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H.B. 23






Chief Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper

Senate Sponsor: Thomas V. Hatch

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends the chapter relating to the Office of Child Welfare Parental Defense in
             11      the Utah Administrative Services Code.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    defines terms;
             15          .    provides that the executive director of the Department of Administrative Services
             16      serves as the director of the Office of Child Welfare Parental Defense if the
             17      executive director does not appoint a director;
             18          .    describes the duties of the director of the Office of Child Welfare Parental Defense;
             19          .    provides that the Office of Child Welfare Parental Defense may enter into a contract
             20      for the provision of assistance, advice, and training to parental defense attorneys;
             21          .    provides that the Office of Child Welfare Parental Defense and a county may, in
             22      their discretion, enter into a contract for the office to provide parental defense
             23      attorney services directly to the county;
             24          .    provides that the Child Welfare Parental Defense Fund is a nonlapsing, restricted
             25      special revenue fund;
             26          .    provides that the Child Welfare Parental Defense Fund may be used for reasonable
             27      training and travel expenses directly related to the functioning of the Office of Child

             28      Welfare Parental Defense; and
             29          .    makes technical changes.
             30      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             31          None
             32      Other Special Clauses:
             33          None
             34      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             35      AMENDS:
             36          63A-11-102, as enacted by Chapter 356, Laws of Utah 2004
             37          63A-11-104, as enacted by Chapter 356, Laws of Utah 2004
             38          63A-11-105, as enacted by Chapter 356, Laws of Utah 2004
             39          63A-11-203, as enacted by Chapter 356, Laws of Utah 2004
             40          63A-11-204, as enacted by Chapter 356, Laws of Utah 2004
             42      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             43          Section 1. Section 63A-11-102 is amended to read:
             44           63A-11-102. Definitions.
             45          For purposes of this chapter:
             46          (1) "Child welfare case" means a proceeding under Title 78, Chapter 3a, [Juvenile
             47      Courts,] Part 3, Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Proceedings or 4, Termination of Parental
             48      Rights Act.
             49          (2) "Contracted parental defense attorney" means [an attorney or law firm authorized to
             50      practice law in Utah] a parental defense attorney who is under contract with the office to
             51      provide parental defense in child welfare cases.
             52          (3) "Director" means the director of the office.
             53          (4) "Fund" means the Child Welfare Parental Defense Fund established in Section
             54      63A-11-203 .
             55          (5) "Office" means the Office of Child Welfare Parental Defense created in Section
             56      63A-11-103 .
             57          (6) "Parental defense attorney" means an attorney, law firm, or group of attorneys who:
             58          (a) are authorized to practice law in Utah; and

             59          (b) provide legal representation under contract with the office, or a county in the state,
             60      to a parent who is a party in a child welfare case.
             61          Section 2. Section 63A-11-104 is amended to read:
             62           63A-11-104. Office director -- Appointment -- Duties -- Staff.
             63          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2):
             64          (a) The executive director of the department shall appoint the director of the office
             65      with the approval of the governor.
             66          (b) The director shall be an attorney licensed to practice law in the state.
             67          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), if the executive director does not appoint a
             68      director of the office, the executive director:
             69          (a) shall be the director of the office;
             70          (b) is not required to be an attorney;
             71          (c) may not engage in the practice of law, unless the executive director is an attorney
             72      licensed to practice law in the state; and
             73          (d) may not receive a salary from the state in excess of the salary established for the
             74      executive director by the governor under Section 67-22-2 .
             75          [(2)] (3) The director shall:
             76          (a) administer and enforce this chapter[.]; and
             77          (b) manage the operation and budget of the office.
             78          [(3)] (4) The director may employ staff.
             79          Section 3. Section 63A-11-105 is amended to read:
             80           63A-11-105. Office -- Duties, functions, and responsibilities.
             81          (1) The duties, functions, and responsibilities of the office include the following:
             82          [(1) to develop and enter into contracts with attorneys authorized to practice law in the
             83      state, as independent contractors, to serve as parental defense attorneys;]
             84          [(2)] (a) to provide assistance and advice to [contracted] parental defense attorneys;
             85          [(3)] (b) to develop and provide educational and training programs for [contracted]
             86      parental defense attorneys; and
             87          [(4)] (c) to provide information and advice to assist [contracted] parental defense
             88      attorneys to comply with their professional, contractual, and ethical duties.
             89          (2) The director may contract with a qualified person to fulfill the requirements of

