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H.B. 67






Chief Sponsor: Stephen H. Urquhart

Senate Sponsor: Dan R. Eastman

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Election Code by amending provisions for registration and voting
             11      by certain military and overseas citizen voters.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    allows military and overseas voters who are currently deployed in hostile fire zones
             15      or areas where mail service is reliable to register, obtain an absentee ballot, and vote
             16      through electronic transmission;
             17          .    provides definitions for the federal postcard application form and hostile fire zones;
             18          .    requires the eligible voters to file the federal postcard application form no later than
             19      20 days before the day of the election;
             20          .    provides procedures for the electronic transmission and receipt of forms and ballots
             21      by the county clerks;
             22          .    requires the eligible voters to waive their right to a secret ballot and to affirm that
             23      they are currently deployed in a hostile fire zone or other area where the mail
             24      service is unreliable; and
             25          .    makes technical changes.
             26      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             27          None

             28      Other Special Clauses:
             29          None
             30      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             31      AMENDS:
             32          20A-3-403, as enacted by Chapter 1, Laws of Utah 1993
             33      ENACTS:
             34          20A-3-408.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             37          Section 1. Section 20A-3-403 is amended to read:
             38           20A-3-403. Definitions.
             39          As used in this part:
             40          (1) (a) "Ballot," "disabled voter's ballot" and "official Utah military ballot" means the
             41      same ballots that will be submitted to and used by other voters of Utah at the primary or
             42      general election.
             43          (b) "Ballot" includes any official federal ballot provided by any Act of Congress to
             44      allow voting by voters in the military service of the United States.
             45          (2) "Federal postcard application form" means the form created by the Federal Voting
             46      Assistance Program (FVAP) which allows military and overseas citizens to register to vote and
             47      apply for an absentee ballot.
             48          (3) "Hostile fire zone" means a geographical area in which forces are assigned on
             49      official temporary duty and placed in imminent danger of being exposed to hostile fire or
             50      explosion of hostile mines.
             51          [(2)] (4) "Military voter" means each person who is qualified as a voter under the Utah
             52      Constitution and laws or who is eligible for registration and who would, by registration, be
             53      qualified to vote, and who is:
             54          (a) a member of the armed forces of the United States while in the active service or is
             55      the spouse or dependent of that member;
             56          (b) a member of the merchant marine of the United States or is the spouse or dependent
             57      of that member;
             58          (c) a civilian employee of the United States in all categories who is serving outside the

             59      territorial limits of the United States whether or not the employee is subject to the civil service
             60      laws and the Classification Act of 1949, and whether or not the employee is paid from funds
             61      appropriated by the Congress or is the spouse or dependent of that member when residing with
             62      or accompanying them; and
             63          (d) a member of religious groups or welfare agencies assisting members of the armed
             64      forces, who is officially attached to and serving with the armed forces, or is the spouse or
             65      dependent of that member.
             66          [(3)] (5) "Overseas citizen voter" means:
             67          (a) a member of the armed forces of the United States while in the active service or the
             68      spouse or dependent of that member;
             69          (b) a member of the merchant marines of the United States or the spouse or dependent
             70      of that member; and
             71          (c) a citizen of the United States residing outside the territorial limits of the United
             72      States or the spouse or dependent of that member when residing with them or accompanying
             73      them.
             74          Section 2. Section 20A-3-408.5 is enacted to read:
             75          20A-3-408.5. Electronic registration and voting by military and overseas citizen
             76      voters in a hostile fire zone -- Procedures for accepting and processing a federal postcard
             77      application form -- Returned ballot.
             78          (1) A military voter, an overseas citizen voter, or other voter covered under the federal
             79      Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) shall be allowed to
             80      transmit their federal postcard application form electronically to the county clerk in their
             81      county of residence if the voter is currently deployed in:
             82          (a) a hostile fire zone; or
             83          (b) other area where the mail service is unreliable and not sufficient to accommodate
             84      timely mail service.
             85          (2) A voter covered under Subsection (1), shall file the federal postcard application
             86      form no later than 20 days before the day of the election in accordance with Subsection
             87      20A-3-304 (3)(a)(ii).
             88          (3) Upon receiving a federal postcard application form under this section a county clerk
             89      shall review the federal postcard application form to verify:

             90          (a) compliance with this section; and
             91          (b) that the form has been properly completed and signed.
             92          (4) Upon a determination of compliance under Subsection (3), a county clerk shall:
             93          (a) register the voter, unless the voter is already registered;
             94          (b) process the absentee ballot request; and
             95          (c) electronically transmit a ballot to the voter who filed the federal postcard
             96      application form.
             97          (5) A voter who receives a ballot under this section may transmit the ballot
             98      electronically to the county clerk in their county of residence if the voter:
             99          (a) agrees to waive the right to a secret ballot in accordance with this section; and
             100          (b) affirms in writing that the voter is currently deployed in:
             101          (i) a hostile fire zone; or
             102          (ii) other area where the mail service is unreliable and not sufficient to accommodate
             103      timely mail service.
             104          (6) The electronically transmitted ballot shall be accompanied by the following
             105      statements: "I understand that by electronically transmitting my voted ballot I am voluntarily
             106      waiving my right to a secret ballot. Signature of voter ________________ Date _______"; and
             107          "I affirm that I am currently deployed in a hostile fire zone" or
             108          "I affirm that I am currently deployed in an area where mail service is unreliable and not
             109      sufficient to accommodate timely mail service."
             110          (7) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsections (5) and (6), the completed ballot
             111      transmitted under this section is considered a private record under Title 63, Chapter 2,
             112      Government Records Access and Management Act.
             113          (8) A ballot transmitted under Subsection (5) shall be:
             114          (a) transmitted no later than the date that is one day before the election day in
             115      accordance with Section 20A-3-406 ; and
             116          (b) received by the county clerk before the date of the official canvass in accordance
             117      with Subsection 20A-3-306 (2)(b).
             118          (9) Upon the receipt of an electronically transmitted ballot under this section, a county
             119      clerk shall:
             120          (a) verify the voter's signature from the federal postcard application form and ensure

             121      that it matches the voter's signature on the return ballot;
             122          (b) duplicate the electronically transmitted ballot onto a regular ballot used by the
             123      county for resident voters; and
             124          (c) maintain the electronically transmitted ballot for 22 months in accordance with
             125      Subsection 20A-4-202 (2).

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-29-05 2:27 PM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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