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First Substitute H.B. 158

Representative Brad L. Dee proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Brad L. Dee

Senate Sponsor: Sheldon L. Killpack

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Uniform Driver License Act, Utah Criminal Code, and the Code
             10      of Criminal Procedure by amending provisions related to sex offenders.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    amends definitions;
             14          .    provides that a driver license or identification card expires on the birth date of the
             15      applicant in the first year following the date that the driver license or identification
             16      card was issued if the person is required to register as a sex offender;
             17          .    provides that an applicant for a driver license or identification card shall indicate on
             18      the application whether the applicant is required to register as a sex offender;
             19          .    provides that if a person is currently required to register as a sex offender and the
             20      person has applied for and received a driver license or identification card:
             21              .    the person's driver license or identification card expires on the person's next
             22      birth date beginning on July 1, 2006;
             23              .    the person shall surrender the person's driver license or identification card on or
             24      before the person's next birth date beginning on July 1, 2006; and
             25              .    the person may apply for a driver license or identification card with a one-year

             26      expiration date;
             27          .    provides that if a person is convicted of a registerable sex offense after the person
             28      has applied for a driver license or identification card, the person:
             29              .    shall surrender the person's driver license or identification card on the person's
             30      next birth date following conviction; and
             31              .    may apply for a driver license or identification card with a one-year expiration
             32      date;
             33          .    requires the Driver License Division to keep on its computerized records the
             34      applicant's indication whether the applicant is required to register as a sex offender;
             35          .    provides that it is a class A misdemeanor if a person knowingly fails to comply with
             36      the driver license or identification card indication or license surrender provisions for
             37      registered sex offenders;
             38          .    prohibits the Driver License Division from granting an extension for a license
             39      certificate issued with a one-year expiration date to someone required to register as
             40      a sex offender;
             41          .    prohibits sex offenders from obtaining a reduction of the offender's conviction while
             42      registration requirements exist;
             43          .    provides that a sex offender convicted in any other state or by the United States
             44      government shall register with the Department of Corrections within three days after
             45      entering the state;
             46          .    provides that a sex offender shall register with the Department of Corrections within
             47      three days of every change of the sex offender's place of habitation or vehicle or
             48      education information;
             49          .    requires an agency in the state that registers certain sex offenders to notify the
             50      offender of the duty to comply with the driver license or identification surrender and
             51      application provisions;
             52          .    requires any person who is required to register in another state or by the United
             53      States to register with the state if the person is in the state for more than three days;
             54          .    changes the annual registration period during which certain sex offenders shall
             55      register;
             56          .    extends the registration requirements for certain offenses from ten years to lifetime;

             57          .    amends the penalty for failing to register for certain sex offenders;
             58          .    extends notification requirements to offenders working in all educational
             59      institutions;
             60          .    repeals a provision that prohibits members of the public from publicizing the sex
             61      offender registry information;
             62          .    requires the state to maintain the registry on the Internet and index it by surname
             63      and postal codes; and
             64          .     makes technical changes.
             65      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             66          None
             67      Other Special Clauses:
             68          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.
             69      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             70      AMENDS:
             71          53-3-205, as last amended by Chapters 20 and 34, Laws of Utah 2005
             72          53-3-214, as last amended by Chapters 2 and 34, Laws of Utah 2005
             73          53-3-216, as last amended by Chapters 54 and 85, Laws of Utah 2001
             74          53-3-804, as last amended by Chapters 20 and 34, Laws of Utah 2005
             75          53-3-807, as last amended by Chapters 20 and 34, Laws of Utah 2005
             76          76-3-402, as last amended by Chapter 7, Laws of Utah 1991
             77          77-18-12, as last amended by Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2005
             78          77-27-21.5, as last amended by Chapter 48, Laws of Utah 2002
             80      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             81          Section 1. Section 53-3-205 is amended to read:
             82           53-3-205. Application for license or endorsement -- Fee required -- Tests --
             83      Expiration dates of licenses and endorsements -- Information required -- Previous
             84      licenses surrendered -- Driving record transferred from other states -- Reinstatement --
             85      Fee required -- License agreement.
             86          (1) An application for any original license, provisional license, or endorsement shall
             87      be:

             88          (a) made upon a form furnished by the division; and
             89          (b) accompanied by a nonrefundable fee set under Section 53-3-105 .
             90          (2) An application and fee for an original provisional class D license or an original
             91      class D license entitle the applicant to:
             92          (a) not more than three attempts to pass both the knowledge and skills tests for a class
             93      D license within six months of the date of the application;
             94          (b) a learner permit if needed after the knowledge test is passed; and
             95          (c) an original class D license and license certificate after all tests are passed.
             96          (3) An application and fee for an original class M license entitle the applicant to:
             97          (a) not more than three attempts to pass both the knowledge and skills tests for a class
             98      M license within six months of the date of the application;
             99          (b) a learner permit if needed after the knowledge test is passed; and
             100          (c) an original class M license and license certificate after all tests are passed.
             101          (4) An application and fee for a motorcycle or taxicab endorsement entitle the
             102      applicant to:
             103          (a) not more than three attempts to pass both the knowledge and skills tests within six
             104      months of the date of the application;
             105          (b) a motorcycle learner permit if needed after the motorcycle knowledge test is
             106      passed; and
             107          (c) a motorcycle or taxicab endorsement when all tests are passed.
             108          (5) An application and fees for a commercial class A, B, or C license entitle the
             109      applicant to:
             110          (a) not more than two attempts to pass a knowledge test and not more than two
             111      attempts to pass a skills test within six months of the date of the application;
             112          (b) a commercial driver instruction permit if needed after the knowledge test is passed;
             113      and
             114          (c) an original commercial class A, B, or C license and license certificate when all
             115      applicable tests are passed.
             116          (6) An application and fee for a CDL endorsement entitle the applicant to:
             117          (a) not more than two attempts to pass a knowledge test and not more than two
             118      attempts to pass a skills test within six months of the date of the application; and

