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Senate 3rd Reading Amendments 2-8-2006 rd/trv
This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Feb 8, 2006 at 11:02 AM by rday. -->              1





Chief Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard

House Sponsor: Lorie D. Fowlke


             9      LONG TITLE
             10      General Description:
             11          This bill enacts the Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection
             12      Orders Act and amends related code provisions.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    defines terms;
             16          .    requires that protective orders, and child protective orders, contain a statement that
             17      the order complies with the Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence
             18      Protection Orders Act;
             19          .    requires the district court to provide a certified copy of a foreign protection order
             20      that is filed in Utah to the person who files the order;
             21          .    requires that a foreign protection order that is inaccurate or not in effect must be
             22      removed from the statewide domestic violence network;
             23          .    describes the circumstances under which a foreign protection order is valid and
             24      enforceable in Utah;
             24a      S.     .    specifies which court will have jurisdiction to enforce foreign protection orders
             24b      under this bill; .S
             25          .    requires a law enforcement officer to notify a respondent of, and make a reasonable
             26      effort to serve the respondent with, an otherwise valid foreign protection order when
             27      the respondent has not yet been notified of, or served with, the order;

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         .    provides that a government official or agency is immune from civil or criminal
             29      liability for good faith acts or omissions arising out of the registration or
             30      enforcement of a foreign protection order;
             31          .    provides that the remedies available to a protected individual under the Uniform
             32      Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act are not
             33      exclusive remedies;
             34          .    provides for the uniform application, construction, and transitional applicability of
             35      the Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act;
             36          .    provides a severability clause;
             37          .    provides criminal penalties for violating a foreign protection order that is
             38      enforceable in Utah;
             39          .    requires a law enforcement officer to arrest a person whom the officer has probable
             40      cause to believe has violated a foreign protection order that is enforceable in Utah;
             41      and
             42          .    makes technical changes.
             43      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             44          None
             45      Other Special Clauses:
             46          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.
             47      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             48      AMENDS:
             49          30-6-1, as last amended by Chapter 68, Laws of Utah 2003
             50          30-6-4, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1997
             51          30-6-12, as enacted by Chapter 244, Laws of Utah 1996
             52          76-5-108, as last amended by Chapter 68, Laws of Utah 2003
             53          77-36-2.4, as last amended by Chapter 68, Laws of Utah 2003
             54          77-36-6, as last amended by Chapter 300, Laws of Utah 1995
             55          78-3h-104, as last amended by Chapter 201, Laws of Utah 2004
             56      ENACTS:
             57          30-6a-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             58          30-6a-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953

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         30-6a-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             60          30-6a-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             61          30-6a-105, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             62          30-6a-106, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             63          30-6a-107, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             64          30-6a-108, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             65          30-6a-109, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             66          30-6a-110, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             67          30-6a-111, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             69      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             70          Section 1. Section 30-6-1 is amended to read:
             71           30-6-1. Definitions.
             72          As used in this chapter:
             73          (1) "Abuse" means intentionally or knowingly causing or attempting to cause a
             74      cohabitant physical harm or intentionally or knowingly placing a cohabitant in reasonable fear
             75      of imminent physical harm.
             76          (2) "Cohabitant" means an emancipated person pursuant to Section 15-2-1 or a person
             77      who is 16 years of age or older who:
             78          (a) is or was a spouse of the other party;
             79          (b) is or was living as if a spouse of the other party;
             80          (c) is related by blood or marriage to the other party;
             81          (d) has one or more children in common with the other party;
             82          (e) is the biological parent of the other party's unborn child; or
             83          (f) resides or has resided in the same residence as the other party.
             84          (3) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), "cohabitant" does not include:
             85          (a) the relationship of natural parent, adoptive parent, or step-parent to a minor; or
             86          (b) the relationship between natural, adoptive, step, or foster siblings who are under 18
             87      years of age.
             88          (4) "Court clerk" means a district court clerk.
             89          (5) "Domestic violence" means the same as that term is defined in Section 77-36-1 .

