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First Substitute H.B. 240

Representative Brad L. Dee proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: David Clark

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Utah State Retirement Act by increasing the cost-of-living and
             10      certain death benefit allowances for members of the Public Safety Retirement Systems
             11      and providing certain funding sources.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    repeals the Public Safety Retirees' Cost-of-Living Increase Restricted Account and
             15      deposits its balance and revenue into the Public Safety Contributory Retirement
             16      Trust Fund and the Public Safety Noncontributory Retirement Trust Fund;
             17          .    provides that a percentage of the insurance premium tax on certain vehicle
             18      insurance is used to fund the public safety retirement systems and apportioned
             19      between the contributory and noncontributory public safety systems;
             20          .    increases the cost-of-living allowance for members of the Public Safety
             21      Contributory Retirement System;
             22          .    increases the cost-of-living allowance for members of the Public Safety
             23      Noncontributory Retirement System;
             24          .    increases the allowance payable to the surviving spouse of a retiree of the Public
             25      Safety Contributory Retirement System; and

             26          .    increases the allowance payable to the surviving spouse of a retiree of the Public
             27      Safety Noncontributory Retirement System.
             28      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             29          This bill appropriates the June 30, 2006 balance from the Public Safety Retirees'
             30      Cost-of-Living Increase Restricted Account in the General Fund to the Public Safety
             31      Contributory Retirement Trust Fund and the Public Safety Noncontributory Retirement
             32      Trust Fund for fiscal year 2006-07.
             33      Other Special Clauses:
             34          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.
             35      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             36      AMENDS:
             37          49-11-902, as enacted by Chapter 262, Laws of Utah 2004
             38          49-14-403, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 250, Laws of Utah 2002
             39          49-14-504, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 250, Laws of Utah 2002
             40          49-15-403, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 250, Laws of Utah 2002
             41          49-15-504, as last amended by Chapter 240, Laws of Utah 2003
             42      ENACTS:
             43          49-11-903, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             44      REPEALS:
             45          49-11-901, as enacted by Chapter 262, Laws of Utah 2004
             47      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             48          Section 1. Section 49-11-902 is amended to read:
             49           49-11-902. Premium tax revenues -- Formula -- Deposits.
             50          (1) (a) If the premium tax revenue received by the office under Subsection
             51      49-16-301 (6), when calculated as a percentage of the certified contribution rate for members in
             52      Division A and B, as defined under Section 49-16-301 , exceeds the percentage of the certified
             53      contribution rate paid to the Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund in accordance with Subsection
             54      49-16-301 (6) on July 1, 2004, the office shall deposit the difference in the Public Safety
             55      [Retirees' Cost-of-Living Increase Restricted Account created under Section 49-11-901 ]
             56      Contributory Retirement Trust Fund created under Section 49-14-104 and the Public Safety

             57      Noncontributory Retirement Trust Fund created under Section 49-15-104 .
             58          (b) If the premium tax revenue does not exceed the percentage of the certified
             59      contribution rate paid to the Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund in accordance with Subsection
             60      49-16-301 (6) on July 1, 2004 as calculated under Subsection (1)(a), the board may not make a
             61      deposit under Subsection (1)(a).
             62          (2) The office shall make the calculations, equitable apportionment of monies between
             63      Division A and B[,] and between the Contributory and Noncontributory Systems, and deposits
             64      required to implement this section.
             65          Section 2. Section 49-11-903 is enacted to read:
             66          49-11-903. Public safety contributions from insurance premium tax -- Formula --
             67      Distribution.
             68          (1) In addition to contribution rates described under Sections 49-14-301 and
             69      49-15-301 , there shall be paid to the Public Safety Contributory Retirement Trust Fund created
             70      under Section 49-14-104 and the Public Safety Noncontributory Retirement Trust Fund created
             71      under Section 49-15-104 , 30% of the annual tax levied, assessed, and collected under Title 59,
             72      Chapter 9, Taxation of Admitted Insurers, upon vehicle liability insurance and vehicle physical
             73      damage insurance premiums for property insurance, as defined under Section 31A-1-301 , and
             74      as applied to vehicle and allied lines insurance collected by insurance companies within the
             75      state.
             76          (2) Payments to the funds shall be:
             77          (a) made annually until the service liability is liquidated, after which the tax revenue
             78      provided in Subsection (1) for the public safety retirement ceases; and
             79          (b) apportioned between the two public safety retirement funds as provided under
             80      Subsection 49-11-902 (2).
             81          Section 3. Section 49-14-403 is amended to read:
             82           49-14-403. Annual cost-of-living adjustment.
             83          (1) The office shall make an annual cost-of-living adjustment to:
             84          (a) an original allowance paid under Section 49-14-402 and Part 5, Death Benefit, of
             85      this chapter if the allowance has been paid for at least one year; and
             86          (b) an original payment made to an alternate payee under a domestic relations order, if
             87      the payment is to be paid as a percentage of the allowance rather than a specific dollar amount.