             119          (b) a CDL endorsement when all tests are passed.
             120          (7) If a CDL applicant does not pass a knowledge test, skills test, or an endorsement
             121      test within the number of attempts provided in Subsection (5) or (6), each test may be taken
             122      two additional times within the six months for the fee provided in Section 53-3-105 .
             123          (8) (a) Except as provided under Subsections (8)(f) [and], (g), and (h), an original
             124      license expires on the birth date of the applicant in the fifth year following the year the license
             125      certificate was issued.
             126          (b) Except as provided under Subsections (8)(f) [and], (g), and (h) a renewal or an
             127      extension to a license expires on the birth date of the licensee in the fifth year following the
             128      expiration date of the license certificate renewed or extended.
             129          (c) Except as provided under Subsections (8)(f) and (g), a duplicate license expires on
             130      the same date as the last license certificate issued.
             131          (d) An endorsement to a license expires on the same date as the license certificate
             132      regardless of the date the endorsement was granted.
             133          (e) A license and any endorsement to the license held by a person ordered to active
             134      duty and stationed outside Utah in any of the armed forces of the United States, which expires
             135      during the time period the person is stationed outside of the state, is valid until 90 days after the
             136      person has been discharged or has left the service, unless the license is suspended, disqualified,
             137      denied, or has been cancelled or revoked by the division, or the licensee updates the
             138      information or photograph on the license certificate.
             139          (f) An original license or a renewal to an original license obtained using proof under
             140      Subsection (9)(a)(i)(E)(III) expires on the date of the expiration of the applicant's foreign visa,
             141      permit, or other document granting legal presence in the United States or on the date provided
             142      under this Subsection (8), whichever is sooner.
             143          (g) (i) An original license or a renewal or a duplicate to an original license expires on
             144      the next birth date of the applicant or licensee beginning on July 1, 2005 if:
             145          (A) the license was obtained without using a Social Security number as required under
             146      Subsection (9); and
             147          (B) the license certificate or driving privilege card is not clearly distinguished as
             148      required under Subsection 53-3-207 (6).
             149          (ii) A driving privilege card issued or renewed under Section 53-3-207 expires on the

             150      birth date of the applicant in the first year following the year that the driving privilege card was
             151      issued or renewed.
             152          (iii) The expiration dates provided under Subsections (8)(g)(i) and (ii) do not apply to
             153      an original license or driving privilege card or to the renewal of an original license or driving
             154      privilege card with an expiration date provided under Subsection (8)(f).
             155          (h) An original license or a renewal to an original license expires on the birth date of
             156      the applicant in the first year following the year that the license was issued if the applicant is
             157      required to register as a sex offender under Section 77-27-21.5 .
             158          (9) (a) In addition to the information required by Title 63, Chapter 46b, Administrative
             159      Procedures Act, for requests for agency action, each applicant shall have a Utah residence
             160      address and each applicant shall:
             161          (i) provide the applicant's:
             162          (A) full legal name;
             163          (B) birth date;
             164          (C) gender;
             165          (D) between July 1, 2002 and July 1, 2007, race in accordance with the categories
             166      established by the United States Census Bureau;
             167          (E) (I) Social Security number;
             168          (II) temporary identification number (ITIN) issued by the Internal Revenue Service for
             169      a person who does not qualify for a Social Security number; or
             170          (III) (Aa) proof that the applicant is a citizen of a country other than the United States;
             171          (Bb) proof that the applicant does not qualify for a Social Security number; and
             172          (Cc) proof of legal presence in the United States, as authorized under federal law; and
             173          (F) Utah residence address as documented by a form acceptable under rules made by
             174      the division under Section 53-3-104 ;
             175          (ii) provide a description of the applicant;
             176          (iii) state whether the applicant has previously been licensed to drive a motor vehicle
             177      and, if so, when and by what state or country;
             178          (iv) state whether the applicant has ever had any license suspended, cancelled, revoked,
             179      disqualified, or denied in the last six years, or whether the applicant has ever had any license
             180      application refused, and if so, the date of and reason for the suspension, cancellation,

             181      revocation, disqualification, denial, or refusal;
             182          (v) state whether the applicant intends to make an anatomical gift under Title 26,
             183      Chapter 28, Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, in compliance with Subsection (16);
             184          (vi) state whether the applicant is required to register as a sex offender under Section
             185      77-27-21.5 ;
             186          [(vi)] (vii) provide all other information the division requires; and
             187          [(vii)] (viii) sign the application which signature may include an electronic signature as
             188      defined in Section 46-4-102 .
             189          (b) The division shall maintain on its computerized records an applicant's:
             190          (i) (A) Social Security number;
             191          [(ii)] (B) temporary identification number (ITIN); or
             192          [(iii)] (C) other number assigned by the division if Subsection (9)(a)(i)(E)(III)
             193      applies[.]; and
             194          (ii) indication whether the applicant is required to register as a sex offender under
             195      Section 77-27-21.5 .
             196          (c) An applicant may not be denied a license for refusing to provide race information
             197      required under Subsection (9)(a)(i)(D).
             198          (10) The division shall require proof of every applicant's name, birthdate, and
             199      birthplace by at least one of the following means:
             200          (a) current license certificate;
             201          (b) birth certificate;
             202          (c) Selective Service registration; or
             203          (d) other proof, including church records, family Bible notations, school records, or
             204      other evidence considered acceptable by the division.
             205          (11) When an applicant receives a license in another class, all previous license
             206      certificates shall be surrendered and canceled. However, a disqualified commercial license may
             207      not be canceled unless it expires before the new license certificate is issued.
             208          (12) (a) When an application is received from a person previously licensed in another
             209      state to drive a motor vehicle, the division shall request a copy of the driver's record from the
             210      other state.
             211          (b) When received, the driver's record becomes part of the driver's record in this state

