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S.B. 260 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Beverly Ann Evans

House Sponsor: Peggy Wallace

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies provisions related to the capitol preservation board's duties, boards,
             11      and subcommittees.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    modifies definitions;
             15          .    modifies the membership of the capitol preservation board;
             16          .    provides the board with stewardship over the capitol and the capitol hill complex,
             17      facilities, and grounds, with certain exceptions;
             18          .    provides that the board may choose to consult with various government entities in
             19      performing its duties;
             20          .    requires that designees of ex officio members of the budget subcommittee must be
             21      from the same office as the designating member;
             22          .    provides that the board may appoint certain members, including an architect or
             23      engineer, to any preservation and maintenance subcommittee that may be
             24      established;
             25          .    modifies the duties of the executive director to permit the director to:
             26              .    develop an operations, maintenance, and janitorial program for the capitol hill
             27      complex;
             28              .    develop and manage public outreach programs, events, and public relation
             29      services; and

             30              .    manage and organize transit and parking on the capitol hill complex, except for
             31      the legislative area, where the executive director shall act under the direction of
             32      the Legislative Management Committee;
             33          .    permits gift shop profits to be deposited into the State Capitol Fund; and
             34          .    makes technical changes.
             35      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             36          None
             37      Other Special Clauses:
             38          None
             39      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             40      AMENDS:
             41          63C-9-102, as last amended by Chapter 76, Laws of Utah 2001
             42          63C-9-201, as last amended by Chapter 196, Laws of Utah 2005
             43          63C-9-202, as last amended by Chapter 196, Laws of Utah 2005
             44          63C-9-301, as last amended by Chapters 4, 196 and 280, Laws of Utah 2005
             45          63C-9-401, as last amended by Chapter 196, Laws of Utah 2005
             46          63C-9-402, as last amended by Chapter 196, Laws of Utah 2005
             47          63C-9-502, as last amended by Chapter 256, Laws of Utah 2002
             49      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             50          Section 1. Section 63C-9-102 is amended to read:
             51           63C-9-102. Definitions.
             52          (1) "Board" means the State Capitol Preservation Board created by Section 63C-9-201 .
             53          (2) "Capitol hill complex" means the grounds, monuments, parking areas, buildings,
             54      including the capitol, and other man-made and natural objects within the area bounded by 300
             55      North Street, Columbus Street, 500 North Street, and East Capitol Boulevard, and includes:
             56          (a) the White Community Memorial Chapel and its grounds and parking areas, and the
             57      Council Hall Travel Information Center building and its grounds and parking areas;

             58          (b) the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers building and its grounds and parking areas and
             59      other state-owned property included within the area bounded by Columbus Street, North Main
             60      Street, and Apricot Avenue;
             61          (c) the state-owned property included within the area bounded by Columbus Street,
             62      Wall Street, and 400 North Street; and
             63          (d) the state-owned property included within the area bounded by Columbus Street,
             64      West Capitol Street, and 500 North Street.
             65          (3) "Capitol hill facilities" means all of the buildings on the capitol hill[,] complex,
             66      including the capitol, and the exterior steps, entrances, streets, parking areas, and other paved
             67      areas of capitol hill.
             68          (4) "Capitol hill grounds" means the unpaved areas of the capitol hill complex.
             69          (5) "Executive director" means the executive director appointed by the board under
             70      Section 63C-9-401 .
             71          Section 2. Section 63C-9-201 is amended to read:
             72           63C-9-201. State Capitol Preservation Board -- Creation -- Membership.
             73          (1) There is created the State Capitol Preservation Board.
             74          (2) The board shall consist of the following [15] 11 members:
             75          (a) the governor, or the lieutenant governor acting as the governor's designee;
             76          [(b) the lieutenant governor;]
             77          [(c)] (b) the president of the Senate or the president's designee, who shall be a member
             78      of the Senate;
             79          [(d)] (c) the speaker of the House of Representatives or the speaker's designee, who
             80      shall be a member of the House of Representatives;
             81          [(e) three members appointed by the governor;]
             82          (d) the state treasurer;
             83          (e) the state attorney general;
             84          (f) two members of the Senate appointed by the president of the Senate, one from the
             85      majority party and one from the minority party;

