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H.B. 146






Chief Sponsor: DeMar Bud Bowman

Senate Sponsor: Carlene M. Walker

             7      Cosponsor:Paul Ray              8     
             9      LONG TITLE
             10      General Description:
             11          This bill allows certain certified dispatchers to be covered in the public safety
             12      retirement systems.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    provides definitions;
             16          .    requires the state to cover its certified dispatchers under the public safety retirement
             17      systems;
             18          .    authorizes other participating employers to elect to cover its certified dispatchers
             19      under the public safety retirement systems; and
             20          .    makes technical corrections.
             21      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          49-14-102, as last amended by Chapter 240, Laws of Utah 2003

             28          49-14-201, as last amended by Chapter 265, Laws of Utah 2005
             29          49-15-102, as last amended by Chapters 131 and 240, Laws of Utah 2003
             30          49-15-201, as last amended by Chapter 265, Laws of Utah 2005
             32      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             33          Section 1. Section 49-14-102 is amended to read:
             34           49-14-102. Definitions.
             35          As used in this chapter:
             36          (1) (a) "Compensation" means the total amount of payments that are includable in
             37      gross income which are received by a public safety service employee as base income for the
             38      regularly scheduled work period. The participating employer shall establish the regularly
             39      scheduled work period. Base income shall be determined prior to the deduction of member
             40      contributions or any amounts the public safety service employee authorizes to be deducted for
             41      salary deferral or other benefits authorized by federal law.
             42          (b) "Compensation" includes performance-based bonuses and cost-of-living
             43      adjustments.
             44          (c) "Compensation" does not include:
             45          (i) overtime;
             46          (ii) sick pay incentives;
             47          (iii) retirement pay incentives;
             48          (iv) the monetary value of remuneration paid in kind, including a residence, use of
             49      equipment or uniform, travel, or similar payments;
             50          (v) a lump-sum payment or special payments covering accumulated leave; and
             51          (vi) all contributions made by a participating employer under this system or under any
             52      other employee benefit system or plan maintained by a participating employer for the benefit of
             53      a member or participant.
             54          (d) "Compensation" for purposes of this chapter may not exceed the amount allowed
             55      under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(17).
             56          (2) "Dispatcher" means an employee of a public safety agency of the state or any of its
             57      political subdivisions:
             58          (a) whose primary duties are to:

             59          (i) (A) receive calls for one or a combination of emergency police, fire, and medical
             60      services, and to dispatch the appropriate personnel and equipment in response to the calls; and
             61          (B) make urgent decisions affecting the life, health, and welfare of the public and
             62      public safety employees; or
             63          (ii) supervise dispatchers or direct a dispatch communication center; and
             64          (b) who is a certified dispatcher in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 6, Part 3,
             65      Dispatcher Training and Certification Act.
             66          [(2)] (3) "Final average salary" means the amount computed by averaging the highest
             67      three years of annual compensation preceding retirement, subject to Subsections [(2)] (3)(a)
             68      and (b).
             69          (a) Except as provided in Subsection [(2)] (3)(b), the percentage increase in annual
             70      compensation in any one of the years used may not exceed the previous year's compensation by
             71      more than 10% plus a cost-of-living adjustment equal to the decrease in the purchasing power
             72      of the dollar during the previous year, as measured by a United States Bureau of Labor
             73      Statistics Consumer Price Index average as determined by the board.
             74          (b) In cases where the participating employer provides acceptable documentation to the
             75      office, the limitation in Subsection [(2)] (3)(a) may be exceeded if:
             76          (i) the public safety service employee has transferred from another agency; or
             77          (ii) the public safety service employee has been promoted to a new position.
             78          [(3)] (4) "Line-of-duty death" means a death resulting from external force, violence, or
             79      disease occasioned by an act of duty as a public safety service employee.
             80          [(4)] (5) "Participating employer" means an employer which meets the participation
             81      requirements of Section 49-14-201 .
             82          [(5)] (6) (a) "Public safety service" means employment normally requiring an average
             83      of 2,080 hours of regularly scheduled employment per year rendered by a member who is a:
             84          (i) law enforcement officer in accordance with Section 53-13-103 ;
             85          (ii) correctional officer in accordance with Section 53-13-104 ; [and]
             86          (iii) special function officer approved in accordance with Sections 49-14-201 and
             87      53-13-105 [.]; and
             88          (iv) dispatcher in accordance with Subsection (2).
             89          (b) "Public safety service" also requires that in the course of employment the