             212      with the same effect as though entered originally on the driver's record in this state.
             213          (13) An application for reinstatement of a license after the suspension, cancellation,
             214      disqualification, denial, or revocation of a previous license shall be accompanied by the
             215      additional fee or fees specified in Section 53-3-105 .
             216          (14) A person who has an appointment with the division for testing and fails to keep
             217      the appointment or to cancel at least 48 hours in advance of the appointment shall pay the fee
             218      under Section 53-3-105 .
             219          (15) A person who applies for an original license or renewal of a license agrees that the
             220      person's license is subject to any suspension or revocation authorized under this title or Title
             221      41, Motor Vehicles.
             222          (16) (a) The indication of intent under Subsection (9)(a)(v) shall be authenticated by
             223      the licensee in accordance with division rule.
             224          (b) (i) Notwithstanding Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             225      Management Act, the division may, upon request, release to an organ procurement
             226      organization, as defined in Section 26-28-2 , the names and addresses of all persons who under
             227      Subsection (9)(a)(v) indicate that they intend to make an anatomical gift.
             228          (ii) An organ procurement organization may use released information only to:
             229          (A) obtain additional information for an anatomical gift registry; and
             230          (B) inform licensees of anatomical gift options, procedures, and benefits.
             231          (17) The division and its employees are not liable, as a result of false or inaccurate
             232      information provided under Subsection (9)(a)(v), for direct or indirect:
             233          (a) loss;
             234          (b) detriment; or
             235          (c) injury.
             236          (18) A person who knowingly fails to provide the information required under
             237      Subsection (9)(a)(vi) is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
             238          Section 2. Section 53-3-214 is amended to read:
             239           53-3-214. Renewal -- Fees required -- Extension without examination.
             240          (1) (a) The holder of a valid license may renew his license and any endorsement to the
             241      license by applying:
             242          (i) at any time within six months before the license expires; or

             243          (ii) more than six months prior to the expiration date if the applicant furnishes proof
             244      that he will be absent from the state during the six-month period prior to the expiration of the
             245      license.
             246          (b) The application for a renewal of, extension of, or any endorsement to a license shall
             247      be accompanied by a fee under Section 53-3-105 .
             248          (2) (a) Except as provided under Subsections (2)(b) and (3), upon application for
             249      renewal of a license, provisional license, and any endorsement to a license, the division shall
             250      reexamine each applicant as if for an original license and endorsement to the license, if
             251      applicable.
             252          (b) The division may waive any or all portions of the test designed to demonstrate the
             253      applicant's ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable control driving a motor vehicle.
             254          (3) (a) Except as provided under Subsection (3)(b), the division shall extend a license,
             255      any endorsement to the license, a provisional license, and any endorsement to a provisional
             256      license for five years without examination for licensees whose driving records for the five years
             257      immediately preceding the determination of eligibility for extension show:
             258          (i) no suspensions;
             259          (ii) no revocations;
             260          (iii) no conviction for reckless driving under Section 41-6a-528 ; and
             261          (iv) no more than four reportable violations in the preceding five years.
             262          (b) (i) After the expiration of a license, a new license certificate and any endorsement
             263      to a license certificate may not be issued until the person has again passed the tests under
             264      Section 53-3-206 and paid the required fee.
             265          (ii) A person 65 years of age or older shall take and pass the eye examination specified
             266      in Section 53-3-206 .
             267          (iii) An extension may not be granted to any person:
             268          (A) who is identified by the division as having a medical impairment that may
             269      represent a hazard to public safety;
             270          (B) holding a CDL issued under Part 4 [of this chapter; or], Uniform Commercial
             271      Driver License Act;
             272          (C) whose original license was obtained using proof under Subsection
             273      53-3-205 (9)(a)(i)(E)(III)[.]; or

             274          (D) whose original license was issued with an expiration date under Subsection
             275      53-3-205 (8)(h).
             276          (c) The division shall allow extensions:
             277          (i) by mail at the appropriate extension fee rate under Section 53-3-105 ;
             278          (ii) only if the applicant qualifies under this section; and
             279          (iii) for only one extension.
             280          Section 3. Section 53-3-216 is amended to read:
             281           53-3-216. Change of address -- Duty of licensee to notify division within ten days
             282      -- Change of name -- Proof necessary -- Method of giving notice by division.
             283          (1) If a person, after applying for or receiving a license, moves from the address named
             284      in the application or in the license certificate issued to him, the person shall within ten days of
             285      moving, notify the division in a manner specified by the division of his new address and the
             286      number of any license certificate held by him.
             287          (2) If a person requests to change the surname on the applicant's license, the division
             288      shall issue a substitute license with the new name upon receiving an application and fee for a
             289      duplicate license and any of the following proofs of the applicant's full legal name:
             290          (a) an original or certified copy of the applicant's marriage certificate;
             291          (b) a certified copy of a court order under Title 42, Chapter 1, Change of Name,
             292      showing the name change;
             293          (c) an original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a government agency;
             294          (d) a certified copy of a divorce decree or annulment granted the applicant that
             295      specifies the name change requested; or
             296          (e) a certified copy of a divorce decree that does not specify the name change requested
             297      together with:
             298          (i) an original or certified copy of the applicant's birth certificate;
             299          (ii) the applicant's marriage license;
             300          (iii) a driver license record showing use of a maiden name; or
             301          (iv) other documentation the division finds acceptable.
             302          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(c), if a person has applied for and received
             303      a license certificate and is currently required to register as a sex offender under Section
             304      77-27-21.5 :

