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S.B. 143 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Michael G. Waddoups

House Sponsor: Rebecca D. Lockhart

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies parts of the Utah Code to make technical corrections including
             10      eliminating references to repealed provisions, making minor wording changes, updating
             11      cross references, and correcting numbering.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    modifies parts of the Utah Code to make technical corrections including eliminating
             15      references to repealed provisions, making minor wording changes, updating cross
             16      references, and correcting numbering.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          None    
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          17-50-101, as enacted by Chapter 133, Laws of Utah 2000
             24          26-18-2.3, as last amended by Chapter 280, Laws of Utah 2004
             25          53-3-204, as last amended by Chapter 20, Laws of Utah 2005
             26          58-37-7.5, as last amended by Chapter 248, Laws of Utah 2005
             27          58-37-7.7, as enacted by Chapter 33, Laws of Utah 2003
             28          62A-4a-117, as last amended by Chapter 94, Laws of Utah 2003
             29          62A-5-101, as last amended by Chapters 60 and 61, Laws of Utah 2005

             30          63-38f-1211, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 148, Laws of Utah 2005
             31          63-38f-1411, as enacted by Chapter 12, Laws of Utah 2005, First Special Session
             32          63-55b-158, as last amended by Chapter 134, Laws of Utah 2005
             33          63-56-409, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 25, Laws of Utah 2005
             34          63E-1-102, as last amended by Chapter 90, Laws of Utah 2004
             35          63E-1-302, as last amended by Chapter 291, Laws of Utah 2003
             36          63E-1-303, as last amended by Chapter 291, Laws of Utah 2003
             37          77-36-1, as last amended by Chapter 81, Laws of Utah 2002
             38          78-14-5.5, as enacted by Chapter 95, Laws of Utah 2005
             39      REPEALS:
             40          78-45e-3, as last amended by Chapter 176, Laws of Utah 2003
             42      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             43          Section 1. Section 17-50-101 is amended to read:
             44           17-50-101. Definitions.
             45          As used in this title:
             46          (1) "County" means a unit of local government that is a body corporate and politic and
             47      a legal subdivision of the state, with geographic boundaries as [provided in Part 2, Boundaries]
             48      described in Section 17-50-104 , and powers as provided in Part 3, County Powers.
             49          (2) "Executive," when used to describe the powers, duties, or functions of a person or
             50      body elected as the county executive or a person appointed as the county manager or
             51      administrative officer, refers to:
             52          (a) the power and duty to carry laws and ordinances into effect and secure their due
             53      observance; and
             54          (b) those powers, duties, and functions that, under constitutional and statutory
             55      provisions and through long usage and accepted practice and custom at the federal and state
             56      level, have come to be regarded as belonging to the executive branch of government.
             57          (3) "Legislative," when used to describe the powers, duties, or functions of a county

             58      commission or council, refers to:
             59          (a) the power and duty to enact ordinances, levy taxes, and establish budgets; and
             60          (b) those powers, duties, and functions that, under constitutional and statutory
             61      provisions and through long usage and accepted practice and custom at the federal and state
             62      level, have come to be regarded as belonging to the legislative branch of government.
             63          Section 2. Section 26-18-2.3 is amended to read:
             64           26-18-2.3. Division responsibilities -- Emphasis -- Periodic assessment.
             65          (1) In accordance with the requirements of Title XIX of the Social Security Act and
             66      applicable federal regulations, the division is responsible for the effective and impartial
             67      administration of this chapter in an efficient, economical manner. The division shall:
             68          (a) establish, on a statewide basis, a program to safeguard against unnecessary or
             69      inappropriate use of Medicaid services, excessive payments, and unnecessary or inappropriate
             70      hospital admissions or lengths of stay;
             71          (b) deny any provider claim for services that fail to meet criteria established by the
             72      division concerning medical necessity or appropriateness; and
             73          (c) place its emphasis on high quality care to recipients in the most economical and
             74      cost-effective manner possible, with regard to both publicly and privately provided services.
             75          (2) The division shall implement and utilize cost-containment methods, where
             76      possible, which may include, but are not limited to:
             77          (a) prepayment and postpayment review systems to determine if utilization is
             78      reasonable and necessary;
             79          (b) preadmission certification of nonemergency admissions;
             80          (c) mandatory outpatient, rather than inpatient, surgery in appropriate cases;
             81          (d) second surgical opinions;
             82          (e) procedures for encouraging the use of outpatient services;
             83          (f) consistent with Sections [ 28-18-2.4 ] 26-18-2.4 and 58-17b-606 , a Medicaid drug
             84      program;
             85          (g) coordination of benefits; and