             88          (2) (a) The original allowance shall be increased by the annual increase in the
             89      Consumer Price Index up to a maximum of [2.5%] 4%.
             90          (b) Annual increases in the Consumer Price Index in excess of [2.5%] 4% shall be
             91      accumulated and used in subsequent adjustments when the annual increase in the Consumer
             92      Price Index is less than [2.5%] 4%.
             93          (3) The Consumer Price Index used in calculating adjustments shall be a United States
             94      Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index average as determined by the board.
             95          (4) The cost-of-living adjustment made under this section may not decrease the
             96      allowance.
             97          Section 4. Section 49-14-504 is amended to read:
             98           49-14-504. Benefits payable upon death of retired member.
             99          (1) If a retiree who retired under either Division A or Division B dies, the retiree's
             100      spouse at the time of death shall receive an allowance equal to [65%] 75% of the allowance
             101      that was being paid to the retiree at the time of death.
             102          (2) If the retiree retired solely under Division B and dies leaving unmarried children
             103      under the age of 18 or dependent unmarried mentally or physically disabled children, the
             104      children shall qualify for a benefit as prescribed for children under Subsection 49-14-502 (1)(c)
             105      which is payable on the first day of the month following the month in which the retiree died.
             106          Section 5. Section 49-15-403 is amended to read:
             107           49-15-403. Annual cost-of-living adjustment.
             108          (1) The office shall make an annual cost-of-living adjustment to:
             109          (a) an original allowance paid under Section 49-15-402 and Part 5, Death Benefit, of
             110      this chapter if the allowance has been paid for at least one year; and
             111          (b) an original payment made to an alternate payee under a domestic relations order if
             112      the payment is to be paid as a percentage of the allowance rather than a specific dollar amount.
             113          (2) (a) The original allowance shall be increased by the annual increase in the
             114      Consumer Price Index up to a maximum of [2.5%] 4%.
             115          (b) Annual increases in the Consumer Price Index in excess of [2.5%] 4% shall be
             116      accumulated and used in subsequent adjustments when the annual increase in the Consumer
             117      Price Index is less than [2.5%] 4%.
             118          (3) The Consumer Price Index used in calculating adjustments shall be a United States

             119      Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index average as determined by the board.
             120          (4) The cost-of-living adjustment made under this section may not decrease the
             121      allowance.
             122          Section 6. Section 49-15-504 is amended to read:
             123           49-15-504. Benefits payable upon death of retired member.
             124          (1) If a retiree who retired under either Division A or Division B dies, the retiree's
             125      spouse at the time of death shall receive an allowance equal to [65%] 75% of the allowance
             126      that was being paid to the retiree at the time of death.
             127          (2) If the retiree retired solely under Division B and dies leaving unmarried children
             128      under the age of 18 or dependent unmarried mentally or physically disabled children, the
             129      children shall qualify for a benefit as prescribed under Subsection 49-15-502 (1)(d) which is
             130      payable on the first day of the month following the month in which the retiree died.
             131          Section 7. Appropriation.
             132          (1) There is appropriated from the Public Safety Retirees' Cost-of-Living Increase
             133      Restricted Account created under Section 49-11-901 in the General Fund to the Public Safety
             134      Contributory Retirement Trust Fund created under Section 49-14-104 and the Public Safety
             135      Noncontributory Retirement Trust Fund created under Section 49-15-104 the balance of the
             136      account on June 30, 2006, for fiscal year 2006-07.
             137          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the monies appropriated under Subsection (1)
             138      be apportioned between the two funds as provided under Subsection 49-11-902 (2).
             139          Section 8. Effective date.
             140          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.
             141          Section 9. Repealer.
             142          This bill repeals:
             143          Section 49-11-901, Public Safety Retirees' Cost-of-Living Increase Restricted
             144      Account.

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