             305          (i) the person's original license or renewal to an original license expires on the next
             306      birth date of the licensee beginning on July 1, 2006;
             307          (ii) the person shall surrender the person's license to the division on or before the
             308      licensee's next birth date beginning on July 1, 2006; and
             309          (iii) the person may apply for a license certificate with an expiration date identified in
             310      Subsection 53-3-205 (8)(h) by:
             311          (A) furnishing proper documentation to the division as provided in Section 53-3-205 ;
             312      and
             313          (B) paying the fee for a license required under Section 53-3-105 .
             314          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(c), if a person has applied for and received a
             315      license certificate and is subsequently convicted of any offense listed in Subsection
             316      77-27-21.5 (1)(e), the person shall surrender the license certificate to the division on the
             317      person's next birth date following the conviction and may apply for a license certificate with an
             318      expiration date identified in Subsection 53-3-205 (8)(h) by:
             319          (i) furnishing proper documentation to the division as provided in Section 53-3-205 ;
             320      and
             321          (ii) paying the fee for a license required under Section 53-3-105 .
             322          (c) A person who is unable to comply with the provisions of Subsection (3)(a) or (3)(b)
             323      because the person is in the custody of the Department of Corrections or the Division of
             324      Juvenile Justice Services, confined in a correctional facility not operated by or under contract
             325      with the Department of Corrections, or committed to a state mental facility, shall comply with
             326      the provisions of Subsection (3)(a) or (b) within ten days of being released from confinement.
             327          [(3)] (4) (a) If the division is authorized or required to give any notice under this
             328      chapter or other law regulating the operation of vehicles, the notice shall, unless otherwise
             329      prescribed, be given by:
             330          (i) personal delivery to the person to be notified; or
             331          (ii) deposit in the United States mail with postage prepaid, addressed to the person at
             332      his address as shown by the records of the division.
             333          (b) The giving of notice by mail is complete upon the expiration of four days after the
             334      deposit of the notice.
             335          (c) Proof of the giving of notice in either manner may be made by the certificate of any

             336      officer or employee of the division or affidavit of any person older than 18 years of age,
             337      naming the person to whom the notice was given and specifying the time, place, and manner of
             338      giving the notice.
             339          [(4)] (5) The division may use state mailing or United States Postal Service
             340      information to:
             341          (a) verify an address on an application or on records of the division; and
             342          (b) correct mailing addresses in the division's records.
             343          [(5)] (6) (a) A violation of the provisions of Subsection (1) is an infraction.
             344          (b) A person who knowingly fails to surrender a license certificate under Subsection
             345      (3) is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
             346          Section 4. Section 53-3-804 is amended to read:
             347           53-3-804. Application for identification card -- Required information -- Release
             348      of anatomical gift information.
             349          (1) To apply for an identification card, the applicant shall:
             350          (a) be a Utah resident;
             351          (b) have a Utah residence address; and
             352          (c) appear in person at any license examining station.
             353          (2) The applicant shall provide the following information to the division:
             354          (a) true and full legal name and Utah residence address;
             355          (b) date of birth as set forth in a certified copy of the applicant's birth certificate, or
             356      other satisfactory evidence of birth, which shall be attached to the application;
             357          (c) Social Security number;
             358          (d) place of birth;
             359          (e) height and weight;
             360          (f) color of eyes and hair;
             361          (g) between July 1, 2002 and July 1, 2007, race in accordance with the categories
             362      established by the United States Census Bureau;
             363          (h) signature;
             364          (i) photograph; [and]
             365          (j) an indication whether the applicant intends to make an anatomical gift under Title
             366      26, Chapter 28, Uniform Anatomical Gift Act[.]; and

             367          (k) an indication whether the applicant is required to register as a sex offender under
             368      Section 77-27-21.5 .
             369          (3) The requirements of Section 53-3-234 apply to this section for each person, age 16
             370      and older, applying for an identification card. Refusal to consent to the release of information
             371      shall result in the denial of the identification card.
             372          (4) An applicant may not be denied an identification card for refusing to provide race
             373      information required under Subsection (2)(g).
             374          (5) A person who knowingly fails to provide the information required under Subsection
             375      (2)(k) is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
             376          Section 5. Section 53-3-807 is amended to read:
             377           53-3-807. Expiration -- Address and name change -- Extension for disabled.
             378          (1) The identification card expires on the birth date of the applicant in the tenth year
             379      following the issuance of the identification card, except as provided under Subsection [(6)] (7).
             380          (2) If a person has applied for and received an identification card and subsequently
             381      moves from the address shown on the application or on the card, the person shall within ten
             382      days notify the division in a manner specified by the division of his new address.
             383          (3) If a person has applied for and received an identification card and subsequently
             384      changes [his] the person's name under Title 42, Chapter 1, Change of Name, [he] the person:
             385          (a) shall surrender the card to the division; and
             386          (b) may apply for a new card in [his] the person's new name by:
             387          (i) furnishing proper documentation to the division as provided in Section 53-3-804 ;
             388      and
             389          (ii) paying the fee required under Section 53-3-105 .
             390          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(c), if a person has applied for and received
             391      an identification card and is currently required to register as a sex offender under Section
             392      77-27-21.5 :
             393          (i) the person's identification card expires on the next birth date of the cardholder
             394      beginning on July 1, 2006;
             395          (ii) the person shall surrender the person's identification card to the division on or
             396      before the cardholder's next birth date beginning on July 1, 2006; and
             397          (iii) the person may apply for an identification card with an expiration date identified in