             86          (h) review and exclusion of providers who are not cost effective or who have abused
             87      the Medicaid program, in accordance with the procedures and provisions of federal law and
             88      regulation.
             89          (3) The director of the division shall periodically assess the cost effectiveness and
             90      health implications of the existing Medicaid program, and consider alternative approaches to
             91      the provision of covered health and medical services through the Medicaid program, in order to
             92      reduce unnecessary or unreasonable utilization.
             93          Section 3. Section 53-3-204 is amended to read:
             94           53-3-204. Persons who may not be licensed or issued a license certificate --
             95      Commercial license disqualifications.
             96          (1) (a) The division may not license a person who:
             97          (i) is younger than 16 years of age;
             98          (ii) has not completed a course in driver training approved by the commissioner; [or]
             99          (iii) if the person is a minor, has not completed the driving requirement under Section
             100      53-3-211 ; or
             101          (iv) is not a resident of the state of Utah.
             102          (b) Subsections (1)(a)(i), (ii), and (iii) do not apply to a person:
             103          (i) who has been licensed before July 1, 1967;
             104          (ii) who is 16 years of age or older making application for a license who has been
             105      licensed in another state or country; or
             106          (iii) who is applying for a permit under Section 53-3-210 or 53A-13-208 .
             107          (2) The division may not issue a license certificate to a person:
             108          (a) whose license has been suspended, denied, cancelled, or disqualified during the
             109      period of suspension, denial, cancellation, or disqualification;
             110          (b) whose privilege has been revoked, except as provided in Section 53-3-225 ;
             111          (c) who has previously been adjudged mentally incompetent and who has not at the
             112      time of application been restored to competency as provided by law;
             113          (d) who is required by this chapter to take an examination unless the person

             114      successfully passes the examination; or
             115          (e) whose driving privileges have been denied or suspended under:
             116          (i) Section 78-3a-506 by an order of the juvenile court; or
             117          (ii) Section 53-3-231 .
             118          (3) The division may grant a class D or M license to a person whose commercial
             119      license is disqualified under Part 4 [of this chapter], Uniform Commercial Driver License Act,
             120      if the person is not otherwise sanctioned under this chapter.
             121          Section 4. Section 58-37-7.5 is amended to read:
             122           58-37-7.5. Controlled substance database -- Pharmacy reporting requirements --
             123      Access -- Penalties.
             124          (1) As used in this section:
             125          [(a) "Committee" means the Controlled Substance Database Advisory Committee
             126      created in this section.]
             127          [(b)] (a) "Database" means the controlled substance database created in this section.
             128          [(c)] (b) "Database manager" means the person responsible for operating the database,
             129      or his designee.
             130          [(d)] (c) "Division" means the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
             131      created in Section 58-1-103 .
             132          [(e)] (d) "Health care facility" has the same definition as in Section 26-21-2 .
             133          [(f)] (e) "Pharmacy or pharmaceutical facility" has the same definition as in Section
             134      58-17b-102 .
             135          (2) (a) There is created within the division a controlled substance database.
             136          (b) The division shall administer and direct the functioning of the database in
             137      accordance with this section. The division may under state procurement laws contract with
             138      another state agency or private entity to establish, operate, or maintain the database. The
             139      division in collaboration with the board shall determine whether to operate the database within
             140      the division or contract with another entity to operate the database, based on an analysis of
             141      costs and benefits.

             142          (c) The purpose of the database is to contain data as described in this section regarding
             143      every prescription for a controlled substance dispensed in the state to any person other than an
             144      inpatient in a licensed health care facility.
             145          (d) Data required by this section shall be submitted in compliance with this section to
             146      the manager of the database by the pharmacist in charge of the drug outlet where the controlled
             147      substance is dispensed.
             148          (3) The Utah State Board of Pharmacy created in Section 58-17b-201 shall advise the
             149      division regarding:
             150          (a) establishing, maintaining, and operating the database;
             151          (b) access to the database and how access is obtained; and
             152          (c) control of information contained in the database.
             153          (4) The pharmacist in charge shall, regarding each controlled substance dispensed by a
             154      pharmacist under his supervision other than those dispensed for an inpatient at a health care
             155      facility, submit to the manager of the database the following information, by a procedure and in
             156      a format established by the division:
             157          (a) name of the prescribing practitioner;
             158          (b) date of the prescription;
             159          (c) date the prescription was filled;
             160          (d) name of the person for whom the prescription was written;
             161          (e) positive identification of the person receiving the prescription, including the type of
             162      identification and any identifying numbers on the identification;
             163          (f) name of the controlled substance;
             164          (g) quantity of controlled substance prescribed;
             165          (h) strength of controlled substance;
             166          (i) quantity of controlled substance dispensed;
             167          (j) dosage quantity and frequency as prescribed;
             168          (k) name of drug outlet dispensing the controlled substance;
             169          (l) name of pharmacist dispensing the controlled substance; and