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         (6) "Ex parte protective order" means an order issued without notice to the defendant in
             91      accordance with this chapter.
             92          (7) "Foreign [protective] protection order" [means a protective order issued by another
             93      state, territory, or possession of the United States, tribal lands of the United States, the
             94      Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia which shall be given full faith and
             95      credit in Utah, if the protective order is similar to a protective order issued in compliance with
             96      Title 30, Chapter 6, Cohabitant Abuse Act, or Title 77, Chapter 36, Cohabitant Abuse
             97      Procedures Act, and includes the following requirements:] is as defined in Section 30-6a-102 .
             98          [(a) the requirements of due process were met by the issuing court, including subject
             99      matter and personal jurisdiction;]
             100          [(b) the respondent received reasonable notice; and]
             101          [(c) the respondent had an opportunity for a hearing regarding the protective order.]
             102          (8) "Law enforcement unit" or "law enforcement agency" means any public agency
             103      having general police power and charged with making arrests in connection with enforcement
             104      of the criminal statutes and ordinances of this state or any political subdivision.
             105          (9) "Peace officer" means those persons specified in Title 53, Chapter 13, Peace
             106      Officer Classifications.
             107          (10) "Protective order" means an order issued pursuant to this chapter subsequent to a
             108      hearing on the petition, of which the petitioner and respondent have been given notice in
             109      accordance with this chapter.
             110          Section 2. Section 30-6-4 is amended to read:
             111           30-6-4. Forms for petitions and protective orders -- Assistance.
             112          (1) (a) The offices of the court clerk shall provide forms and nonlegal assistance to
             113      persons seeking to proceed under this chapter.
             114          (b) The Administrative Office of the Courts shall develop and adopt uniform forms for
             115      petitions and orders for protection in accordance with the provisions of this chapter on or
             116      before September 1, 1995. That office shall provide the forms to the clerk of each court
             117      authorized to issue protective orders. The forms shall include:
             118          (i) a statement notifying the petitioner for an ex parte protective order that knowing
             119      falsification of any statement or information provided for the purpose of obtaining a protective
             120      order may subject the petitioner to felony prosecution;

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         (ii) a separate portion of the form for those provisions, the violation of which is a
             122      criminal offense, and a separate portion for those provisions, the violation of which is a civil
             123      violation, as provided in Subsection 30-6-4.2 (5);
             124          (iii) language in the criminal provision portion stating violation of any criminal
             125      provision is a class A misdemeanor, and language in the civil portion stating violation of or
             126      failure to comply with a civil provision is subject to contempt proceedings;
             127          (iv) a space for information the petitioner is able to provide to facilitate identification
             128      of the respondent, such as social security number, driver license number, date of birth, address,
             129      telephone number, and physical description;
             130          (v) a space for the petitioner to request a specific period of time for the civil provisions
             131      to be in effect, not to exceed 150 days, unless the petitioner provides in writing the reason for
             132      the requested extension of the length of time beyond 150 days;
             133          (vi) a statement advising the petitioner that when a minor child is included in an ex
             134      parte protective order or a protective order, as part of either the criminal or the civil portion of
             135      the order, the petitioner may provide a copy of the order to the principal of the school where the
             136      child attends; and
             137          (vii) a statement advising the petitioner that if the respondent fails to return custody of
             138      a minor child to the petitioner as ordered in a protective order, the petitioner may obtain from
             139      the court a writ of assistance.
             140          (2) If the person seeking to proceed under this chapter is not represented by an
             141      attorney, it is the responsibility of the court clerk's office to provide:
             142          (a) the forms adopted pursuant to Subsection (1);
             143          (b) all other forms required to petition for an order for protection including, but not
             144      limited to, forms for service;
             145          (c) clerical assistance in filling out the forms and filing the petition, in accordance with
             146      Subsection (1)(a). A court clerk's office may designate any other entity, agency, or person to
             147      provide that service, but the court clerk's office is responsible to see that the service is
             148      provided;
             149          (d) information regarding the means available for the service of process;
             150          (e) a list of legal service organizations that may represent the petitioner in an action
             151      brought under this chapter, together with the telephone numbers of those organizations; and

