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S.B. 190 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Mike Dmitrich

House Sponsor: Ralph Becker

             7      Cosponsor:John L. Valentine              8     
             9      LONG TITLE
             10      General Description:
             11          This bill modifies the Government Records Access and Management Act by amending
             12      provisions for requesting records from certain governmental entities that receive the
             13      record as a shared record.
             14      Highlighted Provisions:
             15          This bill:
             16          .    provides that a person making a request for a record shall submit the request to the
             17      governmental entity that prepared, owns, or retains the record; and
             18          .    provides that a governmental entity that has received a record as a shared record
             19      from another governmental entity for auditing purposes may not provide the record;
             20          .    provides that if a governmental entity is prohibited from providing certain records,
             21      it shall deny the records request and inform the person making the request that
             22      records requests must be submitted to the governmental entity that prepares, owns,
             23      or retains the record; and
             24          .    makes technical changes.
             25      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             26          None
             27      Other Special Clauses:
             28          None
             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:

             30      AMENDS:
             31          63-2-204, as last amended by Chapters 40 and 71, Laws of Utah 2005
             33      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             34          Section 1. Section 63-2-204 is amended to read:
             35           63-2-204. Requests -- Time limit for response and extraordinary circumstances.
             36          (1) A person making a request for a record shall furnish the governmental entity with a
             37      written request containing:
             38          (a) the person's name, mailing address, and daytime telephone number, if available;
             39      and
             40          (b) a description of the record requested that identifies the record with reasonable
             41      specificity.
             42          (2) (a) Subject to Subsection (2)(b), a person making a request for a record shall submit
             43      the request to the governmental entity that prepares, owns, or retains the record.
             44          (b) In response to a request for a record, a governmental entity may not provide a
             45      record that it has received under Section 63-2-206 as a shared record if the record was shared
             46      for the purpose of auditing, if the governmental entity is authorized by state statute to conduct
             47      an audit.
             48          (c) If a governmental entity is prohibited from providing a record under Subsection
             49      (2)(b), it shall:
             50          (i) deny the records request; and
             51          (ii) inform the person making the request that records requests must be submitted to the
             52      governmental entity that prepares, owns, or retains the record.
             53          [(2)] (d) A governmental entity may make rules in accordance with Title 63, Chapter
             54      46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, specifying where and to whom requests for access
             55      shall be directed.
             56          (3) (a) As soon as reasonably possible, but no later than ten business days after
             57      receiving a written request, or five business days after receiving a written request if the

             58      requester demonstrates that expedited response to the record request benefits the public rather
             59      than the person, the governmental entity shall respond to the request by:
             60          (i) approving the request and providing the record;
             61          (ii) denying the request;
             62          (iii) notifying the requester that it does not maintain the record and providing, if
             63      known, the name and address of the governmental entity that does maintain the record; or
             64          (iv) notifying the requester that because of one of the extraordinary circumstances
             65      listed in Subsection (4), it cannot immediately approve or deny the request.
             66          (b) The notice described in Subsection (3)(a)(iv) shall:
             67          (i) describe the circumstances relied upon; and
             68          (ii) specify the date when the records will be available.
             69          (c) Any person who requests a record to obtain information for a story or report for
             70      publication or broadcast to the general public is presumed to be acting to benefit the public
             71      rather than a person.
             72          (4) The following circumstances constitute "extraordinary circumstances" that allow a
             73      governmental entity to delay approval or denial by an additional period of time as specified in
             74      Subsection (5) if the governmental entity determines that due to the extraordinary
             75      circumstances it cannot respond within the time limits provided in Subsection (3):
             76          (a) another governmental entity is using the record, in which case the originating
             77      governmental entity shall promptly request that the governmental entity currently in possession
             78      return the record;
             79          (b) another governmental entity is using the record as part of an audit, and returning the
             80      record before the completion of the audit would impair the conduct of the audit;
             81          (c) (i) the request is for a voluminous quantity of records or a record series containing a
             82      substantial number of records;
             83          (ii) the requester seeks a substantial number of records or records series in requests
             84      filed within five working days of each other;
             85          (d) the governmental entity is currently processing a large number of records requests;

             86          (e) the request requires the governmental entity to review a large number of records to
             87      locate the records requested;
             88          (f) the decision to release a record involves legal issues that require the governmental
             89      entity to seek legal counsel for the analysis of statutes, rules, ordinances, regulations, or case
             90      law;
             91          (g) segregating information that the requester is entitled to inspect from information
             92      that the requester is not entitled to inspect requires extensive editing; or
             93          (h) segregating information that the requester is entitled to inspect from information
             94      that the requester is not entitled to inspect requires computer programming.
             95          (5) If one of the extraordinary circumstances listed in Subsection (4) precludes
             96      approval or denial within the time specified in Subsection (3), the following time limits apply
             97      to the extraordinary circumstances:
             98          (a) for claims under Subsection (4)(a), the governmental entity currently in possession
             99      of the record shall return the record to the originating entity within five business days of the
             100      request for the return unless returning the record would impair the holder's work;
             101          (b) for claims under Subsection (4)(b), the originating governmental entity shall notify
             102      the requester when the record is available for inspection and copying;
             103          (c) for claims under Subsections (4)(c), (d), and (e), the governmental entity shall:
             104          (i) disclose the records that it has located which the requester is entitled to inspect;
             105          (ii) provide the requester with an estimate of the amount of time it will take to finish
             106      the work required to respond to the request;
             107          (iii) complete the work and disclose those records that the requester is entitled to
             108      inspect as soon as reasonably possible; and
             109          (iv) for any person that does not establish a right to an expedited response as
             110      authorized by Subsection (3)(a), a governmental entity may choose to:
             111          (A) require the person to provide for copying of the records as provided in Subsection
             112      63-2-201 (9); or
             113          (B) treat a request for multiple records as separate record requests, and respond

             114      sequentially to each request;
             115          (d) for claims under Subsection (4)(f), the governmental entity shall either approve or
             116      deny the request within five business days after the response time specified for the original
             117      request has expired;
             118          (e) for claims under Subsection (4)(g), the governmental entity shall fulfill the request
             119      within 15 business days from the date of the original request; or
             120          (f) for claims under Subsection (4)(h), the governmental entity shall complete its
             121      programming and disclose the requested records as soon as reasonably possible.
             122          (6) (a) If a request for access is submitted to an office of a governmental entity other
             123      than that specified by rule in accordance with Subsection (2), the office shall promptly forward
             124      the request to the appropriate office.
             125          (b) If the request is forwarded promptly, the time limit for response begins when the
             126      record is received by the office specified by rule.
             127          (7) If the governmental entity fails to provide the requested records or issue a denial
             128      within the specified time period, that failure is considered the equivalent of a determination
             129      denying access to the record.

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