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H.B. 1

             2          2006 GENERAL SESSION
             3          STATE OF UTAH
             4          Chief Sponsor: Ron Bigelow
             5          Senate Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard
             6      .....................................................................
             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:

             9          This bill supplements or reduces appropriations previously provided for the use and
             10      operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005 and ending June 30, 2006.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain state agencies;
             14          .    provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain institutions of
             15      higher education;
             16          .    provides budget increases and decreases for other purposes as described;
             17          .    provides intent language.
             18      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             19          This bill appropriates for fiscal year 2006:
             20          .    $39,543,900 from the General Fund;
             21          .    $5,200,000 from income tax revenue;
             22          .    $18,756,600 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          This bill takes effect immediately.
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26          ENACTS UNCODIFIED MATERIAL
             27      .....................................................................
             28      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             29          Section 1. Under the terms and conditions of Section 63-38-3, the following sums of money
             30      are appropriated from resources not otherwise appropriated, or reduced from amounts previously
             31      appropriated, out of the funds or fund accounts indicated for the use and support of the government

             32      of the State of Utah for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005 and ending June 30, 2006. This is an
             33      addition to or a subtraction from amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2006.
             34      Executive Offices & Criminal Justice
             35      Governor's Office
             36      Item 1    To Governor's Office - Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
             37      From General Fund, One-time    225,000
                  38      Schedule of Programs:
             39      Demographic and Economic Analysis    25,000
             40      State and Local Planning    200,000
             41      Attorney General
             42      Item 2    To Attorney General
             43      From Federal Funds    22,600
                  44      Schedule of Programs:
             45      Child Protection    5,300
             46      Public Advocacy    17,300
             47      Item 3    To Attorney General - Contract Attorneys
             48      From General Fund, One-time    1,526,100
                  49      Schedule of Programs:
             50      Contract Attorneys    1,526,100
             51      Utah Department of Corrections
             52      Item 4    To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations
             53          It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of
             54      Institutional Operations may add up to three vehicles beyond
             55      the authorized level to address changes in the rules governing
             56      the number of passengers permitted in 12-passenger vans. The
             57      new vehicles will be purchased using non-lapsing funds. The
             58      authorization is effective beginning in FY06 and any added
             59      vehicles will be reviewed and approved by the Legislature in
             60      the next Legislative session.
             61      Item 5    To Utah Department of Corrections - Utah Correctional Industries
             62          It is the intent of the Legislature that: the Utah Correctional
             63      Industries' Internal Service Fund may add up to three vehicles
             64      beyond the authorized level if new business opportunities
             65      present themselves; any increases in costs will be paid for out
             66      of UCI profits; and any added vehicles will be reviewed and
             67      approved by the Legislature in the next Legislative Session.
             68      Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
             69      Item 6    To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice

             70      Services - Programs and Operations
             71      From General Fund, One-time    833,100
             72      From Revenue Transfers - Medicaid    (833,100)
             73      Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
             74      Item 7    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Jury and Witness
             75      Fees
             76      From General Fund, One-time    127,600
                  77      Schedule of Programs:
             78      Jury, Witness, and Interpreter    127,600
             79      Department of Public Safety
             80      Item 8    To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
             81      From General Fund, One-time    2,161,000
                  82      Schedule of Programs:
             83      Department Commissioner's Office    1,366,200
             84      Aero Bureau    394,800
             85      Highway Patrol - Field Operations    400,000
             86      Capital Facilities & Administrative Services
             87      Capitol Preservation Board
             88      Item 9    To Capitol Preservation Board
             89          It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Capitol
             90      Preservation Board shall not lapse and that those funds shall be
             91      used for design, construction, or one-time administrative costs
             92      associated with the Capitol restoration.
             93      Department of Administrative Services
             94      Item 10    To Department of Administrative Services - Executive Director
             95          It is the intent of the Legislature that the FY 2005
             96      appropriation for the Office of Child Welfare Parental Defense
             97      shall not lapse and that those funds shall be used for
             98      contracting.
             99      Item 11    To Department of Administrative Services - Finance
             100      Administration
             101          It is the intent of the Legislature that funds provided for an
             102      actuarial study of post-employment benefits shall not lapse and
             103      shall be used for that purpose.
             104      Item 12    To Department of Administrative Services - Finance - Mandated
             105          It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated to
             106      implement provisions of Unused Sick Leave at Retirement
             107      Amendments (H.B. 213, 2005 General Session) shall not lapse.

