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Rep. Lorie D. Fowlke
Rep. Ann W. Hardy
Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson
Rep. David L. Hogue
Rep. Susan Lawrence
Rep. Rosalind J. McGee
Rep. Ross Romero
Rep. Scott L. Wyatt
MEMBERS ABSENT: Rep. Douglas C. Aagard
Rep. Ben C. Ferry
Rep. Glenn A. Donnelson
MOTION: Rep. Hogue moved to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2006 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Hendrickson, Rep. McGee, and Rep. Romero absent for the vote.
S.B. 135 Inherent Risk of Skiing Amendments (Sen. L. Hillyard)
Sen. Hillyard introduced S.B.135 and explained it to the committee, assisted by Gordon Strachan, Utah Ski Association.
MOTION: Rep. Lawrence moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 2, Lines 48 through 53 :
48 (d) variations or steepness in terrain, whether natural or as a result of slope design,
49 snowmaking or grooming operations, and other terrain modifications such as
roped or enclosed
terrain parks
fenced, roped or enclosed
terrain features such as jumps, rails, fun boxes, and all
other constructed and natural features
51 such as half pipes, quarter pipes, or freestyle-bump terrain;
52 (e) impact with
lift towers and other structures and their components[;]
such as
fences or enclosures, padded lift towers and other padded or
marked structures and their components, such as padded or marked posts, hydrants
or water pipes
posts, fences or enclosures, hydrants, or water pipes
Rep. Fowlke requested a division of the motion with the first part of the amendment to include lines 48 through 51 and the second part to include lines 52 and 53.
The motion to adopt the first part of the amendment, lines 48 through 51, failed on a tie vote. Rep. Fowlke, Rep. Hardy, Rep. Lawrence, Rep. Wyatt, and Rep. Hutchings voted in favor. Rep. Hendrickson, Rep. Hogue, Rep. McGee, Rep. Romero, and Rep. Ferrin voted in opposition.
The motion to adopt the second part of the amendment, lines 52 and 53, failed with Rep. Hardy, Rep. Lawrence, Rep. Wyatt, and Rep. Hutchings voting in favor.
MOTION: Rep. Hogue moved to pass S.B. 135 out favorably. The motion passed with Rep. Lawrence voting in opposition to the motion.
S.B. 186 Revocation of Death Benefits by Divorce (Sen. K. Hale)
Sen. Hale introduced S.B. 186 and explained it to the committee.
MOTION: Rep. Hutchings moved to pass S.B. 186 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Rep. Fowlke moved to place S.B. 186 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Rep. Hendrickson moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Rep. Ferrin adjourned the meeting at 10:00 a.m.
Rep. James A. Ferrin, Chair