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First Substitute S.B. 97

Senator D. Chris Buttars proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: D. Chris Buttars

House Sponsor: Aaron Tilton

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the State System of Public Education Code's regulation of curricular
             10      and noncurricular clubs.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    provides definitions;
             14          .    provides requirements and procedures for the authorization of curricular and
             15      noncurricular clubs;
             16          .    regulates the use of school buildings by authorized clubs;
             17          .    provides for faculty oversight of authorized clubs;
             18          .    provides requirements for club membership, including parental consent;
             19          .    requires the investigation of complaints, provides school options for violations, and
             20      establishes appeals procedures;
             21          .    allows additional rulemaking by the State Board of Education and provides
             22      additional rulemaking authority for local school governing boards;
             23          .    provides severability; and
             24          .    makes technical corrections.
             25      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:

             26          None
             27      Other Special Clauses:
             28          None
             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             30      AMENDS:
             31          53A-3-420, as enacted by Chapter 19, Laws of Utah 1999
             32          53A-13-101.2, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1996, Second Special
             33      Session
             34      ENACTS:
             35          53A-11-1201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36          53A-11-1202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             37          53A-11-1203, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             38          53A-11-1204, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             39          53A-11-1205, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             40          53A-11-1206, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             41          53A-11-1207, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             42          53A-11-1208, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             43          53A-11-1209, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             44          53A-11-1210, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             45          53A-11-1211, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             46          53A-11-1212, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             47          53A-11-1213, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             48          53A-11-1214, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             49      REPEALS:
             50          53A-3-419, as enacted by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1996, Second Special Session
             52      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             53          Section 1. Section 53A-3-420 is amended to read:
             54           53A-3-420. Activity disclosure statements.
             55          (1) A local school board shall require the development of activity disclosure statements
             56      for each school-sponsored group[, club,] or program which involves students and faculty in

             57      grades 9 through 12 in contests, performances, events, or other activities that require them to
             58      miss normal class time or takes place outside regular school time.
             59          (2) The activity disclosure statements shall be disseminated to the students desiring
             60      involvement in the specific activity or to the students' parents or legal guardians or to both
             61      students and their parents.
             62          (3) An activity disclosure statement shall contain the following information:
             63          (a) the specific name of the [club,] team, group, or activity;
             64          (b) the maximum number of students involved;
             65          (c) whether or not tryouts are used to select students, specifying date and time
             66      requirements for tryouts, if applicable;
             67          (d) beginning and ending dates of the activity;
             68          (e) a tentative schedule of the events, performances, games, or other activities with
             69      dates, times, and places specified if available;
             70          (f) if applicable, designation of any nonseason events or activities, including an
             71      indication of the status, required, expected, suggested, or optional, with the dates, times, and
             72      places specified;
             73          (g) personal costs associated with the activity;
             74          (h) the name of the school employee responsible for the activity; and
             75          (i) any additional information considered important for the students and parents to
             76      know.
             77          Section 2. Section 53A-11-1201 is enacted to read:
Part 12. Student Clubs Act

             79          53A-11-1201. Title.
             80          This part is known as the "Student Clubs Act."
             81          Section 3. Section 53A-11-1202 is enacted to read:
             82          53A-11-1202. Definitions.
             83          As used in this part:
             84          (1) "Bigotry" means action or advocacy of imminent action involving:
             85          (a) the harassment or denigration of a person or entity; or
             86          (b) any intent to cause a person not to freely enjoy or exercise any right secured by the
             87      constitution or laws of the United States or the state, except that an evaluation or prohibition