             86          (g) two members of the House of Representatives appointed by the speaker of the
             87      House of Representatives, one from the majority party and one from the minority party;
             88          (h) the chief justice of the Supreme Court or [his] the chief justice's designee[;], who
             89      shall be a member of the Supreme Court; and
             90          [(i) the director of the Division of Archives; and]
             91          [(j) an architect and a structural engineer, appointed by the governor with the consent
             92      of the Senate.]
             93          (i) the state historic preservation officer.
             94          Section 3. Section 63C-9-202 is amended to read:
             95           63C-9-202. Terms -- Vacancies -- Chair -- Vice chair -- Meetings --
             96      Compensation.
             97          (1) (a) The governor, [lieutenant governor,] president of the Senate, [and] speaker of
             98      the House, chief justice, state treasurer, state attorney general, and state historic preservation
             99      officer shall serve terms coterminous with their [term as governor, lieutenant governor,
             100      president, and speaker] office.
             101          (b) The other members shall serve two-year terms.
             102          (2) Vacancies in the appointed positions shall be filled by the original appointing
             103      authority for the unexpired term.
             104          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), the governor is chair of the board.
             105          (b) When the governor is absent from meetings of the board, the [lieutenant governor]
             106      vice chair is chair of the board.
             107          (c) The governor shall appoint a member of the board to serve as vice chair with the
             108      approval of a majority of the members of the board.
             109          (4) The board shall meet at least quarterly and at other times at the call of the governor
             110      or at the request of four members of the board.
             111          (5) (a) (i) Members who are not government employees shall receive no compensation
             112      or benefits for their services, but may receive per diem and expenses incurred in the
             113      performance of the member's official duties at the rates established by the Division of Finance

             114      under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             115          (ii) Members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their service.
             116          (b) (i) State government officers and employee members who do not receive salary, per
             117      diem, or expenses from their agency for their service may receive per diem and expenses
             118      incurred in the performance of their official duties from the committee at the rates established
             119      by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             120          (ii) State government officers and employee members may decline to receive per diem
             121      and expenses for their service.
             122          (c) Legislative members receive the expenses authorized by legislative rule.
             123          Section 4. Section 63C-9-301 is amended to read:
             124           63C-9-301. Board powers -- Subcommittees.
             125          (1) The board shall:
             126          (a) except as provided in Subsection (2), exercise complete jurisdiction and
             127      stewardship over capitol hill facilities [and], capitol hill grounds, and the capitol hill complex;
             128          (b) preserve, maintain, and restore the capitol hill complex, capitol hill facilities,
             129      capitol hill grounds, and their contents;
             130          [(c) when necessary, consult with the:]
             131          [(i) Division of Facilities Construction and Management;]
             132          [(ii) State Library Division;]
             133          [(iii) Division of Archives and Records Service;]
             134          [(iv) Division of State History;]
             135          [(v) Office of Museum Services; and]
             136          [(vi) Arts Council;]
             137          [(d)] (c) before October 1 of each year, review and approve the executive director's
             138      annual budget request for submittal to the governor and Legislature;
             139          [(e)] (d) by October 1 of each year, prepare and submit a recommended budget request
             140      for the upcoming fiscal year for the capitol hill complex to:
             141          (i) the governor, through the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget; and