             170          (m) other relevant information as required by division rule.
             171          (5) The division shall maintain the database in an electronic file or by other means
             172      established by the division to facilitate use of the database for identification of:
             173          (a) prescribing practices and patterns of prescribing and dispensing controlled
             174      substances;
             175          (b) practitioners prescribing controlled substances in an unprofessional or unlawful
             176      manner;
             177          (c) individuals receiving prescriptions for controlled substances from licensed
             178      practitioners, and who subsequently obtain dispensed controlled substances from a drug outlet
             179      in quantities or with a frequency inconsistent with generally recognized standards of dosage for
             180      that controlled substance; and
             181          (d) individuals presenting forged or otherwise false or altered prescriptions for
             182      controlled substances to a pharmacy.
             183          (6) (a) The division shall by rule establish the electronic format in which the
             184      information required under this section shall be submitted to the administrator of the database.
             185          (b) The division shall ensure the database system records and maintains for reference:
             186          (i) identification of each person who requests or receives information from the
             187      database;
             188          (ii) the information provided to each person; and
             189          (iii) the date and time the information is requested or provided.
             190          (7) The division shall make rules [in collaboration with the committee] to:
             191          (a) effectively enforce the limitations on access to the database as described in
             192      Subsection (8); and
             193          (b) establish standards and procedures to ensure accurate identification of individuals
             194      requesting information or receiving information without request from the database.
             195          (8) The manager of the database shall make information in the database available only
             196      to the following persons, and in accordance with the limitations stated and division rules:
             197          (a) personnel of the division specifically assigned to conduct investigations related to

             198      controlled substances laws under the jurisdiction of the division;
             199          (b) authorized division personnel engaged in analysis of controlled substance
             200      prescription information as a part of the assigned duties and responsibilities of their
             201      employment;
             202          (c) employees of the Department of Health whom the director of the Department of
             203      Health assigns to conduct scientific studies regarding the use or abuse of controlled substances,
             204      provided that the identity of the individuals and pharmacies in the database are confidential and
             205      are not disclosed in any manner to any individual who is not directly involved in the scientific
             206      studies;
             207          (d) a licensed practitioner having authority to prescribe controlled substances, to the
             208      extent the information relates specifically to a current patient of the practitioner, to whom the
             209      practitioner is prescribing or considering prescribing any controlled substance;
             210          (e) a licensed pharmacist having authority to dispense controlled substances to the
             211      extent the information relates specifically to a current patient to whom that pharmacist is
             212      dispensing or considering dispensing any controlled substance;
             213          (f) federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities engaged as a specified duty of
             214      their employment in enforcing laws regulating controlled substances; and
             215          (g) an individual who is the recipient of a controlled substance prescription entered into
             216      the database, upon providing evidence satisfactory to the database manager that the individual
             217      requesting the information is in fact the person about whom the data entry was made.
             218          (9) Any person who knowingly and intentionally releases any information in the
             219      database in violation of the limitations under Subsection (8) is guilty of a third degree felony.
             220          (10) Any person who obtains or attempts to obtain information from the database by
             221      misrepresentation or fraud is guilty of a third degree felony.
             222          (11) (a) A person may not knowingly and intentionally use, release, publish, or
             223      otherwise make available to any other person or entity any information obtained from the
             224      database for any purpose other than those specified in Subsection (8). Each separate violation
             225      of this Subsection (11) is a third degree felony and is also subject to a civil penalty not to

             226      exceed $5,000.
             227          (b) The procedure for determining a civil violation of this Subsection (11) shall be in
             228      accordance with Section 58-1-108 , regarding adjudicative proceedings within the division.
             229          (c) Civil penalties assessed under this Subsection (11) shall be deposited in the General
             230      Fund as a dedicated credit to be used by the division under Subsection 58-37-7.7 (1).
             231          (12) (a) The failure of a pharmacist in charge to submit information to the database as
             232      required under this section after the division has submitted a specific written request for the
             233      information or when the division determines the individual has a demonstrable pattern of
             234      failing to submit the information as required is grounds for the division to take the following
             235      actions in accordance with Section 58-1-401 :
             236          (i) refuse to issue a license to the individual;
             237          (ii) refuse to renew the individual's license;
             238          (iii) revoke, suspend, restrict, or place on probation the license;
             239          (iv) issue a public or private reprimand to the individual;
             240          (v) issue a cease and desist order; and
             241          (vi) impose a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for each dispensed prescription
             242      regarding which the required information is not submitted.
             243          (b) Civil penalties assessed under Subsection (12)(a)(vi) shall be deposited in the
             244      General Fund as a dedicated credit to be used by the division under Subsection 58-37-7.7 (1).
             245          (c) The procedure for determining a civil violation of this Subsection (12) shall be in
             246      accordance with Section 58-1-108 , regarding adjudicative proceedings within the division.
             247          (13) An individual who has submitted information to the database in accordance with
             248      this section may not be held civilly liable for having submitted the information.
             249          (14) All department and the division costs necessary to establish and operate the
             250      database shall be funded by appropriations from:
             251          (a) the Commerce Service Fund; and
             252          (b) the General Fund.
             253          (15) All costs associated with recording and submitting data as required in this section

