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FEBRUARY 1, 2006
Sen. Gregory S. Bell
Sen. Brent H. Goodfellow
Sen. Scott D. McCoy
Members Absent: Sen. Peter C. Knudson
President John L.Valentine
Staff Present: Mark D. Andrews, Policy Analyst
Nedra B. Duzett, Secretary
Public Speakers Present: George Kelner, Division of Services for People with Disabilities
A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Committee Chair Christensen called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m.
MOTION: Sen. Bell moved to approve the minutes of the Jan. 30, 2006 meeting.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. McCoy absent for the vote.
1. H.B. 0031 Pilot Program for the Provision of Services for People with Disabilities
(R. Menlove)
Rep. Menlove explained the bill establishes a pilot program for the provision of supported employment services to eligible people with disabilities, outside of the waiting list prioritization criteria.
MOTION: Sen. Goodfellow moved to pass the bill with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Bell absent for the vote.
2. H.B. 0213 Services for People with Brain Injuries (R. Menlove)
Rep. Menlove introduced Dr. George Kelner, Director, Division of Services for People with Disabilities. Dr. Kelner explained that the bill amends the definition of a disability as it relates to a brain injury.
MOTION: Sen. Goodfellow moved to pass the bill with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Bell absent for the vote.
3. H.B. 0222 Unborn Child Pain Prevention Act (P. Ray)
The sponsor requested that the bill be held for another meeting.
MOTION: Sen. Goodfellow moved to hold the bill in committee at the request of the sponsor.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Bell absent for the vote.
Sen. Christensen adjourned the meeting at 8:30 a.m.
Minutes reported by Nedra Duzett, Secretary.
Sen. Allen Christensen, Committee Chair