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H.B. 222





Chief Sponsor: Paul Ray

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends provisions of the Utah Criminal Code relating to abortion.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    requires that at least 24 hours before a physician performs an abortion of an unborn
             13      child who is at least 20 weeks gestational age, the woman on whom the abortion is
             14      performed shall be informed of any anesthetic or analgesic that would eliminate or
             15      alleviate organic pain to the unborn child and any medical risks associated with the
             16      anesthetic or analgesic, unless:
             17              .    a medical emergency exists; or
             18              .    the abortion is being performed to save the life of the woman or to prevent grave
             19      damage to her medical health;
             20          .    provides that a person providing the information described in the preceding
             21      paragraph is not prohibited from informing the woman of the person's own opinion
             22      regarding the administration of an anesthetic or analgesic to alleviate fetal pain;
             23          .    requires the Department of Health to produce a brochure that:
             24              .    subject to certain exceptions, is to be provided to a woman seeking an abortion
             25      of an unborn child who is at least 20 weeks gestational age; and
             26              .    includes information, from both sides of the issue, relating to the ability of an
             27      unborn child to experience pain during an abortion procedure and the methods

             28      of alleviating or eliminating that pain;
             29          .    provides that a physician who performs an abortion of an unborn child who is at
             30      least 20 weeks gestational age shall administer an anesthetic or analgesic to the
             31      unborn child if the woman having the abortion consents to the administration of the
             32      anesthetic or analgesic, unless:
             33              .    a medical emergency exists; or
             34              .    the physician informs the woman that the physician, or the facility at which the
             35      abortion is to be performed, cannot, or does not, provide the service of
             36      administering an anesthetic or analgesic to an unborn child; and
             37          .    makes technical changes.
             38      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             39          None
             40      Other Special Clauses:
             41          None
             42      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             43      AMENDS:
             44          76-7-305, as last amended by Chapter 221, Laws of Utah 1997
             45          76-7-305.5, as last amended by Chapter 13, Laws of Utah 1998
             46          76-7-315, as last amended by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 1996, Second Special Session
             47      ENACTS:
             48          76-7-308.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             50      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             51          Section 1. Section 76-7-305 is amended to read:
             52           76-7-305. Informed consent requirements for abortion -- 24-hour wait mandatory
             53      -- Emergency exceptions.
             54          (1) No abortion may be performed unless a voluntary and informed written consent,
             55      consistent with Section 8.08 of the American Medical Association's Code of Medical Ethics,
             56      Current Opinions, and the provisions of this section is first obtained by the attending physician
             57      from the woman upon whom the abortion is to be performed.
             58          (2) Except in the case of a medical emergency, consent to an abortion is voluntary and

             59      informed only if:
             60          (a) at least 24 hours prior to the abortion, the physician who is to perform the abortion,
             61      the referring physician, a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, advanced practice registered
             62      nurse, certified nurse midwife, or physician's assistant [shall], in a face-to-face consultation,
             63      orally [inform] informs the woman of:
             64          (i) consistent with Subsection (3)(a), the nature of the proposed abortion procedure or
             65      treatment, specifically how that procedure will affect the fetus, and the risks and alternatives to
             66      an abortion procedure or treatment that any person would consider material to the decision of
             67      whether or not to undergo an abortion[. The alternatives required to be provided under this
             68      subsection shall include a description of adoption services, including private and agency
             69      adoption methods, and a statement that it is legal for adoptive parents to financially assist in
             70      pregnancy and birth expenses];
             71          (ii) the probable gestational age and a description of the development of the unborn
             72      child at the time the abortion would be performed; [and]
             73          (iii) the medical risks associated with carrying her child to term; and
             74          (iv) except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), if the abortion is to be performed on an
             75      unborn child who is at least 20 weeks gestational age:
             76          (A) any anesthetic or analgesic that would eliminate or alleviate organic pain to the
             77      unborn child that may be caused by the particular method of abortion to be employed; and
             78          (B) any medical risks associated with the anesthetic or analgesic described in
             79      Subsection (2)(a)(iv)(A);
             80          (b) at least 24 hours prior to the abortion the physician who is to perform the abortion,
             81      the referring physician, or, as specifically delegated by either of those physicians, a registered
             82      nurse, licensed practical nurse, certified nurse-midwife, advanced practice registered nurse,
             83      clinical laboratory technologist, psychologist, marriage and family therapist, clinical social
             84      worker, or certified social worker has orally, in a face-to-face consultation, informed the
             85      pregnant woman that:
             86          (i) the Department of Health, in accordance with Section 76-7-305.5 , publishes printed
             87      material and an informational video that:
             88          (A) provides medically accurate information regarding all abortion procedures that may
             89      be used;