             254      shall be assumed by the submitting pharmacy.
             255          Section 5. Section 58-37-7.7 is amended to read:
             256           58-37-7.7. Use of dedicated credits -- Controlled Substance Database -- Collection
             257      of penalties.
             258          (1) The director may[, with concurrence of the Controlled Substance Database
             259      Advisory Committee created in Section 58-37-7.5 ,] use the monies deposited in the General
             260      Fund as a dedicated credit under Subsections 58-37-6 (8)(a), 58-37-7.5 (11)(c), and
             261      58-37-7.5 (12)(b) for the following purposes:
             262          (a) maintenance and replacement of the database equipment, including hardware and
             263      software;
             264          (b) training of staff; and
             265          (c) pursuit of external grants and matching funds.
             266          (2) The director of the division may collect any penalty imposed under Subsections
             267      58-37-6 (8)(a), 58-37-7.5 (11)(c), and 58-37-7.5 (12)(b) and which is not paid by:
             268          (a) referring the matter to the Office of State Debt Collection or a collection agency; or
             269          (b) bringing an action in the district court of the county in which the person owing the
             270      debt resides or in the county where the office of the director is located.
             271          (3) The director may seek legal assistance from the attorney general or the county or
             272      district attorney of the district in which the action is brought to collect the fine.
             273          (4) The court shall award reasonable attorney's fees and costs to the division for
             274      successful collection actions under Subsection (2)(b).
             275          (5) All funding of the controlled substance database as defined under Section 58-37-7.5
             276      is nonlapsing.
             277          Section 6. Section 62A-4a-117 is amended to read:
             278           62A-4a-117. Performance monitoring system.
             279          (1) As used in this section:
             280          (a) "Performance goals" means a target level of performance or an expected level of
             281      performance against which actual performance is compared.

             282          (b) "Performance indicators" means actual performance information regarding a
             283      program or activity.
             284          (c) "Performance monitoring system" means a process to regularly collect and analyze
             285      performance information including performance indicators and performance goals.
             286          (2) On or before May 1, 1996, the director, in cooperation with the board, shall develop
             287      a performance monitoring system of each area in the child welfare system, including foster care
             288      and other substitute care, child protective services, and adoption.
             289          (3) On or before June 1, 1996, the director shall submit a description of that monitoring
             290      system to the Child Welfare Legislative Oversight Panel for review.
             291          (4) The division shall fully implement a performance monitoring system on or before
             292      October 1, 1996.
             293          (5) Before January 1 each year the director shall submit a written report describing the
             294      difference between actual performance and performance goals for the prior fiscal year to the
             295      Child Welfare Legislative Oversight Panel[,] and the Joint Health and Human Services
             296      Appropriations Subcommittee[, and the Utah Tomorrow Strategic Planning Committee]. The
             297      report shall include:
             298          (a) a summary of the division's efforts during the prior fiscal year to implement the
             299      Performance Milestone Plan;
             300          (b) a summary of how performance must be improved to achieve full implementation
             301      of the Performance Milestone Plan;
             302          (c) data on the extent to which new and experienced division employees have received
             303      training pursuant to statute and division policy; and
             304          (d) an analysis of the use and efficacy of family preservation services, both before and
             305      after removal of children from their homes[; and].
             306          [(e) a description of the extent to which the pilot program under Section 62A-4a-202.7
             307      has been expanded during the prior fiscal year and an explanation of how the performance of
             308      regions that have previously implemented the program has been affected by the program,
             309      including data showing the number of referrals to the division:]

             310          [(i) accepted for an investigation;]
             311          [(ii) accepted for a family assessment; or]
             312          [(iii) not accepted.]
             313          Section 7. Section 62A-5-101 is amended to read:
             314           62A-5-101. Definitions.
             315          As used in this chapter:
             316          (1) "Approved provider" means a person approved by the division to provide
             317      home-based services.
             318          (2) "Board" means the Board of Services for People with Disabilities established in
             319      accordance with Section 62A-1-105 .
             320          (3) (a) "Brain injury" means an acquired injury to the brain that is neurological in
             321      nature, including a cerebral vascular accident.
             322          (b) "Brain injury" does not include a deteriorating disease.
             323          (4) "Designated mental retardation professional" means:
             324          (a) a psychologist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 61, Psychologist Licensing Act,
             325      who:
             326          (i) (A) has at least one year of specialized training in working with persons with mental
             327      retardation; or
             328          (B) has at least one year of clinical experience with persons with mental retardation;
             329      and
             330          (ii) is designated by the division as specially qualified, by training and experience, in
             331      the treatment of mental retardation; or
             332          (b) a clinical or certified social worker licensed under Title 58, Chapter 60, Mental
             333      Health Professional Practice Act, who:
             334          (i) has at least two years of clinical experience with persons with mental retardation;
             335      and
             336          (ii) is designated by the division as specially qualified, by training and experience, in
             337      the treatment of mental retardation.