             398      Subsection (8)(b) by:
             399          (A) furnishing proper documentation to the division as provided in Section 53-3-804 ;
             400      and
             401          (B) paying the fee for a license required under Section 53-3-105 .
             402          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(c), if a person has applied for and received an
             403      identification card and is subsequently convicted of any offense listed in Subsection
             404      77-27-21.5 (1)(e), the person shall surrender the card to the division on the person's next birth
             405      date following the conviction and may apply for a new card with an expiration date identified
             406      in Subsection (8)(b) by:
             407          (i) furnishing proper documentation to the division as provided in Section 53-3-804 ;
             408      and
             409          (ii) paying the fee required under Section 53-3-105 .
             410          (c) A person who is unable to comply with the provisions of Subsection (4)(a) or (4)(b)
             411      because the person is in the custody of the Department of Corrections or Division of Juvenile
             412      Justice Services, confined in a correctional facility not operated by or under contract with the
             413      Department of Corrections, or committed to a state mental facility, shall comply with the
             414      provisions of Subsection (4)(a) or (b) within ten days of being released from confinement.
             415          [(4)] (5) A person older than 21 years of age with a disability, as defined under the
             416      Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Pub. L. 101-336, may extend the expiration date on
             417      an identification card for ten years if the person with a disability or an agent of the person with
             418      a disability:
             419          (a) requests that the division send the application form to obtain the extension or
             420      requests an application form in person at the division's offices;
             421          (b) completes the application;
             422          (c) certifies that the extension is for a person 21 years of age or older with a disability;
             423      and
             424          (d) returns the application to the division together with the identification card fee
             425      required under Section 53-3-105 .
             426          [(5)] (6) (a) An identification card may only be extended once.
             427          (b) After an extension an application for an identification card must be applied for in
             428      person at the division's offices.

             429          [(6)] (7) An identification card issued to a person 65 years of age or older does not
             430      expire, but continues in effect until the death of that person.
             431          [(7)] (8) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section[,]:
             432          (a) an identification card that was obtained without using a Social Security number as
             433      required under Subsection 53-3-804 (2) expires on July 1, 2005[.]; and
             434          (b) an identification card expires on the birth date of the applicant in the first year
             435      following the year that the identification card was issued if the applicant is required to register
             436      as a sex offender under Section 77-27-21.5 .
             437          (9) A person who knowingly fails to surrender an identification card under Subsection
             438      (4) is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
             439          Section 6. Section 76-3-402 is amended to read:
             440           76-3-402. Conviction of lower degree of offense.
             441          (1) If the court, having regard to the nature and circumstances of the offense of which
             442      the defendant was found guilty and to the history and character of the defendant, concludes it
             443      would be unduly harsh to record the conviction as being for that degree of offense established
             444      by statute and to sentence the defendant to an alternative normally applicable to that offense,
             445      the court may unless otherwise specifically provided by law enter a judgment of conviction for
             446      the next lower degree of offense and impose sentence accordingly.
             447          (2) If a conviction is for a third degree felony the conviction is considered to be for a
             448      class A misdemeanor if:
             449          (a) the judge designates the sentence to be for a class A misdemeanor and the sentence
             450      imposed is within the limits provided by law for a class A misdemeanor; or
             451          (b) (i) the imposition of the sentence is stayed and the defendant is placed on probation,
             452      whether committed to jail as a condition of probation or not;
             453          (ii) the defendant is subsequently discharged without violating his probation; and
             454          (iii) the judge upon motion and notice to the prosecuting attorney, and a hearing if
             455      requested by either party or the court, finds it is in the interest of justice that the conviction be
             456      considered to be for a class A misdemeanor.
             457          (3) An offense may be reduced only one degree under this section unless the prosecutor
             458      specifically agrees in writing or on the court record that the offense may be reduced two
             459      degrees. In no case may an offense be reduced under this section by more than two degrees.

             460          (4) This section may not be construed to preclude any person from obtaining or being
             461      granted an expungement of his record as provided by law.
             462          (5) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section:
             463          (a) a person required to register as a sex offender under Section 77-27-21.5 is not
             464      eligible to obtain a reduction of the conviction that requires the person to register as a sex
             465      offender:
             466          (i) while under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections; or
             467          (ii) until the registration requirements under Section 77-27-21.5 have expired; and
             468          (b) a person required to register as a sex offender for the person's lifetime under
             469      Subsection 77-27-21.5 (9)(c) may not be granted a reduction of the conviction for the offense or
             470      offenses that require the person to register as a sex offender.
             471          Section 7. Section 77-18-12 is amended to read:
             472           77-18-12. Grounds for denial of certificate of eligibility -- Effect of prior
             473      convictions.
             474          (1) The division shall issue a certificate of eligibility to a petitioner seeking to obtain
             475      expungement for a criminal record unless prior to issuing a certificate of eligibility the division
             476      finds, through records of a governmental agency, including national criminal data bases that:
             477          (a) the conviction for which expungement is sought is:
             478          (i) a capital felony;
             479          (ii) a first degree felony;
             480          (iii) a second degree forcible felony;
             481          (iv) automobile homicide;
             482          (v) a felony violation of Section 41-6a-502 ;
             483          (vi) a conviction involving a sexual act against a minor;
             484          (vii) any registerable sex offense as defined in Subsection 77-27-21.5 (1)[(d)](e); or
             485          (viii) an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit any offense listed in Subsection
             486      77-27-21.5 (1)[(d)](e);
             487          (b) the petitioner's record includes two or more convictions for any type of offense
             488      which would be classified as a felony under Utah law, not arising out of a single criminal
             489      episode, regardless of the jurisdiction in which the convictions occurred;
             490          (c) the petitioner has previously obtained expungement in any jurisdiction of a crime