             88      may not be made of the truth or falsity of any religious belief or expression of conscience
             89      unless the means of expression or conduct arising therefrom violates the standards of conduct
             90      outlined in this section, Section 53A-13-101.3 , or 20 U.S.C. Section 4071(f).
             91          (2) "Club" means any student organization that meets during noninstructional time.
             92          (3) "Conscience" means a standard based upon learned experiences, a personal
             93      philosophy or system of belief, religious teachings or doctrine, an absolute or external sense of
             94      right and wrong which is felt on an individual basis, a belief in an external absolute, or any
             95      combination of the foregoing.
             96          (4) "Curricular club" means a club that is school sponsored and that may receive
             97      leadership, direction, and support from the school or school district beyond providing a
             98      meeting place during noninstructional time. An elementary school curricular club means a club
             99      that is organized and directed by school sponsors at the elementary school. A secondary school
             100      curricular club means a club:
             101          (a) whose subject matter is taught or will soon be taught in a regular course;
             102          (b) whose subject matter concerns the body of courses as a whole;
             103          (c) in which participation is required for a particular course; or
             104          (d) in which participation results in academic credit.
             105          (5) (a) "Discretionary time" means school-related time for students that is not
             106      instructional time.
             107          (b) "Discretionary time" includes free time before and after school, during lunch and
             108      between classes or on buses, and private time before athletic and other events or activities.
             109          (6) (a) "Encourage criminal or delinquent conduct" means action or advocacy of
             110      imminent action that violates any law or administrative rule.
             111          (b) "Encourage criminal or delinquent conduct" does not include discussions
             112      concerning changing of laws or rules, or actions taken through lawfully established channels to
             113      effectuate such change.
             114          (7) (a) "Instructional time" means time during which a school is responsible for a
             115      student and the student is required or expected to be actively engaged in a learning activity.
             116          (b) "Instructional time" includes instructional activities in the classroom or study hall
             117      during regularly scheduled hours, required activities outside the classroom, and counseling,
             118      private conferences, or tutoring provided by school employees or volunteers acting in their

             119      official capacities during or outside of regular school hours.
             120          (8) "Involve human sexuality" includes:
             121          (a) presenting information in violation of laws governing sex education, including
             122      Sections 53A-13-101 and 53A-13-302 ;
             123          (b) advocating or engaging in sexual activity outside of legally recognized marriage or
             124      forbidden by state law; or
             125          (c) presenting or discussing information relating to the use of contraceptive devices or
             126      substances, regardless of whether the use is for purposes of contraception or personal health.
             127          (9) "Limited open forum" means a forum created by a district for student expression
             128      within the constraints of Subsection 53A-13-101.3 (2)(b).
             129          (10) "Noncurricular club" is a student initiated group that may be authorized and
             130      allowed school building use during noninstructional time in secondary schools by a school and
             131      school governing board in accordance with the provisions of this part. A noncurricular club's
             132      meetings, ideas, and activities are not sponsored or endorsed in any way by a school governing
             133      board, the school, or by school or school district employees.
             134          (11) "Noninstructional time" means time set aside by a school before instructional time
             135      begins or after instructional time ends, including discretionary time.
             136          (12) "Religious club" means a club designated in its application as either being
             137      religiously based or based on expression or conduct mandated by conscience.
             138          (13) "School" means a public school, including a charter school.
             139          (14) "School building use" means access to a school facility or premises, including
             140      access to a limited open forum.
             141          (15) "School governing board" means a local school board or charter school board.
             142          Section 4. Section 53A-11-1203 is enacted to read:
             143          53A-11-1203. Student clubs -- Limited open forum -- Authorization.
             144          (1) (a) A school may establish and maintain a limited open forum for student clubs
             145      pursuant to the provisions of this part, State Board of Education rules, and school governing
             146      board policies.
             147          (b) Notwithstanding the provisions under Subsection (1)(a), a school retains the right to
             148      create a closed forum at any time by allowing curricular clubs only.
             149          (2) (a) A school shall review applications for authorization of clubs on a case-by-case

             150      basis.
             151          (b) Before granting an authorization, the school shall find:
             152          (i) that the proposed club meets this part's respective requirements of a curricular club
             153      or a noncurricular club; and
             154          (ii) that the proposed club's purpose and activities comply with this part.
             155          (c) Before granting an authorization, a school may request additional information from
             156      the faculty sponsor, from students proposing the club, or from its school governing board, if
             157      desired.
             158          (3) A school shall grant authorization and school building use to curricular and
             159      noncurricular clubs whose applications are found to meet the requirements of this part, rules of
             160      the State Board of Education, and policies of the school governing board and shall limit or
             161      deny authorization or school building use to proposed clubs that do not meet the requirements
             162      of this part, rules of the State Board of Education, and policies of the school governing board.
             163          Section 5. Section 53A-11-1204 is enacted to read:
             164          53A-11-1204. Curricular clubs -- Authorization.
             165          (1) Faculty members or students proposing a curricular club shall submit written
             166      application for authorization on a form approved by the school governing board no later than
             167      October 15 of the year of the club's inception.
             168          (2) A school governing board may exempt a club whose membership is determined by
             169      student body election or a club that is governed by an association that regulates interscholastic
             170      activities from the authorization requirements under this section.
             171          (3) An application for authorization of a curricular club shall include:
             172          (a) the recommended club name;
             173          (b) a statement of the club's purpose, goals, and activities;
             174          (c) a statement of the club's categorization, which shall be included in the parental
             175      consent required under Section 53A-11-1210 , indicating all of the following that may apply:
             176          (i) athletic;
             177          (ii) business/economic;
             178          (iii) agriculture;
             179          (iv) art/music/performance;
             180          (v) science;

