by this chapter; or
             287          (c) the regular school year consisting of not less than eight months of full-time service
             288      for a regular full-time employee of an educational institution.
             289          Section 5. Section 49-13-407 is amended to read:
             290           49-13-407. Annual cost-of-living adjustment.
             291          (1) The office shall make an annual cost-of-living adjustment to:
             292          (a) an original allowance paid under Section 49-13-402 or 49-13-405 , if the allowance
             293      has been paid for at least one year; and
             294          (b) an original payment made to an alternate payee under a domestic relations order, if
             295      the payment is to be paid as a percentage of the allowance rather than a specific dollar amount.
             296          (2) (a) The original allowance shall be increased by the annual increase in the
             297      Consumer Price Index up to a maximum of 4%.
             298          (b) Annual increases in the Consumer Price Index in excess of 4% shall be
             299      accumulated and used in subsequent adjustments when the annual increase in the Consumer
             300      Price Index is less than 4%.
             301          (3) The Consumer Price Index used in calculating adjustments [may] shall be a United
             302      States Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index average as determined by the board.
             303          (4) The cost-of-living adjustment made under this section may not decrease the
             304      allowance.
             305          Section 6. Section 49-14-203 is amended to read:
             306           49-14-203. Exemption of certain employees from coverage.
             307          (1) A public safety service employee serving as the Commissioner of Public Safety, or
             308      as the elected or appointed sheriff or chief of police of a public safety organization, is excluded
             309      from coverage under this system if that public safety service employee files a formal written

             310      request seeking exemption.
             311          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the public safety service employee may not
             312      continue employment with the same participating employer and receive an allowance from the
             313      office based on public safety service at the same time.
             314          (3) The Commissioner of Public Safety or an elected sheriff who is eligible to retire
             315      under Section 49-14-401 may:
             316          (a) retire from this system and receive an allowance;
             317          (b) continue in the elected or appointed position; and
             318          (c) file for the exemption under Subsection (1).
             319          Section 7. Section 49-19-501 is amended to read:
             320           49-19-501. Death of member or retiree -- Surviving spouse benefit.
             321          (1) Upon the death of a governor or legislator who has not yet retired and who has
             322      completed four or more years in the elected office, the member's spouse at the time of death
             323      shall receive an allowance equal to 50% of the allowance to which the governor or legislator
             324      would have been entitled upon reaching age 65, if the governor or legislator and surviving
             325      spouse had been married at least six months.
             326          (2) Upon the death of a governor or legislator receiving an allowance under this plan,
             327      the member's spouse at the time of death is entitled to an allowance equal to 50% of the
             328      allowance being paid to the member at the time of death.
             329          Section 8. Section 49-20-409 is amended to read:
             330           49-20-409. Long-term disability -- Cost of health coverage waiver.
             331          (1) Under the direction of the board, the program shall provide [a waiver of the cost of]
             332      for health insurance coverage for state employees who receive a monthly disability benefit
             333      under Title 49, Chapter 21, Public Employees' Long-Term Disability Act.
             334          (2) A [participating employer] risk pool, other than the state risk pool, may elect to
             335      provide a waiver for its employees similar to the waiver provided under Subsection (1).

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