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H.B. 204 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Peggy Wallace

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool Act.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    removes the term "low cost" from the purpose statement for the high risk pool; and
             14          .    amends language regarding coinsurance and maximum out-of-pocket payments for
             15      prescription benefits.
             16      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             17          None
             18      Other Special Clauses:
             19          None
             20      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             21      AMENDS:
             22          31A-29-102, as enacted by Chapter 232, Laws of Utah 1990
             23          31A-29-114, as last amended by Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2004
             25      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             26          Section 1. Section 31A-29-102 is amended to read:
             27           31A-29-102. Purpose.
             28          The purpose of the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool Act is to provide [low cost]
             29      access to health insurance coverage to residents of Utah who are denied adequate health

             30      insurance and are considered uninsurable.
             31          Section 2. Section 31A-29-114 is amended to read:
             32           31A-29-114. Deductibles -- Copayments.
             33          (1) (a) A pool policy shall impose a deductible on a per calendar year basis.
             34          (b) At least two deductible plans shall be offered.
             35          (c) The deductible is applied to all of the eligible medical expenses as defined in
             36      Section 31A-29-113 , incurred by the enrollee until the deductible has been satisfied. There are
             37      no benefits payable before the deductible has been satisfied.
             38          (d) The pool may offer separate deductibles for prescription benefits.
             39          (2) (a) A mandatory coinsurance requirement shall be imposed at the rate of at least
             40      20%, except for a qualified high deductible health plan, of eligible medical expenses in excess
             41      of the mandatory deductible.
             42          (b) Any coinsurance imposed under this Subsection (2) shall be designated in the pool
             43      policy.
             44          (3) The board shall establish maximum aggregate out-of-pocket payments for eligible
             45      medical expenses incurred by the enrollee for each of the deductible plans offered under
             46      Subsection (1)(b).
             47          (4) (a) When the enrollee has incurred the maximum aggregate out-of-pocket payments
             48      under Subsection (3), the board may establish a coinsurance requirement to be imposed on
             49      eligible medical expenses in excess of the maximum aggregate out-of-pocket expense.
             50          (b) The circumstances in which the coinsurance authorized by this Subsection (4) may
             51      be imposed shall be designated in the pool policy.
             52          (c) The coinsurance authorized by this Subsection (4) may be imposed at a rate not to
             53      exceed 5% of eligible medical expenses.
             54          (5) The limits on maximum aggregate out-of-pocket payments for eligible medical
             55      expenses incurred by the enrollee under this section [shall] may not include out-of-pocket
             56      payments for prescription benefits.

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