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         (f) written information regarding the procedure for transporting a jailed or imprisoned
             153      respondent to the protective order hearing, including an explanation of the use of transportation
             154      order forms when necessary.
             155          (3) No charges may be imposed by a court clerk, constable, or law enforcement agency
             156      for:
             157          (a) filing a petition under this chapter;
             158          (b) obtaining an ex parte protective order;
             159          (c) obtaining copies, either certified or not certified, necessary for service or delivery to
             160      law enforcement officials; or
             161          (d) fees for service of a petition, ex parte protective order, or protective order.
             162          (4) A petition for an order of protection shall be in writing and verified.
             163          (5) (a) All orders for protection shall be issued in the form adopted by the
             164      Administrative Office of the Courts pursuant to Subsection (1).
             165          (b) Each protective order issued, except orders issued ex parte, shall include the
             166      following language:
             167          "Respondent was afforded both notice and opportunity to be heard in the hearing that
             168      gave rise to this order. Pursuant to the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, P.L. 103-322,
             169      108 Stat. 1796, 18 U.S.C.A. 2265, this order is valid in all the United States, the District of
             170      Columbia, tribal lands, and United States territories. This order complies with the Uniform
             171      Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act."
             172          Section 3. Section 30-6-12 is amended to read:
             173           30-6-12. Full faith and credit for foreign protection orders.
             174          (1) A foreign [protective] protection order is enforceable in this state as [long as it is in
             175      effect in the issuing state or political entity] provided in Title 30, Chapter 6a, Uniform
             176      Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act.
             177          (2) (a) A person entitled to protection under a foreign [protective] protection order may
             178      file the order in any district court by filing with the court a certified copy of the order. A filing
             179      fee may not be required.
             180          (b) The person filing the foreign [protective] protection order shall swear under oath in
             181      an affidavit, that to the best of the person's knowledge the order is presently in effect as written
             182      and the respondent was personally served with a copy of the order.

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         (c) The affidavit described in Subsection (2)(b) shall be in the form adopted by the
             184      Administrative Office of the Courts, consistent with its responsibilities to develop and adopt
             185      forms under Section 30-6-4 .
             186          (d) The court where [the] a foreign protection order is filed shall transmit a copy of the
             187      order to the statewide domestic violence network described in Section 30-6-8 .
             188          (e) Upon inquiry by a law enforcement agency, the clerk of the district court shall make
             189      a copy of the foreign [protective] protection order available.
             190          (f) After a foreign protection order is filed, the district court shall furnish a certified
             191      copy of the order to the person who filed the order.
             192          (g) A filed foreign protection order that is inaccurate or is not currently in effect shall
             193      be corrected or removed from the statewide domestic violence network described in Section
             194      30-6-8 .
             195          (3) Law enforcement personnel may [rely]:
             196          (a) rely upon a certified copy of any foreign [protective] protection order which has
             197      been provided to the peace officer by any source; [and]
             198          (b) rely on the statement of the person protected by the order that the order is in effect
             199      and the respondent was personally served with a copy of the order[.]; or
             200          (c) consider other information in determining whether there is probable cause to
             201      believe that a valid foreign protection order exists.
             202          (4) A violation in Utah of a foreign [protective] protection order is subject to the same
             203      penalties as the violation of a protective order issued in Utah.
             204          Section 4. Section 30-6a-101 is enacted to read:


             207          30-6a-101. Title.
             208          This chapter is known as the "Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence
             209      Protection Orders Act."
             210          Section 5. Section 30-6a-102 is enacted to read:
             211          30-6a-102. Definitions.
             212          As used in this chapter:
             213          (1) "Foreign protection order" means a protection order issued by a tribunal of another

