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Second Substitute S.B. 175

Senator Darin G. Peterson proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Howard A. Stephenson

House Sponsor: Gregory H. Hughes

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends the duties of the Department of Corrections regarding correctional
             11      facilities.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    requires the Department of Corrections to:
             15              .    issue a request for proposals to private prison contractors, county jails, and other
             16      interested agencies and entities constructing new correctional facility beds;
             17              .    evaluate proposals to determine which proposal provides the best value to the
             18      state based on capital costs, operating costs, and program opportunities for
             19      offenders;
             20              .    report annually to the legislative Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim
             21      Committee the summarized operating costs for each correctional facility
             22      housing inmates for the state; and
             23              .    issue a request for proposals for a 500-bed facility that does not affect current
             24      construction and contracts, and requiring the department to report to the
             25      Legislature prior to the 2007 General Session regarding its progress about the

             26      facility.
             27      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             28          None
             29      Other Special Clauses:
             30          None
             31      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             32      AMENDS:
             33          64-13-1, as last amended by Chapter 36, Laws of Utah 2003
             34      ENACTS:
             35          64-13-26.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36          64-13-26.6, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             38      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             39          Section 1. Section 64-13-1 is amended to read:
             40           64-13-1. Definitions.
             41          As used in this chapter:
             42          (1) "Community correctional center" means a nonsecure correctional facility operated:
             43          (a) by the department; or
             44          (b) under a contract with the department.
             45          (2) "Correctional facility" means any facility operated to house offenders, either in a
             46      secure or nonsecure setting:
             47          (a) by the department; or
             48          (b) under a contract with the department.
             49          (3) "Correctional facility bed" means the space allocated to house one inmate.
             50          [(3)] (4) "Department" means the Department of Corrections.
             51          [(4)] (5) "Emergency" means any riot, disturbance, homicide, inmate violence
             52      occurring in any correctional facility, or any situation that presents immediate danger to the
             53      safety, security, and control of the department.
             54          [(5)] (6) "Executive director" means the executive director of the Department of
             55      Corrections.
             56          [(6)] (7) "Inmate" means any person who is committed to the custody of the department

             57      and who is housed at a correctional facility or at a county jail at the request of the department.
             58          [(7)] (8) "Offender" means any person who has been convicted of a crime for which he
             59      may be committed to the custody of the department and is at least one of the following:
             60          (a) committed to the custody of the department;
             61          (b) on probation; or
             62          (c) on parole.
             63          [(8)] (9) "Secure correctional facility" means any prison, penitentiary, or other
             64      institution operated by the department or under contract for the confinement of offenders,
             65      where force may be used to restrain them if they attempt to leave the institution without
             66      authorization.
             67          Section 2. Section 64-13-26.5 is enacted to read:
             68          64-13-26.5. Bidding process required for correctional facilities.
             69          (1) The department shall issue and evaluate a request for proposals before contracting
             70      for a new correctional prison facility complex, except that the request for proposals may not
             71      affect:
             72          (a) the funding, construction, or expansion of any correctional prison facility currently
             73      existing or under construction on May 1, 2006; or
             74          (b) contracts under Subsection 64-13c-201 (1)(c) and Section 64-13c-401 that are in
             75      effect on May 1, 2006.
             76          (2) The department shall issue the request for proposals to:
             77          (a) private prison contractors, as defined in Section 64-13d-102 ;
             78          (b) county jails; and
             79          (c) other interested agencies and entities.
             80          (3) (a) The department shall evaluate the proposals to determine which proposal
             81      provides the best value to the state based on:
             82          (i) capital costs;
             83          (ii) operating costs;
             84          (iii) quality of operation;
             85          (iv) program opportunities for offenders; and
             86          (v) any other criteria the department finds to be necessary.
             87          (b) The department may exclude maximum security beds from the process and

             88      comparison.
             89          (4) Any private contracts made under this section are subject to Title 64, Chapter 13d,
             90      Private Correctional Facilities Act.
             91          (5) (a) The department shall provide to the legislative Law Enforcement and Criminal
             92      Justice Interim Committee a report summarizing the operating costs for each correctional
             93      facility housing inmates for the state.
             94          (b) The report shall be submitted annually on or before November 1.
             95          Section 3. Section 64-13-26.6 is enacted to read:
             96          64-13-26.6. Construction of 500-bed facility -- Report to Legislature.
             97          (1) When the department determines that construction of a 500-bed facility is necessary
             98      to address inmate housing needs, including preventing the early release of inmates due to an
             99      inadequate number of beds, the department shall issue a request for proposals for evaluation
             100      and comparison of facilities to determine the facility that would meet the needs of the
             101      department.
             102          (2) The department shall report on its progress in complying with Subsection (1) to the
             103      legislative Executive Appropriations Committee and the Executive Offices and Criminal
             104      Justice Appropriations Subcommittee prior to the 2007 General Session of the Legislature.

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