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S.B. 115

This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Feb 8, 2006 at 11:47 AM by chopkin. -->             

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House Floor Amendments 2-8-2006 ch/po



Chief Sponsor: Thomas V. Hatch

House Sponsor: LaVar Christensen


             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Insurance Code to address continuing education requirements.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    provides that an attorney meeting requirements for the Utah State Bar meets the
             13      continuing education requirements for certain title insurance licenses;
             14          .    provides H. [ exemption from ] different .H continuing education
             14a      H. requirements .H for title insurance producers who
             15      have been licensed 20 or more consecutive years;
             16          .    requires continuing education documentation to be retained for two years; and
             17          .    makes technical changes.
             18      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             19          None
             20      Other Special Clauses:
             21          None
             22      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             23      AMENDS:
             24          31A-23a-202, as last amended by Chapter 219, Laws of Utah 2005
             25          31A-26-206, as last amended by Chapter 219, Laws of Utah 2005

             27      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

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House Floor Amendments 2-8-2006 ch/po
         Section 1. Section 31A-23a-202 is amended to read:
             29           31A-23a-202. Continuing education requirements -- Regulatory authority.
             30          (1) [The] Pursuant to this statute, the commissioner shall by rule prescribe the
             31      continuing education requirements for a producer and a consultant.
             32          (2) (a) The commissioner may not state a continuing education requirement in terms of
             33      formal education.
             34          (b) The commissioner may state a continuing education requirement in terms of
             35      classroom hours, or their equivalent, of insurance-related instruction received.
             36          (c) Insurance-related formal education may be a substitute, in whole or in part, for
             37      classroom hours, or their equivalent, required under Subsection (2)(b).
             38          (3) (a) The commissioner shall impose continuing education requirements in
             39      accordance with a two-year licensing period in which the licensee meets the requirements of
             40      this Subsection (3).
             41          (b) (i) Except as provided in [Subsection (3)(b)(iii)] this section, the continuing
             42      education requirements shall require:
             43          (A) that a licensee complete 24 credit hours of continuing education for every two-year
             44      licensing period;
             45          (B) that three of the 24 credit hours described in Subsection (3)(b)(i)(A) be ethics
             46      courses; and
             47          (C) that the licensee complete at least half of the required hours through classroom
             48      hours of insurance-related instruction.
             49          (ii) The hours not completed through classroom hours in accordance with Subsection
             50      (3)(b)(i)(C) may be obtained through:
             51          (A) home study;
             52          (B) video recording;
             53          (C) experience credit; or
             54          (D) other methods provided by rule.
             55          (iii) (A) Notwithstanding Subsections (3)(b)(i)(A) and (B), a title insurance producer is
             56      required to complete 12 credit hours of continuing education for every two-year licensing
             57      period, with three of the credit hours being ethics courses H. unless the title insurance producer
             57a      has been licensed in this state as a title insurance producer for 20 or more consecutive years.
             57b          (B) If a title insurance producer has been licensed in this state as a title insurance
             57c      producer for 20 or more consecutive years, the title insurance producer is required to complete
             57d      six credit hours of continuing education for every two-year licensing period, with three of
             57e      the credit hours being ethics courses
             58           H. [ (B) ] (C) .H Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(b)(iii)(A) H. or (B) .H , a title
             58a      insurance producer is considered

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House Floor Amendments 2-8-2006 ch/po
     to have met the continuing education requirements imposed under Subsection (3)(b)(iii)(A)
             59a      H. or (B) .H if
             60      the title insurance producer:
             61          (I) is an active member in good standing with the Utah State Bar;
             62          (II) is in compliance with the continuing education requirements of the Utah State Bar;
             63      and
             64          (III) if requested by the department, provides the department evidence that the title
             65      insurance producer complied with the continuing education requirements of the Utah State Bar.
             66          (c) A licensee may obtain continuing education hours at any time during the two-year
             67      licensing period.
             68          (d) (i) Beginning May 3, 1999, a licensee is exempt from continuing education
             69      requirements under this section if:
             70          (A) the licensee was first licensed before April 1, 1970;
             71          (B) the licensee requests an exemption from the department; and
             72          (C) the department approves the exemption.
             73          (ii) If the department approves the exemption under Subsection (3)(d)(i), the licensee is
             74      not required to apply again for the exemption.
             75           H. [ (e) (i) Beginning May 1, 2006, a title insurance producer is exempt from the continuing
             76      education requirements of this section beginning on the day on which the department approves
             77      the exemption for meeting the requirements of this Subsection (3)(e).
             78          (ii) The department shall exempt from the continuing education requirements of this
             79      section a title insurance producer who:
             80          (A) has been licensed in this state as a title insurance producer for 20 or more
             81      consecutive years; and
             82          (B) requests an exemption from the department under this Subsection (3)(e).
             83          (iii) Once the department exempts a title insurance producer from the continuing
             84      education requirements of this section, the title insurance producer is not required to apply
             85      again for the exemption under this Subsection (3)(e).
             86          [
] (e) [ ] ] [ (f) ] .H
In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative
             87      Act, the commissioner shall, by rule:
             88          (i) publish a list of insurance professional designations whose continuing education
             89      requirements can be used to meet the requirements for continuing education under Subsection

