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First Substitute S.B. 86

Senator Parley G. Hellewell proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Parley G. Hellewell

House Sponsor: Michael T. Morley

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends provision in the Health Code related to the regulation of child care
             10      centers.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    changes granting of a variance to granting an exemption from licensure under
             14      certain limited circumstances; and
             15          .    amends the department's duty to investigate allegations that are reported for the first
             16      time more than six weeks after the event occurred.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          None
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          26-39-104, as last amended by Chapter 136, Laws of Utah 2004
             24          26-39-109, as last amended by Chapter 297, Laws of Utah 2005

             26      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             27          Section 1. Section 26-39-104 is amended to read:
             28           26-39-104. Duties of the department.
             29          (1) With regard to child care programs licensed under this chapter, the department
             30      may:
             31          (a) make and enforce rules to implement this chapter and, as necessary to protect
             32      children's common needs for a safe and healthy environment, to provide for:
             33          (i) adequate facilities and equipment; and
             34          (ii) competent caregivers considering the age of the children and the type of program
             35      offered by the licensee;
             36          (b) make and enforce rules necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter, in the
             37      following areas:
             38          (i) requirements for applications, the application process, and compliance with other
             39      applicable statutes and rules;
             40          (ii) documentation and policies and procedures that providers shall have in place in
             41      order to be licensed, in accordance with Subsection (1)(a);
             42          (iii) categories, classifications, and duration of initial and ongoing licenses;
             43          (iv) changes of ownership or name, changes in licensure status, and changes in
             44      operational status;
             45          (v) license expiration and renewal, contents, and posting requirements;
             46          (vi) procedures for inspections, complaint resolution, disciplinary actions, and other
             47      procedural measures to encourage and assure compliance with statute and rule; and
             48          (vii) guidelines necessary to assure consistency and appropriateness in the regulation
             49      and discipline of licensees; and
             50          (c) set and collect licensing and other fees in accordance with Section 26-1-6 .
             51          (2) (a) The department may not regulate educational curricula, academic methods, or
             52      the educational philosophy or approach of the provider.
             53          (b) The department shall allow for a broad range of educational training and academic
             54      background in certification or qualification of child day care directors.
             55          (3) In licensing and regulating child care programs, the department shall reasonably
             56      balance the benefits and burdens of each regulation and, by rule, provide for a range of

             57      licensure, depending upon the needs and different levels and types of child care provided.
             58          (4) Notwithstanding the definition of "child" in Subsection 26-39-102 (1), the
             59      department shall count children through age 12 and children with disabilities through age 18
             60      toward the minimum square footage requirement for indoor and outdoor areas, including the
             61      child of:
             62          (a) a licensed residential child care provider; or
             63          (b) an owner or employee of a licensed child care center.
             64          (5) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a)(i), the department may not exclude floor space
             65      used for furniture, fixtures, or equipment from the minimum square footage requirement for
             66      indoor and outdoor areas if the furniture, fixture, or equipment is used:
             67          (a) by children;
             68          (b) for the care of children; or
             69          (c) to store classroom materials.
             70          (6) (a) A child care center constructed prior to January 1, 2004, and licensed and
             71      operated as a child care center continuously since January 1, 2004, [may apply for a variance]
             72      is exempt from the department for group size restrictions, if the child to caregiver ratios are
             73      maintained, and adequate square footage is maintained for specific classrooms.
             74          [(b) The department may grant the variance requested in Subsection (6)(a).]
             75          [(c) A variance] (b) An exemption granted under Subsection (6)[(b)](a) is transferrable
             76      to subsequent licensed operators at the center if a licensed child care center is continuously
             77      maintained at the center.
             78          (7) The department shall develop, by rule, a five-year phased-in compliance schedule
             79      for playground equipment safety standards.
             80          Section 2. Section 26-39-109 is amended to read:
             81           26-39-109. Investigations -- Records.
             82          (1) The department may conduct investigations necessary to enforce the provisions of
             83      this chapter.
             84          (2) For purposes of this section:
             85          (a) "Anonymous complainant" means a complainant for whom the department does not
             86      have the minimum personal identifying information necessary, including the complainant's full
             87      name, to attempt to communicate with the complainant after a complaint has been made[;].

