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S.B. 3 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Howard A. Stephenson

House Sponsor: Gordon E. Snow

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill provides base funding for the Minimum School Program.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    establishes a ceiling for the state contribution to the maintenance and operations
             14      portion of the Minimum School Program for fiscal year 2006-07 of $1,858,118,140;
             15          .    appropriates $27,288,900 to the State Board of Education for fiscal year 2006-07 for
             16      school building aid programs for school districts; and
             17          .    makes technical corrections.
             18      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             19          This bill appropriates for fiscal year 2006-07:
             20          .    $1,848,198,140 from the Uniform School Fund;
             21          .    $9,920,000 from the Interest and Dividends Account; and
             22          .    $27,288,900 from the Uniform School Fund for school building aid programs.
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          53A-17a-104, as last amended by Chapters 9 and 184, Laws of Utah 2005
             28          53A-17a-135, as last amended by Chapter 9, Laws of Utah 2005
             29          53A-21-105, as last amended by Chapter 9, Laws of Utah 2005

             31      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             32          Section 1. Section 53A-17a-104 is amended to read:
             33           53A-17a-104. Amount of state's contribution toward minimum school program.
             34          (1) The total contribution of the state toward the cost of the minimum school program
             35      may not exceed the sum of [$1,794,543,275] $1,858,118,140 for the fiscal year beginning July
             36      1, [2005] 2006, except as otherwise provided by the Legislature through supplemental
             37      appropriations.
             38          (2) There is appropriated from state and local funds for fiscal year [2005-06] 2006-07
             39      for distribution to school districts and charter schools, in accordance with this chapter, monies
             40      for the following purposes and in the following amounts:
             41          (a) basic program - kindergarten, [$50,992,200 (22,365] $53,990,400 (23,680 WPUs);
             42          (b) basic program - grades 1-12, [$1,014,932,880 (445,146] $1,054,680,120 (462,579
             43      WPUs);
             44          (c) basic program - professional staff, [$99,273,480 (43,541] $100,112,520 (43,909
             45      WPUs);
             46          (d) basic program - administrative costs, [$3,789,360 (1,662] $3,714,120 (1,629
             47      WPUs);
             48          (e) basic program - necessarily existent small schools and units for consolidated
             49      schools, [$17,779,440 (7,798] $17,439,720 (7,649 WPUs);
             50          (f) special education - regular program - add-on WPUs for students with disabilities,
             51      [$125,076,240 (54,858] $128,621,640 (56,413 WPUs);
             52          (g) preschool special education program, [$16,509,480 (7,241] $18,600,240 (8,158
             53      WPUs);
             54          (h) self-contained regular WPUs, [$28,999,320 (12,719] $30,326,280 (13,301 WPUs);
             55          (i) extended year program for severely disabled, [$813,960 (357] $836,760 (367
             56      WPUs);
             57          (j) special education programs in state institutions and district impact aid, [$3,196,560

             58      (1,402] $3,290,040 (1,443 WPUs);
             59          (k) applied technology and technical education district programs, $54,943,440 (24,098
             60      WPUs), including $985,880 for summer applied technology agriculture programs;
             61          (l) applied technology district set-aside, $2,348,400 (1,030 WPUs);
             62          (m) class size reduction, $70,162,440 (30,773 WPUs);
             63          (n) Social Security and retirement programs, [$272,224,533] $281,412,356;
             64          (o) pupil transportation to and from school, $59,058,267, of which not less than
             65      $2,050,537 shall be allocated to the Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind to pay for
             66      transportation costs of the schools' students;
             67          (p) guarantee transportation levy, $500,000;
             68          (q) Local Discretionary Block Grant Program, $21,820,748;
             69          (r) Interventions for Student Success Block Grant Program, $15,842,347;
             70          (s) Quality Teaching Block Grant Program, $59,428,023;
             71          (t) highly impacted schools, $5,123,207;
             72          (u) at-risk programs, $26,557,600;
             73          (v) adult education, $7,630,805;
             74          (w) accelerated learning programs, $8,999,293;
             75          (x) electronic high school, $1,000,000;
             76          (y) School LAND Trust Program, $9,920,000;
             77          (z) state-supported voted leeway, [$175,975,385] $188,681,176;
             78          (aa) state-supported board leeway, [$48,387,919] $52,330,428;
             79          (bb) charter schools, pursuant to Section 53A-1a-513 , [$12,559,950] $21,552,450;
             80          (cc) K-3 Reading Improvement Program, $12,500,000; and
             81          (dd) state-supported board leeway for K-3 Reading Improvement Program,
             82      $15,000,000.
             83          Section 2. Section 53A-17a-135 is amended to read:
             84           53A-17a-135. Minimum basic tax rate -- Certified revenue levy.
             85          (1) (a) In order to qualify for receipt of the state contribution toward the basic program