             142          (ii) the Legislature's appropriations subcommittee responsible for capital hill facilities,
             143      through the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst;
             144          [(f)] (e) review and approve the executive director's:
             145          (i) annual work plan;
             146          (ii) long-range master plan for the capitol hill complex, capitol hill facilities, and
             147      capitol hill grounds; and
             148          (iii) furnishings plan for placement and care of objects under the care of the board;
             149          [(g)] (f) approve all changes to the buildings and their grounds, including:
             150          (i) restoration, remodeling, and rehabilitation projects;
             151          (ii) usual maintenance program; and
             152          (iii) any transfers or loans of objects under the board's care;
             153          [(h)] (g) define and identify all significant aspects of the capitol hill complex, capitol
             154      hill facilities, and capitol hill grounds, after consultation with the:
             155          (i) Division of Facilities Construction and Management;
             156          (ii) State Library Division;
             157          (iii) Division of Archives and Records Service;
             158          (iv) Division of State History;
             159          (v) Office of Museum Services; and
             160          (vi) Arts Council;
             161          [(i)] (h) inventory, define, and identify all significant contents of the buildings and all
             162      state-owned items of historical significance that were at one time in the buildings, after
             163      consultation with the:
             164          (i) Division of Facilities Construction and Management;
             165          (ii) State Library Division;
             166          (iii) Division of Archives and Records Service;
             167          (iv) Division of State History;
             168          (v) Office of Museum Services; and
             169          (vi) Arts Council;

             170          [(j)] (i) maintain archives relating to the construction and development of the
             171      buildings, the contents of the buildings and their grounds, including documents such as plans,
             172      specifications, photographs, purchase orders, and other related documents, the original copies
             173      of which shall be maintained by the Division of Archives and Records Service;
             174          [(k)] (j) comply with federal and state laws related to program and facility accessibility;
             175      and
             176          [(l)] (k) establish procedures for receiving, hearing, and deciding complaints or other
             177      issues raised about the capitol hill complex, capitol hill facilities, and capitol hill grounds, or
             178      their use.
             179          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a), the supervision and control of the legislative
             180      area, as defined in Section 36-5-1 , is reserved to the Legislature.
             181          (3) (a) The board shall make rules to govern, administer, and regulate the capitol hill
             182      complex, capitol hill facilities, and capitol hill grounds by following the procedures and
             183      requirements of Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             184          (b) A person who violates a rule adopted by the board under the authority of this
             185      Subsection (3) is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
             186          (c) The board may not apply this section or rules adopted under the authority of this
             187      section in a manner that violates a person's rights under the Utah Constitution or the First
             188      Amendment to the United States Constitution, including the right of persons to peaceably
             189      assemble.
             190          (d) The board shall send proposed rules under this section to the legislative general
             191      counsel and the governor's general counsel for review and comment before the board adopts the
             192      rules.
             193          (4) The board is exempt from the requirements of Title 63, Chapter 56, Utah
             194      Procurement Code, but shall adopt procurement rules substantially similar to the requirements
             195      of that chapter.
             196          (5) (a) The board may:
             197          (i) establish subcommittees made up of board members and members of the public to

             198      assist and support the executive director in accomplishing the executive director's duties;
             199          (ii) establish fees for the use of capitol hill facilities and capitol hill grounds;
             200          (iii) assign and allocate specific duties and responsibilities to any other state agency, if
             201      the other agency agrees to perform the duty or accept the responsibility;
             202          (iv) contract with another state agency to provide services;
             203          (v) delegate by specific motion of the board any authority granted to it by this section
             204      to the executive director;
             205          (vi) in conjunction with Salt Lake City, expend monies to improve or maintain public
             206      property contiguous to East Capitol Boulevard and capitol hill; [and]
             207          (vii) provide wireless Internet service to the public without a fee in any capitol hill
             208      facility[.]; and
             209          (viii) when necessary, consult with the:
             210          (A) Division of Facilities Construction and Management;
             211          (B) State Library Division;
             212          (C) Division of Archives and Records Service;
             213          (D) Division of State History;
             214          (E) Office of Museum Services; and
             215          (F) Arts Council.
             216          (b) The board's provision of wireless Internet service under Subsection (5)(a)(vii) shall
             217      be discontinued in the legislative area if the president of the Senate and the speaker of the
             218      House of Representatives each submit a signed letter to the board indicating that the service is
             219      disruptive to the legislative process and is to be discontinued.
             220          (c) If a budget subcommittee is established by the board, [the Legislative Fiscal
             221      Analyst, or the analyst's designee, and the director of the Governor's Office of Planning and
             222      Budget, or the director's designee,] the following shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting members
             223      of the budget subcommittee[.]:
             224          (i) the legislative fiscal analyst, or the analyst's designee, who shall be from the Office
             225      of Legislative Fiscal Analyst; and

