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S.B. 5
This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Mar 1, 2006 at 12:44 PM by rday. -->
Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 3-1-2006 rd/dsl
9 General Description:
10 This bill provides funding for the Minimum School Program.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 . creates a cap on the number of charter schools that the State Charter School Board
14 may authorize S. to begin operations in the 2007-08 school year .S ;
14a S. . modifies provisions governing the inclusion of foreign exchange students for the
14b purpose of apportioning state monies; .S
15 . establishes the value of the weighted pupil unit at $2,417;
16 . establishes a ceiling for the state contribution to the maintenance and operations
17 portion of the Minimum School Program for fiscal year 2006-07 of $2,032,219,545;
18 . authorizes the State Board of Education to use nonlapsing balances to restore
19 special education funding;
20 . makes one-time appropriations for fiscal year 2006-07 for:
21 . pupil transportation;
22 . library books and supplies;
23 . the Enrollment Growth Program;
24 . charter schools; S. [
25 . classroom supplies S. ;
25a . a charter school study .S .
26 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
27 This bill appropriates:
Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 3-1-2006 rd/dsl
. as an ongoing appropriation, $2,011,119,545 from the Uniform School Fund for28
29 fiscal year 2006-07; S. [
29a . for fiscal year 2006-07 only, $150,000 from the General Fund; and .S
30 . for fiscal year 2006-07 only, $31,100,000 from the Uniform School Fund.
31 Other Special Clauses:
32 This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.
33 This bill coordinates with S.B. 3 by providing that certain amendments in this bill
34 supersede the amendments in S.B. 3.
35 Utah Code Sections Affected:
37 53A-1a-515, as last amended by Chapter 291, Laws of Utah 2005
37a S. 53A-2-206, as last amended by Chapter 257, Laws of Utah 2004 .S
38 53A-17a-103, as last amended by Chapters 9 and 184, Laws of Utah 2005
39 53A-17a-104, as last amended by Chapters 9 and 184, Laws of Utah 2005
40 53A-17a-148, as last amended by Chapters 9 and 184, Laws of Utah 2005
42 53A-1a-502.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
44 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
45 Section 1. Section 53A-1a-502.5 is enacted to read:
46 53A-1a-502.5. State Charter School Board to authorize the establishment of
47 charter schools.
48 The State Charter School Board may S. [
49 2007, an additional five charter schools, provided that the additional charter schools have a
50 combined student capacity that does not exceed 5,000 students
50a (1) a maximum of five charter schools that will begin operation in the 2007-08 school year; and
50b (2) a combined maximum student capacity of 5,000 students for the charter schools authorized
50c in accordance with Subsection (1) .S .
51 Section 2. Section 53A-1a-515 is amended to read:
52 53A-1a-515. Charters authorized by local school boards.
53 (1) (a) Individuals and entities identified in Section 53A-1a-504 may enter into an
54 agreement with a local school board to establish and operate a charter school within the
55 geographical boundaries of the school district administered by the board.
56 (b) The charter schools described in Subsection (1)(a) are in addition to the limited
57 number of charter schools authorized by the State Charter School Board in Section
58 53A-1a-502.5 .
60 by a local school board may:
61 (i) continue to receive the same services from the school district that it received prior to
62 its conversion; or
63 (ii) contract out for some or all of those services with other public or private providers.
64 (b) Any other charter school authorized by a local school board may contract with the
65 board to receive some or all of the services referred to in Subsection (3)(a).
66 (3) (a) (i) A public school that converts to a charter school under a charter granted by a
67 local school board shall receive funding:
68 (A) through the school district; and
69 (B) on the same basis as it did prior to its conversion to a charter school.
70 (ii) The school may also receive federal monies designated for charter schools under
71 any federal program.
72 (b) (i) A local school board-authorized charter school operating in a facility owned by
73 the school district and not paying reasonable rent to the school district shall receive funding:
74 (A) through the school district; and
75 (B) on the same basis that other district schools receive funding.
76 (ii) The school may also receive federal monies designated for charter schools under
77 any federal program.
78 (c) Any other charter school authorized by a local school board shall receive funding as
79 provided in Section 53A-1a-513 .
80 (4) (a) A local school board that receives an application for a charter school under this
81 section shall, within 45 days, either accept or reject the application.