             90          (B) describes the gestational stages of an unborn child; and
             91          (C) includes information regarding public and private services and agencies available
             92      to assist her through pregnancy, at childbirth, and while the child is dependent, including
             93      private and agency adoption alternatives; and
             94          (ii) the printed material and a viewing of or a copy of the informational video shall be
             95      provided to her free of charge;
             96          (iii) medical assistance benefits may be available for prenatal care, childbirth, and
             97      neonatal care, and that more detailed information on the availability of that assistance is
             98      contained in the printed materials and the informational video published by the Department of
             99      Health;
             100          (iv) except as provided in Subsection (3)(c), the father of the unborn child is legally
             101      required to assist in the support of her child, even in instances where he has offered to pay for
             102      the abortion, and that the Office of Recovery Services within the Department of Human
             103      Services will assist her in collecting child support[. In the case of rape, this information may
             104      be omitted]; and
             105          (v) she has the right to view an ultrasound of the unborn child, at no expense to her,
             106      upon her request;
             107          (c) the information required to be provided to the pregnant woman under Subsection
             108      (2)(a) is also provided by the physician who is to perform the abortion, in a face-to-face
             109      consultation, prior to performance of the abortion, unless the attending or referring physician
             110      [was] is the individual [providing] who provides the information required under Subsection
             111      (2)(a);
             112          (d) a copy of the printed materials published by the Department of Health has been
             113      provided to the pregnant woman;
             114          (e) the informational video, published by the Department of Health, has been provided
             115      to the pregnant woman in accordance with Subsection [(2)] (4); and
             116          (f) the pregnant woman has certified in writing, prior to the abortion, that the
             117      information required to be provided under Subsections (2)(a)[, (b), (c), (d), and] through (e)
             118      was provided, in accordance with the requirements of those subsections.
             119          (3) (a) The alternatives required to be provided under Subsection (2)(a)(i) shall include:
             120          (i) a description of adoption services, including private and agency adoption methods;

             121      and
             122          (ii) a statement that it is legal for adoptive parents to financially assist in pregnancy and
             123      birth expenses.
             124          (b) The information described in Subsection (2)(a)(iv) may be omitted from the
             125      information required to be provided to a pregnant woman under this section if the abortion is
             126      being performed for a reason described in Subsection 76-7-302 (2)(a) or (d).
             127          (c) The information described in Subsection (2)(b)(iv) may be omitted from the
             128      information required to be provided to a pregnant woman under this section if the woman is
             129      pregnant as the result of rape.
             130          (d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a person described in
             131      Subsection (2)(a) from, when providing the information described in Subsection (2)(a)(iv),
             132      informing a woman of the person's own opinion regarding:
             133          (i) the capacity of an unborn child to experience pain;
             134          (ii) the advisability of administering an anesthetic or analgesic to an unborn child; or
             135          (iii) any other matter related to fetal pain.
             136          [(2)] (4) When the informational video described in Section 76-7-305.5 is provided to a
             137      pregnant woman, the person providing the information shall first request that the woman view
             138      the video at that time or at another specifically designated time and location. If the woman
             139      chooses not to do so, a copy of the video shall be provided to her.
             140          [(3)] (5) When a serious medical emergency compels the performance of an abortion,
             141      the physician shall inform the woman prior to the abortion, if possible, of the medical
             142      indications supporting [his] the physician's judgment that an abortion is necessary.
             143          [(4)] (6) Any physician who violates the provisions of this section:
             144          (a) is guilty of unprofessional conduct as defined in Section 58-67-102 or 58-68-102 [,];
             145      and [his license for the practice of medicine and surgery]
             146          (b) shall be subject to suspension or revocation of the physician's license for the
             147      practice of medicine and surgery in accordance with Sections 58-67-401 [and], 58-67-402 ,
             148      [Utah Medical Practice Act, or Sections] 58-68-401 , and 58-68-402 [, Utah Osteopathic
             149      Medical Practice Act].
             150          [(5)] (7) A physician is not guilty of violating this section for failure to furnish any of
             151      the information described in Subsection [(1)] (2), if:

             152          (a) [he] the physician can demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that [he] the
             153      physician reasonably believed that furnishing the information would have resulted in a severely
             154      adverse effect on the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman;
             155          (b) in [his] the physician's professional judgment, the abortion was necessary to save
             156      the pregnant woman's life;
             157          (c) the pregnancy was the result of rape or rape of a child, as defined in Sections
             158      76-5-402 and 76-5-402.1 ;
             159          (d) the pregnancy was the result of incest, as defined in Subsection 76-5-406 (10) and
             160      Section 76-7-102 ; or
             161          [(e) in his professional judgment the abortion was to prevent the birth of a child who
             162      would have been born with grave defects; or]
             163          [(f)] (e) the pregnant woman was 14 years of age or younger.
             164          (8) A physician is not guilty of violating this section for failure to furnish any of the
             165      information described in Subsections (2)(a)(i) through (iii) or (2)(b) through (f), if, in the
             166      physician's professional judgment, the abortion was to prevent the birth of a child who would
             167      have been born with grave defects.
             168          [(6)] (9) A physician who complies with the provisions of this section may not be held
             169      civilly liable to [his] the physician's patient for failure to obtain informed consent under Section
             170      78-14-5 .
             171          Section 2. Section 76-7-305.5 is amended to read:
             172           76-7-305.5. Requirements for printed materials and informational video --
             173      Annual report of Department of Health.
             174          (1) In order to insure that a woman's consent to an abortion is truly an informed
             175      consent, the Department of Health shall publish printed materials and produce an informational
             176      video in accordance with the requirements of this section. The department and each local
             177      health department shall make those materials and a viewing of the video available at no cost to
             178      any person. The printed material and the informational video shall be comprehensible and
             179      contain all of the following:
             180          (a) geographically indexed materials informing the woman of public and private
             181      services and agencies available to assist her, financially and otherwise, through pregnancy, at
             182      childbirth, and while the child is dependent, including services and supports available under

             183      Section 35A-3-308 . Those materials shall contain a description of available adoption services,
             184      including a comprehensive list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of public and
             185      private agencies and private attorneys whose practice includes adoption, and explanations of
             186      possible available financial aid during the adoption process. The information regarding
             187      adoption services shall include the fact that private adoption is legal, and that the law permits
             188      adoptive parents to pay the costs of prenatal care, childbirth, and neonatal care. The printed
             189      information and video shall present adoption as a preferred and positive choice and alternative
             190      to abortion. The department may, at its option, include printed materials that describe the
             191      availability of a toll-free 24-hour telephone number that may be called in order to obtain,
             192      orally, the list and description of services, agencies, and adoption attorneys in the locality of the
             193      caller;
             194          (b) truthful and nonmisleading descriptions of the probable anatomical and
             195      physiological characteristics of the unborn child at two-week gestational increments from
             196      fertilization to full term, accompanied by pictures or video segments representing the
             197      development of an unborn child at those gestational increments. The descriptions shall include
             198      information about brain and heart function and the presence of external members and internal
             199      organs during the applicable stages of development. Any pictures used shall contain the
             200      dimensions of the fetus and shall be realistic and appropriate for that woman's stage of
             201      pregnancy. The materials shall be designed to convey accurate scientific information about an
             202      unborn child at the various gestational ages, and to convey the state's preference for childbirth
             203      over abortion;
             204          (c) truthful, nonmisleading descriptions of abortion procedures used in current medical
             205      practice at the various stages of growth of the unborn child, the medical risks commonly
             206      associated with each procedure, including those related to subsequent childbearing, the
             207      consequences of each procedure to the fetus at various stages of fetal development, the possible
             208      detrimental psychological effects of abortion, and the medical risks associated with carrying a
             209      child to term;
             210          (d) any relevant information on the possibility of an unborn child's survival at the
             211      two-week gestational increments described in Subsection (1)(b);
             212          (e) information on the availability of medical assistance benefits for prenatal care,
             213      childbirth, and neonatal care;

