S.B. 96 Third Substitute  Public Education - Instruction and Policy Relating to the Origins of Species (Buttars, D. C.)
Date Action Location Vote
1/3/2006 Numbered LRGC
1/4/2006 Bill Distributed LRGC
1/13/2006 Senate/ received from Legislative Research SINTRO
1/16/2006 Senate/ read 1st (Introduced) SSTRUL
1/16/2006 Senate/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst SSTRUL
1/16/2006 Senate/ to Printing with fiscal note SSTRUL
1/16/2006 Senate/ to standing committee SSTEDU
1/17/2006 Senate Comm - Favorable Recommendation SSTEDU 4 2 1
1/18/2006 Senate/ committee report favorable S2ND
1/20/2006 Senate/ read 2nd S2ND
1/20/2006 Senate/ floor amendment S2ND
1/20/2006 Senate/ pass 2nd S3RD 17 12 0
1/23/2006 Senate/ read 3rd S3RD
1/23/2006 Senate/ circled S3RD
1/23/2006 Senate/ uncircled S3RD
1/23/2006 Senate/ floor amendment S3RD
1/23/2006 Senate/ pass 3rd HCLERK 16 12 1
1/23/2006 Senate/ to House with amendments HCLERK
1/23/2006 House/ received from Senate HCLERK
1/24/2006 House/ read 1st time (Introduced) HSTRUL
1/31/2006 House/ to standing committee HSTEDU
2/6/2006 House Comm - Not Considered HSTEDU
2/8/2006 House Comm - Substitute Recommendation HSTEDU
2/8/2006 House Comm - Favorable Recommendation HSTEDU 7 6 2
2/9/2006 House/ comm report favorable/ substituted HSTEDU
2/9/2006 House/ read 2nd time H3RDSB
2/13/2006 Senate/ to Printing with fiscal note H3RDSB
2/13/2006 House/ 3rd Reading Calendar to Rules Committee HSTRUL
2/24/2006 Senate/ to Printing with fiscal note HSUB
2/27/2006 House/ under suspension of the rules HSTRUL
2/27/2006 House/ read 2nd time H3RDSB
2/27/2006 House/ read 3rd time HSTRUL
2/27/2006 House/ substituted HSUB
2/27/2006 House/ amended H3RDSB
2/27/2006 House/ failed SSEC 28 46 1
2/27/2006 House/ to Senate SSEC
2/27/2006 Senate/ received from House SSEC
2/27/2006 Senate/ filed SFILE