             90      employee's life or personal safety is at risk. This Subsection (6)(b) does not apply to a
             91      dispatcher.
             92          (c) Except for the minimum hour requirement, Subsections [(5)] (6)(a) and (b) do not
             93      apply to any person who was eligible for service credit in this system prior to January 1, 1984.
             94          [(6)] (7) "Public safety service employee" means an employee of a participating
             95      employer who performs public safety service under this chapter.
             96          [(7)] (8) "System" means the Public Safety Contributory Retirement System created
             97      under this chapter.
             98          [(8)] (9) "Years of service credit" means the number of periods, each to consist of 12
             99      full months as determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a public
             100      safety service employee was employed by a participating employer, including time the public
             101      safety service employee was absent in the service of the United States government on military
             102      duty.
             103          Section 2. Section 49-14-201 is amended to read:
             104           49-14-201. System membership -- Eligibility.
             105          (1) Except as provided in Section 49-15-201 , a public safety service employee of a
             106      participating employer participating in this system is eligible for service credit in this system at
             107      the earliest of:
             108          (a) July 1, 1969, if the public safety service employee was employed by the
             109      participating employer on July 1, 1969, and the participating employer was participating in this
             110      system on that date;
             111          (b) the date the participating employer begins participating in this system if the public
             112      safety service employee was employed by the participating employer on that date; or
             113          (c) the date the public safety service employee is employed by the participating
             114      employer and is eligible to perform public safety service.
             115          (2) (a) (i) A participating employer that has public safety service and firefighter service
             116      employees that require cross-training and duty shall enroll those dual purpose employees in the
             117      system in which the greatest amount of time is actually worked.
             118          (ii) The employees shall either be full-time public safety service or full-time firefighter
             119      service employees of the participating employer.
             120          (b) (i) Prior to transferring a dual purpose employee from one system to another, the

             121      participating employer shall receive written permission from the office.
             122          (ii) The office may request documentation to verify the appropriateness of the transfer.
             123          (3) The board may combine or segregate the actuarial experience of participating
             124      employers in this system for the purpose of setting contribution rates.
             125          (4) (a) (i) Each participating employer participating in this system shall annually
             126      submit to the office a schedule indicating the positions to be covered under this system in
             127      accordance with this chapter.
             128          (ii) The office may require documentation to justify the inclusion of any position under
             129      this system.
             130          (b) If there is a dispute between the office and a participating employer or employee
             131      over any position to be covered, the disputed position shall be submitted to the Peace Officer
             132      Standards and Training Council established under Section 53-6-106 for determination.
             133          (c) (i) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council's authority to decide
             134      eligibility for public safety service credit is limited to claims for coverage under this system for
             135      time periods after July 1, 1989.
             136          (ii) A decision of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council may not be applied
             137      to service credit earned in another system prior to July 1, 1989.
             138          (iii) Except as provided under Subsection (4)(c)(iv), a decision of the Peace Officer
             139      Standards and Training Council granting a position coverage under this system may only be
             140      applied prospectively from the date of that decision.
             141          (iv) A decision of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council granting a position
             142      coverage under this system may be applied retroactively only if:
             143          (A) the participating employer covered other similarly situated positions under this
             144      system during the time period in question; and
             145          (B) the position otherwise meets all eligibility requirements for receiving service credit
             146      in this system during the period for which service credit is to be granted.
             147          (5) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council may use a subcommittee to
             148      provide a recommendation to the council in determining disputes between the office and a
             149      participating employer or employee over a position to be covered under this system.
             150          (6) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council shall comply with Title 63,
             151      Chapter 46b, Administrative Procedures Act, in resolving coverage disputes in this system.

