TO:                 Members of the Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Standing Committee

FROM:           Sen. Peter C. Knudson, Chair

RE:                 Committee Meeting


                                    DATE:           Friday, February 16, 2007

                                    TIME:            4:00 PM

                                    PLACE:         Room W020, West Office Building, State Capitol Complex

- Call to order and approval of minutes February 14, 2007.

- The following bills are scheduled for consideration:


1.    SB0202           Legislative Direction Relating to United States Senators (H. Stephenson)


2.    HB0117S01    Transfer of Density (G. Froerer)


3.    HB0188          Easements - Counties and Municipalities (A. Tilton)


4.    HB0222S02    Open and Public Meetings - Electronic Notice (J. Dougall)


5.    HB0285          Land Use Development Management Act Amendments (A. Tilton)


6.    HB0304          State Treasurer Compensation (D. Clark)


7.    HB0317          Capitol Hill Complex - Legislative Space (W. Harper)


8.    HB0335          Local Government - Charitable Contributions (B. Dee)


9.    HB0337          Local Government Post-employment Benefit Trust Funds Amendments (K. Grover)


10.  HB0367          Global Positioning Reference Network (K. Holdaway)



Sen. Peter C. Knudson, Chair

Sen. D. Chris Buttars

Sen. John W. Hickman

Sen. Scott K. Jenkins

Sen. Scott D. McCoy

Sen. Ross I. Romero

Committee Analyst: Richard C. North, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Committee Secretary: Nedra Duzett