             88          (b) "Confidential complainant" means a complainant for whom the department has the
             89      minimum personal identifying information necessary, including the complainant's full name, to
             90      attempt to communicate with the complainant after a complaint has been made, but who elects
             91      under Subsection (3)(c) not to be identified to the subject of the complaint[; and].
             92          (c) "Subject of the complaint" means the licensee or certificate holder about whom the
             93      complainant is informing the department.
             94          (3) (a) If the department receives a complaint about a child care program or residential
             95      child care, the department shall:
             96          (i) solicit information from the complainant to determine whether the complaint
             97      suggests actions or conditions which could pose a serious risk to the safety or well-being of a
             98      child;
             99          (ii) as necessary:
             100          (A) encourage the complainant to disclose the minimum personal identifying
             101      information necessary, including the complainant's full name, for the department to attempt to
             102      subsequently communicate with the complainant;
             103          (B) inform the complainant that the department may not investigate an anonymous
             104      complaint;
             105          (C) inform the complainant that the identity of a confidential complainant may be
             106      withheld from the subject of a complaint only as provided in Subsection (3)(c)(ii); and
             107          (D) inform the complainant that the department may be limited in its use of
             108      information provided by a confidential complainant, as provided in Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(B);
             109      and
             110          (iii) inform the complainant that a person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor under
             111      Section 76-8-506 if the person gives false information to the department with a purpose of
             112      inducing a change in that person's or another person's licensing or certification status.
             113          (b) If the complainant elects to be an anonymous complainant, or if the complaint
             114      concerns events which occurred more than six weeks before the complainant contacted the
             115      department:
             116          (i) shall refer the information in the complaint to the Division of Child and Family
             117      Services within the Department of Human Services, law enforcement, or any other appropriate
             118      agency, if the complaint suggests actions or conditions which could pose a serious risk to the

             119      safety or well-being of a child;
             120          (ii) may not investigate or substantiate the complaint; and
             121          (iii) may, during a regularly scheduled annual survey, inform the licensee or certificate
             122      holder who is the subject of the complaint of allegations or concerns raised by:
             123          (A) the anonymous complainant[.]; or
             124          (B) the complainant who reported events more than six weeks after the events
             125      occurred.
             126          (c) (i) If the complainant elects to be a confidential complainant, the department shall
             127      determine whether the complainant wishes to remain confidential:
             128          (A) only until the investigation of the complaint has been completed; or
             129          (B) indefinitely.
             130          (ii) (A) If the complainant elects to remain confidential only until the investigation of
             131      the complaint has been completed, the department shall disclose the name of the complainant
             132      to the subject of the complaint at the completion of the investigation, but no sooner.
             133          (B) If the complainant elects to remain confidential indefinitely, the department:
             134          (I) notwithstanding Subsection 63-2-201 (5)(b), may not disclose the name of the
             135      complainant, including to the subject of the complaint; and
             136          (II) may not use information provided by the complainant to substantiate an alleged
             137      violation of state law or department rule unless the department independently corroborates the
             138      information.
             139          (4) (a) Prior to conducting an investigation of a child care program or residential child
             140      care in response to a complaint, a department investigator shall review the complaint with the
             141      investigator's supervisor.
             142          (b) The investigator may proceed with the investigation only if:
             143          (i) the supervisor determines the complaint is credible;
             144          (ii) the complaint is not from an anonymous complainant; and
             145          (iii) prior to the investigation, the investigator informs the subject of the complaint of:
             146          (A) except as provided in Subsection (3)(c), the name of the complainant; and
             147          (B) except as provided in Subsection (4)(c), the substance of the complaint.
             148          (c) An investigator is not required to inform the subject of a complaint of the substance
             149      of the complaint prior to an investigation if doing so would jeopardize the investigation.

             150      However, the investigator shall inform the subject of the complaint of the substance of the
             151      complaint as soon as doing so will no longer jeopardize the investigation.
             152          (5) If the department is unable to substantiate a complaint, any record related to the
             153      complaint or the investigation of the complaint:
             154          (a) shall be classified under Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             155      Management Act, as:
             156          (i) a private or controlled record if appropriate under Section 63-2-302 or 63-2-303 ; or
             157          (ii) a protected record under Section 63-2-304 ; and
             158          (b) if disclosed in accordance with Subsection 63-2-201 (5)(b), may not identify an
             159      individual child care program, licensee, certificate holder, or complainant.
             160          (6) Any record of the department related to a complaint by an anonymous complainant
             161      is a protected record under Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management
             162      Act, and, notwithstanding Subsection 63-2-201 (5)(b), may not be disclosed in a manner that
             163      identifies an individual child care program, licensee, certificate holder, or complainant.

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