             152          (7) A public safety employee who is transferred or promoted to an administration
             153      position not covered by this system shall continue to earn public safety service credit in this
             154      system as long as the employee remains employed in the same department.
             155          (8) Any employee who is transferred to the Division of Information Technology
             156      Services from the Department of Public Safety prior to January 1, 1992, and who was a
             157      member of this system, shall be entitled to remain a member of this system regardless of
             158      whether or not the employee's current position is covered by this system.
             159          (9) (a) To determine that a position is covered under this system, the office and, if a
             160      coverage dispute arises, the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council shall find that the
             161      position requires the employee to:
             162          (i) place the employee's life or personal safety at risk; and
             163          (ii) complete training as provided in Section 53-13-103 , 53-13-104 , or 53-13-105 .
             164          (b) If a position satisfies the requirements of Subsection (9)(a), the office and the Peace
             165      Officer Standards and Training Council shall consider whether or not the position requires the
             166      employee to:
             167          (i) perform duties that consist primarily of actively preventing or detecting crime and
             168      enforcing criminal statutes or ordinances of this state or any of its political subdivisions;
             169          (ii) perform duties that consist primarily of providing community protection; and
             170          (iii) respond to situations involving threats to public safety and make emergency
             171      decisions affecting the lives and health of others.
             172          (10) If a subcommittee is used to recommend the determination of disputes to the
             173      Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, the subcommittee shall comply with the
             174      requirements of Subsection (9) in making its recommendation.
             175          (11) A final order of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council regarding a
             176      dispute is a final agency action for purposes of Title 63, Chapter 46b, Administrative
             177      Procedures Act.
             178          (12) Except as provided under Subsection (13), if a participating employer's public
             179      safety service employees are not covered by this system or under Chapter 15, Public Safety
             180      Noncontributory Retirement Act, as of January 1, 1998, those public safety service employees
             181      who may otherwise qualify for membership in this system shall, at the discretion of the
             182      participating employer, remain in their current retirement system.

             183          (13) (a) A public safety service employee employed by an airport police department,
             184      which elects to cover its public safety service employees under the Public Safety
             185      Noncontributory Retirement System under Subsection (12), may elect to remain in the public
             186      safety service employee's current retirement system.
             187          (b) The public safety service employee's election to remain in the current retirement
             188      system under Subsection (13)(a):
             189          (i) shall be made at the time the employer elects to move its public safety service
             190      employees to a public safety retirement system;
             191          (ii) documented by written notice to the participating employer; and
             192          (iii) is irrevocable.
             193          (14) (a) A public safety service employee who is a dispatcher employed by the state
             194      shall be eligible for service credit in this system.
             195          (b) A public safety service employee who is a dispatcher employed by a participating
             196      employer other than the state shall be eligible for service credit in this system if the dispatcher's
             197      participating employer elects to cover its dispatchers under this system.
             198          Section 3. Section 49-15-102 is amended to read:
             199           49-15-102. Definitions.
             200          As used in this chapter:
             201          (1) (a) "Compensation" means the total amount of payments that are includable in
             202      gross income received by a public safety service employee as base income for the regularly
             203      scheduled work period. The participating employer shall establish the regularly scheduled
             204      work period. Base income shall be determined prior to the deduction of any amounts the
             205      public safety service employee authorizes to be deducted for salary deferral or other benefits
             206      authorized by federal law.
             207          (b) "Compensation" includes performance-based bonuses and cost-of-living
             208      adjustments.
             209          (c) "Compensation" does not include:
             210          (i) overtime;
             211          (ii) sick pay incentives;
             212          (iii) retirement pay incentives;
             213          (iv) the monetary value of remuneration paid in kind, as in a residence, use of

             214      equipment or uniform, travel, or similar payments;
             215          (v) a lump-sum payment or special payment covering accumulated leave; and
             216          (vi) all contributions made by a participating employer under this system or under any
             217      other employee benefit system or plan maintained by a participating employer for the benefit of
             218      a member or participant.
             219          (d) "Compensation" for purposes of this chapter may not exceed the amount allowed
             220      under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(17).
             221          (2) "Dispatcher" means an employee of a public safety agency of the state or any of its
             222      political subdivisions:
             223          (a) whose primary duties are to:
             224          (i) (A) receive calls for one or a combination of emergency police, fire, and medical
             225      services, and to dispatch the appropriate personnel and equipment in response to the calls; and
             226          (B) make urgent decisions affecting the life, health, and welfare of the public and
             227      public safety employees; or
             228          (ii) supervise dispatchers or direct a dispatch communication center; and
             229          (b) who is a certified dispatcher in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 6, Part 3,
             230      Dispatcher Training and Certification Act.
             231          [(2)] (3) "Final average salary" means the amount computed by averaging the highest
             232      three years of annual compensation preceding retirement subject to Subsections [(2)] (3)(a) and
             233      (b).
             234          (a) Except as provided in Subsection [(2)] (3)(b), the percentage increase in annual
             235      compensation in any one of the years used may not exceed the previous year's compensation by
             236      more than 10% plus a cost-of-living adjustment equal to the decrease in the purchasing power
             237      of the dollar during the previous year, as measured by a United States Bureau of Labor
             238      Statistics Consumer Price Index average as determined by the board.
             239          (b) In cases where the participating employer provides acceptable documentation to the
             240      office, the limitation in Subsection [(2)] (3)(a) may be exceeded if:
             241          (i) the public safety service employee has transferred from another agency; or
             242          (ii) the public safety service employee has been promoted to a new position.
             243          [(3)] (4) "Line-of-duty death" means a death resulting from external force, violence, or
             244      disease occasioned by an act of duty as a public safety service employee.