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             215          (2) "Issuing state" means the state whose tribunal issues a protection order.
             216          (3) "Mutual foreign protection order" means a foreign protection order that includes
             217      provisions in favor of both the protected individual seeking enforcement of the order and the
             218      respondent.
             219          (4) "Protected individual" means an individual protected by a protection order.
             220          (5) "Protection order" means an injunction or other order, issued by a tribunal under the
             221      domestic violence, family-violence, or anti-stalking laws of the issuing state, to prevent an
             222      individual from engaging in violent or threatening acts against, harassment of, contact or
             223      communication with, or physical proximity to, another individual.
             224          (6) "Respondent" means the individual against whom enforcement of a protection
             225      order is sought.
             226          (7) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,
             227      the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction
             228      of the United States. The term includes an Indian tribe or band that has jurisdiction to issue
             229      protection orders.
             230          (8) "Tribunal" means a court, agency, or other entity authorized by law to issue or
             231      modify a protection order.
             232          Section 6. Section 30-6a-103 is enacted to read:
             233          30-6a-103. Judicial enforcement of order.
             234          (1) A person authorized by the law of this state to seek enforcement of a protection
             235      order may seek enforcement of a valid foreign protection order in a tribunal of this state. The
             236      tribunal shall enforce the terms of the order, including terms that provide relief that a tribunal
             237      of this state would lack power to provide but for this section. The tribunal shall enforce the
             238      order, whether the order was obtained by independent action or in another proceeding, if it is an
             239      order issued in response to a complaint, petition, or motion filed by or on behalf of an
             240      individual seeking protection. In a proceeding to enforce a foreign protection order, the
             241      tribunal shall follow the procedures of this state for the enforcement of protection orders.
             242          (2) A tribunal of this state may not enforce a foreign protection order issued by a
             243      tribunal of a state that does not recognize the standing of a protected individual to seek
             244      enforcement of the order.

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Senate 3rd Reading Amendments 2-8-2006 rd/trv
         (3) A tribunal of this state shall enforce the provisions of a valid foreign protection
             246      order which govern custody and visitation, if the order was issued in accordance with the
             247      jurisdictional requirements governing the issuance of custody and visitation orders in the
             248      issuing state.
             249          (4) A foreign protection order is valid if it:
             250          (a) identifies the protected individual and the respondent;
             251          (b) is currently in effect;
             252          (c) was issued by a tribunal that had jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter
             253      under the law of the issuing state; and
             254          (d) was issued after the respondent was given reasonable notice and had an opportunity
             255      to be heard before the tribunal issued the order or, in the case of an order ex parte, the
             256      respondent was given notice and has had or will have an opportunity to be heard within a
             257      reasonable time after the order was issued, in a manner consistent with the rights of the
             258      respondent to due process.
             259          (5) A foreign protection order valid on its face is prima facie evidence of its validity.
             260          (6) Absence of any of the criteria for validity of a foreign protection order is an
             261      affirmative defense in an action seeking enforcement of the order.
             262          (7) A tribunal of this state may enforce provisions of a mutual foreign protection order
             263      which favor a respondent only if:
             264          (a) the respondent filed a written pleading seeking a protection order from the tribunal
             265      of the issuing state; and
             266          (b) the tribunal of the issuing state made specific findings in favor of the respondent.
             266a      S. (8)(a) The juvenile court has jurisdiction to enforce foreign protection orders under this
             266b      section over which the juvenile court would have had jurisdiction if the order had been
             266c      originally sought in this state.
             266d          (b)    The district court has jurisdiction to enforce foreign protection orders under this
             266e      section:
             266f              (i) over which the district court would have had jurisdiction if the order had been
             266g      originally sought in this state; or
             266h              (ii) that are not under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court under Subsection (8)(a). .S
             267          Section 7. Section 30-6a-104 is enacted to read:
             268          30-6a-104. Nonjudicial enforcement of order.
             269          (1) A law enforcement officer of this state, upon determining that there is probable
             270      cause to believe that a valid foreign protection order exists and that the order has been violated,
             271      shall enforce the order as if it were the order of a tribunal of this state. Presentation of a
             272      protection order that identifies both the protected individual and the respondent and, on its face,
             273      is currently in effect constitutes probable cause to believe that a valid foreign protection order

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Senate 3rd Reading Amendments 2-8-2006 rd/trv
     exists. For the purposes of this section, the protection order may be inscribed on a tangible
             275      medium or may have been stored in an electronic or other medium if it is retrievable in