             214          (f) a statement conveying that it is unlawful for any person to coerce a woman to
             215      undergo an abortion;
             216          (g) a statement conveying that any physician who performs an abortion without
             217      obtaining the woman's informed consent or without according her a private medical
             218      consultation in accordance with the requirements of this section, may be liable to her for
             219      damages in a civil action at law;
             220          (h) a statement conveying that the state of Utah prefers childbirth over abortion; and
             221          (i) information regarding the legal responsibility of the father to assist in child support,
             222      even in instances where he has agreed to pay for an abortion, including a description of the
             223      services available through the Office of Recovery Services, within the Department of Human
             224      Services, to establish and collect that support.
             225          (2) (a) The printed material described in Subsection (1) shall include a separate
             226      brochure that contains truthful, nonmisleading information on both sides of the issue regarding:
             227          (i) the ability of an unborn child to experience pain during an abortion procedure;
             228          (ii) the measures that may be taken, including the administration of an anesthetic or
             229      analgesic to an unborn child, to alleviate or eliminate pain to an unborn child during an
             230      abortion procedure;
             231          (iii) the effectiveness and advisability of taking the measures described in Subsection
             232      (2)(a)(ii); and
             233          (iv) potential medical risks associated with the administration of an anesthetic or
             234      analgesic to an unborn child during an abortion procedure.
             235          (b) A person or facility is not required to provide the information described in
             236      Subsection (2)(a) to a patient or potential patient, unless the abortion is to be performed:
             237          (i) on an unborn child who is at least 20 weeks gestational age at the time of the
             238      abortion; and
             239          (ii) for a reason other than a reason described in Subsection 76-7-302 (2)(a) or (d).
             240          [(2)] (3) (a) The materials described in [Subsection] Subsections (1) and (2) shall be
             241      produced and printed in a way that conveys the state's preference for childbirth over abortion.
             242          (b) The printed material described in Subsection (1) shall be printed in a typeface large
             243      enough to be clearly legible.
             244          [(3) Every] (4) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), every facility in which

             245      abortions are performed shall immediately provide the printed informed consent materials and
             246      a viewing of or a copy of the informational video described in [Subsection] Subsections (1) and
             247      (2) to any patient or potential patient prior to the performance of an abortion, unless the
             248      patient's attending or referring physician certifies in writing that he reasonably believes that
             249      provision of the materials or video to that patient would result in a severely adverse effect on
             250      her physical or mental health.
             251          [(4)] (5) The Department of Health shall produce a standardized videotape that may be
             252      used statewide, containing all of the information described in Subsection (1), in accordance
             253      with the requirements of [that subsection and Subsection (2)] Subsections (1) and (3). In
             254      preparing the video, the department may summarize and make reference to the printed
             255      comprehensive list of geographically indexed names and services described in Subsection
             256      (1)(a). The videotape shall, in addition to the information described in Subsection (1), show an
             257      ultrasound of the heart beat of an unborn child at three weeks gestational age, at six to eight
             258      weeks gestational age, and each month thereafter, until 14 weeks gestational age. That
             259      information shall be presented in a truthful, nonmisleading manner designed to convey accurate
             260      scientific information, the state's preference for childbirth over abortion, and the positive
             261      aspects of adoption.
             262          [(5)] (6) The Department of Health and local health departments shall provide
             263      ultrasounds in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 76-7-305 [(1)](2)(b), at no expense
             264      to the pregnant woman.
             265          [(6)] (7) The Department of Health shall compile and report the following information
             266      annually, preserving physician and patient anonymity:
             267          (a) the total amount of informed consent material described in [Subsection]
             268      Subsections (1) and (2) that was distributed;
             269          (b) the number of women who obtained abortions in this state without receiving those
             270      materials;
             271          (c) the number of statements signed by attending physicians certifying to his opinion
             272      regarding adverse effects on the patient under Subsection [(3)] (4); and
             273          (d) any other information pertaining to protecting the informed consent of women
             274      seeking abortions.
             275          [(7)] (8) The Department of Health shall annually report to the Health and Human

             276      Services Interim Committee regarding the information described in Subsection [(6)] (7), and
             277      provide a copy of the printed materials and the videotape produced in accordance with this
             278      section to that committee.
             279          Section 3. Section 76-7-308.5 is enacted to read:
             280          76-7-308.5. Administration of anesthetic or analgesic to an unborn child.
             281          A physician who performs an abortion of an unborn child who is at least 20 weeks
             282      gestational age shall administer an anesthetic or analgesic to eliminate or alleviate organic pain
             283      to the unborn child that may be caused by the particular method of abortion to be employed, if
             284      the woman having the abortion consents to the administration of an anesthetic or analgesic to
             285      the unborn child, unless:
             286          (1) the physician is prevented from administering the anesthetic or analgesic by a
             287      medical emergency; or
             288          (2) prior to performing the abortion, the physician informs the woman that the
             289      physician, or the facility at which the abortion is to be performed, cannot, or does not, provide
             290      the service of administering an anesthetic or analgesic to an unborn child.
             291          Section 4. Section 76-7-315 is amended to read:
             292           76-7-315. Exceptions to certain requirements in serious medical emergencies.
             293          When due to a serious medical emergency, time does not permit compliance with
             294      Section 76-7-302 , 76-7-304 , 76-7-305 , 76-7-305.5 , 76-7-308.5 or 76-7-310.5 the provisions of
             295      those sections do not apply.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-6-05 1:17 PM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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