             245          [(4)] (5) "Participating employer" means an employer which meets the participation
             246      requirements of Section 49-15-201 .
             247          [(5)] (6) (a) "Public safety service" means employment normally requiring an average
             248      of 2,080 hours of regularly scheduled employment per year rendered by a member who is a:
             249          (i) law enforcement officer in accordance with Section 53-13-103 ;
             250          (ii) correctional officer in accordance with Section 53-13-104 ; [and]
             251          (iii) special function officer approved in accordance with Sections 49-15-201 and
             252      53-13-105 [.]; and
             253          (iv) dispatcher in accordance with Subsection (2).
             254          (b) "Public safety service" also requires that in the course of employment the
             255      employee's life or personal safety is at risk. This Subsection (6)(b) does not apply to a
             256      dispatcher.
             257          [(6)] (7) "Public safety service employee" means an employee of a participating
             258      employer who performs public safety service under this chapter.
             259          [(7)] (8) "System" means the Public Safety Noncontributory Retirement System created
             260      under this chapter.
             261          [(8)] (9) "Years of service credit" means the number of periods, each to consist of 12
             262      full months as determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a public
             263      safety service employee was employed by a participating employer, including time the public
             264      safety service employee was absent in the service of the United States government on military
             265      duty.
             266          Section 4. Section 49-15-201 is amended to read:
             267           49-15-201. System membership -- Eligibility.
             268          (1) (a) A public safety service employee employed by the state after July 1, 1989, is
             269      eligible for service credit in this system.
             270          (b) A public safety service employee employed by the state prior to July 1, 1989, may
             271      either elect to receive service credit in this system or continue to receive service credit under
             272      the system established under Chapter 14, Public Safety Contributory Retirement Act, by
             273      following the procedures established by the board under this chapter.
             274          (2) (a) Public safety service employees of a participating employer other than the state
             275      that elected on or before July 1, 1989, to remain in the Public Safety Contributory Retirement

             276      System shall be eligible only for service credit in that system.
             277          (b) (i) A participating employer other than the state that elected on or before July 1,
             278      1989, to participate in this system shall, have allowed, prior to July 1, 1989, a public safety
             279      service employee to elect to participate in either this system or the Public Safety Contributory
             280      Retirement System.
             281          (ii) Except as expressly allowed by this title, the election of the public safety service
             282      employee is final and may not be changed.
             283          (c) A public safety service employee hired by a participating employer other than the
             284      state after July 1, 1989, shall become a member in this system.
             285          (d) A public safety service employee of a participating employer other than the state
             286      who began participation in this system after July 1, 1989, is only eligible for service credit in
             287      this system.
             288          (3) (a) (i) A participating employer that has public safety service and firefighter service
             289      employees that require cross-training and duty shall enroll those dual purpose employees in the
             290      system in which the greatest amount of time is actually worked.
             291          (ii) The employees shall either be full-time public safety service or full-time firefighter
             292      service employees of the participating employer.
             293          (b) (i) Prior to transferring a dual purpose employee from one system to another, the
             294      participating employer shall receive written permission from the office.
             295          (ii) The office may request documentation to verify the appropriateness of the transfer.
             296          (4) The board may combine or segregate the actuarial experience of participating
             297      employers in this system for the purpose of setting contribution rates.
             298          (5) (a) (i) Each participating employer participating in this system shall annually
             299      submit to the office a schedule indicating the positions to be covered under this system in
             300      accordance with this chapter.
             301          (ii) The office may require documentation to justify the inclusion of any position under
             302      this system.
             303          (b) If there is a dispute between the office and a participating employer or employee
             304      over any position to be covered, the disputed position shall be submitted to the Peace Officer
             305      Standards and Training Council established under Section 53-6-106 for determination.
             306          (c) (i) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council's authority to decide

