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Room W010, West Office Building, State Capitol Complex
February 10, 2006

Members Present:    Rep. Stephen D. Clark, Chair
            Rep. Jim Dunnigan, Vice Chair            
            Rep. J. Stuart Adams
            Rep. Jackie Biskupski
            Rep. David Clark            
            Rep. Carl W. Duckworth
            Rep. Craig A. Frank
            Rep. Neil A Hansen
            Rep. Todd E. Kiser
            Rep. Michael T. Morley
            Rep. Curtis Oda
            Rep. Gordon E. Snow
            Rep. Scott L. Wyatt

Staff Present:    John Q. Cannon, Managing Policy Analyst            
            Linda Error, Committee Secretary

Note:        List of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with committee minutes .

Vice Chair Dunnigan called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.

MOTION:    Rep. D. Clark moved to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2006 meeting. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Adams, Rep. Morley and Rep. Wyatt absent for the vote.

H.B. 279    Patient Access to Health Care (Rep. D. Ure)

Rep. Ure introduced the bill and the substitute to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Frank moved to delete in title and body H.B. 279 and replace it with 2nd Substitute H.B. 279. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Adams, Rep. Kiser and Rep. Morley absent for the vote.
2nd Sub. H.B. 279    

Spoke against the bill:    Kelly Atkinson, Utah Health Insurance Association
                Jo Ann Seghini, Mayor, Midvale City
                John T. Nielsen, Senior Counsel, Intermountain Health Care

Spoke for the bill:        Steve DeVore, citizen, Orem, Utah
                Dr. Wendell Gibby, Utah Coalition for Patient and Physician                 Rights

MOTION:    Rep. D. Clark moved to table the bill. The motion passed, with Rep. Morley,         Rep. Oda and Rep. Snow voting in opposition. Rep. Hansen was absent for the         vote.

1stSub. H.B. 122    Utah Small Business Health Plan (Rep. S. Mascaro)

Rep. Mascaro introduced the bill and the substitute to the committee, with the assistance of Rep. Fred Hunsaker. (handout)

MOTION:    Rep. S. Clark moved to delete in title and body 1st Substitute H.B. 122 and replace it with 2nd Substitute H.B. 122. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Hansen absent for the vote.
2nd Sub. H.B. 122

Spoke for the bill:    Peter Caroon, Mayor, Salt Lake County
            Candance Daly, National Federation of Independent Business
            Kelly Atkinson, Utah Health Insurance Association

Spoke to the bill:    Dr. Joseph Q. Jarvis, Executive Director, Utah Alliance for Health Policy Solutions

MOTION:    Rep. Snow moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 2, Lines 37 through 38 :    

             37          (2) (a) There is created a Utah Small Business Health Plan Advisory Council
             38      consisting of
{   15   }        11       members.

2.    Page 2, Line 54 through Page 3, Line 61 :    

             54          (g) the director of the Governor's Office of Economic Development or the director's
             55      designee;

             56          (h) the executive director of the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program or
             57      the executive director's designee
{   ;

             58          (i) two senators, one from each political party, appointed by the President of the
             59      Senate; and
             60          (j) two representatives, one from each political party, appointed by the Speaker of the
             61      House.  

3.    Page 3, Lines 73 through 74 :    

{       (c) A legislator on the council shall receive compensation and expenses as provided by

             74      law and legislative rule.  

The motion to amend passed, with Rep. Biskupski, Rep. S. Clark, Rep. Duckworth and Rep. Kiser voting in opposition. Rep. Frank was absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. S. Clark moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion passed, with Rep. Morley and Rep. Dunnigan voting in opposition. Rep. Frank was absent for the vote.

H.B. 199    Insurance Amendments - Adoption Indemnity Benefit (Rep. M. Newbold)

Rep. Newbold introduced the bill to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Adams moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Frank and Rep. Morley absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Biskupski moved to place H.B. 199 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Frank and Rep. Morley absent for the vote.

H.B. 371    Transient Room Taxes Amendments (Rep. D. Clark)

Rep. D. Clark introduced the bill to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Wyatt moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

S.B. 94    Amendments to Utah Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool (Sen. G. Davis)

This bill was not considered.

1st Sub. S.B. 165    Corporations - Professional Services Amendment (Sen. L. Hillyard)

This bill was not considered.

Vice Chair Dunnigan adjourned the meeting at 10:02 a.m.

                     Rep. Stephen D. Clark, Chair