             108      Department of Administrative Services Internal Service Funds
             109      Item 13    To Department of Administrative Services - Division of
             110      Purchasing and General Services
             111          It is the intent of the Legislature that proceeds from the
             112      privatization and sale of Copy Services equipment be returned
             113      to the Division of Purchasing and General Services, less a
             114      negotiated fee to cover the Surplus Property costs for
             115      processing and handling.
             116      Item 14    To Department of Administrative Services - Risk Management
             117      From Risk Management Internal Service Fund    (2,500,000)
                  118      Schedule of Programs:
             119      ISF - Risk Management Administration    (2,500,000)
             120          It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Risk
             121      Management be allowed to increase their number of vehicles
             122      by 1. The division is authorized to transfer the necessary funds
             123      to the Division of Fleet Operations.
             124      Department of Human Resources Management
             125      Item 15    To Department of Human Resources Management - Human
             126      Resource Management
             127      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    30,000
             128      From Lapsing Balance    (30,000)
                  129      Schedule of Programs:
             130      Administration    30,000
             131      Management Training and Development    (30,000)
             132          It is the intent of the Legislature that pursuant to UCA
             133      67-19-6(3)(b)(ii) the appropriation of $30,000 from Dedicated
             134      Credits come from funds in the Training and Development
             135      Program and that these funds be used for a market
             136      comparability study.
             137      Capital Budget
             138      Item 16    To Capital Budget - Capital Development
             139      From General Fund, One-time    590,000
                  140      Schedule of Programs:
             141      CPB State Capitol Building    590,000
             142      Item 17    To Capital Budget - Capital Improvements
             143      From Risk Management Internal Service Fund    2,500,000
                  144      Schedule of Programs:
             145      Capital Improvements    2,500,000

             146          It is the intent of the Legislature that $2,500,000
             147      reallocated from Risk Management retained earnings be used
             148      for capital improvements that mitigate life and safety hazards
             149      on state buildings.
             150      Department of Technology Services
             151      Item 18    To Department of Technology Services - Chief Information
             152      Officer
             153          The Legislature intends that funds provided for the
             154      Department of Technology Services - Chief Information
             155      Officer in Items 56 and 57 of Supplemental Appropriations Act
             156      II (S.B. 3, 2005 General Session) shall not lapse.
             157      Item 19    To Department of Technology Services - Integrated Technology
             158      Division
             159          The Legislature intends that funds provided for the
             160      Department of Technology Services - Integrated Technology
             161      Division - Automated Geographic Reference Center in Items
             162      58 and 59 of Supplemental Appropriations Act II (S.B. 3, 2005
             163      General Session) shall not lapse.
             164      Department of Technology Services Internal Service Funds
             165      Item 20    To Department of Technology Services - Operations
             166          The Legislature intends that, under the terms and
             167      conditions of Utah Code Annotated 63-38-8.2, $838,500 in
             168      capital outlay authority granted to the Department of
             169      Technology Services for Fiscal Year 2006 shall not lapse. The
             170      Legislature intends that this authority will be used for the
             171      following projects: Asset Management ($85,000),
             172      RACF/UMD Integration ($112,500), Intrusion Prevention
             173      Services ($120,000), Unattended Install/System Imaging
             174      ($150,000), LAN Infrastructure Upgrades ($71,000), Storage
             175      Virtualization ($300,000).
             176      Restricted Revenue - Capital Facilities & Administrative Services
             177      Item 21    To Project Reserve Fund
             178      From Capital Project Fund - Contingency Reserve    1,500,000
                  179      Schedule of Programs:
             180      Project Reserve Fund    1,500,000
             181      Commerce & Revenue
             182      Labor Commission
             183      Item 22    To Labor Commission

