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H.B. 337






Chief Sponsor: Jackie Biskupski

Senate Sponsor: Brent H. Goodfellow

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the State System of Public Education Code by creating a Resource
             11      Conservation Program for public education.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    provides definitions;
             15          .    establishes the Resource Conservation Advisory Committee, including its
             16      composition and responsibilities;
             17          .    specifies school district and charter school responsibilities relating to resource
             18      conservation, including the requirement to designate a resource conservation
             19      manager; and
             20          .    provides State Board of Education rulemaking authority.
             21      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      ENACTS:
             27          53A-1-1001, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             28          53A-1-1002, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             29          53A-1-1003, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             30          53A-1-1004, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             31          53A-1-1005, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             33      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             34          Section 1. Section 53A-1-1001 is enacted to read:
Part 10. Resource Conservation Programs

             36          53A-1-1001. Definitions.
             37          As used in this part:
             38          (1) "Resource conservation" means the reduced consumption of electricity, natural gas,
             39      water, or other resources.
             40          (2) "Resource conservation management" means a study, audit, operational
             41      improvement, or training which is designed to provide resource conservation and operational
             42      cost savings.
             43          (3) "Resource conservation measure" means an improvement or equipment designed to
             44      provide resource conservation and operational cost savings at least equivalent to the amount
             45      expended for the improvement or equipment over a period of not more than 20 years from the
             46      date the improvement or equipment is installed or becomes operational.
             47          (4) "Resource savings performance contract" means an agreement whereby a private or
             48      nonprofit organization implements and funds resource conservation measures and management
             49      for a school district or charter school, and the school district or charter school pays for the
             50      measures and management from long-term resource cost savings.
             51          Section 2. Section 53A-1-1002 is enacted to read:
             52          53A-1-1002. Resource Conservation Advisory Committee created -- Composition
             53      -- Duties -- Terms of office -- Compensation.
             54          (1) There is created the Resource Conservation Advisory Committee composed of:
             55          (a) five voting members representing each of the following:
             56          (i) the State Board of Education;
             57          (ii) school districts;
             58          (iii) a representative of the executive branch with expertise in energy and resource

             59      conservation issues;
             60          (iv) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management; and
             61          (v) the Division of Purchasing and General Services; and
             62          (b) two nonvoting members representing each of the following:
             63          (i) energy services companies; and
             64          (ii) energy consultants.
             65          (2) The Resource Conservation Advisory Committee shall advise and provide expertise
             66      to the State Board of Education, school districts, and charter schools regarding:
             67          (a) resource conservation management;
             68          (b) design standards that minimize buildings' use of resources; and
             69          (c) implementation of resource conservation measures.
             70          (3) (a) Except as required by Subsection (3)(b), members shall be appointed by the
             71      State Board of Education to four-year terms of office.
             72          (b) The State Board of Education shall adjust the length of terms of the initial members
             73      appointed to the committee to ensure that the terms are staggered so that approximately half of
             74      the committee members are appointed every two years.
             75          (c) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
             76      appointed for the unexpired term.
             77          (4) The committee shall elect one member to serve as chair for a term of one year.
             78          (5) (a) The committee shall meet at the discretion of the chair.
             79          (b) Attendance of a majority of the members at a duly called meeting constitutes a
             80      quorum for the transaction of official business.
             81          (6) (a) Members who are not state government employees shall receive no
             82      compensation or benefits for their service on the committee, but may receive per diem and
             83      expenses incurred in the performance of the member's official duties at the rates established by
             84      the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             85          (b) Members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their service.
             86          Section 3. Section 53A-1-1003 is enacted to read:
             87          53A-1-1003. School districts and charter schools to implement resource
             88      conservation measures and management.
             89          (1) School districts and charter schools shall:

             90          (a) implement resource conservation measures and management; and
             91          (b) seek technical assistance from the Resource Conservation Advisory Committee
             92      created in Section 53A-1-1002 .
             93          (2) School districts and charter schools may enter into resource savings performance
             94      contracts.
             95          (3) Small school districts and charters schools may cooperate or enter into joint
             96      agreements to provide resource conservation and operational cost savings.
             97          (4) School districts shall include students in developing and implementing resource
             98      conservation measures.
             99          Section 4. Section 53A-1-1004 is enacted to read:
             100          53A-1-1004. Resource conservation manager -- Duties.
             101          (1) Each school district and charter school shall designate a resource conservation
             102      manager.
             103          (2) A resource conservation manager shall:
             104          (a) track the resource costs and resource conservation measures, if any, of the school
             105      district or charter school;
             106          (b) make resource conservation reports as requested by the State Board of Education;
             107          (c) be involved in the management of the school district's or charter school's resources
             108      and advise the school district or charter school about the management of its resources; and
             109          (d) be involved in the development of plans for the construction or remodeling of the
             110      school district's or charter school's facilities.
             111          Section 5. Section 53A-1-1005 is enacted to read:
             112          53A-1-1005. State Board of Education -- Rulemaking authority.
             113          (1) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             114      State Board of Education may make rules which provide standards and guidelines for resource
             115      conservation and resource conservation measures within the public education system.
             116          (2) The rules under Subsection (1) may incorporate State Building Board or federal
             117      standards.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-19-06 2:30 PM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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