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S.B. 49





Chief Sponsor: Patrice M. Arent

House Sponsor: Sheryl L. Allen

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies school community council membership qualifications.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    provides definitions;
             13          .    modifies school community council membership qualifications; and
             14          .    makes technical corrections.
             15      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             16          None
             17      Other Special Clauses:
             18          None
             19      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             20      AMENDS:
             21          53A-1a-108, as last amended by Chapter 324, Laws of Utah 2002
             23      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             24          Section 1. Section 53A-1a-108 is amended to read:
             25           53A-1a-108. School community councils authorized -- Duties -- Composition --
             26      Selection of members.
             27          (1) As used in this section:

             28          (a) "Parent or guardian member" means a parent or guardian of a student who is
             29      attending the school or who will be enrolled at the school at any time during the parent's or
             30      guardian's initial term of office. "Parent or guardian member" may not include a person who
             31      meets the definition of a school employee member unless the person's employment at the
             32      school normally requires an average of less than ten hours per week.
             33          (b) "School employee member" means a person employed at a school by the school or
             34      school district, including the principal.
             35          [(1)] (2) Each public school, in consultation with its local school board, shall establish
             36      a school community council at the school building level.
             37          [(2)] (3) (a) Each school community council shall:
             38          (i) develop a school improvement plan in accordance with Section 53A-1a-108.5 ;
             39          (ii) develop the School LAND Trust Program in accordance with Section
             40      53A-16-101.5 ;
             41          (iii) assist in the development and implementation of a staff professional development
             42      plan as provided by Section 53A-3-701 ;
             43          (iv) develop a child access routing plan in accordance with Section 53A-3-402 ; and
             44          (v) advise and make recommendations to school and school district administrators and
             45      the local school board regarding the school and its programs, school district programs, and
             46      other issues relating to the community environment for students.
             47          (b) In addition to the duties specified in Subsection [(2)] (3)(a), a school community
             48      council for an elementary school shall develop a reading achievement plan in accordance with
             49      Section 53A-1-606.5 .
             50          [(3)] (4) (a) Each school community council shall consist of school [employees,
             51      including the school's principal, and parents or guardians of students who are attending the
             52      school, except for parents or guardians who are employed at the school] employee members
             53      and parent or guardian members in accordance with this section.
             54          (b) Except as provided in Subsection [(3)] (4)(c):
             55          (i) each school community council for a high school shall have six parent or guardian
             56      members and five school employee members, including the principal; and
             57          (ii) each school community council for a school other than a high school shall have
             58      four parent or guardian members and three school employee members, including the principal.

             59          (c) (i) A school community council may have a larger membership provided that the
             60      number of parent [and] or guardian members exceeds the number of school employee
             61      members.
             62          (ii) A school community council may have a smaller membership provided that:
             63          (A) the number of parent [and] or guardian members exceeds the number of school
             64      employee members; and
             65          (B) there are at least two school employee members on the school community council.
             66          [(4)] (5) (a) Each school employee member, except the principal, shall be elected by a
             67      majority vote of the school employees and serves a two-year term beginning July 1. The
             68      principal shall serve as an ex officio member with full voting privileges.
             69          (b) (i) Each parent or guardian member shall be elected at an election held at the school
             70      by a majority vote of those voting at the election and serves a two-year term beginning July 1.
             71          (ii) Only parents or guardians of students attending the school may vote at the election
             72      under Subsection [(4)] (5)(b)(i).
             73          [(iii) A parent or guardian of a student qualifies to be a candidate for election to a
             74      school community council if at any time during the parent's or guardian's initial term of office,
             75      the student will be enrolled at the school.]
             76          [(iv)] (iii) Any parent or guardian of a student who meets the qualifications of this
             77      section may file or declare himself as a candidate for election to a school community council.
             78          (c) Written notice of the elections held under Subsections [(4)] (5)(a) and [(4)] (5)(b)
             79      shall be given at least two weeks prior to the elections.
             80          (d) Results of the elections held under Subsections [(4)] (5)(a) and [(4)] (5)(b) shall be
             81      made available to the public upon request.
             82          (e) (i) If a parent or guardian position on a school community council remains unfilled
             83      after an election is held, the other parent [and] or guardian members of the council shall
             84      appoint a parent or guardian who meets the qualifications of this section to fill the position.
             85          (ii) If [an] a school employee position on a school community council remains unfilled
             86      after an election is held, the other school employee members of the council shall appoint [an] a
             87      school employee to fill the position.
             88          (iii) The chair of the community council shall notify the local school board of each
             89      appointment made pursuant to [Subsections (4)] Subsection (5)(e)(i) or (ii).

             90          (iv) A member appointed to a school community council pursuant to Subsection [(4)]
             91      (5)(e)(i) or (ii) shall serve a two-year term beginning July 1.
             92          (f) Initial terms shall be staggered so that no more than 50% of the council members
             93      stand for election in any one year.
             94          (g) Council members may serve up to three successive terms.
             95          (h) (i) Each school community council shall elect a chair and vice chair from its parent
             96      or guardian members and elected employee members.
             97          (ii) No more than one parent or guardian member or elected employee member may at
             98      the same time serve as an officer specified in Subsection [(4)] (5)(h)(i).
             99          [(5)] (6) (a) A school community council may create subcommittees or task forces to:
             100          (i) advise or make recommendations to the council; or
             101          (ii) develop all or part of a plan listed in Subsection [(2)] (3).
             102          (b) Any plan or part of a plan developed by a subcommittee or task force shall be
             103      subject to the approval of the school community council.
             104          (c) A school community council may appoint individuals who are not council members
             105      to serve on a subcommittee or task force, including parents, school employees, or other
             106      community members.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-7-05 3:12 PM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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