             338          (5) "Deteriorating disease" includes:
             339          (a) multiple sclerosis;
             340          (b) muscular dystrophy;
             341          (c) Huntington's chorea;
             342          (d) Alzheimer's disease;
             343          (e) ataxia; or
             344          (f) cancer.
             345          (6) "Developmental center" means the Utah State Developmental Center, established in
             346      accordance with Part 2, Utah State Developmental Center.
             347          (7) "Direct service worker" means a person who provides services to a person with a
             348      disability:
             349          (a) when the services are rendered in:
             350          (i) the physical presence of the person with a disability; or
             351          (ii) a location where the person rendering the services has access to the physical
             352      presence of the person with a disability; and
             353          (b) under:
             354          (i) a contract with the division; or
             355          (ii) a grant agreement with the division.
             356          (8) "Director" means the director of the Division of Services for People with
             357      Disabilities.
             358          (9) (a) "Disability" means a severe, chronic disability that:
             359          (i) is attributable to:
             360          (A) mental retardation;
             361          (B) a condition that qualifies a person as a person with a related condition, as defined
             362      in 42 C.F.R. 435.1009;
             363          (C) a brain injury; or
             364          (D) a physical disability;
             365          (ii) is likely to continue indefinitely;

             366          (iii) results in a substantial functional limitation in three or more of the following areas
             367      of major life activity:
             368          (A) self-care;
             369          (B) receptive and expressive language;
             370          (C) learning;
             371          (D) mobility;
             372          (E) self-direction;
             373          (F) capacity for independent living; or
             374          (G) economic self-sufficiency; and
             375          (iv) requires a combination or sequence of special interdisciplinary or generic care,
             376      treatment, or other services that:
             377          (A) may continue throughout life; and
             378          (B) must be individually planned and coordinated.
             379          (b) "Disability" does not include a condition due solely to:
             380          (i) mental illness;
             381          (ii) personality disorder;
             382          (iii) hearing impairment;
             383          (iv) visual impairment;
             384          (v) learning disability;
             385          (vi) behavior disorder;
             386          (vii) substance abuse; or
             387          (viii) the aging process.
             388          (10) "Division" means the Division of Services for People with Disabilities.
             389          (11) "Eligible to receive division services" or "eligibility" means qualification, based
             390      on criteria established by the division in accordance with Subsection 62A-5-102 [(3)](4), to
             391      receive services that are administered by the division.
             392          (12) "Endorsed program" means a facility or program that:
             393          (a) is operated:

             394          (i) by the division; or
             395          (ii) under contract with the division; or
             396          (b) provides services to a person committed to the division under Part 3, Admission to
             397      Mental Retardation Facility.
             398          (13) "Licensed physician" means:
             399          (a) an individual licensed to practice medicine under:
             400          (i) Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act; or
             401          (ii) Title 58, Chapter 68, Utah Osteopathic Medical Practice Act; or
             402          (b) a medical officer of the United States Government while in this state in the
             403      performance of official duties.
             404          (14) "Mental retardation" means a significant, subaverage general intellectual
             405      functioning, that:
             406          (a) exists concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior; and
             407          (b) is manifested during the developmental period as defined in the current edition of
             408      the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American
             409      Psychiatric Association.
             410          (15) "Mental retardation facility" means a residential facility for a person with mental
             411      retardation, that receives state or federal funds under Title XIX of the federal Social Security
             412      Act, for the purpose of serving a mentally retarded person in this state.
             413          (16) "Physical disability" means a medically determinable physical impairment that has
             414      resulted in the functional loss of two or more of a person's limbs.
             415          (17) "Public funds" means state or federal funds that are disbursed by the division.
             416          (18) "Resident" means an individual under observation, care, or treatment in a mental
             417      retardation facility.
             418          Section 8. Section 63-38f-1211 is amended to read:
             419           63-38f-1211. Management fee -- Additional financial assistance.
             420          (1) The corporation may charge a management fee on assets under management in the
             421      Utah fund of funds.

             422          (2) The fee shall:
             423          (a) be in addition to any fee charged to the Utah fund of funds by the venture capital
             424      investment fund allocation manager selected by the corporation; and
             425          (b) be charged only to pay for reasonable and necessary costs of the corporation.
             426          (3) The corporation may apply for and, when qualified, receive financial assistance
             427      from the Industrial Assistance Fund under Title [9] 63, Chapter [2] 38f, Part [12] 9, Industrial
             428      Assistance Fund, to help establish the program authorized under this part.
             429          Section 9. Section 63-38f-1411 is amended to read:
             430           63-38f-1411. Tourism Marketing Performance Account.
             431          (1) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the Tourism
             432      Marketing Performance Account.
             433          (2) The account shall be administered by the office for the purposes listed in
             434      Subsection (5).
             435          (3) (a) The account shall earn interest.
             436          (b) All interest earned on account monies shall be deposited into the account.
             437          (c) Monies in the account are nonlapsing.
             438          (4) The account shall be funded by appropriations made to the account by the
             439      Legislature in accordance with this section.
             440          (5) The director may use account monies appropriated to the office to pay for the
             441      statewide advertising, marketing, and branding campaign for promotion of the state as
             442      conducted by the office.
             443          (6) (a) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005, the director shall allocate 7.5% of the
             444      account monies appropriated to the office, but not to exceed $750,000, to be distributed to a
             445      sports organization for advertising, marketing, branding, and promoting Utah in attracting
             446      sporting events into the state as determined by the office.
             447          (b) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2006, the amount distributed under
             448      Subsection (6)(a) shall be indexed from the July 1, 2005 fiscal year to reflect a percent increase
             449      or decrease of monies set aside into the account as compared to the previous fiscal year.