82 (b) If the board rejects the application, it shall notify the applicant in writing of the
83 reason for the rejection.
84 (c) The applicant may submit a revised application for reconsideration by the board.
85 (d) If the local school board refuses to authorize the applicant, the applicant may seek a
86 charter from the State Charter School Board under Section 53A-1a-505 .
87 (5) The State Board of Education shall make a rule providing for a timeline for the
88 opening of a charter school following the approval of a charter school application by a local
89 school board.
Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 3-1-2006 rd/dsl
(6) (a) After approval of a charter school application, the applicant and the local school90
91 board shall set forth the terms and conditions for the operation of the charter school in a written
92 contractual agreement.
93 (b) The agreement is the school's charter.
94 (7) A local school board shall:
95 (a) annually review and evaluate the performance of charter schools authorized by the
96 local school board and hold the schools accountable for their performance;
97 (b) monitor charter schools authorized by the local school board for compliance with
98 federal and state laws, rules, and regulations; and
99 (c) provide technical support to charter schools authorized by the local school board to
100 assist them in understanding and performing their charter obligations.
101 (8) A local school board may terminate a charter school it authorizes as provided in
102 Sections 53A-1a-509 and 53A-1a-510 .
103 (9) The governing body of a local school board-authorized charter school shall be
104 independent of the local school board except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter.
104a S. Section 3. Section 53A-2-206 is amended to read:
104b 53A-2-206. Exchange and interstate compact students -- Inclusion in attendance count
104c -- Annual report -- Requirements for exchange student agencies.
104d (1) A school district or charter school may include the following students in the
104e district's or school's membership and attendance count for the purpose of apportionment of
104f state monies:
104g (a) a foreign exchange student sponsored by an agency approved by the district's local
104h school board or charter school's governing board, subject to the limitation of Subsection (2);
104i (b) a student enrolled under an interstate compact, established between the State
104j Board of Education and the state education authority of another state, under which a student
104k from one compact state would be permitted to enroll in a public school in the other compact
104l state on the same basis as a resident student of the receiving state; or
104m (c) a student receiving services under the Compact on Placement of Children.
104n (2) (a) [
104o counted for the purpose of apportioning state monies shall be the lesser of:
104p [
104q [
104r [
104s local school board or charter school's governing board; or
104t [
104u or charter school to participate in a foreign exchange program in a foreign country.
104v (b) (i) Beginning July 1, 2007, the total number of foreign exchange students .S
Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 3-1-2006 rd/dsl
S. in the state that may be counted for the purpose of apportioning state monies shall be the
S. in the state that may be counted for the purpose of apportioning state monies shall be the
104x lesser of:
104y (A) the number of foreign exchange students enrolled in public schools in the state on
104z October 1 of the previous fiscal year; or
104aa (B) 328 foreign exchange students.
104ab (ii) The State Board of Education shall make rules in accordance with Title 63,
104ac Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to administer the cap on the number of
104ad foreign exchange students that may be counted for the purpose of apportioning state monies.
104ae (3) A school district or charter school may:
104af (a) enroll foreign exchange students that do not qualify for state monies; and
104ag (b) pay for the costs of those students with other funds available to the school district
104ah or charter school.
104ai (4) Due to the benefits to all students of having the opportunity to become familiar with
104aj individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures, school districts are encouraged to enroll
104ak foreign exchange students, as provided in Subsection (3), particularly in schools with declining
104al or stable enrollments where the incremental cost of enrolling the foreign exchange student may
104am be minimal.
104an (5) The board shall make an annual report to the Legislature on the number of
104ao exchange students and the number of interstate compact students sent to or received from
104ap public schools outside the state.
104aq (6) (a) A local school board or charter school governing board shall require each
104ar approved exchange student agency to provide it with a sworn affidavit of compliance prior to
104as the beginning of each school year.
