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First Substitute H.B. 319

Representative David N. Cox proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: David N. Cox

Senate Sponsor: David L. Thomas

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies county and municipal land use provisions.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    enacts provisions relating to a property owner's donation of land or money for a
             14      school building to be entitled to a density bonus with respect to the owner's
             15      subdivision plat;
             16          .    provides for management of money donated for the purchase of land for
             17      construction of a school building;
             18          .    provides for the temporary use of land donated for the construction of a school
             19      building until the school building is constructed; and
             20          .    allows counties and municipalities to determine the location of a school building on
             21      land that is the subject of a donation if certain conditions are met.
             22      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             23          None
             24      Other Special Clauses:
             25          None

             26      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             27      ENACTS:
             28          10-9a-604.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             29          17-27a-604.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             31      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             32          Section 1. Section 10-9a-604.5 is enacted to read:
             33          10-9a-604.5. Plat with land being donated to a school district.
             34          (1) As used in this section:
             35          (a) "Density bonus" means the number of residential building lots established in a
             36      subdivision plat that exceeds the number allowed under the zoning designation applicable to
             37      the land described in the subdivision plat.
             38          (b) "Donation" means the giving of:
             39          (i) land to the municipality for a future school building in the school district; or
             40          (ii) money to the school district for the purchase of land for a future school building in
             41      the school district.
             42          (c) "Municipality" means the city or town in which is located the land that is the
             43      subject of the subdivision plat for which approval is sought.
             44          (d) "Property owner" means the owner or developer of the land that is the subject of the
             45      subdivision plat for which approval is sought.
             46          (e) "School building" includes all educational facilities associated with a school
             47      building.
             48          (f) "School district" means the school district in whose boundaries is located the land
             49      that is the subject of the subdivision plat for which approval is sought.
             50          (2) A municipality may not withhold approval of a subdivision plat that otherwise
             51      complies with all applicable requirements of this chapter and municipal ordinances because the
             52      plat establishes more residential building lots than allowed under the zoning designation
             53      applicable to the land described in the plat if:
             54          (a) the property owner makes a donation that is acceptable to the municipality and
             55      school district; and
             56          (b) the number of residential building lots established by the subdivision plat that

             57      exceeds the number allowed under the applicable zoning designation is attributable to a density
             58      bonus.
             59          (3) A density bonus may not exceed 10% of the number of residential building lots
             60      allowed under the zoning designation applicable to the land described in the plat.
             61          (4) If a donation consists of money paid to the school district, the school district shall:
             62          (a) place the money in a separate interest-bearing account;
             63          (b) manage the money in the account; and
             64          (c) use the money exclusively for the purchase of land in the municipality for
             65      construction of a school building.
             66          (5) (a) If a donation consists of land to the municipality, the municipality:
             67          (i) shall:
             68          (A) own the land, subject to Subsections (5)(a)(ii) and (b); and
             69          (B) upon the request of and at no charge to the school district, transfer title of the land
             70      to the school district for construction of a school building; and
             71          (ii) may, until the land is transferred to the school district as provided in Subsection
             72      (5)(a)(i)(B), use the land for:
             73          (A) open space;
             74          (B) a public park or recreational facility;
             75          (C) a bona fide agricultural purpose;
             76          (D) a parking lot or parking facility; or
             77          (E) a temporary commercial activity that is consistent with the municipality's land use
             78      ordinances.
             79          (b) (i) (A) If the land that is the subject of a donation to the municipality under this
             80      section is not used for the construction of a school building within ten years after the donation,
             81      the municipality may, subject to Subsection (5)(b)(i)(B), retain the land and use it for one of the
             82      purposes listed in Subsection (5)(a)(ii).
             83          (B) If the municipality intends to retain the land beyond the ten year period described
             84      in Subsection (5)(b)(i)(A), it shall give written notice to the school district at least 180 days
             85      before the expiration of the ten-year period.
             86          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(b)(i), the municipality may at any time and in its
             87      sole discretion transfer title of the land to the school district and at no charge to the school