             90      Subsection (1).
             91          (3) The office may develop and enter into contracts with attorneys authorized to
             92      practice law in the state, as independent contractors, to serve as parental defense attorneys.
             93          Section 4. Section 63A-11-203 is amended to read:
             94           63A-11-203. Child Welfare Parental Defense Fund -- Creation.
             95          (1) There is created a nonlapsing, restricted special revenue fund known as the "Child
             96      Welfare Parental Defense Fund."
             97          (2) Subject to availability, the director may make distributions from the fund as
             98      required in this chapter for the following purposes:
             99          (a) to pay for the representation, costs, expert witness fees, and expenses of contracted
             100      parental defense attorneys who are under contract with the office to provide parental defense in
             101      child welfare cases for the indigent parent or parents that are the subject of a petition alleging
             102      abuse, neglect, or dependency; [and]
             103          (b) for administrative costs pursuant to this chapter[.]; and
             104          (c) for reasonable expenses directly related to the functioning of the office, including
             105      training and travel expenses.
             106          (3) The fund consists of:
             107          (a) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature;
             108          (b) interest and earnings from the investment of fund monies;
             109          (c) proceeds deposited by participating counties pursuant to Section 63A-11-204 ; and
             110          (d) private contributions to the Child Welfare Parental Defense Fund.
             111          (4) The state treasurer shall invest the money in the fund by following the procedures
             112      and requirements of Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act.
             113          (5) (a) If the director anticipates a deficit in the fund during any fiscal year:
             114          (i) the director shall request an appropriation from the Legislature; and
             115          (ii) the Legislature may fund the anticipated deficit through appropriation but is not
             116      required to fund the deficit.
             117          (b) If the anticipated deficit is not funded by the Legislature, the director may request
             118      an interim assessment to participating counties to fund the anticipated deficit.
             119          Section 5. Section 63A-11-204 is amended to read:
             120           63A-11-204. Agreements for coverage by the Child Welfare Parental Defense

             121      Fund -- Eligibility -- County and state obligations -- Termination -- Revocation.
             122          (1) A county legislative body and the office may annually enter into a written
             123      agreement [with the office] for the office to provide [for payment of] parental defense attorney
             124      [costs] services in the county out of the Child Welfare Parental Defense Fund.
             125          (2) An agreement [for payment of parental defense costs from the fund] described in
             126      Subsection (1) shall provide that the county shall pay into the fund an amount defined by a
             127      formula established in rule by the office.
             128          (3) (a) [Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), after] After the first year of operation
             129      of the fund, any county that elects to initiate participation in the fund, or reestablish
             130      participation in the fund after participation was terminated, shall be required to make an equity
             131      payment, in addition to the assessment provided in Subsection (2).
             132          (b) The amount of the equity payment described in Subsection (3)(a) shall be
             133      determined by the office [in accordance with office rules] pursuant to rules established by the
             134      office under Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             135          (4) The agreement shall provide for revocation of the agreement for failure to pay
             136      assessments on the due date established by rule.
             137          (5) Any county that elects to withdraw from participation in the fund, or whose
             138      participation in the fund is revoked due to failure to pay its assessments when due, shall forfeit
             139      any right to any previously paid assessments by the county or coverage from the fund.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 9-2-05 8:47 AM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Interim Committee Note
    as of 12-16-05 8:12 AM

The Health and Human Services Interim Committee recommended this bill.

Legislative Committee Note
    as of 12-16-05 8:12 AM

The Child Welfare Legislative Oversight Panel recommended this bill.

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