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H.B. 210 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Larry B. Wiley

Senate Sponsor: Gene Davis

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies provisions related to county ordinances.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    reduces from three to one the number of copies of an ordinance book or a general
             13      revision of county ordinances printed in book form that the county must file in the
             14      county clerk's office in order to adopt the ordinance or revision by making reference
             15      to the ordinance book or general revision;
             16          .    reduces from three to one the number of copies of a book of building construction
             17      codes that a county must file in the county clerk's office in order to adopt an
             18      ordinance establishing rules and regulations for the construction of buildings and
             19      related matters by making reference to the code book; and
             20          .    makes technical changes.
             21      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          17-53-208, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 133, Laws of Utah 2000
             29      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

             30          Section 1. Section 17-53-208 is amended to read:
             31           17-53-208. Ordinances -- Effective dates -- Publication -- Adoption of ordinances
             32      printed in book form.
             33          (1) The enacting clause of all ordinances of the county legislative body shall be as
             34      follows: "The County Legislative Body of ______________County ordains as follows:".
             35          (2) Every ordinance shall be signed by the chair of the county legislative body and
             36      attested by the clerk. On the passage of all ordinances the votes of the several members of the
             37      county legislative body shall be entered on the minutes, and all ordinances shall be entered at
             38      length in the ordinance book.
             39          (3) (a) No ordinance passed by the county legislative body may take effect within less
             40      than 15 days after its passage.
             41          (b) The legislative body of each county adopting an ordinance shall, before the
             42      ordinance may take effect:
             43          (i) deposit a copy of the ordinance in the office of the county clerk; and
             44          (ii) (A) publish a short summary of the ordinance, together with a statement that a
             45      complete copy of the ordinance is available at the county clerk's office and with the name of the
             46      members voting for and against the ordinance, for at least one publication in:
             47          (I) a newspaper published in and having general circulation in the county, if there is
             48      one; or
             49          (II) if there is none published in the county, in a newspaper of general circulation
             50      within the county; or
             51          (B) post a complete copy of the ordinance in nine public places within the county.
             52          (4) Any ordinance printed by authority of the county legislative body in book form or
             53      electronic media, or any general revision of county ordinances printed in book form or
             54      electronic media, may be adopted by an ordinance making reference to [such] the printed
             55      ordinance or revision if [not less than three copies of such] a copy of the ordinance or revision
             56      [are] is filed in the office of the county clerk at the time of adoption for use and examination by
             57      the public.

             58          (5) Ordinances establishing rules and regulations, printed as a code in book form or
             59      electronic media, for the construction of buildings, the installation of plumbing, the installation
             60      of electric wiring, or other related or similar work[, where such rules and regulations have been
             61      printed as a code in book form,] may be adopted by reference to [such codes] the code book if
             62      [not less than three copies thereof are] a copy of the code book is filed in the office of the
             63      county clerk at the time of the adoption of [such] the ordinance for use and examination by the
             64      public.
             65          (6) Ordinances that in the opinion of the county legislative body are necessary for the
             66      immediate preservation of the peace, health, or safety of the county and the county's inhabitants
             67      may, if so provided in the ordinance, take effect immediately upon publication in one issue of a
             68      newspaper published in and having general circulation in the county, if there is one, and if there
             69      is none published in the county, then immediately after posting at the courthouse door.
             70          (7) An ordinance may take effect at a later date than provided in this section, if the
             71      ordinance so provides.
             72          (8) An order entered in the minutes of the county legislative body that an ordinance has
             73      been duly published or posted shall be prima facie proof of [such] the publication or posting.

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