             307      eligibility for public safety service credit is limited to claims for coverage under this system for
             308      time periods after July 1, 1989.
             309          (ii) A decision of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council may not be applied
             310      to service credit earned in another system prior to July 1, 1989.
             311          (iii) Except as provided under Subsection (5)(c)(iv), a decision of the Peace Officer
             312      Standards and Training Council granting a position coverage under this system may only be
             313      applied prospectively from the date of that decision.
             314          (iv) A decision of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council granting a position
             315      coverage under this system may be applied retroactively only if:
             316          (A) the participating employer covered other similarly situated positions under this
             317      system during the time period in question; and
             318          (B) the position otherwise meets all eligibility requirements for receiving service credit
             319      in this system during the period for which service credit is to be granted.
             320          (6) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council may use a subcommittee to
             321      provide a recommendation to the council in determining disputes between the office and a
             322      participating employer or employee over a position to be covered under this system.
             323          (7) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council shall comply with Title 63,
             324      Chapter 46b, Administrative Procedures Act, in resolving coverage disputes in this system.
             325          (8) A public safety service employee who is transferred or promoted to an
             326      administration position not covered by this system shall continue to earn public safety service
             327      credit in this system as long as the employee remains employed in the same department.
             328          (9) Any employee who is transferred to the Division of Information Technology
             329      Services from the Department of Public Safety prior to January 1, 1992, and who was a
             330      member in this system, shall be entitled to remain a member in this system regardless of
             331      whether or not the employee's current position is covered by this system.
             332          (10) (a) To determine that a position is covered under this system, the office and, if a
             333      coverage dispute arises, the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council shall find that the
             334      position requires the employee to:
             335          (i) place the employee's life or personal safety at risk; and
             336          (ii) complete training as provided in Section 53-13-103 , 53-13-104 , or 53-13-105 .
             337          (b) If a position satisfies the requirements of Subsection (10)(a), the office and Peace

             338      Officer Standards and Training Council shall consider whether the position requires the
             339      employee to:
             340          (i) perform duties that consist primarily of actively preventing or detecting crime and
             341      enforcing criminal statutes or ordinances of this state or any of its political subdivisions;
             342          (ii) perform duties that consist primarily of providing community protection; and
             343          (iii) respond to situations involving threats to public safety and make emergency
             344      decisions affecting the lives and health of others.
             345          (11) If a subcommittee is used to recommend the determination of disputes to the
             346      Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, the subcommittee shall comply with the
             347      requirements of Subsection (10) in making its recommendation.
             348          (12) A final order of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council regarding a
             349      dispute is a final agency action for purposes of Title 63, Chapter 46b, Administrative
             350      Procedures Act.
             351          (13) Except as provided under Subsection (14), if a participating employer's public
             352      safety service employees are not covered by this system under Chapter 14, Public Safety
             353      Contributory Retirement Act, as of January 1, 1998, those public safety service employees who
             354      may otherwise qualify for membership in this system shall, at the discretion of the participating
             355      employer, remain in their current retirement system.
             356          (14) (a) A public safety service employee employed by an airport police department,
             357      which elects to cover its public safety service employees under the Public Safety
             358      Noncontributory Retirement System under Subsection (13), may elect to remain in the public
             359      safety service employee's current retirement system.
             360          (b) The public safety service employee's election to remain in the current retirement
             361      system under Subsection (14)(a):
             362          (i) shall be made at the time the employer elects to move its public safety service
             363      employees to a public safety retirement system;
             364          (ii) documented by written notice to the participating employer; and
             365          (iii) is irrevocable.
             366          (15) (a) A public safety service employee who is a dispatcher employed by the state
             367      shall be eligible for service credit in this system.
             368          (b) A public safety service employee who is a dispatcher employed by a participating

             369      employer other than the state shall be eligible for service credit in this system if the dispatcher's
             370      participating employer elects to cover its dispatchers under this system.
             371          Section 5. Effective date.
             372          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-20-06 10:22 AM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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