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H.B. 144






Chief Sponsor: Gregory H. Hughes

Senate Sponsor: Darin G. Peterson

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill provides for a death benefit, tuition waiver, and utility allowance for families
             11      of National Guard members under specific circumstances.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    provides for a lump sum payment of $500,000 to the surviving spouse or children, if
             15      no spouse, of a member of the National Guard killed in action;
             16          .    creates a "utility allowance" of $200 per month for families of National Guard
             17      members who have been deployed; and
             18          .    waives the tuition at state institutions of higher education for surviving dependents
             19      of National Guard members killed in action.
             20      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             21          None
             22      Other Special Clauses:
             23          None
             24      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             25      AMENDS:
             26          39-1-59, as last amended by Chapter 210, Laws of Utah 1988
             27      ENACTS:

             28          39-1-65, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             29          39-1-66, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             31      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             32          Section 1. Section 39-1-59 is amended to read:
             33           39-1-59. Compensation for injury or death.
             34          (1) If any officer or enlisted [person] member of the National Guard is wounded,
             35      injured, or otherwise disabled[, or is killed or dies of wounds or injuries received] while
             36      serving on state or federal active duty, under orders of competent authority and not as a result
             37      of [his] the member's own misconduct, the [person, the surviving spouse, children, or any
             38      dependent relatives,] member shall receive from the state relief as the Legislature determines.
             39      [However, in these cases the]
             40          (a) The member shall, [surviving spouse, children, or any dependent relatives, upon]
             41      after investigation by a board of inquiry appointed by the commander in chief, the findings and
             42      recommendations of which shall be filed with the state auditor for the action of the Board of
             43      Examiners, [shall] receive temporary compensation from the state, out of funds appropriated
             44      for the maintenance of the National Guard, as determined by the Board of Examiners until the
             45      next regular session of the Legislature. [This]
             46          (b) The compensation may not exceed the rates of pay provided for officers and
             47      enlisted persons in this chapter.
             48          (2) If any officer or enlisted member of the National Guard is killed or dies of wounds
             49      or injuries received while serving on federal or state active duty, under orders of competent
             50      authority and not as a result of the member's own misconduct, the member's surviving spouse
             51      or, if no spouse, minor children shall receive a lump sum payment from the state in the amount
             52      of $500,000.
             53          Section 2. Section 39-1-65 is enacted to read:
             54          39-1-65. Utility allowance for families of deployed members.
             55          If a member of the National Guard is called into active service on behalf of the state or
             56      the United States, an allowance of $200 per month shall be allotted to the member's immediate
             57      family for the payment of utilities. Eligible utilities are natural or propane gas, electricity,
             58      water, sewer, and trash service.

             59          Section 3. Section 39-1-66 is enacted to read:
             60          39-1-66. Tuition benefits for surviving dependents.
             61          (1) If any officer or enlisted member of the National Guard is killed or dies of wounds
             62      or injuries received while serving on federal or state active duty, under orders of competent
             63      authority and not as a result of the member's own misconduct, a state institution of higher
             64      education shall waive undergraduate tuition for that member's dependents under the following
             65      conditions:
             66          (a) the dependent has been accepted by the institution in accordance with the
             67      institution's admissions guidelines;
             68          (b) the dependent is a resident student as determined under Section 53B-8-102 ;
             69          (c) the dependent may not have already completed a course of studies leading to an
             70      undergraduate degree; and
             71          (d) the dependent may not utilize the waiver for more than eight semesters.
             72          (2) The tuition waiver in this section is applicable for undergraduate study only.
             73          (3) The adjutant general shall certify to the institution that the dependent is a surviving
             74      dependent eligible for the tuition waiver.
             75          (4) The waiver in this section does not apply to fees, books, or housing expenses.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-27-05 9:10 AM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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