             226          (ii) the director of the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget, or the director's
             227      designee, who shall be from the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget.
             228          (d) If a preservation and maintenance subcommittee is established by the board, the
             229      board may, by majority vote, appoint one or each of the following to serve on the
             230      subcommittee as voting members of the subcommittee:
             231          (i) an architect, who shall be selected from a list of three architects submitted by the
             232      American Institute of Architects; or
             233          (ii) an engineer, who shall be selected from a list of three engineers submitted by the
             234      American Civil Engineers Council.
             235          [(d)] (e) If the board establishes any subcommittees, the board may, by majority vote,
             236      appoint up to two people who are not members of the board to serve, at the will of the board, as
             237      nonvoting members of a subcommittee.
             238          [(e)] (f) Members of each subcommittee shall, at the first meeting of each calendar
             239      year, select one individual to act as chair of the subcommittee for a one-year term.
             240          (6) (a) The board, and the employees of the board, may not move the office of the
             241      governor, lieutenant governor, president of the Senate, speaker of the House of
             242      Representatives, or a member of the Legislature from the State Capitol Building unless the
             243      removal is approved by:
             244          (i) the governor, in the case of the governor's office;
             245          (ii) the lieutenant governor, in the case of the lieutenant governor's office;
             246          (iii) the president of the Senate, in the case of the president's office or the office of a
             247      member of the Senate; or
             248          (iv) the speaker of the House of Representatives, in the case of the speaker's office or
             249      the office of a member of the House.
             250          (b) The board and the employees of the board have no control over the furniture,
             251      furnishings, and decorative objects in the offices of the governor, lieutenant governor, or the
             252      members of the Legislature except as necessary to inventory or conserve items of historical
             253      significance owned by the state.

             254          (c) The board and the employees of the board have no control over records and
             255      documents produced by or in the custody of a state agency, official, or employee having an
             256      office in a building on the capitol hill complex.
             257          (d) Except for items identified by the board as having historical significance, and
             258      except as provided in Subsection (6)(b), the board and the employees of the board have no
             259      control over moveable furnishings and equipment in the custody of a state agency, official, or
             260      employee having an office in a building on the capitol hill complex.
             261          Section 5. Section 63C-9-401 is amended to read:
             262           63C-9-401. Executive director.
             263          The board shall:
             264          (1) appoint an executive director to assist the board in performing its duties under this
             265      chapter;
             266          (2) (a) require the budget and operations subcommittee to review and make
             267      recommendations to the board regarding:
             268          (i) the executive director's annual performance; and
             269          (ii) the executive director's suggestions for staff, including staff duties, performance,
             270      compensation, and personnel;
             271          (b) approve, deny, or modify the subcommittee's recommendations, which shall be
             272      submitted to the board before the board submits its budget recommendations under Subsections
             273      63C-9-301 (1)[(d)](c) and [(e)] (d); and
             274          (c) make rules governing the review, compensation, and bonus process for the
             275      executive director and staff.
             276          Section 6. Section 63C-9-402 is amended to read:
             277           63C-9-402. Executive director -- Duties.
             278          The executive director shall:
             279          (1) develop, for board approval, a master plan with a projection of at least 20 years
             280      concerning the stewardship responsibilities, operation, activities, maintenance, preservation,
             281      restoration, and modification of the capitol hill complex, capitol hill facilities, and capitol hill