104at (b) The affidavit shall include the following assurances:
104au (i) that the agency has complied with all applicable policies of the board;
104av (ii) that a household study, including a background check of all adult residents, has
104aw been made of each household where an exchange student is to reside, and that the study was of
104ax sufficient scope to provide reasonable assurance that the exchange student will receive proper
104ay care and supervision in a safe environment;
104az (iii) that host parents have received training appropriate to their positions, including
104ba information about enhanced criminal penalties under Subsection 76-5-406(10) for persons who
104bb are in a position of special trust;
104bc (iv) that a representative of the exchange student agency shall visit each student's place
104bd of residence at least once each month during the student's stay in Utah;
104be (v) that the agency will cooperate with school and other public authorities to
104bf ensure that no exchange student becomes an unreasonable burden upon the public schools or other .S
Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 3-1-2006 rd/dsl
S. public agencies;104bh
104bi (vi) that each exchange student will be given in the exchange student's native language
104bj names and telephone numbers of agency representatives and others who could be called at any
104bk time if a serious problem occurs; and
104bl (vii) that alternate placements are readily available so that no student is required to
104bm remain in a household if conditions appear to exist which unreasonably endanger the student's
104bn welfare.
104bo (7) (a) A local school board or charter school governing board shall provide each
104bp approved exchange student agency with a list of names and telephone numbers of individuals
104bq not associated with the agency who could be called by an exchange student in the event of a
104br serious problem.
104bs (b) The agency shall make a copy of the list available to each of its exchange students in
104bt the exchange student's native language. .S
105 Section 3. Section 53A-17a-103 is amended to read:
106 53A-17a-103. Definitions.
107 As used in this chapter:
108 (1) "Basic state-supported school program" or "basic program" means public education
109 programs for kindergarten, elementary, and secondary school students that are operated and
110 maintained for the amount derived by multiplying the number of weighted pupil units for each
111 district by [
112 (2) "Certified revenue levy" means a property tax levy that provides an amount of ad
113 valorem property tax revenue equal to the sum of:
114 (a) the amount of property tax revenue to be generated statewide in the previous year
115 from imposing a minimum basic tax rate, as specified in Subsection 53A-17a-135 (1)(a); and
116 (b) the product of:
117 (i) new growth, as defined in Section 59-2-924 and rules of the State Tax Commission;
118 and
119 (ii) the minimum basic tax rate certified by the State Tax Commission for the previous
120 year.
122 board leeway program authorized under Section 53A-17a-133 or 53A-17a-134 .
123 (4) "Pupil in average daily membership (ADM)" means a full-day equivalent pupil.
124 (5) (a) "State-supported minimum school program" or "minimum school program"
125 means public school programs for kindergarten, elementary, and secondary schools as
126 described in this Subsection (5).
127 (b) The minimum school program established in the districts shall include the
128 equivalent of a school term of nine months as determined by the State Board of Education.
129 (c) (i) The board shall establish the number of days or equivalent instructional hours
130 that school is held for an academic school year.
131 (ii) Education, enhanced by utilization of technologically enriched delivery systems,
132 when approved by local school boards, shall receive full support by the State Board of
133 Education as it pertains to fulfilling the attendance requirements, excluding time spent viewing
134 commercial advertising.
135 (d) The program includes the total of the following annual costs:
136 (i) the cost of a basic state-supported school program; and
137 (ii) other amounts appropriated in this chapter in addition to the basic program.
138 (6) "Weighted pupil unit or units or WPU or WPUs" means the unit of measure of
139 factors that is computed in accordance with this chapter for the purpose of determining the
140 costs of a program on a uniform basis for each district.
141 Section 4. Section 53A-17a-104 is amended to read:
142 53A-17a-104. Amount of state's contribution toward minimum school program.
143 (1) The total contribution of the state toward the cost of the minimum school program
144 may not exceed the sum of [
145 1, [
146 appropriations.