             491      which would be classified as a felony in Utah;
             492          (d) the petitioner has previously obtained expungement in any jurisdiction of two or
             493      more convictions which would be classified as misdemeanors in Utah unless the convictions
             494      would be classified as class B or class C misdemeanors in Utah and 15 years have passed since
             495      these misdemeanor convictions;
             496          (e) the petitioner was convicted in any jurisdiction, subsequent to the conviction for
             497      which expungement is sought and within the time periods as provided in Subsection (2), of a
             498      crime which would be classified in Utah as a felony, misdemeanor, or infraction;
             499          (f) the person has a combination of three or more convictions not arising out of a single
             500      criminal episode including any conviction for an offense which would be classified under Utah
             501      law as a class B or class A misdemeanor or as a felony, including any misdemeanor and felony
             502      convictions previously expunged, regardless of the jurisdiction in which the conviction or
             503      expungement occurred; or
             504          (g) a proceeding involving a crime is pending or being instituted in any jurisdiction
             505      against the petitioner.
             506          (2) A conviction may not be included for purposes of Subsection (1)(e), and a
             507      conviction may not be considered for expungement until, after the petitioner's release from
             508      incarceration, parole, or probation, whichever occurs last and all fines ordered by the court
             509      have been satisfied, at least the following period of time has elapsed:
             510          (a) seven years in the case of a felony;
             511          (b) ten years in the case of:
             512          (i) a misdemeanor conviction or the equivalent of a misdemeanor conviction as defined
             513      in Subsection 41-6a-501 (2); or
             514          (ii) a felony violation of Subsection 58-37-8 (2)(g);
             515          (c) five years in the case of a class A misdemeanor;
             516          (d) three years in the case of any other misdemeanor or infraction under Title 76, Utah
             517      Criminal Code; or
             518          (e) 15 years in the case of multiple class B or class C misdemeanors.
             519          (3) A petitioner who would not be eligible to receive a certificate of eligibility under
             520      Subsection (1)(d) or (f) may receive a certificate of eligibility for one additional expungement
             521      if at least 15 years have elapsed since the last of any of the following:

             522          (a) release from incarceration, parole, or probation relating to the most recent
             523      conviction; and
             524          (b) any other conviction which would have prevented issuance of a certificate of
             525      eligibility under Subsection (1)(e).
             526          (4) If, after reasonable research, a disposition for an arrest on the criminal history file is
             527      unobtainable, the division may issue a special certificate giving discretion of eligibility to the
             528      court.
             529          Section 8. Section 77-27-21.5 is amended to read:
             530           77-27-21.5. Sex offender registration -- Information system -- Law enforcement
             531      and courts to report -- Registration -- Penalty -- Effect of expungement.
             532          (1) As used in this section:
             533          (a) "Department" means the Department of Corrections.
             534          (b) "Employed" or "carries on a vocation" includes employment that is full time or part
             535      time [for a period of time exceeding 14 days or for an aggregate period of time exceeding 30
             536      days during any calendar year], whether financially compensated, volunteered, or for the
             537      purpose of government or educational benefit.
             538          (c) "Notification" means a person's acquisition of information from the department
             539      about a sex offender, including his place of habitation, physical description, and other
             540      information as provided in Subsections (11) and (12).
             541          (d) "Register" means to comply with the rules of the department made under this
             542      section.
             543          (e) "Sex offender" means any person:
             544          (i) convicted by this state of:
             545          (A) a felony or class A misdemeanor violation of Section 76-4-401 , enticing a minor
             546      over the Internet;
             547          (B) Section 76-5-301.1 , kidnapping of a child;
             548          (C) a felony violation of Section 76-5-401 , unlawful sexual activity with a minor;
             549          (D) Section 76-5-401.1 , sexual abuse of a minor;
             550          (E) Section 76-5-401.2 , unlawful sexual conduct with a 16 or 17 year old;
             551          (F) Section 76-5-402 , rape;
             552          (G) Section 76-5-402.1 , rape of a child;

             553          (H) Section 76-5-402.2 , object rape;
             554          (I) Section 76-5-402.3 , object rape of a child;
             555          (J) a felony violation of Section 76-5-403 , forcible sodomy;
             556          (K) Section 76-5-403.1 , sodomy on a child;
             557          (L) Section 76-5-404 , forcible sexual abuse;
             558          (M) Section 76-5-404.1 , sexual abuse of a child or aggravated sexual abuse of a child;
             559          (N) Section 76-5-405 , aggravated sexual assault;
             560          (O) Section 76-5a-3 , sexual exploitation of a minor;
             561          (P) Section 76-7-102 , incest;
             562          (Q) Section 76-9-702.5 , lewdness involving a child;
             563          (R) Section 76-10-1306 , aggravated exploitation of prostitution; or
             564          (S) attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to commit any felony offense listed in
             565      Subsection (1)(e)(i);
             566          (ii) [convicted by any other state or the United States government of an offense which
             567      if committed in this state would be punishable as one or more of the offenses listed in] who has
             568      been convicted of any crime, or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit a crime in
             569      another state or by the United States Government that is substantially equivalent to the offenses
             570      listed in Subsection (1)(e)(i) and who is:
             571          (A) a Utah resident; or
             572          (B) not a Utah resident, but who is in the state for [a period exceeding 14 consecutive
             573      days, or for an aggregate period exceeding 30 days, during any calendar year; or] three days,
             574      regardless of whether or not the offender intends to permanently reside in this state;
             575          (iii) who is required to register as a sex offender in any other state or United States
             576      territory, is not a Utah resident, but who is in the state for three days, regardless of whether or
             577      not the offender intends to permanently reside in this state;
             578          (iv) who is a nonresident regularly employed, working, or a student in this state and
             579      was convicted of one or more offenses listed in Subsection (1)(e)(i), or any substantially
             580      equivalent offense in another state or by the United States Government, and as a result of the
             581      conviction, is required to register in the person's state of residence; or
             582          [(iii)] (v) who is found not guilty by reason of insanity in this state, any other state, or
             583      by the United States Government of one or more offenses listed in Subsection (1)(e)(i).