             282      grounds, including, if directed by the board, a plan to restore the buildings to their original
             283      architecture;
             284          (2) develop, as part of the master plan submitted for board approval, a furnishings plan
             285      for the placement and care of objects under the care of the board;
             286          (3) prepare, and recommend for board approval, an annual budget and work plan, that
             287      is consistent with the master plan [and the furnishings plan], for all work to be performed under
             288      this chapter, including usual operations and maintenance [for] and janitorial and preventative
             289      maintenance for the capitol hill complex, capitol hill facilities, [the contents of capitol hill
             290      facilities, and] capitol hill grounds, and their contents;
             291          (4) develop an operations, maintenance, and janitorial program for the capitol hill
             292      complex, capitol hill facilities, capitol hill grounds, and their contents;
             293          [(4)] (5) develop a program to purchase or accept by donation, permanent loan, or
             294      outside funding items necessary to implement the master plan;
             295          [(5)] (6) develop and maintain a registration system and inventory of the contents of
             296      the capitol hill facilities and capitol hill grounds and of the original documents relating to the
             297      buildings' construction and alteration;
             298          [(6)] (7) develop a program to purchase or accept by donation, permanent loan, or
             299      outside funding items of historical significance that were at one time in the capitol hill facilities
             300      and that are not owned by the state;
             301          [(7)] (8) develop a program to locate and acquire state-owned items of historical
             302      significance that were at one time in the buildings;
             303          [(8)] (9) develop a collections policy regarding the items of historic significance as
             304      identified in the registration system and inventory for the approval of the board;
             305          [(9)] (10) assist in matters dealing with the preservation of historic materials;
             306          [(10)] (11) make recommendations on conservation needs and make arrangements to
             307      contract for conservation services for objects of significance;
             308          [(11)] (12) make recommendations for the transfer or loan of objects of significance as
             309      detailed in the approved collections policy;

             310          [(12)] (13) make recommendations to transfer, sell, or otherwise dispose of unused
             311      surplus property that is not of significance as defined in the collections policy and by the
             312      registration system;
             313          [(13)] (14) approve all art and exhibits placed on capitol hill after board approval;
             314          [(14)] (15) employ staff to assist him in administering this chapter and direct and
             315      coordinate their activities;
             316          [(15)] (16) contract for professional services of qualified consultants, including
             317      architectural historians, landscape architects with experience in landscape architectural
             318      preservation, conservators, historians, historic architects, engineers, artists, exhibit designers,
             319      and craftsmen;
             320          [(16)] (17) prepare annually a complete and detailed written report for the board that
             321      accounts for all funds received and disbursed by the board during the preceding fiscal year;
             322      [and]
             323          [(17)] (18) develop and manage a visitor services program for capitol hill [with duties
             324      that] which shall include [conducting] public outreach programs, public tours, [managing]
             325      events, a gift shop, and [providing] communication and public relation services[.]; and
             326          (19) manage and organize all transit and parking programs on the capitol hill complex,
             327      except that the Legislative Management Committee shall direct the executive director's
             328      management and organization of transit and parking associated with the legislative area as
             329      defined in Section 36-5-1 .
             330          Section 7. Section 63C-9-502 is amended to read:
             331           63C-9-502. Fund created -- Donations.
             332          (1) There is created a restricted special revenue fund entitled the "State Capitol Fund."
             333          (2) The fund consists of monies generated from the following revenue sources:
             334          (a) any donations, deposits, contributions, gifts, money, and items of value received
             335      from private persons, foundations, or organizations;
             336          (b) gift shop profits;
             337          [(b)] (c) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature; and

             338          [(c)] (d) monies received by the board from the federal government.
             339          (3) (a) The fund shall earn interest.
             340          (b) All interest earned on fund monies shall be deposited into the fund.
             341          (4) The board may use fund monies to:
             342          (a) acquire historical and other items to furnish the capitol hill facilities;
             343          (b) pay for the repair and maintenance of the capitol hill facilities and capitol hill
             344      grounds;
             345          (c) pay for the rehabilitation of the capitol hill facilities and capitol hill grounds; and
             346          (d) fund all costs incurred in complying with this chapter.

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