             86      and as its contribution toward its costs of the basic program, each school district shall impose a
             87      minimum basic tax rate per dollar of taxable value that generates [$225,872,138] $232,483,090
             88      in revenues statewide.
             89          (b) The preliminary estimate for the [2005-06] 2006-07 minimum basic tax rate is
             90      [.001702] .001593.
             91          (c) The State Tax Commission shall certify on or before June 22 the rate that generates
             92      [$225,872,138] $232,483,090 in revenues statewide.
             93          (d) If the minimum basic tax rate exceeds the certified revenue levy as defined in
             94      Section 53A-17a-103 , the state is subject to the notice requirements of Section 59-2-926 .
             95          (2) (a) The state shall contribute to each district toward the cost of the basic program in
             96      the district that portion which exceeds the proceeds of the levy authorized under Subsection
             97      (1).
             98          (b) In accord with the state strategic plan for public education and to fulfill its
             99      responsibility for the development and implementation of that plan, the Legislature instructs
             100      the State Board of Education, the governor, and the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst in each
             101      of the coming five years to develop budgets that will fully fund student enrollment growth.
             102          (3) (a) If the proceeds of the levy authorized under Subsection (1) equal or exceed the
             103      cost of the basic program in a school district, no state contribution shall be made to the basic
             104      program.
             105          (b) The proceeds of the levy authorized under Subsection (1) which exceed the cost of
             106      the basic program shall be paid into the Uniform School Fund as provided by law.
             107          Section 3. Section 53A-21-105 is amended to read:
             108           53A-21-105. State contribution to capital outlay programs.
             109          (1) As an ongoing appropriation subject to future budget constraints, there is
             110      appropriated from the Uniform School Fund for fiscal year [2005-06] 2006-07, $27,288,900 to
             111      the State Board of Education for the capital outlay programs created in Section 53A-21-102 .
             112          (2) Of the monies appropriated in Subsection (1), the State Board of Education shall
             113      distribute:

             114          (a) $24,358,000 in accordance with the Capital Outlay Foundation Program described
             115      in Section 53A-21-103 ; and
             116          (b) $2,930,900 in accordance with the Enrollment Growth Program described in
             117      Section 53A-21-103.5 .
             118          Section 4. Appropriation.
             119          (1) As an ongoing appropriation subject to future budget constraints, there is
             120      appropriated from the Uniform School Fund for fiscal year 2006-07, $2,500,000 to the State
             121      Board of Education for the Public Education Job Enhancement Program created in Section
             122      53A-1a-601 .
             123          (2) The monies appropriated in Subsection (1) shall be used to provide:
             124          (a) signing bonuses to attract new teachers who have at least a baccalaureate degree in
             125      mathematics, physics, chemistry, physical science, learning technology, information
             126      technology, or special education; or
             127          (b) scholarships for teachers to cover tuition costs for a master's degree, an
             128      endorsement, or graduate education in mathematics, physics, chemistry, physical science,
             129      learning technology, information technology, or special education.
             130          (3) The money appropriated in Subsection (1) is nonlapsing.
             131          Section 5. Effective date.
             132          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.

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