             450          (c) The monies distributed under Subsections (6)(a) and (b) are nonlapsing.
             451          (d) The office shall provide for an annual accounting to the director and the board by a
             452      sports organization of the use of monies it receives under Subsection (6)(a) or (b).
             453          (e) For purposes of this Subsection (6), "sports organization" means an organization
             454      that is:
             455          (i) exempt from federal income taxation in accordance with Section 501(c)(3), Internal
             456      Revenue Code; and
             457          (ii) created to foster national and international amateur sports [competition]
             458      competitions to be held in the state and sports tourism throughout the state, to include
             459      advertising, marketing, branding, and promoting Utah for the purpose of attracting sporting
             460      events into the state.
             461          (7) (a) Monies set aside into the account shall be as follows:
             462          (i) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005 only, an amount appropriated in Section 7
             463      of this bill;
             464          (ii) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006:
             465          (A) the beginning nonlapsing appropriation balances, if any, in the Tourism Marketing
             466      Performance Account;
             467          (B) any legislative appropriation from the sales and use tax revenue increases identified
             468      in Subsection (8); and
             469          (C) any appropriation made by the Legislature from the General Fund to the account in
             470      an appropriations bill; and
             471          (iii) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007, and for each fiscal year thereafter, a
             472      $1,000,000 reduction in the prior year's appropriation sources other than the sales and use tax
             473      revenue increases identified in Subsection (8), plus a legislative appropriation from the
             474      cumulative sales and use tax revenue increases identified in Subsection (8).
             475          (b) Monies in the account are nonlapsing.
             476          (8) (a) In fiscal years 2006 through 2015, a portion of the state sales and use tax
             477      revenues determined under this Subsection (8) shall be certified as a set-aside for the account

             478      by the State Tax Commission and reported to the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
             479          (b) The State Tax Commission shall determine the set-aside under this Subsection (8)
             480      in each fiscal year by applying the following formula: if the increase in the state sales and use
             481      tax revenues derived from the retail sales of tourist-oriented goods and services in the fiscal
             482      year two years prior to the fiscal year in which the set-aside is to be made for the account is at
             483      least 3% over the state sales and use tax revenues derived from the retail sales of
             484      tourist-oriented goods and services generated in the fiscal year three years prior to the fiscal
             485      year in which the set-aside is to be made, an amount equal to 1/2 of the state sales and use tax
             486      revenues generated above the 3% increase shall be calculated by the commission and set aside
             487      by the state treasurer for appropriation to the account.
             488          (c) Total monies to be appropriated to the account in any fiscal year under Subsections
             489      (8)(a) and (b) may not exceed the amount in the account under this section in the fiscal year
             490      immediately preceding the current fiscal year by more than $3,000,000.
             491          (d) As used in this Subsection (8), "sales of tourism-oriented goods and services" are
             492      those sales by businesses registered with the State Tax Commission under the following codes
             493      of the 1997 North American Industry Classification System of the federal Executive Office of
             494      the President, Office of Management and Budget:
             495          (i) NAICS Code 453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers;
             496          (ii) NAICS Code 481 Passenger Air Transportation;
             497          (iii) NAICS Code 487 Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation;
             498          (iv) NAICS Code 711 Performing Arts, Spectator Sports and Related Industries;
             499          (v) NAICS Code 712 Museums, Historical Sites and Similar Institutions;
             500          (vi) NAICS Code 713 Amusement, Gambling and Recreation Industries;
             501          (vii) NAICS Code 721 Accommodations;
             502          (viii) NAICS Code 722 Food Services and Drinking Places;
             503          (ix) NAICS Code 4483 Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Stores;
             504          (x) NAICS Code 4853 Taxi and Limousine Service;
             505          (xi) NAICS Code 4855 Charter Bus;