             584          (2) The department, to assist in investigating sex-related crimes and in apprehending
             585      offenders, shall:
             586          (a) develop and operate a system to collect, analyze, maintain, and disseminate
             587      information on sex offenders and sex offenses; and
             588          (b) make information collected and developed under this section available to the
             589      public.
             590          (3) Any law enforcement agency shall, in the manner prescribed by the department,
             591      inform the department of:
             592          (a) the receipt of a report or complaint of an offense listed in Subsection (1)(e), within
             593      three working days; and
             594          (b) the arrest of a person suspected of any of the offenses listed in Subsection (1)(e),
             595      within five working days.
             596          (4) Upon convicting a person of any of the offenses listed in Subsection (1)(e), the
             597      convicting court shall within three working days forward a copy of the judgment and sentence
             598      to the department.
             599          (5) A sex offender in the custody of the department shall be registered by agents of the
             600      department upon:
             601          (a) being placed on probation;
             602          (b) commitment to a secure correctional facility operated by or under contract to the
             603      department;
             604          (c) release from confinement to parole status, termination or expiration of sentence, or
             605      escape;
             606          (d) entrance to and release from any community-based residential program operated by
             607      or under contract to the department; or
             608          (e) termination of probation or parole.
             609          (6) A sex offender not in the custody of the department and who is confined in a
             610      correctional facility not operated by or under contract to the department shall be registered with
             611      the department by the sheriff of the county in which the offender is confined upon:
             612          (a) commitment to the correctional facility; and
             613          (b) release from confinement.
             614          (7) A sex offender committed to a state mental hospital shall be registered with the

             615      department by the hospital upon admission and upon discharge.
             616          (8) A sex offender convicted by any other state or by the United States government is
             617      required to register under Subsection (1)(e)(ii) and shall register with the department within
             618      [ten] three days [after] of entering the state, regardless of the length of stay.
             619          (9) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (9)(b) [and], (c), and (d), a sex offender shall,
             620      for the duration of the sentence and for ten years after termination of sentence, register annually
             621      during the month of the offender's birth and again within [ten] three days of every change of his
             622      place of habitation, vehicle information, or educational information required to be submitted
             623      under Subsection (11).
             624          (b) Except as provided (9)(c) and (d), a sex offender who is convicted of an offense
             625      listed in Subsection (1)(e)(i) by another state shall register for the time period required by the
             626      state where the offender was convicted if the state's registration period for the offense that the
             627      offender was convicted of is in excess of the ten years from completion of the sentence
             628      registration period that is required under Subsection (9)(a).
             629          [(b)] (c) (i) A sex offender convicted as an adult of any of the offenses listed in
             630      Subsection (9)[(b)](c)(ii) shall, for the offender's lifetime, register annually during the month of
             631      the offender's birth and again within [ten] three days of every change of the offender's place of
             632      habitation, vehicle information, or educational information required to be submitted under
             633      Subsection (11). This registration requirement is not subject to exemptions and may not be
             634      terminated or altered during the offender's lifetime.
             635          (ii) Offenses referred to in Subsection (9)[(b)](c)(i) are:
             636          (A) any offense listed in Subsection (1)(e) if, at the time of the conviction, the offender
             637      has previously been convicted of an offense listed in Subsection (1)(e);
             638          (B) Section 76-5-402.1 , rape of a child;
             639          (C) Section 76-5-402.3 , object rape of a child;
             640          (D) Section 76-5-403 , forcible sodomy;
             641          (E) Section 76-5-403.1 , sodomy on a child; [and]
             642          (F) Section 76-5-405 , aggravated sexual assault[.];
             643          (G) Section 76-5-301.1 , child kidnapping;
             644          (H) Section 76-5-404.1 , sexual abuse of a child;
             645          (I) Subsection 76-5-404.1 (4), aggravated sexual abuse of a child;