             181          (vi) gaming;
             182          (vii) religious; and
             183          (viii) other;
             184          (d) the recommended meeting times, dates, and places;
             185          (e) the proposed club charter, constitution, or bylaws which shall include at least:
             186          (i) the rules of organization;
             187          (ii) the election of officers;
             188          (iii) objective membership criteria;
             189          (iv) meeting rules of order;
             190          (v) procedures for amending the rules; and
             191          (vi) a statement that the club will comply with the provisions of this part and all other
             192      applicable laws, rules, or policies; and
             193          (f) a budget showing the amount and source of any funding provided or to be provided
             194      to the club and its proposed use.
             195          (4) A school shall approve the name of a curricular club consistent with the club's
             196      purposes and its school sponsorship.
             197          (5) (a) A school shall determine curriculum relatedness by strictly applying this part's
             198      definition of curricular club to the club application.
             199          (b) If the school finds that the proposed club is a curricular club, the school shall
             200      continue to review the application as an application for authorization of a curricular club.
             201          (c) If the school finds that the proposed club is a noncurricular club, the school may:
             202          (i) return the application to the faculty member or students proposing the club for
             203      amendment; or
             204          (ii) review the application as an application for authorization of a noncurricular club.
             205          (6) (a) Only curricular clubs may be authorized for elementary schools.
             206          (b) A school governing body may limit, or permit a secondary school to limit, the
             207      authorization of clubs at the secondary school to only curricular clubs.
             208          Section 6. Section 53A-11-1205 is enacted to read:
             209          53A-11-1205. Noncurricular clubs -- Annual authorization.
             210          (1) A minimum of seven students who would qualify as members of a noncurricular
             211      club are required to submit an application for authorization of the noncurricular club.

             212          (2) Students proposing a noncurricular club shall submit a written application for
             213      authorization on a form approved by the school governing board no later than October 15 of
             214      each year.
             215          (3) An application for authorization of a noncurricular club shall include:
             216          (a) the recommended club name;
             217          (b) a statement of the club's purpose, goals, and activities;
             218          (c) a statement of the club's categorization, which shall be included in the parental
             219      consent required under Section 53A-11-1210 , indicating all of the following that may apply:
             220          (i) athletic;
             221          (ii) business/economic;
             222          (iii) agriculture;
             223          (iv) art/music/performance;
             224          (v) science;
             225          (vi) gaming;
             226          (vii) religious; and
             227          (viii) other;
             228          (d) the recommended meeting times, dates, and places;
             229          (e) the proposed club charter, constitution, or bylaws, which shall include at least:
             230          (i) the rules of organization;
             231          (ii) the election of officers;
             232          (iii) objective membership criteria;
             233          (iv) meeting rules of order;
             234          (v) procedures for amending the rules; and
             235          (vi) a statement that the club will comply with the provisions of this part and all other
             236      applicable laws, rules, or policies; and
             237          (f) a budget showing the amount and source of any funding provided or to be provided
             238      to the club and its proposed use.
             239          (4) (a) A school governing board may provide for approval of a noncurricular club
             240      name in an action separate from that relating to authorization of the club itself.
             241          (b) A school governing board shall require:
             242          (i) that a noncurricular club name shall reasonably reflect the club's purpose, goals, and