147 (2) There is appropriated from state and local funds for fiscal year [
148 for distribution to school districts and charter schools, in accordance with this chapter, monies
149 for the following purposes and in the following amounts:
150 (a) basic program - kindergarten, [
151 WPUs);
152 (b) basic program - grades 1-12, [
153 (462,579 WPUs);
154 (c) basic program - professional staff, [
155 (43,909 WPUs);
156 (d) basic program - administrative costs, [
157 (1,629 WPUs);
158 (e) basic program - necessarily existent small schools and units for consolidated
159 schools, [
160 (f) special education - regular program - add-on WPUs for students with disabilities,
161 [
162 (g) preschool special education program, [
163 (8,158 WPUs);
164 (h) self-contained regular WPUs, [
165 WPUs);
166 (i) extended year program for severely disabled, [
167 (367 WPUs);
168 (j) special education programs in state institutions and district impact aid, [
170 (k) applied technology and technical education district programs, [
172 technology agriculture programs;
173 (l) applied technology district set-aside, [
174 WPUs);
175 (m) class size reduction, [
176 (n) Social Security and retirement programs, [
177 (o) pupil transportation to and from school, [
178 less than [
179 to pay for transportation costs of the schools' students;
180 (p) guarantee transportation levy, $500,000;
181 (q) Local Discretionary Block Grant Program, $21,820,748;
182 (r) Interventions for Student Success Block Grant Program, [
183 $16,792,888;
184 (s) Quality Teaching Block Grant Program, [
185 (t) highly impacted schools, $5,123,207;
186 (u) at-risk programs, [
187 (v) adult education, [
188 (w) accelerated learning programs, [
189 (x) electronic high school, [
190 (y) School LAND Trust Program, [
191 (z) state-supported voted leeway, [
192 (aa) state-supported board leeway, [
193 (bb) charter schools, pursuant to Section 53A-1a-513 , [
194 (cc) K-3 Reading Improvement Program, $12,500,000 ; and
195 (dd) state-supported board leeway for K-3 Reading Improvement Program,
196 $15,000,000.
197 Section 5. Section 53A-17a-148 is amended to read:
198 53A-17a-148. Use of nonlapsing balances.
199 [
201 [
202 [
204 [
206 [
207 [
208 [
211 [
215 [
218 [
219 [
220 The State Board of Education may use Minimum School Program nonlapsing balances
221 to restore special education funding as follows:
222 (1) up to $902,538 is authorized in fiscal year 2005-06; and
223 (2) up to $902,538 is authorized in fiscal year 2006-07.
224 Section 6. Ongoing appropriation for charter school administration.
225 (1) As an ongoing appropriation subject to future budget constraints, there is
226 appropriated for fiscal year 2006-07, $100,000 from the Uniform School Fund to the State
227 Board of Education for charter school administration.
228 (2) The State Board of Education, in consultation with the State Charter School Board,
229 shall distribute the money appropriated in Subsection (1) on an equalized per student basis as
230 determined by the actual fall enrollment count to charter schools that receive funding through
231 the Minimum School Program - Administrative Cost Formula Program.
232 Section 7. One-time appropriation for pupil transportation.
233 There is appropriated from the Uniform School Fund to the State Board of Education
234 for fiscal year 2006-07 only, $5,000,000 for pupil transportation to and from school as
235 provided in Subsections 53A-17a-127 (1) through (5).
236 Section 8. One-time appropriation for library books and supplies.
237 (1) There is appropriated from the Uniform School Fund to the State Board of
238 Education for fiscal year 2006-07 only, $2,000,000 for library books and supplies.
239 (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Education shall distribute
240 the money appropriated in Subsection (1) as follows:
241 (a) 25% shall be divided equally among all public schools; and
242 (b) 75% shall be divided among public schools based on each school's average daily
243 membership as compared to the total state average daily membership.
244 Section 9. One-time appropriation for the Enrollment Growth Program.
245 There is appropriated from the Uniform School Fund to the State Board of Education
246 for fiscal year 2006-07 only, $10,000,000 for the Enrollment Growth Program described in
247 Section 53A-21-103.5 .
248 Section 10. One-time appropriation for charter schools.
249 (1) There is appropriated from the Uniform School Fund to the State Board of
250 Education for fiscal year 2006-07 only, $7,100,000 for charter schools.
251 (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Education shall distribute
252 the money appropriated in Subsection (1) based upon average daily membership of the charter
253 schools.
254 Section 11. One-time appropriation for classroom supplies.
255 (1) There is appropriated from the Uniform School Fund to the State Board of
256 Education for fiscal year 2006-07 only, $7,000,000 for classroom supplies and materials.
257 (2) (a) The board shall distribute the appropriation to classroom teachers in school
258 districts, the Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, the Edith Bowen Laboratory School, and
259 charter schools on the basis of the number of classroom teachers in each school as compared to
260 the total number of classroom teachers.
