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H.B. 316 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: David Ure

Senate Sponsor: Howard A. Stephenson

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Administrative Rulemaking Act regarding agency action on
             11      petitions for rule changes.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    changes the earliest date when a state agency may make a proposed rule effective;
             15          .    defines "initiate rulemaking proceedings" for purposes of agency action on a
             16      petition to make, amend, or repeal an administrative rule;
             17          .    modifies the time limit for an agency to either deny a petition to make, amend, or
             18      repeal a rule or to initiate rulemaking proceedings based on the petition; and
             19          .    authorizes a petitioner to appeal an agency's failure to act on or deny a petition.
             20      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             21          None
             22      Other Special Clauses:
             23          None
             24      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             25      AMENDS:
             26          63-46a-4, as last amended by Chapter 48, Laws of Utah 2005
             27          63-46a-12, as last amended by Chapter 241, Laws of Utah 1987
             29      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

             30          Section 1. Section 63-46a-4 is amended to read:
             31           63-46a-4. Rulemaking procedure.
             32          (1) An agency authorized to make rules is also authorized to amend or repeal those
             33      rules.
             34          (2) Except as provided in Sections 63-46a-6 and 63-46a-7 , when making, amending, or
             35      repealing a rule agencies shall comply with:
             36          (a) the requirements of this section;
             37          (b) consistent procedures required by other statutes;
             38          (c) applicable federal mandates; and
             39          (d) rules made by the division to implement this chapter.
             40          (3) Subject to the requirements of this chapter, each agency shall develop and use
             41      flexible approaches in drafting rules that meet the needs of the agency and that involve persons
             42      affected by the agency's rules.
             43          (4) (a) Each agency shall file its proposed rule and rule analysis with the division.
             44          (b) Rule amendments shall be marked with new language underlined and deleted
             45      language struck out.
             46          (c) (i) The division shall publish the information required under this Subsection (4) on
             47      the rule analysis and the text of the proposed rule in the next issue of the bulletin.
             48          (ii) For rule amendments, only the section or subsection of the rule being amended
             49      need be printed.
             50          (iii) If the director determines that the rule is too long to publish, the director shall
             51      publish the rule analysis and shall publish the rule by reference to a copy on file with the
             52      division.
             53          (5) Prior to filing a rule with the division, the department head shall consider and
             54      comment on the fiscal impact a rule may have on businesses.
             55          (6) The rule analysis shall contain:
             56          (a) a summary of the rule or change;
             57          (b) the purpose of the rule or reason for the change;

             58          (c) the statutory authority or federal requirement for the rule;
             59          (d) the anticipated cost or savings to:
             60          (i) the state budget;
             61          (ii) local governments; and
             62          (iii) other persons;
             63          (e) the compliance cost for affected persons;
             64          (f) how interested persons may review the full text of the rule;
             65          (g) how interested persons may present their views on the rule;
             66          (h) the time and place of any scheduled public hearing;
             67          (i) the name and telephone number of an agency employee who may be contacted
             68      about the rule;
             69          (j) the name of the agency head or designee who authorized the rule;
             70          (k) the date on which the rule may become effective following the public comment
             71      period; and
             72          (l) comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on
             73      businesses.
             74          (7) (a) For a rule being repealed and reenacted, the rule analysis shall contain a
             75      summary that generally includes the following:
             76          (i) a summary of substantive provisions in the repealed rule which are eliminated from
             77      the enacted rule; and
             78          (ii) a summary of new substantive provisions appearing only in the enacted rule.
             79          (b) The summary required under this Subsection (7) is to aid in review and may not be
             80      used to contest any rule on the ground of noncompliance with the procedural requirements of
             81      this chapter.
             82          (8) A copy of the rule analysis shall be mailed to all persons who have made timely
             83      request of the agency for advance notice of its rulemaking proceedings and to any other person
             84      who, by statutory or federal mandate or in the judgment of the agency, should also receive
             85      notice.

             86          (9) (a) Following the publication date, the agency shall allow at least 30 days for public
             87      comment on the rule.
             88          (b) The agency shall review and evaluate all public comments submitted in writing
             89      within the time period under Subsection (9)(a) or presented at public hearings conducted by the
             90      agency within the time period under Subsection (9)(a).
             91          (10) (a) Except as provided in Sections 63-46a-6 and 63-46a-7 , a proposed rule
             92      becomes effective on any date specified by the agency that is no fewer than [30] seven calendar
             93      days after the close of the public comment period under Subsection (9), nor more than 120 days
             94      after the publication date.
             95          (b) The agency shall provide notice of the rule's effective date to the division in the
             96      form required by the division.
             97          (c) The notice of effective date may not provide for an effective date prior to the date it
             98      is received by the division.
             99          (d) The division shall publish notice of the effective date of the rule in the next issue of
             100      the bulletin.
             101          (e) A proposed rule lapses if a notice of effective date or a change to a proposed rule is
             102      not filed with the division within 120 days of publication.
             103          Section 2. Section 63-46a-12 is amended to read:
             104           63-46a-12. Interested parties -- Petition for agency action.
             105          (1) As used in this section, "initiate rulemaking proceedings" means the filing, for the
             106      purposes of publication in accordance with Subsection 63-46a-4 (4), of an agency's proposed
             107      rule to implement a petition for the making, amendment, or repeal of a rule as provided in this
             108      section.
             109          [(1)] (2) An interested person may petition an agency [requesting] to request the
             110      making, amendment, or repeal of a rule.
             111          [(2)] (3) The division shall prescribe by rule the form for petitions and the procedure
             112      for their submission, consideration, and disposition.
             113          [(3)] (4) A statement shall accompany the proposed rule, or proposed amendment or

             114      repeal of a rule, demonstrating that the proposed action is within the jurisdiction of the agency
             115      and appropriate to the powers of the agency.
             116          [(4)] (5) Within [30] 60 days after submission of a petition, the agency shall either
             117      deny the petition in [a] writing, stating its reasons for the denial, or initiate rulemaking
             118      proceedings [in accordance with Section 63-46a-4 ].
             119          (6) (a) If the petition is submitted to a board that has been granted rulemaking authority
             120      by the Legislature, the board shall, within 45 days of the submission of the petition, place the
             121      petition on its agenda for review.
             122          (b) Within 80 days of the submission of the petition, the board shall either:
             123          (i) deny the petition in writing stating its reasons for denial; or
             124          (ii) initiate rulemaking proceedings.
             125          (7) If the agency or board has not provided the petitioner written notice that the agency
             126      has denied the petition or initiated rulemaking proceedings within the time limitations specified
             127      in Subsection (5) or (6) respectively, the petitioner may seek a writ of mandamus in state
             128      district court.

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