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     perceivable form. Presentation of a certified copy of a protection order is not required for
             277      enforcement.
             278          (2) If a foreign protection order is not presented, a law enforcement officer of this state
             279      may consider other information in determining whether there is probable cause to believe that a
             280      valid foreign protection order exists.
             281          (3) If a law enforcement officer of this state determines that an otherwise valid foreign
             282      protection order cannot be enforced because the respondent has not been notified or served
             283      with the order, the officer shall inform the respondent of the order, make a reasonable effort to
             284      serve the order upon the respondent, and allow the respondent a reasonable opportunity to
             285      comply with the order before enforcing the order.
             286          (4) Registration or filing of an order in this state is not required for the enforcement of
             287      a valid foreign protection order pursuant to this chapter.
             288          Section 8. Section 30-6a-105 is enacted to read:
             289          30-6a-105. Registration of order.
             290          Any individual may register a foreign protection order in this state under Section
             291      30-6-12 .
             292          Section 9. Section 30-6a-106 is enacted to read:
             293          30-6a-106. Immunity.
             294          This state or a local governmental agency, or a law enforcement officer, prosecuting
             295      attorney, clerk of court, or any state or local governmental official acting in an official capacity,
             296      is immune from civil and criminal liability for an act or omission arising out of the registration
             297      or enforcement of a foreign protection order or the detention or arrest of an alleged violator of a
             298      foreign protection order if the act or omission was done in good faith in an effort to comply
             299      with this chapter.
             300          Section 10. Section 30-6a-107 is enacted to read:
             301          30-6a-107. Other remedies.
             302          A protected individual who pursues remedies under this chapter is not precluded from
             303      pursuing other legal or equitable remedies against the respondent.
             304          Section 11. Section 30-6a-108 is enacted to read:
             305          30-6a-108. Uniformity of application and construction.
             306          In applying and construing this uniform act, consideration must be given to the need to

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     promote uniformity of the law with respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.
             308          Section 12. Section 30-6a-109 is enacted to read:
             309          30-6a-109. Severability clause.
             310          If any provision of this chapter or its application to any person or circumstance is held
             311      invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this chapter which can
             312      be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of
             313      this chapter are severable.
             314          Section 13. Section 30-6a-110 is enacted to read:
             315          30-6a-110. Effective date.
             316          This act takes effect on July 1, 2006.
             317          Section 14. Section 30-6a-111 is enacted to read:
             318          30-6a-111. Transitional provision.
             319          This chapter applies to protection orders issued before May 1, 2006 and to continuing
             320      actions for enforcement of foreign protection orders commenced before May 1, 2006. A
             321      request for enforcement of a foreign protection order made on or after May 1, 2006 for
             322      violations of a foreign protection order occurring before May 1, 2006 is governed by this
             323      chapter.
             324          Section 15. Section 76-5-108 is amended to read:
             325           76-5-108. Protective orders restraining abuse of another -- Violation.
             326          (1) Any person who is the respondent or defendant subject to a protective order, child
             327      protective order, ex parte protective order, or ex parte child protective order issued under Title
             328      30, Chapter 6, Cohabitant Abuse Act, or Title 78, Chapter 3a, Juvenile Court Act of 1996, Title
             329      77, Chapter 36, Cohabitant Abuse Procedures Act, or a foreign [protective] protection order [as
             330      described in Section 30-6-12 ] enforceable under Title 30, Chapter 6a, Uniform Interstate
             331      Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act, who intentionally or knowingly
             332      violates that order after having been properly served, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor, except
             333      as a greater penalty may be provided in Title 77, Chapter 36, Cohabitant Abuse Procedures
             334      Act.
             335          (2) Violation of an order as described in Subsection (1) is a domestic violence offense
             336      under Section 77-36-1 and subject to increased penalties in accordance with Section 77-36-1.1 .
             337          Section 16. Section 77-36-2.4 is amended to read:

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          77-36-2.4. Violation of protective orders -- Mandatory arrest.
             339          (1) A law enforcement officer shall, without a warrant, arrest an alleged perpetrator
             340      whenever there is probable cause to believe that the alleged perpetrator has violated any of the
             341      provisions of an ex parte protective order or protective order.
             342          (2) (a) Intentional or knowing violation of any ex parte protective order or protective
             343      order is a class A misdemeanor, in accordance with Section 76-5-108 , and is a domestic
             344      violence offense, pursuant to Section 77-36-1 .
             345          (b) Second or subsequent violations of ex parte protective orders or protective orders
             346      carry increased penalties, in accordance with Section 77-36-1.1 .
             347          (3) As used in this section, "ex parte protective order" or "protective order" includes:
             348          (a) any protective order or ex parte protective order issued under Title 30, Chapter 6,
             349      Cohabitant Abuse Act, or Title 77, Chapter 36, Cohabitant Abuse Procedures Act[,];
             350          (b) any child protective order or ex parte child protective order issued under Title 78,
             351      Chapter 3h, Child Protective Orders[,]; or
             352          (c) a foreign [protective] protection order enforceable under [Section 30-6-12 ] Title 30,
             353      Chapter 6a, Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act.
             354          Section 17. Section 77-36-6 is amended to read:
             355           77-36-6. Enforcement of orders.
             356          (1) Each law enforcement agency in this state shall enforce all orders of the court
             357      issued pursuant to the requirements and procedures described in this chapter, and shall enforce:
             358          (a) all protective orders and ex parte protective orders issued pursuant to Title 30,
             359      Chapter 6[.], Cohabitant Abuse Act; and
             360          (b) all foreign protection orders enforceable under Title 30, Chapter 6a, Uniform
             361      Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act.
             362          (2) The requirements of this section apply statewide, regardless of the jurisdiction in
             363      which the order was issued or the location of the victim or the perpetrator.
             364          Section 18. Section 78-3h-104 is amended to read:
             365           78-3h-104. Content of order.
             366          (1) A child protective order or an ex parte child protective order may contain the
             367      following provisions the violation of which is a class A misdemeanor under Section 77-36-2.4 :
             368          (a) enjoin the respondent from threatening to commit or committing abuse of the

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             370          (b) prohibit the respondent from harassing, telephoning, contacting, or otherwise
             371      communicating with the minor, directly or indirectly;
             372          (c) prohibit the respondent from entering or remaining upon the residence, school, or
             373      place of employment of the minor and the premises of any of these or any specified place
             374      frequented by the minor;
             375          (d) upon finding that the respondent's use or possession of a weapon may pose a
             376      serious threat of harm to the minor, prohibit the respondent from purchasing, using, or
             377      possessing a firearm or other specified weapon; and
             378          (e) determine ownership and possession of personal property and direct the appropriate
             379      law enforcement officer to attend and supervise the petitioner's or respondent's removal of
             380      personal property.
             381          (2) A child protective order or an ex parte child protective order may contain the
             382      following provisions the violation of which is contempt of court:
             383          (a) determine temporary custody of a minor who is the subject of the petition;
             384          (b) determine parent-time with a minor who is the subject of the petition, including
             385      denial of parent-time if necessary to protect the safety of the minor, and require supervision of
             386      parent-time by a third party;
             387          (c) determine support in accordance with Title 78, Chapter 45, Uniform Civil Liability
             388      for Support Act; and
             389          (d) order any further relief the court considers necessary to provide for the safety and
             390      welfare of the minor.
             391          (3) A child protective order and an ex parte child protective order shall include:
             392          (a) a statement that violation of a criminal provision is a class A misdemeanor and
             393      violation of a civil provision is contempt of court; and
             394          (b) information the petitioner is able to provide to facilitate identification of the
             395      respondent, such as Social Security number, driver license number, date of birth, address,
             396      telephone number, and physical description.
             397          (4) A child protective order shall include:
             398          (a) a statement that:
             399          (i) two years from entry of the order, the respondent may petition to dismiss the

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     criminal portion of the order;
             401          (ii) the petitioner should, within the 30 days prior to the end of the two-year period,
             402      advise the court of the petitioner's address for notice of any hearing; and
             403          (iii) the address provided by the petitioner will not be made available to the
             404      respondent;
             405          (b) the date when the civil portion of the order will expire or be reviewed; and
             406          (c) the following statement: "Respondent was afforded notice and opportunity to be
             407      heard in the hearing that gave rise to this order. Pursuant to the Violence Against Women Act
             408      of 1994, P.L. 103-322, 108 Stat. 1796, 18 U.S.C.A. 2265, this order is valid in all the United
             409      States, the District of Columbia, tribal lands, and United States territories. This order complies
             410      with the Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act."
             411          Section 19. Effective date.
             412          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 9-14-05 11:52 AM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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