             184          Under the terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code
             185      Annotated, Item 60 of H. B. 1, 2005 General Session, is made
             186      non-lapsing with the use of any non-lapsing funds limited to
             187      the following: $50,000 for computer equipment and software.
             188      Department of Commerce
             189      Item 23    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
             190          Under the terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code
             191      Annotated, up to $100,000 of Item 61 is non-lapsing for the
             192      purpose of rebuilding its Uniform Commercial Code Online
             193      Filing System.
             194          Funding appropriated to implement Amendments Related to
             195      Pornographic and Harmful Materials
(H. B. 260, 2005
             196      General Session) is non-lapsing.
             197      Insurance Department
             198      Item 24    To Insurance Department - Insurance Department Administration
             199          Under the terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code
             200      Annotated, up to $130,000 of Item 65 of H. B. 1, Annual
             201      Appropriations Act 2005 General Session, is made
             202      non-lapsing. Of that amount, $120,000 is for computer
             203      equipment and software and $10,000 is for employee training.
             204      Economic Development
             205      Department of Community and Culture
             206      Item 25    To Department of Community and Culture - Administration
             207      From General Fund, One-time    (151,600)
                  208      Schedule of Programs:
             209      Executive Director    90,000
             210      Information Technology    (193,700)
             211      Administrative Services    (47,900)
             212      Item 26    To Department of Community and Culture - Indian Affairs
             213      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    7,100
                  214      Schedule of Programs:
             215      Indian Affairs    7,100
             216      Item 27    To Department of Community and Culture - Housing and
             217      Community Development
             218      From General Fund, One-time    (23,300)
             219      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    434,800
                  220      Schedule of Programs:
             221      Ethnic Office    (23,300)

             222      Community Assistance    70,000
             223      HEAT    211,800
             224      Commission on Volunteers    153,000
             225      Governor's Office of Economic Development
             226      Item 28    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Business
             227      Development
             228      From General Fund, One-time    239,900
                  229      Schedule of Programs:
             230      Administration    239,900
             231      Restricted Revenue - Economic Development
             232      Item 29    To Industrial Assistance Fund
             233      From General Fund, One-time    3,479,400
                  234      Schedule of Programs:
             235      Industrial Assistance Fund    3,479,400
             236      Health & Human Services
             237      Department of Health
             238      Item 30    To Department of Health - Executive Director's Operations
             239      From General Fund, One-time    70,000
                  240      Schedule of Programs:
             241      Medical Examiner    70,000
             242          It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Office of
             243      the Medical Examiner be nonlapsing.
             244      Item 31    To Department of Health - Health Systems Improvement
             245          It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated for
             246      assistance for people with bleeding disorders be nonlapsing.
             247      Item 32    To Department of Health - Epidemiology and Laboratory Services
             248      From General Fund, One-time    319,900
                  249      Schedule of Programs:
             250      Director's Office    319,900
             251          It is the intent of the Legislature that additional funds
             252      appropriated for FY 2006 to Epidemiology and Laboratory
             253      Services for equipment be nonlapsing.
             254          Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends
             255      to make nonlapsing, item 92, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2005.
             256      Expenditure of these funds is limited to $200,000 for
             257      laboratory equipment, computer equipment and/or software,
             258      and building improvements.
             259      Item 33    To Department of Health - Medical Assistance

             260      From General Fund, One-time    14,123,100
             261      From Federal Funds    22,908,400
                  262      Schedule of Programs:
             263      Medicaid Base Program    37,031,500
             264          It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated to
             265      address the impact of the implementation of Medicare Part D
             266      be nonlapsing.
             267      Department of Human Services
             268      Item 34    To Department of Human Services - Executive Director
             269      Operations
             270      From General Fund, One-time    736,700
             271      From Federal Funds    (518,600)
             272      From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (218,100)
             273          If funds are available, the Foster Care Citizens Review
             274      Board is authorized to not lapse funds at the end of FY 2006.
             275      These funds are to be used solely for one-time development,
             276      maintenance, and upgrading of computer software and
             277      equipment for recruitment, training and retention of volunteers.
             278      Item 35    To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse
             279      and Mental Health
             280      From General Fund, One-time    358,700
             281      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    34,600
             282      From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    38,900
                  283      Schedule of Programs:
             284      State Hospital    432,200
             285      Item 36    To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family
             286      Services
             287      From General Fund, One-time    10,241,900
             288      From Federal Funds    (3,496,100)
             289      From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (6,037,800)
                  290      Schedule of Programs:
             291      Out-of-Home Care    708,000
             292      Higher Education
             293      University of Utah
             294      Item 37    To University of Utah - Education and General
             295      From Income Tax, One-time    2,299,600
                  296      Schedule of Programs:
             297      Education and General    2,299,600

