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First Substitute H.B. 126

This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Feb 8, 2007 at 4:58 PM by jeyring. -->

Representative Douglas C. Aagard proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Douglas C. Aagard

Senate Sponsor: Sheldon L. Killpack

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Insurance Code to address reporting of fraudulent insurance acts.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    expands required reporting of fraudulent insurance acts;
             14          .    modifies the requirements of that report;
             15          .    modifies penalties; and
             16          .    makes technical changes.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          None
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          31A-31-105, as enacted by Chapter 243, Laws of Utah 1994
             24          31A-31-110, as enacted by Chapter 104, Laws of Utah 2004

             26      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             27          Section 1. Section 31A-31-105 is amended to read:
             28           31A-31-105. Immunity.
             29          (1) (a) A person, insurer, or authorized agency is immune from civil action, civil
             30      penalty, or damages when in good faith that person, insurer, or authorized agency:
             31          (i) cooperates with[,] an agency described in Subsection (1)(b);
             32          (ii) furnishes evidence[,] to an agency described in Subsection (1)(b);
             33          (iii) provides [or receives] information regarding suspected insurance fraud to [or
             34      received from:] an agency described in Subsection (1)(b);
             35          (iv) receives information regarding suspected insurance fraud from an agency
             36      described in Subsection (1)(b); or
             37          (v) submits a required report to the department under Section31A-31-110.
             38          (b) The agency referred to in Subsection (1)(a) is one or more of the following:
             39          [(a)] (i) the department or any division of the department;
             40          [(b)] (ii) any federal, state, or government agency established to detect and prevent
             41      insurance fraud; or
             42          [(c)] (iii) any agent, employee, or designee of an [entity] agency listed in this
             43      Subsection [(1)(a) or] (1)(b).
             44          (2) A person, insurer, or authorized agency is immune from civil action, civil penalty,
             45      or damages if that person, insurer, or authorized agency complies in good faith with a court
             46      order to provide evidence or testimony requested by the entities described in [Subsections
             47      (1)(a) through (1)(c)] Subsection (1)(b).
             48          (3) This section does not abrogate or modify common law or statutory rights,
             49      privileges, or immunities enjoyed by any person or entity.
             50          (4) Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, a person, insurer, or service
             51      provider is not immune from civil action, civil penalty or damages under this section if that
             52      person commits the fraudulent insurance act that is the subject of the information.
             53          Section 2. Section 31A-31-110 is amended to read:
             54           31A-31-110. Mandatory reporting of fraudulent insurance acts.
             55          [(1) An auditor that is employed by a title insurer and that has knowledge that a
             56      fraudulent insurance act]

             57          (1) (a) A person shall report a fraudulent insurance act to the department if:
             58          (i) the person has a good faith belief on the basis of a preponderance of the evidence
             59      that H. [ an act that ] a fraudulent insurance act .H is being, will be, or has been committed
             59a      [related to title insurance shall report
             60      the fraudulent act to the commissioner in a writing that provides] H. [ is a fraudulent
             60a      insurance act ] .H ;
             61      and
             62          (ii) the person is:
             63           H. [ (A) an insurer;
             64          (B) a producer;
             65          (C) a limited line producer;
             66          (D) a customer service representative;
             67          (E) a consultant;
             68          (F) a managing general agent;
             69          (G) an insurance adjuster;
] (A) an insurer; .H
             70           H. [ (H) ] (B) .H in relation to the business of title insurance, an auditor that is
             70a      employed by a title
             71      insurer.
             72          (b) The written report required by this Subsection (1) shall:
             73          (i) provide information in detail relating to:
             74          [(a)] (A) the fraudulent insurance act; and
             75          [(b)] (B) the perpetrator of the fraudulent insurance act[.]; and
             76          (ii) (A) state whether the person required to report under Subsection (1)(a) also
             77      reported the fraudulent insurance act in writing to:
             78          (I) the attorney general;
             79          (II) any state law enforcement agency;
             80          (III) any criminal investigative department or agency of the United States;
             81          (IV) a district attorney; or
             82          (V) the prosecuting attorney of any municipality or county; and
             83          (B) if the person reported the fraudulent insurance act as provided in Subsection
             84      (1)(b)(ii)(A), to which entity the person reported the fraudulent insurance act.
             85          (c) The written report required by this Subsection (1) shall be reported to the
             86      department by no later than 90 days from the day on which the person required to report the
             87      fraudulent insurance act has a good faith belief on the basis of a preponderance of the evidence

             88      that the act that is being, will be, or has been committed is a fraudulent insurance act.
             89          [(2) (a) Any auditor required to report a fraudulent insurance act under Subsection (1)
             90      who willfully fails to comply with Subsection (1) is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.]
             91          [(b)] (2) (a) An action for failure to comply with Subsection (1) shall be commenced
             92      within four years from the date on which [the auditor employed by the title insurer:] a person
             93      described in Subsection (1):
             94          [(i) had knowledge of the]
             95          (a) has a good faith belief on the basis of a preponderance of the evidence that an act
             96      described in Subsection (1)(a) is a fraudulent insurance act; and
             97          [(ii)] (b) willfully [failed] fails to report the fraudulent insurance act.
             98          (3) The department H. [ shall ] may .H by rule made in accordance with Title 63,
             98a      Chapter 46a, Utah
             99      Administrative Rulemaking Act, provide a process by which H. [ an insurer and an individual
             100      described in Subsection (1)(a)(ii) may comply with Subsection (1) by submitting a single report
             101      of an act described in Subsection (1)(a).
] a person described in Subsection (1)(a)(ii) may comply

             101a      with the requirements of Subsection (1) by reporting a fraudulent insurance act to the insurer
             101b      with whom the person is employed, except that the rule shall provide that if the person reports
             101c      the fraudulent insurance act to the insurer, the insurer is required to report the fraudulent
             101d      insurance act to the department. .H
             102          (4) A person described in Subsection (1)(a)(ii) who in good faith makes a report under
             103      this section is immune from civil action, civil penalty, or damages for making that report in
             104      accordance with Section 31A-31-105 .
             104a           H. (5) This section does not apply to a fraudulent insurance act related to health
             104b      insurance. .H

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