             88      district for the construction of a school building.
             89          (6) The municipality's legislative body may determine the location of a school building
             90      to be constructed on land that is the subject of a donation under this section if:
             91          (a) the municipality has:
             92          (i) indicated on its general plan the location of the school site;
             93          (ii) obtained the school district's written acknowledgement of the site; and
             94          (b) the school district has not previously obtained property for the construction of a
             95      school building.
             96          Section 2. Section 17-27a-604.5 is enacted to read:
             97          17-27a-604.5. Plat with land being donated to a school district.
             98          (1) As used in this section:
             99          (a) "County" means the county in whose unincorporated area is located the land that is
             100      the subject of the subdivision plat for which approval is sought.
             101          (b) "Density bonus" means the number of residential building lots established in a
             102      subdivision plat that exceeds the number allowed under the zoning designation applicable to
             103      the land described in the subdivision plat.
             104          (c) "Donation" means the giving of:
             105          (i) land to the county for a future school building in the school district; or
             106          (ii) money to the school district for the purchase of land for a future school building in
             107      the school district.
             108          (d) "Property owner" means the owner or developer of the land that is the subject of the
             109      subdivision plat for which approval is sought.
             110          (e) "School building" includes all educational facilities associated with a school
             111      building.
             112          (f) "School district" means the school district in whose boundaries is located the land
             113      that is the subject of the subdivision plat for which approval is sought.
             114          (2) A county may not withhold approval of a subdivision plat that otherwise complies
             115      with all applicable requirements of this chapter and county ordinances because the plat
             116      establishes more residential building lots than allowed under the zoning designation applicable
             117      to the land described in the plat if:
             118          (a) the property owner makes a donation that is acceptable to the county and school

             119      district; and
             120          (b) the number of residential building lots established by the subdivision plat that
             121      exceeds the number allowed under the applicable zoning designation is attributable to a density
             122      bonus.
             123          (3) A density bonus may not exceed 10% of the number of residential building lots
             124      allowed under the zoning designation applicable to the land described in the plat.
             125          (4) If a donation consists of money paid to the school district, the school district shall:
             126          (a) place the money in a separate interest-bearing account;
             127          (b) manage the money in the account; and
             128          (c) use the money exclusively for the purchase of land in the unincorporated area of the
             129      county for construction of a school building.
             130          (5) (a) If a donation consists of land to the county, the county:
             131          (i) shall:
             132          (A) own the land, subject to Subsections (5)(a)(ii) and (b); and
             133          (B) upon the request of and at no charge to the school district, transfer title of the land
             134      to the school district for construction of a school building; and
             135          (ii) may, until the land is transferred to the school district as provided in Subsection
             136      (5)(a)(i)(B), use the land for:
             137          (A) open space;
             138          (B) a public park or recreational facility;
             139          (C) a bona fide agricultural purpose;
             140          (D) a parking lot or parking facility; or
             141          (E) a temporary commercial activity that is consistent with the county's land use
             142      ordinances.
             143          (b) (i) (A) If the land that is the subject of a donation to the county under this section is
             144      not used for the construction of a school building within ten years after the donation, the county
             145      may, subject to Subsection (5)(b)(i)(B), retain the land and use it for one of the purposes listed
             146      in Subsection (5)(a)(ii).
             147          (B) If the county intends to retain the land beyond the ten year period described in
             148      Subsection (5)(b)(i)(A), it shall give written notice to the school district at least 180 days
             149      before the expiration of the ten-year period.

             150          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(b)(i), the county may at any time and in its sole
             151      discretion transfer title of the land to the school district and at no charge to the school district
             152      for the construction of a school building.
             153          (5) The county's legislative body may determine the location of a school building to be
             154      constructed on land that is the subject of a donation under this section if:
             155          (a) the county has:
             156          (i) indicated on its general plan the location of the school site;
             157          (ii) obtained the school district's written acknowledgement of the site; and
             158          (b) the school district has not previously obtained property for the construction of a
             159      school building.

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