             646          (J) Section 76-5a-3 , sexual exploitation of a minor;
             647          (K) Section 76-7-102 , incest;
             648          (L) Section 76-5-402 , rape; or
             649          (M) Section 76-5-402.2 , object rape.
             650          (c) Notwithstanding Subsections (9)(a) [and], (b), and (c),a sex offender who is
             651      confined in a secure facility or in a state mental hospital is not required to register annually.
             652          (d) A sex offender that is required to register annually under this Subsection (9) shall
             653      surrender the sex offender's license certificate or identification card as required under
             654      Subsection 53-3-216 (3) or 53-3-807 (4) and may apply for a license certificate or identification
             655      card as provided under Section 53-3-205 or 53-3-804 .
             656          (10) An agency in the state that registers a sex offender on probation, a sex offender
             657      who has been released from confinement to parole status or termination, or a sex offender
             658      whose sentence has expired shall inform the offender of the duty to comply with:
             659          (a) the continuing registration requirements of this section during the period of
             660      registration required in Subsection (9), including:
             661          [(a)] (i) notification to the state agencies in the states where the registrant presently
             662      resides and plans to reside when moving across state lines;
             663          [(b)] (ii) verification of address at least every 60 days pursuant to a parole agreement
             664      for lifetime parolees; and
             665          [(c)] (iii) notification to the out-of-state agency where the offender is living, whether or
             666      not the offender is a resident of that state[.]; and
             667          (b) the driver license certificate or identification card surrender requirement under
             668      Subsection 53-3-216 (3) or 53-3-807 (4) and application provisions under Section 53-3-205 or
             669      53-3-804 .
             670          (11) A sex offender shall provide the department with the following information:
             671          (a) all names or aliases the sex offender is or has been known by;
             672          (b) the sex offender's name and residential address;
             673          (c) a physical description, including the sex offender's age, height, weight, eye and hair
             674      color;
             675          (d) the type of vehicle or vehicles the sex offender drives;
             676          (e) a current photograph of the sex offender; and

             677          (f) each educational institution [of higher education] in Utah at which the sex offender
             678      is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student, and any change of enrollment or
             679      employment status of the sex offender at any educational institution [of higher education].
             680          (12) The department shall:
             681          (a) provide the following additional information when available:
             682          (i) the crimes the sex offender was convicted of; and
             683          (ii) a description of the sex offender's primary and secondary targets; and
             684          (b) ensure that the registration information collected regarding a sex offender's
             685      enrollment or employment at an educational institution [of higher education] is:
             686          (i) (A) promptly made available to any law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction
             687      where the institution is located[; and] if the educational institution is an institution of higher
             688      education; or
             689          (B) promptly made available to the district superintendent of the school district where
             690      the offender is enrolled if the educational institution is an institution of primary education; and
             691          (ii) entered into the appropriate state records or data system.
             692          (13) (a) A sex offender who knowingly fails to register under this section is guilty of:
             693          (i) a third degree felony and shall be sentenced to serve a term of incarceration for not
             694      less than one year and also at least one year of probation if:
             695          (A) the sex offender is required to register for a felony conviction of an offense listed
             696      in Subsection (1)(e)(i); or
             697          (B) the sex offender is required to register for the offender's lifetime under Subsection
             698      (9)(c); or
             699          (ii) a class A misdemeanor and shall be sentenced to serve a term of incarceration for
             700      not fewer than 90 days and also at least one year of probation if the sex offender is required to
             701      register for a misdemeanor conviction of an offense listed in Subsection (1)(e)(i).
             702          (b) Neither the court nor the Board of Pardons and Parole may release a person who
             703      violates this section from serving [a] the term [of at least 90 days and of completing probation
             704      of at least one year] required under Subsection (13)(a). This Subsection (13)(b) supersedes any
             705      other provision of the law contrary to this section.
             706          (14) Notwithstanding Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             707      Management Act, information in Subsections (11) and (12) collected and released under this

             708      section is public information.
             709          (15) (a) If a sex offender is to be temporarily sent outside a secure facility in which he
             710      is confined on any assignment, including, without limitation, firefighting or disaster control,
             711      the official who has custody of the offender shall, within a reasonable time prior to removal
             712      from the secure facility, notify the local law enforcement agencies where the assignment is to
             713      be filled.
             714          (b) This Subsection (15) does not apply to any person temporarily released under guard
             715      from the institution in which he is confined.
             716          (16) Notwithstanding Sections 77-18-9 through 77-18-14 regarding expungement, a
             717      person convicted of any offense listed in Subsection (1)(e) is not relieved from the
             718      responsibility to register as required under this section.
             719          (17) Notwithstanding Section 42-1-1 , a sex offender:
             720          (a) may not change his name:
             721          (i) while under the jurisdiction of the department; and
             722          (ii) until the registration requirements of this statute have expired; or
             723          (b) may not change his name at any time, if registration is under Subsection (9)[(b)](c).
             724          (18) The department may make rules necessary to implement this section, including:
             725          (a) the method for dissemination of the information; and
             726          (b) instructions to the public regarding the use of the information.
             727          (19) Any information regarding the identity or location of a victim shall be redacted by
             728      the department from information provided under Subsections (11) and (12).
             729          (20) Nothing in this section shall be construed to create or impose any duty on any
             730      person to request or obtain information regarding any sex offender from the department.
             731          (21) [If the] The department [chooses to] shall post registry information on the Internet,
             732      and the website shall contain a disclaimer informing the public of the following:
             733          (a) the information contained on the site is obtained from sex offenders and the
             734      department does not guarantee its accuracy;
             735          (b) members of the public are not allowed to [publicize the information or] use [it] the
             736      information to harass or threaten sex offenders or members of their families; and
             737          (c) harassment, stalking, or threats against sex offenders or their families are prohibited
             738      and doing so may violate Utah criminal laws.

             739          (22) The website shall be indexed by both the surname of the offender and by postal
             740      codes.
             741          [(22)] (23) The department shall construct the website so that users, before accessing
             742      registry information, must indicate that they have read the disclaimer, understand it, and agree
             743      to comply with its terms.
             744          [(23)] (24) The department, its personnel, and any individual or entity acting at the
             745      request or upon the direction of the department are immune from civil liability for damages for
             746      good faith compliance with this section and will be presumed to have acted in good faith by
             747      reporting information.
             748          [(24)] (25) The department shall redact information that, if disclosed, could reasonably
             749      identify a victim.
             750          Section 9. Effective date.
             751          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.

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