             506          (xii) NAICS Code 5615 Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services;
             507          (xiii) NAICS Code 44611 Pharmacies and Drug Stores;
             508          (xiv) NAICS Code 45111 Sporting Goods Stores;
             509          (xv) NAICS Code 45112 Hobby Toy and Game Stores;
             510          (xvi) NAICS Code 45121 Book Stores and News Dealers;
             511          (xvii) NAICS Code 445120 Convenience Stores without Gas Pumps;
             512          (xviii) NAICS Code 447110 Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores;
             513          (xix) NAICS Code 447190 Other Gasoline Stations;
             514          (xx) NAICS Code 532111 Passenger Car Rental; and
             515          (xxi) NAICS Code 532292 Recreational Goods Rental.
             516          Section 10. Section 63-55b-158 is amended to read:
             517           63-55b-158. Repeal dates -- Title 58.
             518          [Section 58-31b-301.5 , Geriatric Care Manager Pilot Program, is repealed May 2,
             519      2005.]
             520          Section 11. Section 63-56-409 is amended to read:
             521           63-56-409. Small purchases.
             522          Small purchases shall be defined in, and may be made in accordance with procedures
             523      established by, rules and regulations; except that the procurement requirement shall not be
             524      artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this section.
             525          Section 12. Section 63E-1-102 is amended to read:
             526           63E-1-102. Definitions.
             527          As used in this title:
             528          (1) "Authorizing statute" means the statute creating an entity as an independent entity.
             529          (2) "Committee" means the Retirement and Independent Entities Committee created in
             530      Section 63E-1-201 .
             531          (3) "Independent corporation" means a corporation incorporated in accordance with
             532      Chapter 2, Independent Corporations Act.
             533          (4) (a) "Independent entity" means an entity having a public purpose relating to the

             534      state or its citizens that is individually created by the state or is given by the state the right to
             535      exist and conduct its affairs as an:
             536          (i) independent state agency; or
             537          (ii) independent corporation.
             538          (b) "Independent entity" includes the:
             539          (i) Dairy Commission created in Title 4, Chapter 22, Dairy Promotion Act;
             540          (ii) Heber Valley Railroad Authority created in Title 9, Chapter 3, Part 3, Heber Valley
             541      Historic Railroad Authority;
             542          (iii) Utah Science Center Authority created in Title 9, Chapter 3, Part 4, Utah Science
             543      Center Authority;
             544          (iv) Utah Housing Corporation created in Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 9, Utah Housing
             545      Corporation Act;
             546          (v) Utah State Fair Corporation created in Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 11, Utah State Fair
             547      Corporation Act;
             548          (vi) Workers' Compensation Fund created in Title 31A, Chapter 33, Workers'
             549      Compensation Fund;
             550          (vii) Utah State Retirement Office created in Title 49, Chapter 11, Utah State
             551      Retirement Systems Administration;
             552          (viii) School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration created in Title 53C,
             553      Chapter 1, Part 2, School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration;
             554          (ix) Utah Communications Agency Network created in Title 63C, Chapter 7, Utah
             555      Communications Agency Network Act; and
             556          (x) Utah Capital Investment Corporation created in Title [9] 63, Chapter [2] 38f, Part
             557      [19] 12, Utah Venture Capital Enhancement Act.
             558          (c) Notwithstanding this Subsection (4), "independent entity" does not include:
             559          (i) the Public Service Commission of Utah created in Section 54-1-1 ;
             560          (ii) an institution within the state system of higher education;
             561          (iii) a city, county, or town;

             562          (iv) a local school district;
             563          (v) a special district created under the authority of Title 17A, Special Districts; or
             564          (vi) a local district created under the authority of Title 17B, Limited Purpose Local
             565      Government Entities.
             566          (5) "Independent state agency" means an entity that is created by the state, but is
             567      independent of the governor's direct supervisory control.
             568          (6) "Monies held in trust" means monies maintained for the benefit of:
             569          (a) one or more private individuals, including public employees;
             570          (b) one or more public or private entities; or
             571          (c) the owners of a quasi-public corporation.
             572          (7) "Public corporation" means an artificial person, public in ownership, individually
             573      created by the state as a body politic and corporate for the administration of a public purpose
             574      relating to the state or its citizens.
             575          (8) "Quasi-public corporation" means an artificial person, private in ownership,
             576      individually created as a corporation by the state which has accepted from the state the grant of
             577      a franchise or contract involving the performance of a public purpose relating to the state or its
             578      citizens.
             579          Section 13. Section 63E-1-302 is amended to read:
             580           63E-1-302. Review by committee required for creating an independent entity.
             581          (1) [Except as otherwise provided in Subsection (4), if] If a government requestor
             582      proposes that the Legislature create an independent entity, that government requestor shall
             583      request that the committee review the proposal.
             584          (2) After receiving a request for review under Subsection (1), the chairs of the
             585      committee:
             586          (a) shall schedule a meeting of the committee to review the proposal; and
             587          (b) may request information from executive and legislative branch entities and officers
             588      concerning the proposal including:
             589          (i) whether or not the proposed independent entity should be exempt from any state