             243      activities; and
             244          (ii) that the noncurricular club name shall be a name that would not result in or imply a
             245      violation of this part.
             246          Section 7. Section 53A-11-1206 is enacted to read:
             247          53A-11-1206. Clubs -- Limitations and denials.
             248          (1) A school shall limit or deny authorization or school building use to a club or
             249      require changes prior to granting authorization or school building use:
             250          (a) as the school determines it to be necessary to:
             251          (i) protect the physical, emotional, psychological, or moral well-being of students and
             252      faculty;
             253          (ii) maintain order and discipline on school premises;
             254          (iii) prevent a material and substantial interference with the orderly conduct of a
             255      school's educational activities;
             256          (iv) protect the rights of parents or guardians and students;
             257          (v) maintain the boundaries of socially appropriate behavior; or
             258          (vi) ensure compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and policies; or
             259          (b) whose proposed charter and proposed activities indicate students or advisors in club
             260      related activities would as a substantial, material, or significant part of their conduct or means
             261      of expression:
             262          (i) encourage criminal or delinquent conduct;
             263          (ii) promote bigotry;
             264          (iii) involve human sexuality; or
             265          (iv) involve any effort to engage in or conduct mental health therapy, counseling, or
             266      psychological services for which a license would be required under state law.
             267          (2) A school governing board has the authority to determine whether any club meets
             268      the criteria of Subsection (1).
             269          (3) A student's spontaneous expression of sentiments or opinions otherwise identified
             270      in Subsection 53A-13-302 (1) is not prohibited.
             271          Section 8. Section 53A-11-1207 is enacted to read:
             272          53A-11-1207. Faculty oversight of authorized clubs.
             273          (1) A school shall make faculty assignments for each authorized curricular and

             274      noncurricular club to provide oversight consistent with this part and the needs of the school to
             275      ensure that the methods of expression, religious practices, or other conduct of the students or
             276      advisors involved do not:
             277          (a) unreasonably interfere with the ability of school officials to maintain order and
             278      discipline;
             279          (b) unreasonably endanger or threaten the well-being of persons or property;
             280          (c) violate concepts of civility or propriety appropriate to a school setting; or
             281          (d) have as an intended effect the revealing of information identified in Subsection
             282      53A-13-302 (1).
             283          (2) (a) A school employee assigned to provide oversight to a club may not be required
             284      to do so if the assignment would violate the conscience of the employee.
             285          (b) The decision of the employee in accordance with Subsection (2)(a) is not subject to
             286      review nor may it be used as a basis for any negative evaluation of the employee.
             287          (3) (a) A school shall annually assign faculty members as sponsors of curricular clubs.
             288          (b) Faculty sponsors shall organize and direct the purpose and activities of a curricular
             289      club.
             290          (4) (a) A school shall assign faculty members to serve as supervisors for authorized
             291      noncurricular clubs.
             292          (b) A faculty supervisor shall provide oversight to ensure compliance with the
             293      approved club charter, constitution, or bylaws and with the provisions of this part and other
             294      applicable laws, rules, and policies.
             295          (c) The assignment of a faculty supervisor does not constitute school sponsorship of
             296      the club.
             297          (d) A faculty supervisor assigned to a religious club may not participate in the activities
             298      of the religious club, except to perform the supervisory role required by this section.
             299          Section 9. Section 53A-11-1208 is enacted to read:
             300          53A-11-1208. Use of school facilities by clubs.
             301          (1) A school shall determine and assign school building use for curricular and
             302      noncurricular clubs consistent with the needs of the school.
             303          (2) The following rules apply to curricular clubs:
             304          (a) in assigning school building use, the administrator may give priority to curricular

