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S.B. 161 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Scott K. Jenkins

House Sponsor: Michael T. Morley

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the lien provisions to address mechanics' liens or payment rights
             11      including the waiver of such liens or rights.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    enacts language addressing waiver or impairment of mechanics' lien rights;
             15          .    creates forms for waiver and release of mechanics' liens or bond rights that may be
             16      used to comply with waiver and release requirements;
             17          .    creates forms for restrictive endorsements related to a waiver and release that may
             18      be used to comply with waiver and release requirements;
             19          .    addresses when payments are made by checks;
             20          .    addresses the enforcement of accord and satisfactions or settlements;
             21          .    addresses enforcement of waivers and releases not complying with the new
             22      provision; and
             23          .    makes the new language applicable to a waiver and release or restrictive
             24      endorsement signed on or after January 1, 2007.
             25      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             26          None
             27      Other Special Clauses:
             28          This bill takes effect on January 1, 2007.
             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:

             30      ENACTS:
             31          38-1-39, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             33      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             34          Section 1. Section 38-1-39 is enacted to read:
             35          38-1-39. Waiver or impairment of a lien right -- Forms -- Scope.
             36          (1) As used in this section:
             37          (a) "Check" means a payment instrument on a depository institution including:
             38          (i) a check;
             39          (ii) a draft;
             40          (iii) an order; or
             41          (iv) other instrument.
             42          (b) "Depository institution" is as defined in Section 7-1-103 .
             43          (c) "Lien claimant" means a person that claims a lien under this chapter.
             44          (2) Notwithstanding Section 38-1-29 , a written consent given by a lien claimant that
             45      waives or limits the lien claimant's lien rights is enforceable if the lien claimant:
             46          (a) (i) executes a waiver and release that is:
             47          (A) signed by the lien claimant or the lien claimant's authorized agent; and
             48          (B) substantially in the form set forth in Subsection (4); or
             49          (ii) includes a restrictive endorsement on a check that is:
             50          (A) signed by the lien claimant or the lien claimant's authorized agent; and
             51          (B) in substantially the same form set forth in Subsection (4); and
             52          (b) receives payment of the amount identified in the waiver and release or check that
             53      includes the restrictive endorsement:
             54          (A) including payment by a joint payee check; and
             55          (B) only to the extent of the payment.
             56          (3) (a) Notwithstanding the language of a waiver and release described in Subsection
             57      (2), Subsection (3)(b) applies if:

             58          (i) the payment given in exchange for any waiver and release of lien is made by check;
             59      and
             60          (ii) the check fails to clear the depository institution on which it is drawn for any
             61      reason.
             62          (b) If the conditions of Subsection (3)(a) are met:
             63          (i) the waiver and release described in Subsection (3)(a) is null, void, and of no legal
             64      effect; and
             65          (ii) the following will not be affected by the lien claimant's execution of the waiver and
             66      release:
             67          (A) any lien;
             68          (B) any lien right;
             69          (C) any bond right;
             70          (D) any contract right; or
             71          (E) any other right to recover payment afforded to the lien claimant in law or equity.
             72          (4) A waiver and release given by a lien claimant meets the requirements of this section
             73      if it is in substantially the form provided in this Subsection (4) for the circumstance provided in
             74      this Subsection (4).
             75          (a) (i) A waiver and release may be in substantially the following form if the lien
             76      claimant is required to execute a waiver and release in exchange for or to induce the payment
             77      of a progress billing:

             79      Property Name: ____________________________________________________________
             80      Property Location: __________________________________________________________
             81      Undersigned's Customer: _____________________________________________________
             82      Invoice/Payment Application Number:____________________________________________
             83      Payment Amount: ___________________________________________________________
             84      Payment Period: ____________________________________________________________
             85          To the extent provided below, this document becomes effective to release and the