             590      statute;
             591          (ii) the need for oversight of the proposed independent entity by an executive branch
             592      agency;
             593          (iii) the need for and requirements of audits of the proposed independent entity;
             594          (iv) the custody of the proposed independent entity's funds;
             595          (v) the legal representation of the proposed independent entity;
             596          (vi) whether or not the state should receive services from or provide services to the
             597      proposed independent entity; and
             598          (vii) the legal liability, if any, to the state if the proposed independent entity is created.
             599          (3) In requesting information from executive and legislative branch entities or officers
             600      under Subsection (2), the committee should specifically consider seeking information from:
             601          (a) the state auditor;
             602          (b) the state treasurer;
             603          (c) the attorney general;
             604          (d) the risk manager; and
             605          (e) the executive director of the Department of Administrative Services.
             606          [(4) (a) On or before August 1, 2003, the committee shall review the Utah Capital
             607      Investment Corporation, a quasi-public corporation created under Title 9, Chapter 2, Part 19,
             608      Utah Venture Capital Enhancement Act, in the 2003 General Session of the Legislature.]
             609          [(b) After this review, the committee shall make a report to the Legislature on any
             610      recommended modifications to the statutes that created the corporation.]
             611          Section 14. Section 63E-1-303 is amended to read:
             612           63E-1-303. Recommendations of the committee.
             613          [Except for the Utah Capital Investment Corporation review under Subsection
             614      63E-1-302 (4), after] After the committee has reviewed a proposal to create an independent
             615      entity in accordance with Section 63E-1-302 , the committee shall make a report to the
             616      Legislature stating whether the committee:
             617          (1) recommends creation of the proposed independent entity;

             618          (2) recommends that the proposed independent entity not be created; or
             619          (3) makes no recommendation regarding the creation of the proposed independent
             620      entity.
             621          Section 15. Section 77-36-1 is amended to read:
             622           77-36-1. Definitions.
             623          As used in this chapter:
             624          (1) "Cohabitant" has the same meaning as in Section 30-6-1 .
             625          (2) "Domestic violence" means any criminal offense involving violence or physical
             626      harm or threat of violence or physical harm, or any attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation to
             627      commit a criminal offense involving violence or physical harm, when committed by one
             628      cohabitant against another. "Domestic violence" also means commission or attempt to commit,
             629      any of the following offenses by one cohabitant against another:
             630          (a) aggravated assault, as described in Section 76-5-103 ;
             631          (b) assault, as described in Section 76-5-102 ;
             632          (c) criminal homicide, as described in Section 76-5-201 ;
             633          (d) harassment, as described in Section 76-5-106 ;
             634          (e) [telephone] electronic communication harassment, as described in Section
             635      76-9-201 ;
             636          (f) kidnaping, child kidnaping, or aggravated kidnaping, as described in Sections
             637      76-5-301 , 76-5-301.1 , and 76-5-302 ;
             638          (g) mayhem, as described in Section 76-5-105 ;
             639          (h) sexual offenses, as described in Title 76, Chapter 5, Part 4, Sexual Offenses, and
             640      Title 76, Chapter 5a, Sexual Exploitation of Children;
             641          (i) stalking, as described in Section 76-5-106.5 ;
             642          (j) unlawful detention, as described in Section 76-5-304 ;
             643          (k) violation of a protective order or ex parte protective order, as described in Section
             644      76-5-108 ;
             645          (l) any offense against property described in Title 76, Chapter 6, Part 1, Property

             646      Destruction, 2, Burglary and Criminal Trespass, or 3, Robbery;
             647          (m) possession of a deadly weapon with intent to assault, as described in Section
             648      76-10-507 ;
             649          (n) discharge of a firearm from a vehicle, near a highway, or in the direction of any
             650      person, building, or vehicle, as described in Section 76-10-508 ;
             651          (o) disorderly conduct, as defined in Section 76-9-102 , if a conviction of disorderly
             652      conduct is the result of a plea agreement in which the defendant was originally charged with
             653      any of the domestic violence offenses otherwise described in this Subsection (2). Conviction
             654      of disorderly conduct as a domestic violence offense, in the manner described in this
             655      Subsection (2)(o), does not constitute a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence under 18
             656      U.S.C. Section 921, and is exempt from the provisions of the federal Firearms Act, 18 U.S.C.
             657      Section 921 et seq.; or
             658          (p) child abuse as described in Section 76-5-109.1 .
             659          (3) "Victim" means a cohabitant who has been subjected to domestic violence.
             660          Section 16. Section 78-14-5.5 is amended to read:
             661           78-14-5.5. Limitation on actions against health care providers when parent or
             662      guardian refuses to consent to health care of child.
             663          (1) A malpractice action against a health care provider may not be brought on the basis
             664      of the consequences resulting from the refusal of a child's parent or guardian to consent to the
             665      child's health care, if:
             666          (a) the health care is recommended by the health care provider;
             667          (b) the parent or guardian is provided with sufficient information to make an informed
             668      decision regarding the recommendation of the health care provider; and
             669          (c) the consent of the parent or guardian is required by law before the health care may
             670      be administered.
             671          (2) The sole purpose of this section is to prohibit a malpractice action against a health
             672      care provider under the circumstances set forth by this section. This section may not be
             673      construed to:

             674          (a) create a new cause of action;
             675          (b) expand an existing cause of action;
             676          (c) impose a new duty on a health care provider; or
             677          (d) expand an existing duty [on] of a health care provider.
             678          Section 17. Repealer.
             679          This bill repeals:
             680          Section 78-45e-3, Requirements for filing.

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