             305      clubs over noncurricular clubs; and
             306          (b) the school may provide financial or other support to curricular clubs.
             307          (3) The following rules apply to noncurricular clubs:
             308          (a) a preference or priority may not be given among noncurricular clubs;
             309          (b) (i) a school shall only provide the space for noncurricular club meetings; and
             310          (ii) a school may not spend public funds for noncurricular clubs;
             311          (c) a school shall establish the noninstructional times during which noncurricular clubs
             312      may meet;
             313          (d) a school may establish the places that noncurricular clubs may meet;
             314          (e) a school may set the number of hours noncurricular clubs may meet per month,
             315      provided that all noncurricular clubs shall be treated equally; and
             316          (f) a school shall determine what access noncurricular clubs shall be given to the
             317      school newspaper, yearbook, bulletin boards, or public address system.
             318          Section 10. Section 53A-11-1209 is enacted to read:
             319          53A-11-1209. Club membership.
             320          (1) A school shall require written parental or guardian consent for student participation
             321      in all curricular and noncurricular clubs at the school.
             322          (2) Membership in curricular clubs is governed by the following rules:
             323          (a) student membership in a curricular club is voluntary;
             324          (b) (i) membership may be limited to students who are currently attending the
             325      sponsoring school or school district; and
             326          (ii) members who attend a school other than the sponsoring school shall have, in
             327      addition to the consent required under Section 53A-11-1210 , specific parental or guardian
             328      permission for membership in a curricular club at another school;
             329          (c) (i) clubs may require that prospective members try out based on objective criteria
             330      outlined in the application materials; and
             331          (ii) try-outs may not require activities that violate the provisions of this part and other
             332      applicable laws, rules, and policies;
             333          (d) membership may not be limited on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, national
             334      origin, or disability; and
             335          (e) other rules as determined by the State Board of Education, school district, or

             336      school.
             337          (3) Membership in noncurricular clubs is governed by the following rules:
             338          (a) student membership in a noncurricular club is voluntary;
             339          (b) membership shall be limited to students who are currently attending the school;
             340          (c) (i) clubs may require that prospective members try out based on objective criteria
             341      outlined in the application materials; and
             342          (ii) try-outs may not require activities that violate the provisions of this part and other
             343      applicable laws, rules, and policies;
             344          (d) membership may not be limited on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, national
             345      origin, or disability;
             346          (e) (i) attendance or participation in club meetings or activities is limited to members,
             347      except that nonschool persons may attend on occasion to make presentations if approved in
             348      advance by a school administrator; and
             349          (ii) nonschool persons may not direct, conduct, control, or regularly attend meetings or
             350      activities of clubs; and
             351          (f) other rules as determined by the State Board of Education, school district, or school.
             352          Section 11. Section 53A-11-1210 is enacted to read:
             353          53A-11-1210. Parental consent.
             354          (1) A school shall require written parental or guardian consent for student participation
             355      in all curricular and noncurricular clubs at the school.
             356          (2) The consent described in Subsection (1) shall include an activity disclosure
             357      statement containing the following information:
             358          (a) the specific name of the club;
             359          (b) a statement of the club's purpose, goals, and activities;
             360          (c) a statement of the club's categorization, which shall be obtained from the
             361      application for authorization of a club in accordance with the provisions of Section
             362      53A-11-1204 or 53A-11-1205 , indicating all of the following that may apply:
             363          (i) athletic;
             364          (ii) business/economic;
             365          (iii) agriculture;
             366          (iv) art/music/performance;

             367          (v) science;
             368          (vi) gaming;
             369          (vii) religious; and
             370          (viii) other;
             371          (d) the maximum number of students involved;
             372          (e) beginning and ending dates of the activity;
             373          (f) a tentative schedule of the club activities with dates, times, and places specified;
             374          (g) personal costs associated with the club, if any;
             375          (h) the name of the school employee responsible for the club; and
             376          (i) any additional information considered important for the students and parents to
             377      know.
             378          (3) All completed forms shall be filed with the school's principal, the chief
             379      administrative officer of a charter school, or their designee.
             380          Section 12. Section 53A-11-1211 is enacted to read:
             381          53A-11-1211. Violations -- Investigations -- School responses.
             382          (1) A school shall investigate any report or allegation that an authorized curricular or
             383      noncurricular club is:
             384          (a) participating in activities beyond the scope of its charter, constitution, or bylaws; or
             385          (b) in violation of a provision of this part or another applicable law, rule, regulation, or
             386      policy.
             387          (2) After meeting with the faculty sponsor, faculty supervisor, or faculty monitor and
             388      the students involved, if a violation is substantiated, the school may do any of the following:
             389          (a) allow the club's original charter, constitution, or bylaws to be modified to include
             390      the activities if they are in compliance with the provisions of this part and other applicable
             391      laws, rules, regulations, or policies;
             392          (b) instruct the sponsor, supervisor, or monitor not to allow similar violations in the
             393      future;
             394          (c) limit or suspend the club's authorization or school building use pending further
             395      corrective action as determined by the school; or
             396          (d) terminate the club's authorization and dissolve the club.
             397          (3) Any limitation on expression, practice, or conduct of any student, advisor, or guest