             298      Utah State University
             299      Item 38    To Utah State University - Education and General
             300      From Income Tax, One-time    1,200,000
                  301      Schedule of Programs:
             302      Education and General    1,200,000
             303      Weber State University
             304      Item 39    To Weber State University - Education and General
             305      From Income Tax, One-time    385,900
                  306      Schedule of Programs:
             307      Education and General    385,900
             308      Southern Utah University
             309      Item 40    To Southern Utah University - Education and General
             310      From Income Tax, One-time    494,600
                  311      Schedule of Programs:
             312      Education and General    494,600
             313      Dixie State College of Utah
             314      Item 41    To Dixie State College of Utah - Education and General
             315      From Income Tax, One-time    149,600
                  316      Schedule of Programs:
             317      Education and General    149,600
             318      College of Eastern Utah
             319      Item 42    To College of Eastern Utah - Education and General
             320      From Income Tax, One-time    19,400
                  321      Schedule of Programs:
             322      Education and General    19,400
             323      Utah Valley State College
             324      Item 43    To Utah Valley State College - Education and General
             325      From Income Tax, One-time    160,600
                  326      Schedule of Programs:
             327      Education and General    160,600
             328      Salt Lake Community College
             329      Item 44    To Salt Lake Community College - Education and General
             330      From Income Tax, One-time    290,300
                  331      Schedule of Programs:
             332      Education and General    290,300
             333      State Board of Regents
             334      Item 45    To State Board of Regents - Student Aid
             335      From Income Tax, One-time    200,000

                  336      Schedule of Programs:
             337      Utah Centennial Opportunity Program for Education    200,000
             338      Natural Resources
             339      Department of Natural Resources
             340      Item 46    To Department of Natural Resources - Watershed
             341          It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated to
             342      the Department of Natural Resources for watershed be
             343      nonlapsing.
             344      Item 47    To Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire and State
             345      Lands
             346      From General Fund, One-time    3,650,000
             347      From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land Management    480,000
                  348      Schedule of Programs:
             349      Fire Suppression    4,110,000
             350      Program Delivery Cooperators    20,000
             351          It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation from
             352      the GFR Sovereign Land Management Account be nonlapsing.
             353      Item 48    To Department of Natural Resources - Oil, Gas and Mining
             354      From General Fund Restricted - Oil & Gas Conservation Account    120,000
                  355      Schedule of Programs:
             356      Oil and Gas Conservation    120,000
             357          In accordance with the building block approved in 2005
             358      General Session for the Oil and Gas Conservation Program, it
             359      is the intent of the Legislature to allow the Division of Oil, Gas
             360      and Mining to expand its motorpool fleet by 2 vehicles in FY
             361      2006.
             362      Item 49    To Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Resources
             363      From General Fund, One-time    100,000
             364      From General Fund Restricted - Wolf Depredation and Management    8,000
                  365      Schedule of Programs:
             366      Administrative Services    8,000
             367      Wildlife Section    100,000
             368      Item 50    To Department of Natural Resources - Predator Control
             369      From General Fund, One-time    (100,000)
                  370      Schedule of Programs:
             371      Predator Control    (100,000)
             372      Item 51    To Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation
             373      From General Fund Restricted - Boating    100,000

             374      From General Fund Restricted - Off-highway Vehicle    200,000
                  375      Schedule of Programs:
             376      Park Operations    300,000
             377      Item 52    To Department of Natural Resources - Utah Geological Survey
             378      From General Fund, One-time    (50,000)
             379      From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease    345,300
                  380      Schedule of Programs:
             381      Geologic Hazards    50,200
             382      Geologic Mapping    58,600
             383      Energy and Minerals    141,500
             384      Environmental    45,000
             385      Item 53    To Department of Natural Resources - Water Resources
             386      From Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund    63,000
                  387      Schedule of Programs:
             388      Construction    63,000
             389      Item 54    To Department of Natural Resources - Water Rights
             390      From General Fund, One-time    250,000
                  391      Schedule of Programs:
             392      Administration    250,000
             393          It is the intent of the Legislature that the $250,000
             394      appropriated for distribution automation be nonlapsing.
             395      Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office
             396      Item 55    To Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office
             397      From General Fund, One-time    (250,000)
                  398      Schedule of Programs:
             399      Public Lands Coordination    (250,000)
             400          It is the intent of the Legislature that the Public Land
             401      Policy Coordinating Office be allowed to purchase two
             402      vehicles in FY 2006.
             403          It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation to
             404      the Public Land Policy Coordinating Office be nonlapsing.
             405      Department of Agriculture and Food
             406      Item 56    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Administration
             407      From General Fund, One-time    400,000
                  408      Schedule of Programs:
             409      General Administration    400,000
             410          It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation for
             411      Utahs Own be non-lapsing.

