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January 31, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Rep. Joseph G. Murray, Chair
                    Rep. J. Stuart Adams, Vice-Chair
                    Rep. Jeff Alexander                        
                    Rep. David Clark
                    Rep. Tim M. Cosgrove
                    Rep. Bradley M. Daw                    
                    Rep. John Dougall
                    Rep. Jim Dunnigan
                    Rep. Julie Fisher
                    Rep. Kerry W. Gibson                    
                    Rep. Brad King                    
                    Rep. Karen W. Morgan
                    Rep. Peggy Wallace
                    Rep. Larry B. Wiley
MEMBERS ABSENT:            Rep. Brad Dee
STAFF PRESENT:            Mark Steinagel, Policy Analyst
                    Jennifer Eyring, House Secretary

Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Rep. Adams called the meeting to order at 3:11 p.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Daw moved to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2006 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Clark, Rep. Dougall, Rep. Dunnigan, Rep. Gibson, and Rep. Morgan absent for the vote.

H.B. 140    Amendments to Commercial Driver License Provisions (Rep. J. Alexander)

Rep. Alexander explained the bill.

Spoke for the bill:    Dan England, President, Utah Trucking Association, Chairman, C.R. England Trucking

MOTION:    Rep. Wallace moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Dunnigan and Rep. Gibson absent for the bill.

H.B. 305    Boating Registration Fee (Rep. D. Cox)

Rep. Cox explained the bill assisted by Steve Roberts, Deputy Director, Division of Parks and Recreation.

Spoke for the bill:    Wayne Jones, Executive Director, Utah Marine Association

MOTION:    Rep. Daw moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Dunnigan absent for the vote.

H.B. 162    Transportation Funding Amendments (Rep. J. Dougall)

Rep. Dougall explained the bill.

Spoke against the bill: John Hiskey, Sandy City
         Gary Hill, Budget, Debts and Grants Manager, Park City
         Lincoln Shurtz, Utah League of Cities and Towns

MOTION:    Rep. Alexander moved to pass the bill out favorably.

MOTION:    Rep. Murray moved to hold the bill in committee. The motion passed with Rep. Alexander, Rep. Daw, Rep. Dougall, Rep. Fisher, Rep. Wallace and Rep. Adams voting against the motion and Rep. Clark absent for the vote.

S.B. 51    Driving with a Controlled Substance in the Body - Amendments (Sen. C. Walker) (Rep. P. Ray)

Sen. Walker explained the bill assisted by Paul Boyden, Executive Director, Statewide Association of Prosecutors.

Spoke against the bill: Mark Moffat, Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
MOTION:    Rep. Gibson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Clark and Rep. Morgan absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Murray moved to reconsider the motion to hold H.B.162. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Clark and Morgan absent for the vote.

Rep. Murray withdrew the substitute motion to hold H.B.162 in committee.

The previous motion made by Rep. Alexander to pass H.B.162 out favorably was voted on. The motion passed with Rep. Cosgrove and Rep. King voting against the motion, and Rep. Clark and Rep. Morgan absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Dougall moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Clark and Rep. Morgan absent for the vote.

Rep. Adams adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m.

                        Representative Joseph G. Murray
                        Committee Chair