             398      in a meeting of a curricular or noncurricular club, or limitation on school building use, shall be
             399      by the least restrictive means necessary to satisfy the school's interests as identified in this part.
             400          (4) A club that has been terminated in accordance with Subsection (2)(d) may not
             401      reapply for authorization until the following school year.
             402          Section 13. Section 53A-11-1212 is enacted to read:
             403          53A-11-1212. Appeals -- Procedures.
             404          (1) A student directly affected by a decision made in accordance with the provisions of
             405      this part may appeal the decision by writing to a person designated by the school governing
             406      board.
             407          (2) (a) Each completed application or complaint shall be approved, denied, or
             408      investigated within five school days.
             409          (b) If an application or complaint is denied, written reasons for the denial or results of
             410      the investigation shall be stated and, if appropriate, suggested corrections shall be made to
             411      remedy the deficiency.
             412          (3) Each student who is denied participation in a club or school building use shall be
             413      informed at the time of the denial of the factual or legal basis for the denial, and, if appropriate,
             414      how the basis for the denial could be corrected.
             415          (4) (a) If denied, suspended, or terminated, a club, student desirous of participating or
             416      speaking, or a complaining parent or guardian, has ten school days from the date of the action
             417      to file a written appeal from the denial, suspension, or termination to a designee authorized by
             418      the school governing board.
             419          (b) The designee shall issue a determination within five school days from receipt of the
             420      appeal, which decision is final and constitutes satisfaction of all administrative remedies unless
             421      the time for evaluation is extended by agreement of all parties.
             422          Section 14. Section 53A-11-1213 is enacted to read:
             423          53A-11-1213. Rulemaking -- State Board of Education -- School governing
             424      boards.
             425          The State Board of Education may adopt additional rules and school governing boards
             426      may adopt additional rules or policies governing clubs that do not conflict with the provisions
             427      of this part.
             428          Section 15. Section 53A-11-1214 is enacted to read:

             429          53A-11-1214. Severability.
             430          If any provision of this part or the application of any provision to any person or
             431      circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of this part shall be given effect without the invalid
             432      provision or application.
             433          Section 16. Section 53A-13-101.2 is amended to read:
             434           53A-13-101.2. Waivers of participation.
             435          (1) If a parent with legal custody or other legal guardian of a student, or a secondary
             436      student, determines that the student's participation in a portion of the curriculum or in an
             437      activity would require the student to affirm or deny a religious belief or right of conscience, or
             438      engage or refrain from engaging in a practice forbidden or required in the exercise of a
             439      religious right or right of conscience, the parent, guardian, or student may request:
             440          (a) a waiver of the requirement to participate; or
             441          (b) a reasonable alternative that requires reasonably equivalent performance by the
             442      student of the secular objectives of the curriculum or activity in question.
             443          (2) The school shall promptly notify a student's parent or guardian if the student makes
             444      a request under Subsection (1).
             445          (3) If a request is made under Subsection (1), the school shall:
             446          (a) waive the participation requirement;
             447          (b) provide a reasonable alternative to the requirement; or
             448          (c) notify the requesting party that participation is required.
             449          (4) The school shall ensure that the provisions of Subsection 53A-13-101.3 (3) are met
             450      in connection with any required participation under Subsection (3)(c).
             451          (5) A student's academic or citizenship performance may not be penalized by school
             452      officials for the exercise of a religious right or right of conscience in accordance with the
             453      provisions of this section.
             454          [(6) (a) As a condition for participation in a student club or organization that meets on
             455      school premises, regardless of the organization's relationship to school curriculum, a local
             456      school district may require every student to obtain written permission from either a parent with
             457      legal custody or other legal guardian.]
             458          [(b) If a local school district requires written permission under Subsection (a), that
             459      school district shall require written permission for:]

             460          [(i) every club or organization that meets on school premises in that school district;
             461      and]
             462          [(ii) every student participating in a club or organization described in Subsection (i).]
             463          [(c) The local school district shall supply the permission form, and all completed forms
             464      shall be filed with the school's principal or the principal's designee.]
             465          Section 17. Repealer.
             466          This bill repeals:
             467          Section 53A-3-419, Limitations regarding access for student clubs and
             468      organizations.

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