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House Floor Amendments 2-8-2006 ch/po
     (3)(b); and
             91          (ii) authorize continuing education providers and professional producer or consultant
             92      associations to:
             93          (A) offer qualified programs for all license types and lines of authority on a
             94      geographically accessible basis; and
             95          (B) collect reasonable fees for funding and administration of the continuing education
             96      program, subject to the review and approval of the commissioner.
             97          (iii) The fees permitted under Subsection (3) H. [ [ ] (e) [ ] ] [ (f) ] .H (ii)(B) that are
             97a      charged for
             98      attendance at a professional producer or consultant association program may be less for an
             99      association member, based on the member's affiliation expense, but shall preserve the right of a
             100      nonmember to attend without affiliation.
             101          (4) The commissioner shall approve continuing education providers and continuing
             102      education courses [which] that satisfy the requirements of this section.
             103          (5) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             104      commissioner shall by rule set the processes and procedures for continuing education provider
             105      registration and course approval.
             106          (6) The requirements of this section apply only to producers or consultants who are
             107      natural persons.
             108          (7) A nonresident producer or consultant is considered to have satisfied this state's
             109      continuing education requirements if the nonresident producer or consultant satisfies the
             110      nonresident producer's or consultant's home state's continuing education requirements for a
             111      licensed insurance producer or consultant.
             112          (8) A producer or consultant subject to this section shall keep documentation of
             113      completing the continuing education requirements of this section for two years after the end of
             114      the two-year licensing period to which the continuing education applies.
             115          Section 2. Section 31A-26-206 is amended to read:
             116           31A-26-206. Continuing education requirements.
             117          (1) [The] Pursuant to this section, the commissioner shall by rule prescribe continuing
             118      education requirements for each class of license under Section 31A-26-204 .
             119          (2) (a) The commissioner shall impose continuing education requirements in
             120      accordance with a two-year licensing period in which the licensee meets the requirements of

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     this Subsection (2).
             122          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b)(iii), the continuing education
             123      requirements shall require:
             124          (A) that a licensee complete 24 credit hours of continuing education for every two-year
             125      licensing period;
             126          (B) that three of the 24 credit hours described in Subsection (2)(b)(i)(A) be ethics
             127      courses; and
             128          (C) that the licensee complete at least half of the required hours through classroom
             129      hours of insurance-related instruction.
             130          (ii) The hours not completed through classroom hours in accordance with Subsection
             131      (2)(b)(i)(C) may be obtained through:
             132          (A) home study;
             133          (B) video recording;
             134          (C) experience credit; or
             135          (D) other methods provided by rule.
             136          (iii) Notwithstanding Subsections (2)(b)(i)(A) and (B), a title insurance adjuster is
             137      required to complete 12 credit hours of continuing education for every two-year licensing
             138      period, with three of the credit hours being ethics courses.
             139          (c) A licensee may obtain continuing education hours at any time during the two-year
             140      licensing period.
             141          (d) (i) Beginning May 3, 1999, a licensee is exempt from the continuing education
             142      requirements of this section if:
             143          (A) the licensee was first licensed before April 1, 1970;
             144          (B) the licensee requests an exemption from the department; and
             145          (C) the department approves the exemption.
             146          (ii) If the department approves the exemption under Subsection (2)(d)(i), the licensee is
             147      not required to apply again for the exemption.
             148          (e) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             149      commissioner shall by rule:
             150          (i) publish a list of insurance professional designations whose continuing education
             151      requirements can be used to meet the requirements for continuing education under Subsection

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     (2)(b); and
             153          (ii) authorize professional adjuster associations to:
             154          (A) offer qualified programs for all classes of licenses on a geographically accessible
             155      basis; and
             156          (B) collect reasonable fees for funding and administration of the continuing education
             157      programs, subject to the review and approval of the commissioner.
             158          (f) (i) The fees permitted under Subsection (2)(e)(ii)(B) that are charged to fund and
             159      administer a program shall reasonably relate to the costs of administering the program.
             160          (ii) Nothing in this section shall prohibit a provider of continuing education programs
             161      or courses from charging fees for attendance at courses offered for continuing education credit.
             162          (iii) The fees permitted under Subsection (2)(e)(ii)(B) that are charged for attendance
             163      at an association program may be less for an association member, based on the member's
             164      affiliation expense, but shall preserve the right of a nonmember to attend without affiliation.
             165          (3) The requirements of this section apply only to licensees who are natural persons.
             166          (4) The requirements of this section do not apply to members of the Utah State Bar.
             167          (5) The commissioner shall designate courses that satisfy the requirements of this
             168      section, including those presented by insurers.
             169          (6) A nonresident adjuster is considered to have satisfied this state's continuing
             170      education requirements if:
             171          (a) the nonresident adjuster satisfies the nonresident producer's home state's continuing
             172      education requirements for a licensed insurance adjuster; and
             173          (b) on the same basis the nonresident adjuster's home state considers satisfaction of
             174      Utah's continuing education requirements for a producer as satisfying the continuing education
             175      requirements of the home state.
             176          (7) A licensee subject to this section shall keep documentation of completing the
             177      continuing education requirements of this section for two years after the end of the two-year
             178      licensing period to which the continuing education requirement applies.

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Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-22-05 11:13 AM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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