             86      undersigned is considered to waive any notice of lien or right under Utah Code Ann., Title 38,
             87      Chapter 1, Mechanics' Liens, or any bond right under Utah Code Ann., Title 14, Contractors'
             88      Bonds, or Section 63-56-504 related to payment rights the undersigned has on the above
             89      described Property once:
             90          (1) the undersigned receives a check in the above referenced Payment Amount payable
             91      to the undersigned;
             92          (2) the check is properly endorsed; and
             93          (3) the check is paid by the depository institution on which it is drawn.
             94          This waiver and release applies to a progress payment for the work, materials,
             95      equipment, or a combination of work, materials, and equipment furnished by the undersigned
             96      to the Property or to the Undersigned's Customer which are the subject of the Invoice or
             97      Payment Application, but only to the extent of the Payment Amount. This waiver and release
             98      does not apply to any retention withheld; any items, modifications, or changes pending
             99      approval; disputed items and claims; or items furnished or invoiced after the Payment Period.
             100          The undersigned warrants that the undersigned either has already paid or will use the
             101      money the undersigned receives from this progress payment promptly to pay in full all the
             102      undersigned's laborers, subcontractors, materialmen, and suppliers for all work, materials,
             103      equipment, or combination of work, materials, and equipment that are the subject of this
             104      waiver and release.
             105      Dated: ________________________
             106      ___________________________________________________________(Company Name)
             107      _____________________________________________________By:__________________
             108      _____________________________________________________Its:__________________"
             109          (ii) A restrictive endorsement placed on a check to effectuate a waiver and release
             110      described in this Subsection (4)(a) meets the requirements of this section if it is in substantially
             111      the following form:
             112          "This check is a progress payment for (property description sufficient for
             113      identification). Endorsement of this check is an acknowledgment by the endorser that the

             114      waiver and release to which the payment applies is effective to the extent provided in Utah
             115      Code Ann. Subsection 38-1-39 (4)(a)."
             116          (b) (i) A waiver and release may be in substantially the following form if the lien
             117      claimant is required to execute a waiver and release in exchange for or to induce the payment
             118      of a final billing:

             120      Property Name: ____________________________________________________________
             121      Property Location: __________________________________________________________
             122      Undersigned's Customer: _____________________________________________________
             123      Invoice/Payment Application Number:____________________________________________
             124      Payment Amount: ___________________________________________________________
             125      Amount of Disputed Claims:___________________________________________________
             126          To the extent provided below, this document becomes effective to release and the
             127      undersigned is considered to waive any notice of lien or right under Utah Code Ann., Title 38,
             128      Chapter 1, Mechanics' Liens, or any bond right under Utah Code Ann., Title 14, Contractors'
             129      Bonds, or Section 63-56-504 related to payment rights the undersigned has on the above
             130      described Property once:
             131          (1) the undersigned receives a check in the above referenced Payment Amount payable
             132      to the undersigned;
             133          (2) the check is properly endorsed; and
             134          (3) the check is paid by the depository institution on which it is drawn.
             135          This waiver and release applies to the final payment for the work, materials, equipment,
             136      or combination of work, materials, and equipment furnished by the undersigned to the Property
             137      or to the Undersigned's Customer. This waiver and release does not apply to payment of
             138      Disputed Claims, if any.
             139          The undersigned warrants that the undersigned either has already paid or will use the
             140      money the undersigned receives from the final payment promptly to pay in full all the
             141      undersigned's laborers, subcontractors, materialmen, and suppliers for all work, materials,

             142      equipment, or combination of work, materials, and equipment that are the subject of this
             143      waiver and release.
             144      Dated: ________________________
             145      ___________________________________________________________(Company Name)
             146      _____________________________________________________By:__________________
             147      _____________________________________________________Its:__________________"
             148          (ii) A restrictive endorsement placed on a check to effectuate a waiver and release
             149      described in this Subsection (4)(b) meets the requirements of this section if it is in substantially
             150      the following form:
             151          "This check is a final payment for (property description sufficient for identification).
             152      Endorsement of this check is an acknowledgment by the endorser that the waiver and release to
             153      which the payment applies is effective to the extent provided in Utah Code Ann. Subsection
             154      38-1-39 (4)(b)."
             155          (5) (a) If the conditions of Subsection (5)(b) are met, this section does not affect the
             156      enforcement of:
             157          (i) an accord and satisfaction regarding a bona fide dispute; or
             158          (ii) an agreement made in settlement of an action pending in any court or arbitration.
             159          (b) Pursuant to Subsection (5)(a), this section does not affect enforcement of an accord
             160      and satisfaction or settlement described in Subsection (5)(a) if the accord and satisfaction or
             161      settlement:
             162          (i) is in a writing signed by the lien claimant; and
             163          (ii) specifically references the lien rights waived or impaired.
             164          (6) A lien waiver or lien release that is not substantially similar to the forms set forth in
             165      Subsection (4) is not enforceable under Section 38-1-29 .
             166          Section 2. Effective date.
             167          This bill takes effect on January 1, 2007 and applies to a waiver and release or
             168      restrictive endorsement signed on or after January 1, 2007.

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