261 (b) Teachers shall receive up to the following amounts:
262 (i) a teacher on salary schedule steps one through three teaching in grades kindergarten
263 through six or preschool handicapped - $360;
264 (ii) a teacher on salary schedule steps one through three teaching in grades seven
265 through twelve - $310;
266 (iii) a teacher on salary schedule step four or higher teaching in grades kindergarten
267 through six or preschool handicapped - $285; and
268 (iv) a teacher on salary schedule step four or higher teaching in grades seven through
269 twelve - $235.
270 (c) If the appropriation in Subsection (1) is not sufficient to provide to each teacher the
271 full amount allowed under Subsection (2)(b), teachers on salary schedule steps one through
272 three shall receive the full amount allowed with the remaining monies apportioned to all other
273 teachers.
274 (d) Teachers shall spend the money for school supplies, materials, or field trips under
275 rules adopted by the State Board of Education.
Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 3-1-2006 rd/dsl
276 (e) As used in this section, "classroom teacher" or "teacher" means permanent teacher
276 (e) As used in this section, "classroom teacher" or "teacher" means permanent teacher
277 positions filled by one teacher or two or more job-sharing teachers:
278 (i) who are licensed personnel;
279 (ii) who are paid on the teacher's salary schedule;
280 (iii) who are hired for an entire contract period; and
281 (iv) whose primary function is to provide instructional or a combination of
282 instructional and counseling services to students in public schools.
282a S. Section 13. One-time appropriation for charter school study.
282b (1)(a) There is appropriated $150,000 from the General Fund for fiscal year 2006-07
282c only to the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel for a charter school study
282d under the direction and approval of the Executive Appropriations Committee.
282e (b) As directed and approved by the Executive Appropriations Committee, the Office of
282f Legislative Research and General Counsel and the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall
282g jointly conduct the study.
282h (c) In conducting the study, the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel and
282i the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall consult with the Office of the Legislative
282j Auditor General, State Board of Education, State Charter School Board, charter schools, and
282k school districts.
282l (2) The study shall:
282m (a) evaluate the services provided to charter schools by the divisions within the Utah
282n State Office of Education and by the school districts where charter schools are located;
282o (b) identify tasks required of the State Charter School Board to assume its statutory
282p obligations;
282q (d) identify long-term administrative needs of the state and school districts required to
282r sustain charter schools;
282s (e) evaluate the financial condition of the state's charter schools;
282t (f) examine funding equity between charter schools and district schools;
282u (g) compare the use of a local tax replacement formula to a local revenue sharing
282v mechanism;
282w (h) determine school level administrative costs;
282x (i) identify the financial needs of and sources of funding for charter schools as they
282y begin operations;
282z (j) evaluate a school district's role and responsibility in funding a student attending a
282aa charter school;
282ab (k) examine the current process used to assess a charter school's financial plan and
282ac long-term sustainability;
282ad (l) (i) identify requirements for granting charters to schools that primarily serve .S
Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 3-1-2006 rd/dsl
282ae S. special needs students; and
282ae S. special needs students; and
282af (ii) examine the financial feasibility of operating a charter school that primarily serves
282ag special needs students;
282ah (l) identify needs of charter schools relating to securing and maintaining adequate
282ai facilities to support the operations of a school;
282aj (m) evaluate a school district's role and responsibility in providing for the capital
282ak facility needs of students attending a charter school;
282al (n) examine processes governing charter school facility leases and procurement
282am contracts for school construction;
282an (o) summarize the experience of other states relating to growth and oversight of charter
282ao schools;
282ap (p) evaluate how charter school and student growth affects the public education system
282aq as a whole; and
282ar (q) make recommendations on how to accommodate growth in the number of charter
282as schools and students attending charter schools, in terms of administration and funding.
282at (3) The Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel and the Office of the
282au Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall coordinate with the Department of Administrative Services to
282av address the liability of the state in regards to charter school facilities and leases.
282aw (4) The Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel and the Office of the
282ax Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall report the findings of the study to the Executive
282ay Appropriations Committee prior to October 31, 2006. .S
283 Section S. [
284 This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.
285 Section S. [
286 If this S.B. 5 and S.B. 3, Minimum School Program Base Budget Amendments, both
287 pass, it is the intent of the Legislature that the amendments to Sections 53A-17a-103 and
288 53A-17a-104 in S.B. 5 supersede the amendments to Sections 53A-17a-103 and 53A-17a-104
289 in S.B. 3 when the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel prepares the Utah Code
290 database for publication.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-27-06 3:20 PM
Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.