             412          It is the intent of the Legislature to approve redistribution
             413      of $355,000 from the funding authorized by the 2005
             414      Legislature in S.B.3 Item 203 to be nonlapsing, according to
             415      UCA 63-38-8.1, to be used for special projects.
             416          It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department may
             417      not spend any of the $500,000 one-time appropriation for the
             418      Grazing Improvement Program for grazing improvements on
             419      federal or private lands unless the Department receives
             420      matching private or federal funds at least equal to the amount
             421      to be expended by the Department from the appropriation.
             422      School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
             423      Item 57    To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
             424      From Land Grant Management Fund    2,252,000
                  425      Schedule of Programs:
             426      Minerals    50,000
             427      Surface    60,000
             428      Development - Operating    132,000
             429      Forestry and Grazing    10,000
             430      Development - Capital    2,000,000
             431      Public Education
             432      State Board of Education
             433      Item 58    To State Board of Education - State Office of Education
             434          It is the intent of the Legislature that the General Fund
             435      revenue appropriated in FY 2006 to support the Carson Smith
             436      Special Needs Scholarship Program shall not lapse.
             437      Item 59    To State Board of Education - State Charter School Board
             438          It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of
             439      Education use any remaining one-time Uniform School Fund
             440      revenue appropriated in FY 2006 to provide for charter school
             441      start-up grants be used in FY 2007 to provide charter school
             442      start-up grants.
             443      Item 60    To State Board of Education - School for the Deaf and Blind
             444      From Beginning Nonlasping Balances - Minimum School Program    745,600
                  445      Schedule of Programs:
             446      Instructional Services    745,600
             447      Transportation & Environmental Quality
             448      Utah National Guard
             449      Item 61    To Utah National Guard

             450      From General Fund, One-time    243,500
                  451      Schedule of Programs:
             452      Armory Maintenance    243,500
             453          Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
             454      Item 205 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2005 is made nonlapsing
             455      with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the following:
             456      Armory Maintenance - $50,000
             457      Department of Transportation
             458      Item 62    To Department of Transportation - Support Services
             459      From Transportation Fund    (27,600)
                  460      Schedule of Programs:
             461      Administrative Services    (27,600)
             462          Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
             463      Item 210 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2005 is made nonlapsing
             464      with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the following:
             465      Data Processing - $100,000
             466      Item 63    To Department of Transportation - Engineering Services
             467      From Transportation Fund    112,100
             468      From Federal Funds    123,600
                  469      Schedule of Programs:
             470      Preconstruction Administration    96,500
             471      Construction Management    139,200
             472          Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
             473      Item 211 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2005 is made nonlapsing
             474      with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the following:
             475      Engineering Services - $100,000
             476      Item 64    To Department of Transportation - Operations/Maintenance
             477      Management
             478      From Transportation Fund    (285,700)
             479      From Transportation Fund, One-time    600,000
             480      From Federal Funds    (75,200)
                  481      Schedule of Programs:
             482      Maintenance Administration    239,100
             483          Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
             484      Item 212 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2005 is made nonlapsing
             485      with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the following:
             486      Contractual Maintenance - $100,000 Land and Buildings
             487      (environmental clean up) - $200,000 Land Purchases -

             488      $500,000
             489      Item 65    To Department of Transportation - Region Management
             490      From Transportation Fund    217,500
             491      From Federal Funds    (48,400)
                  492      Schedule of Programs:
             493      Region 2    169,100
             494          Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
             495      Item 214 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2005 is made nonlapsing
             496      with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the following:
             497      Region Management - $100,000
             498      Item 66    To Department of Transportation - Equipment Management
             499      From Transportation Fund    (16,300)
                  500      Schedule of Programs:
             501      Shops    (16,300)
             502          Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
             503      Item 215 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2005 is made nonlapsing
             504      with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the following:
             505      Equipment Purchases - $100,000
             506      Legislature
             507      Item 67    To Legislature - House of Representatives
             508      From General Fund, One-time    150,000
                  509      Schedule of Programs:
             510      Administration    150,000
             511      Item 68    To Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General
             512      Counsel
             513      From General Fund, One-time    292,900
                  514      Schedule of Programs:
             515      Administration    292,900
             516      Section 2. Effective Date.
             517          If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect upon
             518      approval by the Governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah Constitution
             519      Article VII, Section 8 without the Governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the date of override.

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