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S.B. 34






Chief Sponsor: Mike Dmitrich

House Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Public Utilities title and the Revenue and Taxation title to repeal
             11      and modify gross receipts taxes and require certain public utilities to file new tariffs
             12      with the Public Service Commission.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    requires certain public utilities to file new tariffs with the Public Service
             16      Commission and establishes procedures for filing those tariffs;
             17          .    decreases the gross receipts tax rate on certain corporations not required to pay
             18      corporate franchise or income tax;
             19          .    repeals the Gross Receipts Tax on Electrical Corporations chapter;
             20          .    repeals obsolete language;
             21          .    and makes technical changes.
             22      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             23          None
             24      Other Special Clauses:
             25          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.
             26          This bill provides revisor instructions.
             27      Utah Code Sections Affected:

             28      AMENDS:
             29          11-13-303, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 286, Laws of Utah 2002
             30          59-6-102, as last amended by Chapter 28, Laws of Utah 2002
             31          59-8-104, as last amended by Chapter 286, Laws of Utah 2002
             32      ENACTS:
             33          54-7-12.9, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             34      REPEALS:
             35          54-7-12.2, as enacted by Chapter 278, Laws of Utah 1995
             36          59-8a-101, as enacted by Chapter 278, Laws of Utah 1995
             37          59-8a-102, as enacted by Chapter 278, Laws of Utah 1995
             38          59-8a-103, as enacted by Chapter 278, Laws of Utah 1995
             39          59-8a-104, as last amended by Chapter 273, Laws of Utah 1996
             40          59-8a-105, as enacted by Chapter 278, Laws of Utah 1995
             41          59-8a-106, as enacted by Chapter 278, Laws of Utah 1995
             43      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             44          Section 1. Section 11-13-303 is amended to read:
             45           11-13-303. Source of project entity's payment of sales and use tax -- Gross
             46      receipts taxes for facilities providing additional project capacity.
             47          (1) A project entity is not exempt from sales and use taxes under Title 59, Chapter 12,
             48      Sales and Use Tax Act, to the extent provided in Subsection 59-12-104 (2).
             49          (2) A project entity may make payments or prepayments of sales and use taxes, as
             50      provided in Title 63, Chapter 51, Resource Development, from the proceeds of revenue bonds
             51      issued under Section 11-13-218 or other revenues of the project entity.
             52          (3) (a) This Subsection (3) applies with respect to facilities providing additional project
             53      capacity.
             54          (b) (i) The in lieu excise tax imposed under Title 59, Chapter 8, Gross Receipts Tax on
             55      Certain Corporations Not Required to Pay Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Act, shall be
             56      imposed collectively on all gross receipts derived with respect to the ownership interests of all
             57      project entities and other public agencies in facilities providing additional project capacity as
             58      though all such ownership interests were held by a single project entity.

             59          (ii) The in lieu excise tax shall be calculated as though the gross receipts derived with
             60      respect to all such ownership interests were received by a single taxpayer that has no other
             61      gross receipts.
             62          (iii) The gross receipts attributable to such ownership interests shall consist solely of
             63      gross receipts that are expended by each project entity and other public agency holding an
             64      ownership interest in the facilities for the operation or maintenance of or ordinary repairs or
             65      replacements to the facilities.
             66          (iv) For purposes of calculating the in lieu excise tax, the determination of whether
             67      there is a tax rate and, if so, what the tax rate is shall be governed by Section 59-8-104 , except
             68      that the $10,000,000 figures in [Subsection] Section 59-8-104 [(1)] indicating the amount of
             69      gross receipts that determine the applicable tax rate shall be replaced with $5,000,000.
             70          (c) Each project entity and public agency owning an interest in the facilities providing
             71      additional project capacity shall be liable only for the portion of the gross receipts tax referred
             72      to in Subsection (3)(b) that is proportionate to its percentage ownership interest in the facilities
             73      and may not be liable for any other gross receipts taxes with respect to its percentage
             74      ownership interest in the facilities.
             75          (d) No project entity or other public agency that holds an ownership interest in the
             76      facilities may be subject to the taxes imposed under Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise
             77      and Income [Tax] Taxes, [or Title 59, Chapter 8a, Gross Receipts Tax on Electrical
             78      Corporations,] with respect to those facilities.
             79          (4) For purposes of calculating the gross receipts tax imposed on a project entity or
             80      other public agency under Title 59, Chapter 8, Gross Receipts Tax on Certain Corporations Not
             81      Required to Pay Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Act, or Subsection (3), gross receipts
             82      include only gross receipts from the first sale of capacity, services, or other benefits and do not
             83      include gross receipts from any subsequent sale, resale, or layoff of the capacity, services, or
             84      other benefits.
             85          Section 2. Section 54-7-12.9 is enacted to read:
             86          54-7-12.9. Gross receipts tax decrease on electrical corporations -- Tariffs --
             87      Procedure.
             88          (1) As used in this section:
             89          (a) "gross receipts tax" means the tax:

             90          (i) imposed by Title 59, Chapter 8a, Gross Receipts Tax on Electrical Corporations
             91      Act; and
             92          (ii) repealed by this bill; and
             93          (b) (i) "electrical corporation" includes every corporation, cooperative association, and
             94      person, their lessees, trustees, and receivers, owning, controlling, operating, or managing any
             95      electric plant, or in any way furnishing electric power for public service or to its consumers or
             96      members for domestic, commercial, or industrial use, within this state, that:
             97          (A) pays property taxes under Title 59, Chapter 2, Property Tax Act; and
             98          (B) is subject to rate regulation by the commission; and
             99          (ii) "electrical corporation" does not include independent energy producers, or
             100      electricity that is generated on or distributed by the producer solely for the producer's own use,
             101      the use of the producer's tenants, or for the use of members of an association of unit owners
             102      formed under Title 57, Chapter 8, Condominium Ownership Act, and not for sale to the public
             103      generally.
             104          (2) An electrical corporation shall:
             105          (a) file new tariffs with the commission on or before September 1, 2006:
             106          (i) reflecting the decrease in the electrical corporation's rates as a result of the repeal of
             107      the gross receipts tax by this bill; and
             108          (ii) spreading the amount of the decrease described in Subsection (2)(a)(i) among all
             109      classes of the electrical corporation's customers on the same basis that the gross receipts tax
             110      was allocated to each class of the electrical corporation's customers under the rates in effect on
             111      June 30, 2006; and
             112          (b) on or before the day on which the electrical corporation files new tariffs with the
             113      commission under Subsection (2)(a), file with the commission a complete report of the
             114      calculation of the allocation required by this section.
             115          (3) The tariffs required to be filed with the commission under Subsection (2)(a) take
             116      effect as provided in Section 54-7-12 .
             117          Section 3. Section 59-6-102 is amended to read:
             118           59-6-102. Producer's obligation to deduct and withhold payments -- Amount --
             119      Exempt payments -- Credit against tax.
             120          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), each producer shall deduct and withhold from

             121      each payment being made to any person in respect to production of minerals in this state, but
             122      not including that to which the producer is entitled, an amount equal to 5% of the amount
             123      which would have otherwise been payable to the person entitled to the payment.
             124          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the obligation to deduct and withhold from
             125      payments as provided in Subsection (1) does not apply to those payments which are payable to:
             126          (a) the United States, this state, or an agency or political subdivision of the United
             127      States or this state;
             128          (b) an organization that is exempt from the taxes imposed by Chapter 7, Corporate
             129      Franchise and Income Taxes, in accordance with Subsection 59-7-102 (1)(a); or
             130          (c) an Indian or Indian tribe if the amounts accruing are subject to the supervision of the
             131      United States or an agency of the United States.
             132          (3) (a) A person who files a tax return with the state in accordance with the following
             133      is entitled to a credit against the tax reflected on the return for the amount withheld by the
             134      producer under Subsection (1):
             135          (i) Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes;
             136          (ii) Chapter 8, Gross Receipts Tax on Certain Corporations not Required to Pay
             137      Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Act; or
             138          [(iii) Chapter 8a, Gross Receipts Tax on Electrical Corporations Act; or]
             139          [(iv)] (iii) Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act.
             140          (b) If the amount withheld under Subsection (1) is greater than the tax due on the
             141      return, the person making the return is entitled to a refund in the amount of the overpayment.
             142          Section 4. Section 59-8-104 is amended to read:
             143           59-8-104. Rate -- Change of rate.
             144          [(1) For taxable years beginning] Beginning on or after July 1, [1996] 2006, and subject
             145      to Section 11-13-303 , an in lieu excise tax is imposed on the gross receipts of a taxpayer
             146      engaging in business in the state of Utah in each taxable year as follows:
             147              Gross Receipts Amount                Rate of Tax
             148          Not in excess of $10,000,000                     None
             149          In excess of $10,000,000 but not
             150           in excess of $500,000,000                     [.8613%] .6250%
             151          In excess of $500,000,000 but not

             152           in excess of $1,000,000,000                [1.3214%] .9375%
             153          In excess of $1,000,000,000                    [1.7520%] 1.2500%
             154          [(2) A taxpayer subject to the in lieu excise tax under Subsection (1) is not required to
             155      pay the tax imposed under Title 59, Chapter 8a, Gross Receipts Tax on Electrical Corporations
             156      Act.]
             157          Section 5. Repealer.
             158          This bill repeals:
             159          Section 54-7-12.2, Property tax decrease -- Rate decrease -- Procedure.
             160          Section 59-8a-101, Title.
             161          Section 59-8a-102, Purpose.
             162          Section 59-8a-103, Definitions.
             163          Section 59-8a-104, Rate -- Change of rate.
             164          Section 59-8a-105, Time for filing of return -- Other applicable provisions.
             165          Section 59-8a-106, Rulemaking authority.
             166          Section 6. Effective date.
             167          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2006.
             168          Section 7. Revisor instructions.
             169          It is the intent of the Legislature that, in preparing the Utah Code database for
             170      publication, the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall replace the reference
             171      in Subsections 54-7-12.9(1)(a)(ii) and (2)(a)(i) from "this bill" to the bill's designated chapter
             172      number in the Laws of Utah.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-14-05 12:38 PM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Interim Committee Note
    as of 12-15-05 11:55 AM

The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee recommended this bill.

Mixed Membership Committee Note
    as of 12-15-05 11:55 AM

The Tax Reform Task Force recommended this bill.
    Membership:        13 legislators    2 non-legislators
    Legislative Vote:    8 voting for    0 voting against    5 absent

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